Xia Fan, who had just come out of the system prison, turned around and spat fiercely at the gate of the prison, walked to a big tree and sat down, rubbed his shriveled stomach, and lay down on the ground regardless of everything else.

There are many tourists around who are "dead corpses" like him, and some people are rotten and lazily basking in the sun. They grabbed one and threw it out with a snap of their fingers.

"There is work, 5 copper coins a day, who will do it?"

Not long after he lay down, a well-dressed tourist came over and yelled. Immediately, a group of idlers regained their spirits, scrambling to surround him one by one, flattering this guy.

"Come one by one, line up, line up!"

Xia Fan didn't go, 5 coppers a day, this is to send beggars, the black bread in the system costs 1 copper, how many black breads are enough for a day of exhaustion?
"Dude, just released?"

The guy next to him also didn't move, and came over to strike up a conversation.


"What did you do?"

"Spoken words."


"Just scolding the system"

"Damn it, buddy, you are so brave. I heard that those who scold the system will be struck by lightning. Our tourists only have so few resurrections. Isn't this a joke about your own life?"

"Tch, I'm afraid of shit, so I just don't want to play this shitty game anymore."

The man curled his lips when he heard this, obviously not agreeing, leaned against the big tree again, and stopped talking.

After resting for a while, Xia Fan looked at the position of the sun, guessing that the temple would soon be giving out welfare meals, so he got up with difficulty and walked to the altar of the Harvest Goddess.

There is no temple in a small place, but the resident population has exceeded [-]. Most of them are tourists like him. There are people everywhere, and it is almost overcrowded.

There are swarms of swarms to do everything, and the cheapness of manpower has broken through the lower limit, and even 5 copper coins a day's work needs to be robbed.

"This shitty XX!"

I would rather die than move bricks online.

I won't exploit you, let's see what you bastards do.

Xia Fan felt ruthless, and had to line up obediently when he got to the place.

Xia Fan knows the guy who distributes the welfare meals. Everyone calls this guy Lao Ba. He used to be a master who didn’t finish his meal just like him.
Damn, I heard that this guy is a cheating scumbag in reality, he has been in the classroom several times, can such a person make a fortune online?

Lao Ba stood on the steps, five people and six people yelled at the crowded tourists who jumped in line. Among the three sentences, one was a curse, one was a sycophantic, and the last one was really useful. The tourists were also disappointed. , Obediently being scolded and not talking, but also smiling.

What a shame!

Xia Fan wanted to be tough for a while, but his suffocating stomach wouldn't allow it, so he had no choice but to put on a blank face, listen to others' orders, and line up honestly.

So many people received relief food, but only one person distributed it, and it was his turn to wait in line for an entire hour.

At this time, Xia Fan was so hungry that he couldn't stand still, so he took a piece of black bread tremblingly, went to the group of 10 fellow sufferers, and shouted a few words to the NPC priest feebly in praise of the goddess of harvest, Tias, Then they scattered and hid aside, gobbling it up.

It is said that black bread is extremely unpalatable, Xia Fan wants to say, it means that you are not hungry, try eating it when you are hungry to the point of death, and guarantee that no delicacies from mountains and seas can compare.

A piece of black bread was barely enough to satisfy my hunger, and it was already afternoon, and I didn't earn a single copper coin.

Playing games to this point can be regarded as breaking through the sky.

He must earn 5 copper coins every day, which is the rule Xia Fan set for himself. After checking the time, he picked up his broken wooden bowl and went to work.

Don't get me wrong, Xia Fan would not do such a cheap thing as begging to death, he has his own way.

The busiest place in the city is always the trading market, players and tourists among the small merchants will often rent a booth here, Xia Fan does not go to those permanent shops with big facades, these shops usually have 'thugs' to help out ', if they interfere with their business, they may go to prison again, and they are looking for those event booths, and the business is relatively good.

The system function of this kind of booth is limited, and it can only accommodate 10 people to browse the information in the booth at a time. Xia Fan's way of making money falls on this.

Soon, he found his target among the bustling booths and people.

A female tourist sells all kinds of drinks and food stalls, Xia Fan just goes up to occupy a place, does nothing, and just doesn't leave.

