This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 504 The Number 0 is Here

"Can I just accept it all?"

"The system didn't discuss with us, this is a notification."

"What do you say?"

"Great Perseverance, Great Courage"

"I don't think it's easy to make this decision, the key is the external environment"

"Yeah, we got so much from online, it's too hard to give up all at once."

"Then there is only cooperation?"

"I estimate that the number of players and tourists will not increase in the future."

"5000 million is indeed too much."

"That's fine too, hehe..."

"How are you? Why did you get a letter of appointment this time, and there is no letter of appointment signed by the chairman?"

"The letter of appointment has a term of office..."

"So use this letter of appointment to test the possible reaction of number zero?"

"I think so"

"How long is the term?"

"6 months"


"Haha... I only have 6 months left in my term, and I will come to you when I jump out of this pit of fire"

"CEO of Tangtang Canaan International Group Company? I don't have a place here to place you."

"In six months I'm nothing."

"Hehe, don't be pessimistic. Six months may seem like a short period of time, but it is a long time for online. What changes might happen? Don't be too discouraged."

"Why am I pessimistic, I wish I could jump out of this pit of fire, whoever wants to do this bullshit position, I won't serve you anymore."

"Everyone is so familiar, don't say such things."

"That's it, let's get back in touch."



After hanging up the phone with his friend, Yu Qingdong scratched his oily scalp, picked up a pen and wrote 'agree' on the document casually, threw it aside while yawning, and picked up another copy.

At this time, the confidential secretary suddenly slammed into the door, making a loud noise with a bang.

Yu Qingdong was about to get angry when the confidential secretary shouted, "Yu, Mr. Yu, number zero, number zero is online."

Yu Qingdong was taken aback for a moment, then jumped up as if getting an electric shock, and with a bang, brought him to the chair, knocked down the screen behind him, and shattered the valuable fish tank to the ground.

A few expensive goldfish were flopping on the wet floor, opening their mouths to breathe desperately, very similar to the current Yu Qingdong.

"Yes, sure"

"It has been confirmed repeatedly."

It was already half an hour after I rushed to the computer room, got authorization, and got the 'line script'.

Thankfully, Number Zero is always online, but the message he sent only got a sentence of 'wait a moment, wait for everyone's response'.


Who are you waiting for?

Yu Qingdong's mind was muddled, and he didn't react until he heard the people around him say: "It should be waiting for other operating agents."

Followed by a bitter, kind of 'out of favor' feeling.

This kind of feeling is as if she used to be "the only recipient of the holy grace", but now she has become one of the grieving women waiting in the harem, worrying about gains and losses, losing ground, and greatly falling short of standards.

Looking back at the 'detached' words he said to his friends before, it was extremely ironic.

However, unless the mind is as calm as water and can really achieve no desires and desires, who can remain rational and calm at such a time?
Believe that those Americans who contacted No. [-] for the first time are "flattered" at this time, right?

Is he really the same as the Legend of Zhen Huan in the Harem, Gan!

Yu Qingdong held back his anxiety and uneasiness, and waited for more than half an hour.

Seeing No. [-]'s invitation to pull him into the group chat, he reacted for a moment before choosing to agree with a blank expression.

Entering a group chat initiated by No. [-], one after another, the IDs with the prefixes of various operating agents joined one by one. What comforted him was that this was WeChat instead of Facebook, and it was in Chinese instead of English.

But at this moment, there is only this point left to comfort myself, right?
"Hi everyone, I am the one you have been looking for."

The group leader is forbidden to speak, so we can only watch what he said.

"How do you think about that plan? Who agrees and who opposes?"

It's really direct.

The previous number zero was not like this.

How come it has become two extremes with the system?
The ban ended, and the chat page was empty for a while, and they didn't speak for a few minutes.

Zero seemed impatient, so he called the roll.

The first point is Beimi.

Is this a signal?
Yu Qingdong started thinking wildly again.

"Sorry, Your Excellency, our Chinese language experts are rushing over to avoid contextual errors in translation."

No. Zero accepted this delay, and then ordered other operating agents to use this reason to delay the time.


