This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 503 System Plan

Chapter 503 System Plan

In the past, when receiving a mission, the mission NPC would usually say: "Oh, young rebels, I'm glad we have such a diligent and enthusiastic person in our common cause...", but now the mission NPC has a straight face, It's like how much money the player owes him: "Uh, it's you again, until now you are just a militiaman (here is slightly changed according to the rank and prestige)? I have to say that resources are wasted on you who don't want to make progress It's really unreasonable in people..."

Yes, even mission-functional NPCs will look at people to order dishes. Only those with high military ranks, high reputations, and a lot of meritorious service can get back a smiling face. Others, all use their nostrils to hate, and do not serve players at all. awareness.

However, some people feel that the game is more "fun" than before. Everyone dare not speak casually, and they have to stick to the NCP's context to facilitate their immersion.

Shit immersion.

Qiao Shan doesn't like this very much. My main purpose of playing games is to make money. I will do whatever is convenient for me to make money. Since they are all emphasizing this context, then the context is fine. It's nothing more than pretending , who wouldn't know what to do?
The atmosphere of the game has indeed undergone great changes in a short period of time. The system's "high pressure" policy and the "worthless" of players and tourists jointly promoted its change. Players began to know "awe", many of which were not taken seriously Things, now pay attention to it.

For example, in the past, no one cared about the high status of that NPC, what city lord, what city guard, isn't it just a tool and a code name?

It’s different now, it’s as if players are starting to emphasize things like military rank, titles, prestige, and meritorious service, and use these to determine different treatment. Those with high official titles and titles in NPCs will also be subconsciously ‘respected’ by players, let alone The major temples already represent the theocracy behind the temples.

The consciousness convergence of all living beings in the magic net has been qualitatively improved, and the system lady is extraordinary as soon as she makes a move.

The temples were delighted to see all these changes, and actively joined in to add fuel to the flames.

Treating your own believers with one face, and treating others with another face, no one else, it's like treating a criminal who violated the rules of heaven, don't try to get any benefits from the temple, sometimes, even the basic system Feature support is no longer provided.

If you want to talk about the dissatisfaction of players, especially the old players of vested interest groups, these are the most concentrated ones.

The NPCs in the temple are too arrogant, they simply treat the players as if they were not players, just like treating the native NPCs, blatantly discriminating against rank, class, and status.

Later, they discovered that not only the temple was silently implementing differences in status and rank, but the system was also deliberately guiding them.

It is to divide the ranks and classes of each player based on the military rank, meritorious service and reputation mentioned above, greet the high-level with a smile, open the door to convenience, discriminate and treat the low-level, set various thresholds, and continuously repair equipment. The basic system functions must be marked out in threes, fives, sixes, etc.

"In the future, if you don't have a military rank, you won't be able to mix."

Huaguoshan Saint Warrior also served as the head of the city guards in the city, but this position was granted by the gang, and his own rank was not enough for this position, so he was 'discriminated against' by his subordinates, NPC city guards from the system, Every time I come back, I have to complain.

"I'm the head of the group, those program codes are actually... Fuck!"

"Okay, okay, don't complain, who told you to spend all your money elsewhere."

Hua Feihua and Wu Feiwu, who were counting supplies, said, "Hurry up and help, I'm waiting to communicate with the system."

"How many more this time?"

Since the war is going to start, it is natural to have a reserve of war materials. Both the city and the clan have received tasks from the system. It is similar to a showdown. There are strict requirements on the type and quantity of materials that must be stored.

In addition to the contributions of gang members, public funds are also used to purchase some. These days, so many caravans come here to complete the reserve of war materials.

Counting materials is naturally not a one-by-one inventory, but an expanded system list, directly operating the inventory list of the warehouse.

A dense list, with the largest number of medicines and materials for configuring various recovery potions.

Then there is the 'active substance' related to the number of resurrections. This thing is the most troublesome. It can only be obtained from the first monster killed. It was not difficult to collect before, but now it is difficult.

Must open up wasteland or explore new maps.

