This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 502 The system is really brutal

Chapter 502 The system is really brutal

The first announcement said that the world plot called "Enhancing Law and Order" ended, and the game atmosphere in Canaan has been greatly improved, and a good game environment has been won for the majority of "law-abiding" players and tourists. some.

The second announcement said that due to not following Canaan's game rules and taking the lead in confronting the system, the original aristocratic territory (national service) was removed, and the players and tourists in the original territory became so-called "free people" without middlemen Earned the difference, gratifying to congratulate.

The third announcement was very explosive. It said that Lord Ramsfield, the leader of the Rebel Army, had officially resigned from his position. , the title and territory of the Grand Duke of Norman were officially abolished, and at the same time all system titles that were not exchanged for meritorious service were abolished.

Before the players could understand the meaning of this announcement, the fourth announcement to start "Total War" came.

"...Peace is just an illusion, cooperation is just an excuse to paralyze us, the gods and their minions want to destroy us all the time, let us be their slaves, let corrupt, depraved, and ignorant thoughts occupy our souls, and life is their lamb , death is their fertilizer."

"...The Canaan world is ruled by ignorance and brutality, people's lives are dying, most intelligent races live numbly and tragically, the gods are parasites lying on their bodies and souls to suck nutrients, and the minions of the gods are even more brutal...

Now we are going to smash it all and build a new world of freedom, peace, happiness and well-being. "

"...We want to resist, we are great revolutionaries, I, Viscount Bob Baldwin, the head of the rebel army, declare in this manor, under the watchful eye of the only Supreme System God, and under the witness of the great system temples , will smash an old world and build a new world."

The system went crazy again?

Zhu Yuting thought subconsciously after reading the system announcement.

Recently, the system often goes crazy. It seems that the 7th test has been very different from before. Suddenly, there are so many players and tourists, and there is crowding everywhere. Things that no one cares about are overcrowded. Her workshop no longer has to worry about not being able to recruit people, and the scene of offline recruitment is staged at the entrance of the workshop every day.

With a population of hundreds of millions, the modern division of labor can accommodate it, but the 'low', 'primitive', and 'conforming to the Canaanite context' medieval production relations and productivity cannot be solved, and there are not so many 'jobs' ', and can't get even a little support from the mission system, even survival and food are problems, coupled with excessive and unrealistic expectations for online, the huge gap makes tourists collectively riot, this is permanent Sexually changed the ecology of the game.

A 'strengthened law and order' made players and tourists feel that the system suddenly became abnormal, severe and emotional.

Also, the atmosphere of the game seems to be very different from before. I can't tell what the difference is. It all aspects, especially the system, system NPC, intelligent NPC, etc., have become... very serious?

In the past, some innocuous verbal offenses can now be deducted from prestige, meritorious service and even arrest. The slightest dissatisfaction (resistance) will be brutally suppressed. The system prison has become the busiest place. I listened to this yesterday and went in today. I don't know who will go in tomorrow.

In the main cities of the major systems, especially the main city of the public server, there are a lot more tool man NPCs who don’t even have names. They should actually be them, just like robots. An order from a small NPC will draw a sword at the player.

Many players couldn't take it anymore. After seeing so many unlucky people in the enhanced law and order plot, they kept silent. All dissatisfaction and pressure were vented offline, but even the national server was removed, and a large number of tourists who had no money to revive lost their tourist qualifications. No matter how serious the trouble was, the operation agents were either pretending to be stupid, or... they were just trying their best to deal with it. Even passers-by could see their embarrassment and powerlessness.

The wind direction has changed.

Every player and visitor feels it strongly.

Now you have to pay attention to what you say, and if you accidentally break the taboo, especially the taboo towards high-ranking NPCs, it will have no good fruit, and at least it will greatly increase the dislike of high-ranking NPCs towards you, what deducting reputation, favorability, and merit And the like are just routine operations, being targeted, wearing small shoes, and even declaring that someone is not welcome, and then being rejected and suppressed by the system function NPC.

Others need 5 copper to repair a piece of equipment, and you need 1 silver to repair a piece of equipment. Who can accept it?