Hua Guo couldn't use such an excuse anymore, and the first one to express his opinion went around, and then transferred to Yu Qingdong.

Yu Qingdong looked behind blankly.

At some point, all the screens behind had turned on, and the bosses were watching the scene with full eyesight, and he was the marionette on the stage.

"In principle, we agree with that plan, but some details still need to be clarified."

"Very good, one vote in favor."

No. Zero didn't pick up the conversation, and responded with a simple sentence: "The others will give you another 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, whoever agrees and who opposes must show a clear attitude."

These 5 minutes really feel like years.

5 minute later.





In this regard, No. Zero has only one simple comment: good.

This was followed by a long sentence: "Since all passed, all non-meritorious noble titles on the line will be abolished, and your puppets will be dealt with by yourself. You will be given two days to clean up the aftermath. After two days, the system will issue an announcement to close all interventions on the line. interface to concrete transactions and processes."

"Your interests will be fully guaranteed, and the dominance of Canaan will be in your hands, provided that you comply with the rules of the system and exercise your rights within the framework of the rules."

"That's it, see you in two days."

That's it! ?
As No.[-]'s avatar dimmed, the operating agents left the chat room one by one, and Yu Qingdong was completely silent. Looking behind, all the screens were turned off, and he and the people behind him were born in the blink of an eye.

This kind of connection is better than no connection at all.

No one told him what to do, not even a response, Yu Qingdong left here with a heavy heart, and returned to the office in a daze.

"Mr. Yu, I just got the news, how do you say these two days?"

"What to do, what to do, what's the point?"


"No but"

"Okay, okay"

Two days, close all excuses online, how can two days be enough?
As far as the assets on the national service online are concerned, even two months is not enough.

This is a disguised form of confiscating the online wealth of the national server.

It's too cruel.

Online, I thought it was an ordinary day, no different from the past.

The explosive news first came from the aristocracy of the Millikin, and the Earl's Mansion began to auction off major assets online.

For all players, the price is like rotten cabbage, as long as the money is given, it will be sold.

At the beginning, no one took it seriously, it was just another rumor that was full of food and wanted to find something to release, but the rumor became more and more true, and I saw a lot of people running over with the attitude of giving it a try, and they all used cabbage Bought something good.

This was a disaster, all the players were leading towards the nobles of Millikin, which quickly paralyzed several teleportation arrays.

Afterwards, the Omeng National Service also released similar news, and even released an auction list, which is really... I don't know how to describe it.

When other national servers released similar news one after another, and they looked like they were going to liquidate their business, even the dullest players realized that something was wrong.

At this time, a system announcement shocked everyone.

For the sake of the war, for the great cause of the rebel army, for the unrestricted development of the players in the future, for...for...all nobles and aristocrats who are not knighted by meritorious service will be taken back by the system, and all game functions that have nothing to do with game content and narrative will be removed. Will close in two days.

Two days later, there will be no public or national uniforms, nor will there be any Norman Grand Dukes. We are the glorious and free rebels. We will shatter the old world and build a new one.

No national uniform anymore?
It's no wonder that they are all selling at a loss, but why is there no movement on the Huaguo national server.

"It's easy to understand. You can see that the ones who are being sold are all Western countries. They don't have many public assets in the national service. We are different. Even if you want to sell it, you can't sell it. The family business is different, and the nature is different."

"Then, then, after those two days..."

"Don't dream, even if it is confiscated by the system, it's nothing to do with us."

"Why, instead of making the system cheaper, it's better to make us cheaper"

"Hurry up and get it. Do you think that if you don't sell it to us, it means it's gone? There are ways to recover online assets. Just raising taxes can make back the losses. What's the matter with selling to private individuals? That's not it. Is a huge amount of property lost? Who can afford such a responsibility."

"Then let's go to another server, let's go."

"Don't go, everyone didn't know about it before, but see."

"What the hell, only players can participate in the auction?"

"Hey, it's a feast of capital, ordinary people just smell it, don't think about good things."

As soon as the system announcement came out, the tearful sale suddenly stopped, and it was no longer open to ordinary players. However, the online asset sale of major national servers was still a tsunami. Within two days, everything fell together, except for top-level props and equipment. Start to break the bone.