Auntie System, there are no maps that have not been explored by players, and all valuable places have been destroyed.

Isn't that person's game map fully lit now?
Especially after the 7th test, human resources have become cheaper than Chinese cabbage. I heard that some people are already planning to immigrate to some remote places to build cities. Also get ready to build your own settlement online, not messing with the suddenly 'draconian and evil' system.

I live by myself, don't ask you, it's okay, right?

Since the system did not stop it, and the NPCs also acquiesced in this situation, a wave of immigrants emerged among the tourists and some 'disheartened' players.

Well, farther away.

Most of the active substances were brought by caravans, and it was also the second largest commodity transaction, second only to grain.

Food is the most, all kinds of basic, simple food and ingredients, it is expected that in the world plot stage of total war, with the rank of Yijiang Chunshuiliu first-level regiment commander, he can command no less than 2000 regular troops (player legions) and equivalent The number of militias (NPCs for hire), thousands of people to eat and drink, and daily combat needs are astronomical figures. Even if you have an increasingly prosperous city and a large area of ​​​​resource point territory attached to it, you will soon empty out the gang The family property that has been saved over the past few months.

"It's all money, money!"

While counting, Huaguoshan Saint Warrior muttered in pain, "The system doesn't give subsidies, let us be responsible for our own profits and losses?"

"Look at what you said, do you want to hand over the captured items on the battlefield?"


"Then why does the system subsidize you?"

"Damn, are you standing there?"

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and work, and wait for the assignment."

"Where's Chunshui?"

"What else can you do, legion formation is a lot of shit."

As the city lord, baron, and first-class regiment commander, Yijiang Chunshuiliu is naturally busy and has no free time.

He hadn't been offline for two days, and the formation of the first-level corps was a lot of work. Just coordinating with the extreme south city took up most of his time.

Just after seeing off a liaison officer who had come several times, Shao Bing was troubled with a copy of the formation catalog of the Knights.

In the midst of a headache, the group favorite, the image ambassador of the gang, the beauty anchor of the offline self-media short video platform, and the elf female player whose ID is 'Rogue Rabbit' burst out laughing, and the person next to her asked her what she was laughing at, and she said just now I remembered an offline joke, saying yes, when the imperial army didn’t come, you asked me to sweep the street, and when the imperial army came, you still asked me to sweep the street, so the imperial army didn’t come in vain?
This listening was made up by tourists, and the mapping is also online.

Shao Bing didn't know what was funny, but beauties always have privileges, even if the joke wasn't funny, everyone still laughed at the occasion.

The topic that unfolds from this is naturally the miserable experience of tourists online.

"Sweeping the street is not bad, and there are slaves and servants. I don't know what they are trying to do. If it were me, I would stop playing this shitty game, right?"

"It's easy for you to say, but when it's your turn, you don't think so."

"I would rather die than surrender!"

"If you don't go to the execution ground, everyone is a martyr."

"Believe it or not, I don't know what they are trying to do with the treatment of tourists."

"Pictures, there are too many pictures, so the double time difference is equivalent to prolonging life, isn't that bad?"


"No matter how miserable you are online, even if you starve to death, this time, experience, and income are all for nothing, right?"

"You can't say that, it's all suffering and torture."

"You look at it from your perspective. Maybe people don't think it's suffering? Maybe people think it's acting, fun, and fresh?"

"Pull it down, I don't believe there is anything fun and new about being a servant girl."

"As I said before, this is equivalent to extra time and experience. Besides, the income online is not bad. Even if you are a beggar, it is not difficult to get a few copper coins. It is worth several days' wages offline. , Also, there are many opportunities online."

"Opportunity? What's wrong with more meat and less wolves now..."

"It's a comparison between you and the past. If you compare yourself with offline, it will be completely different."

"Offline requires you to have a degree. How do you get your degree? After ten years of studying hard, isn't that much more difficult than online?"

"There are also skills to make a living. None of these are available. Yours has connections, can mix, and has a chance of being successful, but it is definitely smaller than online ones."