Not only that, but almost every aspect of the system's twitching, as if it... it's become a human being, a curmudgeon, ruthless, harsh tyrant.

Auntie System is on top.

Under this kind of high pressure, people like Zhu Yuting who know current affairs live well, not to mention that the manpower problem of the workshop is easily solved, and the improvement of 'social status' brought about by this is real.

Are you kidding me, social status?

The tourist is because of livelihood, and the system NPC is because she is a bourgeoisie and a workshop owner. Now in addition to player orders, there are also large orders from the system, such as marching tents, simple rations, pharmaceutical material processing, and batch standard equipment and props. Unlimited manufacturing...

Zhu Yuting's wealth has inflated like a balloon. There are already more than 100 tourist workers and the same number of aboriginal NPC employees. Every order is completed, and there are huge merits and contributions, which are no more than those small and medium-sized gangs. The help pig and the family leader are poor.

It's all like a dream.

Therefore, she is now extremely sensitive to every move of the system, and attaches great importance to these system announcements. After seeing Xue Wu Feiyu, she still asks her for advice.

"Recently, the Alchemy Association's tasks have also increased significantly!" Du Shiyu said, "It should be to prepare for the war."

"You mean all adjustments are for war?"

"I'm afraid it has entered the countdown to the public beta." Du Shiyu has deep considerations, "Now is the prelude to the main world plot and game narrative. In the past, it was just a deduction, so that players and tourists can understand the world background and gameplay."

"But this is only 7 tests."

"There are already [-] million people online, which is comparable to a country with a large population in reality. It is not a public beta, but a public beta."

"Then... what should we do? And what about the abolition of all non-meritorious titles?"

"This is for the national uniform"


"Only the title and authority of the national server are not meritorious. If the system does this, it is estimated that it will tear down the bridge. Some people say that it is to make room for players so that they can build a country."

"Jian, Jianguo?"

"Nowadays, there are already a lot of people building cities. What's the matter with wearing a national uniform on their heads? Doesn't this limit the development of players? Total war is a good thing for us. Don't listen to people fooling around and making trouble."

"I'm not stupid...but why did Canaan Company do this?"

"Canaan Company? Hehe...they can't be the masters."

After handing over the order of the Guards gang, Zhu Yuting bid farewell to Du Shiyu. When she left the city, she happened to see a large caravan of players passing through the city. The caravan composed of dozens of pack animals could not be seen at a glance. Zhu Yuting was amazed. Some players made such a big scene, and after inquiring, they found out that this was a caravan that had just turned back from the enemy-occupied area. Sure enough, she later discovered a special cargo of the caravan—slave.

Riding on a demonized monitor lizard mount, Zhang Miao stepped into the city gate of the guard gang in high spirits.

It is said that the ideological pattern determines the height that a person can reach. The sudden madness of the system certainly brings heavy losses and risks to the caravan, but if it is adjusted in time, it can also reap far more benefits than usual.

"Chunshui, long time no see!"

"You did you start the slave trade?"

"The just-opened business route system needs to fight, so it's a waste to use it, so it's just nothing, haha..."

"How many towns have you robbed? Why are there still elves?"

"A barony, these elves are the baron's private collection, you know."

"Tsk tsk..."

"Here is the list of goods. I will give you a friendly price. Take a look."

"How many days are you going to stay?"

"Three days, and we still have to go to Fengyu Building, their boss is very sincere."

"Your boy is now a sweet potato."

"No matter what, I can't compare to you, the city lord. Maybe I can become the lord of the country in the future. Fuck, I'm a baron now? I'm just a businessman at best, so I can't compare."

"You can get cheap and act like a good boy..."

"By the way, where is the sapling, why didn't you see her?"

"She's in the dungeon, starting a group."

"I heard that this luck is really against the sky. I picked up a city for nothing. When will it open, I will open up the trade routes over there."

"The city doesn't belong to her... I guess we have to wait. Don't start a war now. The system won't fight on both sides. The dungeon is probably going to be at the back."

"The Fairy Forest is about to be finished by Huo Huo, what about that direction? The national server is going to be cancelled? Are you really going to make room for you?"