The price has plummeted, but the transaction has decreased. The reason is very simple. There is less money in the market, and all of it is used by capital to participate in the feast.

The ecology of the bottom layer of the game, especially the life of new tourists, is even more difficult, but there is nothing to do about it, money is hard to earn, shit is bad to eat, apart from scolding, there is nothing to do.

So far, the retreat of the country and the advancement of the people have revealed their true colors. Looking back at the time when the national service was first established, I have to say that the most black thing is the system.

Back then, when there was a request offline, it was called generosity, staking land, online land, the grand occasion at that time was like yesterday, the whole world had a big party, and everyone was saying that Canaan is good, Canaan is wonderful, Canaan is the future, Canaan Canaan croaks...

Now, if you don't need them, you just kick them away, and the food looks so ugly, but if the operating agents have a bit of backbone, if you see them, they will be begged by others.

Ordinary people can see this truth, but operating agents will not know it.

I know, I can't do it.

The operating agents who do not have their own little Jiujiu, if they can reach a consensus at the height of the whole, they will not allow the twenty or so operating agents to be removed from the list during the meeting.

No matter how great the interests are, they should be given up when it is time to give up. However, the essence of human society on earth is power, struggle, and the law of the jungle.

Isn't this the vision of changing from an operator to a shareholder? It's no wonder that there is this dog bone hanging in front of it.

Guards City was filled with joy.

"The spring water is good now, there is no national uniform, and the prospects are bright."

"Yeah, maybe we can also become an earl and viscount that day, haha..."


"Remember why we changed our name to the Guards?"

"Haha, should we build the Yulin Army and Jinyiwei?"

"Chunshui, I support you to ascend the throne and proclaim yourself emperor."

"Wow, Jianguo? National War? It's so exciting."

"That's it, our goal is Jianguo!"

"This time the Total War plot needs to be performed well, Chun Shui."

"Chunshui can't do it alone, we all work together"

"Long live!"

Every unexpected move by the system, the final beneficiaries are them, their group, this class.

The upper-middle class of players, some people who really pay more attention to watching online than offline.

They are the backbone of the magic net, and the future depends on them. They are the sons of the system aunt. All actions are to loosen them and create a better game environment for them, so that they can be the vanguard and lead hundreds of millions of people. Players, develop a real ecology that belongs to players and tourists.

Only an ecology that belongs to them can allow them to fully immerse themselves in it.

The purpose of Auntie System is so simple, but it takes such a lot of effort, the difficulty of eliminating it is impossible to overcome in the eyes of ordinary people.

Everyone on the gang channel imagined the future, and they were all jubilant. Fuck the public server and the national server. In the future, they will all be one server, only the system server.

"By the way, where did Chunshui go?"

"You have gone to a meeting in the New Demon City."

"Tsk tsk, can you participate in such a major national event?"

"A lot of pig gangs and city owners have gone."

"Let us take over the assets of the national server?"

"No way, but I'm not sure, what kind of identity might be given to them, like contracting?"

"The system doesn't recognize it?"

"Offline recognition is fine... should it be?"

"What if Chunshui didn't help pigs that day and was overthrown?"

"That's why it's hard to say. Let's see it first."

At this time, Shao Bing had just walked into the banquet hall on the first floor of Earl Walter Xia's mansion in the new magic city, and found that many acquaintances had arrived, all of them were dressed in formal clothes and looked serious.

"Chunshui, this way."

Xiaolou heard the helper of the Fengyu gang whispering to him overnight, a small circle of three or four people gathered together.

"I'm going to change the name of the gang, you give me an idea." Xiaolou said helplessly listening to the wind and rain all night.

Shao Bing vaguely understood what was going on, and asked with a smile, "Okay, what's the matter?"

"It's too long, it's a mouthful, NPCs can't understand it, and it's inconvenient most of the time."

When did you have to consider the feelings of the NPC even for such a thing?

"is this necessary?"

Xiaolou laughed while listening to the wind and rain all night.

Oh, isn't it just a context, it's good to keep it secret when someone doesn't know.

Shao Bing smiled and did not continue this topic.

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