"There is no chance for ordinary people offline. Being a social animal from [-] to [-] is really not as good as being a beggar online. At least there is not so much pressure and shame..."

"By the way, it's a shame, everyone's face has become thicker online. Didn't you notice? The lower limit has become lower, and the upper limit has become higher. It's that simple!"

Shao Bing couldn't help but laugh when he heard their discussion. He saw more from his position and had a longer-term perspective.

The system is indeed fundamentally different from before, which is reflected in all aspects of the game, affecting not only tourists, but the entire game ecology.

On the surface, due to the population base, introversion is extremely serious, but looking at the essence through the phenomenon, it is that the authenticity of Second Life is growing and full.

Take the spontaneous immigration wave as an example. Isn’t the way of “self-responsibility for profit and loss” out of the system and the game ecology just like a real second life that is accelerating its evolution?

Human society has a division of labor, and this division of labor is being formed at an accelerated rate, and the system cannot be expected to do everything.

In the past, when there were few people, it was easy to say. It is impossible for the system to take care of hundreds of millions of people. If they all want to be like players, no matter how many resources they have, they will be eaten up and turned into barren land.

Some people are responsible for creating value, and some people are responsible for consuming value. These people are the lucky ones who are in consuming value.

This total war scenario is a good opportunity to shuffle the cards.

On the surface, online and offline are chaotic, and the sudden change of the system has left many people at a loss, including the previous national server.

But it will be different in the future. Nothing can give birth to a new order like war.

The essence of war is destruction, and it is much simpler and more thorough to rebuild a new order on the ruins than to reform a stubborn and conservative old order.

These are all things he saw from his perspective. I believe that those who stand taller than him and see more comprehensively should not be confused by the superficial noise and make the most favorable choice... right? ?

After laughing, he turned his attention back to the list of the dystocia knights.

Offline, in Shao Bing's eyes, as those who 'stand higher and see farther', Yu Qingdong has just received a gilded letter of appointment.

It seems not.

There was no such letter of appointment before. As the CEO, he said that he was responsible to the board of directors. He himself knows better than anyone how the facts came about.

How to make it normalized online has also been learned offline.

"Mr. Yu, we just got the so-called withdrawal plan, please take a look."

"Has anyone seen it?"

"Just got it, 1 minute ago."

"Secret it first, I'll talk about it after I read it."

Yu Qingdong opened the thick printed document, and read ten lines at a glance.

After half an hour, he took out his glasses and looked carefully from the beginning.

This look is an afternoon.

After confirming that he had fully understood the meaning of this document, he took off his glasses and his expression became complicated.

The core meaning of this document is that all operating agents, no matter what authority they are, have all withdrawn from the daily operation of the game, from the front desk to the backstage, and cannot directly interfere with the specific game process and game behavior.

As compensation, retain their right to know and supervise the background data of the game, and even the highest S-level authority will be divided into several parts, and each operating agent will be based on the resources they occupy in the game and the differences between players and tourists. to split.

All the profits of Canaan Games are divided according to this "share ratio", of which the system occupies 50%, and the remaining 50% is shared by the operating agents without any interference online.

Representing the system are the major temples. In the future, there will be a meeting composed of system temples and operating agents to decide online strategic decisions and development directions.

This meeting is very interesting. It can be held online or offline. The subtext is that online temples can also participate in this meeting offline.

This is tantamount to acquiescing that Canaan is not just a game, but an operating and organizational entity, which almost pierced the window paper.

"Interesting, more and more interesting."

Yu Qingdong looked at this plan for a long time and couldn't help himself.

Rationally speaking, this plan is not so difficult to accept. From the front-end operator and one of the princes to the behind-the-scenes shareholder, the shareholder meeting composed of shareholders authorizes and deliberates online strategic decisions, which are executed by the system, so as to completely withdraw Online direct operation, out of contact with players and game content...

The core meaning is these.

"Mr. Yu, the higher-ups are calling to remind you."

"Tell them and I'll be right there."

It was too late to think about it. He who got away with it by luck really didn't have much say in such a big matter.

(End of this chapter)

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