The female stall owner didn't notice him at first. The business is too busy to come, and it doesn't matter what the location is.

But not long after, another beggar-like tourist came, occupying a seat like Xia Fan, followed by the third, fourth...

The female stall owner finally came to her senses, "What are you doing, leave without buying anything!"

Xia Fan didn't speak to the other tourists, just sat down on the ground, and put the wooden bowl in front of him by the way.

The female stall owner knew that she had encountered Pengci, so she had no choice but to admit that she was unlucky, and threw a copper plate into each wooden bowl, "Get out, get out of my mother!"

Only then did Xia Fan get up, picked up the wooden bowl, turned his head and left without saying a word.

Go find another one.

"Hey, it's not embarrassing to have hands and feet!"

Xia Fan wanted to go back and argue with this person, but in the end he held back, thinking that he couldn't do it.

If you have that strength, hurry up to earn money, and finish today's goal first.

This livelihood is walking in a gray area. If you can’t be clear about it, you will end up in prison if you are reckless. Not to mention wasting time like that, you will have to starve, and if you are not careful, you will starve to death. In the end, you will be the one who suffers.

You can't be greedy, one copper plate is enough, if there are too many, people will get serious and call NPCs, and you will be the one who suffers.

So you have to have sharp eyesight, know how to measure, and have the thickness of your skin to be self-sufficient...

To be honest, the money earned is no worse than turning screws in a workshop, and it is better than cuddling someone's thigh and losing your dignity.


In Xia Fan's view, his method is a kind of resistance, not surrendering to the dog-like world (the system can't scold it, so this word is used instead). If you want to talk about dignity, he is a dignified person, not the person behind him. The female stall owner who has become a system obedient citizen.

The first transaction was completed, the second transaction went smoothly, and the third transaction had an accident.

The stingy stall owner seemed to be annoyed by people like him, so he called an NPC. Xia Fan and the others saw that something was wrong, and quickly turned into birds and beasts.

NPCs are unreasonable, or they only talk about what they think. A refugee beggar has a negative reputation. Compared with a person with a property class who has both reputation and can create value for the system, who does he lean toward?Is it hard to choose?

Now it's three-six-six-nine, and it's online too, Gan!
With a thick skin, he can still mess around, no, Xia Fan has already overfulfilled the task at night, got 8 coppers, and didn't keep a single copper.

Speaking of exchanging soft sister coins, I didn't know how convenient it was before, but... he was so full that it made it so troublesome now. Only 622 yuan was left in my hand.

The exchange rate ratio is 121, and it is still falling. In short, there is bad news everywhere.

When I woke up offline, my neck with the gaming helmet on was aching like a stiff neck. There were seven or eight people living in the small rental house, and there were garbage everywhere under the bunk beds, which was similar to the construction site outside.

Xia Fan was recovering, when someone knocked open the door humming a song. He was a worker at the construction site, but he didn't recognize him.

"Yo, wake up, is this?"

Xia Fan hummed, got up and prepared to wash up.

"How, how, how does it feel to be able to make money even in your dreams?"

"Online is not a dream."

"I think it's almost the same. Seeing that you go to bed as soon as you come back, it's almost like daydreaming."

Xia Fan didn't bother to explain, and went to the water room to wash up, and all the roommates were there when he came back.

Three or four people were making golden flowers on Xia Fan's lower berth. The aisle and the upper berth were full of spectators, taking up Xia Fan's berth. There was another guy watching with his tourist helmet.

Xia Fan became angry when he saw it, and snatched the helmet back with a tigerish face, and someone said in a strange way: "Isn't this our player boss? What? It's all in the Hunyuan universe, and you still keep the construction site to do coolies? It seems that this Metaverse doesn’t make so much money, does it?”

"To make money, my brother-in-law is a tourist, and I heard that he is a book boy online, haha..."

"I heard that there are still people who give people today?"

"The bookboy is a servant."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

"Xiao Xia, how are you doing, tell us about it?"

"Say Nima, get out!"

"Yo, you have a good temper, and you seem to be doing well."

"Little calf, who are you letting go? Say it again if you have the guts."

No, this place can't stay anymore.