"It's hard to say, let's see how the system negotiates with the national service. The gossip says that the country is retreating and the people are advancing. It is estimated that it will move from the front stage to the backstage..."

"Tsk tsk, your good days are coming."

At the same time, as if an appointment was made, another former figure--Qiao Shan, the player of ID Xiaoqiao Liushui also came to Guard City.

He didn't come alone, but was led by one of Earl Walter Xia's staff, quietly, and no one was disturbed.

In a residential area in the west of the city, where the aboriginal NPCs gather and live, a baby's loud cry can be heard, and Qiao Shan, who has been waiting all night, feels relieved, and wants to rush in as soon as his mind gets hot.

"Don't, don't, forgot what I told you before I came here? Don't bother her."

"That's my mother!"

"It's not anymore. After training for so long, the regulations have been forgotten."


"Look at it from a distance, it's good for you and her."

Qiao Shan looked at this barren small aborigines courtyard in dejection, guilt and remorse biting his heart.

Now he can be regarded as successful and famous. He is a well-known game middleman, commonly known as a broker, who specializes in matching online and offline people and resources. This industry has only one requirement, a wide network of contacts.

How should I put it, that is to say, more than what is lacking at the top, and more than enough at the bottom. Wherever you go, you will have friends and paths.

But he is developed, but the pain of his son wanting to raise him but his relatives are not there also made him catch up.

His overworked and ill mother didn't enjoy much leisure time. Two months ago, her old illness suddenly broke out. Since then, her health has been getting worse. Qiao Shan tried everything, but she still couldn't keep her mother. The vitality that has been squeezed dry by the suffering of life.

Qiao Shan thought of a way like a lunatic, because he has a wide network of contacts, and the channels for obtaining information are far more than most players. He found out from a certain secret channel that the plan is recruiting 'volunteers'.

To put it simply, the plan is to die offline, freeze the body, regenerate the soul online, wait for a major breakthrough in offline medical technology, and then return to reality.

The old lady lying in the ICU ward may die at any time. He was desperate and tried every means to join this plan. The planned list of 'volunteers' has gone through a series of strict reviews, signed a series of non-disclosure agreements, and undergoes extremely strict training before it is what it is today.

Only he himself knows how difficult it is for an ordinary person to do this. Fortunately, everything is worth it now.

Qiao Shan listened to the baby's cries with tears in his eyes. The accompanying staff understood his feelings and didn't bother him until he recovered by himself.

"Let's go!" Qiao Shan wiped his face and said with a smile.

The two were silent and prepared to take the teleportation back to the national server. On the way, Qiao Shan asked, "How did you get to the public server?"

"There is an agreement with the system."

"What will we do in the future? You... are you really going to retreat to the second line?"

"Back to the second line?" The staff was amused, "Impossible, what a benefit this is."

That's right, let's just talk about this reincarnation plan, it's really relegated to the second line, what about these people who are reborn online?
The system is also ruthless. It used to be able to retain offline memories, but now they are all 'forgotten'. Does it really make these people who are either rich or expensive in reality live like aboriginals?They don't remember anything, but how can their offline relatives and friends agree?
You know, there are not a few real bosses among these people. The fear between life and death, even a saint would not refuse if he had this way to go, right?

"Then what are you going to do? This is about to start a war."

"I don't know, I'm just a pawn, let's see how the bosses above arrange it."

Back on the national server, Xinmodu is far more prosperous and lively than Guard City.

Everywhere is overcrowded, especially at the teleportation point. All kinds of tourists who are looking for jobs and part-time jobs have a sense of sight at the scene of the Spring Festival travel. The noise is loud, and they struggle to squeeze outside, only to be surrounded by a group of beggars.

Qiao Shan casually threw out a few copper coins, causing them to scramble for them. A sharp whistle sounded, and two NPC guards fiercely rushed into the middle of the scuffling beggars, one in each hand, and pulled them out of the crowd like chickens.

Qiao Shan sighed out of surprise, the system is really brutal, the atmosphere of this game is really different, it is really different from before.

(End of this chapter)

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