Chapter 501
Use your toes to know what will happen and what can happen in the meeting.

It is said that the whole scene almost broke out. The parent company of Canaan, which is used to the step-by-step process, lost ground in front of the franchisees with full firepower, and was completely unable to control the situation at that time. Although this fact has been repeatedly stated and brought out back and forth to evade and prevaricate outside doubts, it is the first time that it has been admitted in front of the franchisees.

That being the case, why do we cooperate with you?
Therefore, before the meeting process was halfway through, the major operating agents couldn’t wait to hold a press conference to announce the breakaway news of the completely independent and wholly-owned Canaan online and offline entities that were separated from Canaan’s parent company.

The most worrying situation has emerged. The Canaan Company is torn apart, and each works in its own way.

Strictly speaking, it was the parent company who breached the contract first, because Online Dismissed the agency qualifications of some operating franchisees without authorization, so it cannot be dealt with through legal means.

Once the situation changed, it came to this.

It seems that the giant Canaan Company has fallen and split, and the major operating agents will no longer share profits, interests, responsibilities and rights with the parent company. The General Assembly drafted their Declaration of Independence. Emotional, the picture is quite romantic and heroic.

Well, now that it is independent, Canaan's parent company will completely ignore it, and those expelled operating agents are dumbfounded. No, isn't this conference to solve our problems? Why are they just discussing and disbanding?
It doesn't matter if you break up, what should we do? Is it really irreparable?
It really is.

The turned serfs completely 'forgot' the existence of the Canaanite entities from various countries who sang, and they remained indifferent to their roaring and questioning.

The greatest benefit has been won, and the rest is simple and pragmatic.

Since even Canaan's parent company can't intervene in this kind of thing, it seems that the rumor is true. The central intellectual brain's independent interpretation is a fool. Canaan has another ownership. It is doubtful whether it is a game.

We are dealing with different worlds, different planets, and civilizations outside the earth. Isn't it simple and easy to understand if we understand this and get expelled?

I blame you for being unlucky. You didn't see this fact clearly and went against the system head-on. If that's the case, of course you have to bear the consequences yourself.

Do not……


We cannot accept it.

Not to mention the huge loss of interests, but the issue of responsibility after the loss of online land is unacceptable, and it is impossible to explain to the people of the country.

Seeing that the negotiation failed and there were signs of being sacrificed and abandoned, these operating agents could only threaten with harsh words, saying that they wanted to declare the Canaan game illegal, and they also wanted to disclose some insider truths to the public.

This hits the pain point of each Canaan entity.

It's just a death plan, and the mass media can't let it know, at least not now, these guys are going to turn the table.

The positions of the operating agents are rarely unanimous, and they unanimously issued stern warnings, which frightened these operating agents to quickly explain that it is not to break up, but to fight against the system for the benefit of all operating agents. You don't care about it in the future, and you can't do this when you cross the river and tear down the bridge. Even if you work a little harder, give us a step, so that we can have an explanation to the country.

"We should unite, yes, unite and put pressure on the system!"

A delisted operating agent shouted loudly like a red-eyed gambler, "We can't let the system take full control. Today is us, and tomorrow it will be you!"

It’s not unreasonable to say this, some people are really moved, but when you look back at the number of players and tourists in your country, and the online and offline interests involved, the shaking is like a breeze, it’s not painful or itchy up.

"You will regret it, you..."

Subsequently, these unlucky ones were forcibly expelled from the meeting process.

The 138 operating agents thus became 114.

The only ones who can take such radical measures against the system when the limelight is unknown are those small and island countries that are "small and easy to turn around".

Abandonment in this situation is just a routine operation, and it happens every day on the earth. This time, the benefits are nothing more than too great. Losing Canaan is equivalent to losing the future, and losing a piece of land in the soul home.

My God, this is a total disaster.

I have to say that the system's killing of chickens and monkeys is really effective, and it unintentionally conforms to the "context" of the earth. The remaining 114 independent entities are all "silent as cicadas", so the second half of the meeting became normal stand up.

The first issue is the abnormality of large-scale player data.

As soon as the issue was brought up, the representative of Dongying said that the data anomaly had been resolved, and this problem did not exist at all.

The speech received a general response from the majority of operating entities, and it soon reached the show of hands voting stage, with 98 votes in favor, so this issue was easily dismissed.

The Huaguo Canaan entity was stunned for a while holding the thick explanatory documents, aftermath measures, and analysis of the situation, then put it away with a wry smile, and didn't intend to take it out again.

The second topic is a declaration of total war on the system.

This time it's the Silla's turn to be the first to jump out and say that this is a major online strategic adjustment, and we should be prepared for contingencies, not only to provide logistical support for our players and tourists, but also to target Carry out a series of skills, psychological and combat training, and strive to serve domestic players and players from all over the world in this big world story.

The delegates all agreed and highly affirmed, expressing that they must do a good job in their country's online and offline mobilization work and so on.

No... The representatives of the Huaguo entity threw back the thick document they had prepared in advance, looked at each other with wry smiles, and then raised their hands in approval during the vote.

The third issue is the retreat of the country and the advancement of the people and the so-called 'context'.

This topic is extremely sensitive, and there was an eerie silence at the meeting.

The pawn who took the lead in the rebellion had already drowned in the river, and it would be difficult to find the leader who took advantage of him.

It’s not easy to be so aggressive. The country retreats and the people advance, how to retreat, and how to advance. The system only gave a promise, saying that their interests will not be violated, and their authority will be increased to S class.

As we all know, S-level is the highest authority known, is it possible to give them the Canaan game?


How to guarantee the rights and interests of shareholders, how to implement the interests of shareholders?
In the end, this topic was put on hold until the system came up with detailed measures.