I have never made up my mind to resign, I just want to save a way out, save the day online... Forget it, if I don't stay here, I have my own place to stay.

Before I left, I had a fight with someone, talked to the contractor, and showed up at the bus station two hours later with big bags and small bags.

I originally wanted to take the shuttle bus back, but I changed my mind when I got a call.

I want to buy a car and go home.

I have been optimistic about the model for a long time, but I have never been willing to buy it. This time I gritted my teeth, paid the full price, and got on the expressway with a temporary license plate.

From now on, you can only make money online.

Driving the car, I rushed all the way to my home in a small county town. When I was online, I thought, I stopped playing that day, and I was so anxious offline that I quit my job that day... Now it's all right, After all, the latter is more stressful. When it comes to earning money, it’s still easier online. You can try offline with the online method!

The reason why there are so many dissatisfaction, such great emotions, and so many people making troubles has a lot to do with expectations.

Players and tourists earn money, and everyone knows that gold is everywhere online. It’s hard to win the lottery, and it’s all about this for me, so I will naturally be dissatisfied.

It took 3 hours to get home.

The eldest brother and sister-in-law were away, and went to the city to sell vegetables. His parents and three-year-old niece were laughing from ear to ear around his new car. The neighbor came out and asked how much the car cost. Xia Fan hugged him together with the purchase tax and insurance money. After making a round number, the neighbors envied him, saying that everyone in his family also won the lottery this time. What business do you want to make his father angry...

Amidst the discussion, many neighbors came out to chat, talking about online things, which boy was good and which was bad, and they only cared about how much money they could get offline, and didn't care about the rest.

His parents laughed in envy, and when they heard that he had quit his job, they only complained in a low voice. This car is all about confidence and face. His mother said proudly that she never expected him to buy it before. Such a big piece comes home...

Xia Fan was a little lost amidst the real or fake envy and congratulations, and suddenly felt that online suffering was nothing, money was hard to earn and shit was hard to eat. Isn't it good that there are so many demands on the Internet?

Maybe it should be more positive.

In the evening, the whole family gathered for a reunion dinner. Even the family of the married second sister came. A cousin of the second brother-in-law was also a tourist. He seemed to know what was going on online. He asked Xia Fan what he did online, and said There is a way to take care of him.

Naturally, Xia Fan wouldn't tell the truth, he just said that he found a stable job online and the salary was okay.

Xia Fan's mother was surprised when she heard that, can she enter the factory online?Thousands of dollars a day?Where can I find such a good thing offline?
It feels like a chicken talking to a duck. Each of them has their own imagination and understanding. Xia Fan is reporting good news but not bad news. Anyway, he and his second brother-in-law’s cousins ​​are not in the same city.

This is really not an exaggeration. The game area has millions of square kilometers and a population of hundreds of millions. Do tourists have the system functions like players? It is too difficult for tourists from two places to meet each other.

Unless you are teleporting,
If he can afford teleportation, Xia Fan will be with him.

The troubled day passed like this.

In the evening, his parents packed a room for him to sit in the computer room, and they also said that they would invite a carpenter to come tomorrow and make him a special bed for going online, so that his neck would not be tired.

The warmth of home has been brought online, into the body of this beggar-shaped tourist.

The sun was shining online, and it was another boring and monotonous day. Fortunately, he didn't wake up in the system prison. Xia Fan's mentality was very different from yesterday, and he began to actively look for opportunities in the city.

I still don’t want to work in the factory. The lack of wages is one aspect. The key is that I don’t have freedom. It takes up too much time. Once I enter the factory, I can’t do anything else.

It's not bad to sell goods to others, but the competition is high, and the wages are kept very low. Fortunately, there are commissions and the upper limit is high... But they are not acquaintances, and they don't want people with criminal records.

No matter how good the job is, almost all require system reputation, especially those related to alchemy and enchanting associations. This is a hard indicator.

Xia Fan began to regret his previous misbehavior, alas!

The only thing left is to sweep the streets, give people to the people of today, or go out of the city to open up wasteland and farm to become farmers...

Opportunity, opportunity is there!

Precious time was wasted like this, there is no way but to pick up the broken bowl and go back to the old business.

But this time, Xia Fan no longer has the peace of mind he had before.

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