"I feel something is wrong with the Americans!"

The representatives of the Huaguo Canaan entity murmured in a low voice during the break, "It's very wrong, could it have obtained some secrets that we don't know?"

"You mean number zero..."

"No need for number zero."

"That would be troublesome."

"How to do?"

"I'll talk about it when I go back, this is not a place to talk."

As for the independence of various entities, they can only watch helplessly, but independence is not just a simple statement. What about the shares held by Huaguo's parent company, which is purchased with capital?That's really an astronomical sum, if that's the case... It's okay, I'm afraid it will be confiscated.

For such a situation, they really have no good solution. If they confiscate it, they can only watch helplessly. There is no means of restraint. Could it be that they also send an aircraft carrier fleet?

This exposed the weakness of the so-called parent company. Once No. [-] did not cooperate, it would be difficult to guarantee the interests of Tianda.

Zero, the system...

The last important topic, that is, the system's sudden 'crazy', suddenly got emotional, and behaved like a violent mental patient...

"Cough cough..."

At this time, all the representatives waited for Hua Guo to answer. In the past, they spoke on behalf of the system. According to rumors, they had an unusual connection with that mysterious person.

"We have nothing to comment!"

Why, didn't you fight for independence, and now you are counting on us to share the benefits with you?
Don't say that my family is also confused, even if I know it, I can't say it.

With such an attitude, the Americans jumped out to severely condemn it, but there were very few people who responded, and the following issues were irrelevant.

The two-day meeting broke the news continuously, and the eyes of the whole place were stunned, which caused huge changes in the international situation and geopolitics. The biggest news is that the entities of various countries have separated from the system of the Canaan parent company and no longer share it with Huaguo. benefit.

After returning home, I clearly felt the low pressure before the storm.

The deserted airport, the 'flat' domestic public opinion, the precarious company management, it is said that the upper management has been holding meetings, and everyone including Yu Qingdong is waiting to deal with these 'responsible persons'.

"It seems that I can't keep my position."

At a private gathering, Yu Qingdong said to the people in his inner circle with a look of insight, "There must be someone to take responsibility, and I am the most suitable one."

The independence of Canaanite entities in various countries seems to be the general trend, and this has become more and more obvious in the past two days.

The delisted tourists and operator entities are still making trouble, but no one cares about it anymore. After the Americans issued a bill to 'confuse' the shares of Huaguo Canaan's parent company, Ou Meng also followed, even if the relationship is good. After a while, they followed suit.

The Canaan International Group Company has in fact been separated and disintegrated, and no one can do anything but accept it, or accept it.

The question is how to accept it, how to accept it.

"Number Zero still can't get in touch?"

Yu Qingdong nodded sadly, "The suppression is still going on online. I predict that when the suppression ends, there will be a way to withdraw the country and advance the people. At that time, No. [-] may show up."

"Too passive, how did you get to this point?"

"In short, my responsibility cannot be escaped," Yu Qingdong said dejectedly, "I didn't expect that Number Zero's attitude would change so quickly."

"There must be a reason?"

"There is no reason, it was doomed from the moment of internationalization... No. Zero no longer needs us, it can be said that all of us have lost the bargaining power with him."

"Yeah, offline is too dependent on online. Now, it is impossible to quit. Even if we can make this determination, it is impossible for the West."

"Maybe they will encourage it, just to fill the vacuum we left."

"Exit is impossible, and there is no effective means of restraint... This determination is not easy to make"

"Impossible, impossible."

"Even if Lao Yu steps down, who can take over?"

"Hehe, there are plenty of people. Look, there will definitely be troubles in the future. Maybe it's a good thing for Lao Yu to leave now."

"I'm afraid that a guy who doesn't understand anything will come up."

"That's not something we can worry about"

This small circle has already felt that its status is not guaranteed, and it is preparing for the post-Yu Qingdong era, but it does not feel this at all online. NPCs and players are still frequently dispatched to suppress anyone who dares to make trouble.

But this cannot fundamentally solve the problem of 'lack of resources'.

The problem even affects players.

With so many players, how many monsters and copies are there for them to brush every day?How many resources are there for them to dig wildly every day?This is not a player, this is a locust. If there is no systematic way to look back from the historical mirror, the game area will have been turned into a white space by them.

Even so, the decline in efficiency is inevitable. Everyone knows that the rewards for the first kill are generous, but no one knows why they are so rich. They all say that treasure chests are becoming more and more difficult to appear. Players can calculate when and what will come out with their eyes closed, what skills does the monster have, and how to brush it efficiently. Such a book still needs to produce treasure chests?

Starting from the 7th test, the pressure and competition within the magic net suddenly increased, and the involution was serious. Even if it didn't tear itself apart from the 'civilized world', it urgently needed a direction to vent it out.

Guards City is overcrowded everywhere, and there are tourists who come here to make a living.

Some newcomers even take up the job of rickshaw pullers, using their cowardly physical strength that has not been strengthened by the system, dragging five big and three rough players, struggling to advance in the crowded streets and alleys, just to earn those two copper coins.

There are also people who "sell themselves into slavery" and become other people's "maids and book boys" and other followers...

In the end, the imagination of the tourist function was realized when it was first launched, and it will soon be realized.

In the streets and alleys, there are still jitters after the big cleansing. The vicious system NPCs and player thugs from the major temples are staring at everyone. A gift in a small bag and a city entry tax have been paid.

"Boss, this city is so big, is it really a player's?"


"Tsk tsk, how much is this worth?"

Zhu Yuting smiled, and was about to chat with Xue Wu Fei Yu in private, when she suddenly received a series of system announcements.

(End of this chapter)

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