This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 506 Online Military Service

Chapter 506 Online Military Service

"Militia, what militia?"

"It literally means, isn't the world plot of total war going to start soon? You can understand the militia as military service, for tourists"

"Damn, do military service in the game? You're right, right?"

"Hehe, at this time, you still think of Canaan as a game? Some people have already shouted the slogan that online and offline are equal, one body has two sides, offline is the sun, and online is the moon."

"Crap, I just want to make money."

"There are allowances for military service. There are also meritorious service. This may be the only way for tourists to improve their identity and status."

"Damn, in reality, I don't have..."

"I haven't served others in reality? Isn't it still the door for others?"

"You want to go?"

"Well, maybe there is a chance?"

Xia Fan was chatting with a familiar tourist. The location was a property owned by a certain player online. It was really a big house, built like a castle. There were only four or five gatekeepers, and they were all dressed in uniform. Uniforms are like offline security guards.

Inside the tall iron gate, you can vaguely see the luxurious scene in the manor. In the garden, a group of female tourists are throwing some food into the water. Occasionally, a [rodent fish] jumps out of the water. The immature cute girl exclaimed... Tsk tsk, to do this offline, money is not enough.

"I've heard, I just heard." The acquaintance looked around carefully, leaned over his head, and said in a low voice: "Tourists can also become players, even nobles, the premise is military exploits, yes, military exploits can be knighted." .”


"Well, I heard that there will be a general mobilization soon. All players, including life and leisure players, will also go to the battlefield. If they don't contribute, the player's qualification may not be guaranteed."

"Really? How do you know such secret news?"

The door proudly pointed to the manor behind him, "Didn't you see who I'm with now? How many players can have such a big family business? The news is naturally well-informed."

makes sense.

This manor is quite convincing.

I heard that its owner is the actual owner of a large organization. It is unknown whether it is online or offline, but it is possible to own such a property online that most players will never be able to own in a lifetime.

Fuck, evil capital.

"Anyway, go back and think about it carefully. You can't keep touching porcelain like this. You have to find a serious job to do."


"The news is estimated to spread soon, and there is not much time left for you. Don't blame me for not reminding you."

Xia Fan sincerely thanked his friends. He never expected to know such explosive news ahead of most people. What is this? This is an opportunity.

Leaving that mansion, Xia Fan wandered around the city, still thinking about this matter.

Recently, the management of the market has suddenly become stricter, and the risk of starting work has increased greatly.

I feel that there are fewer and fewer online opportunities, and the places where I can make money are all overcrowded. If this continues, there is no other way out, whether I sell myself, turn screws, or open up wasteland and become farmers.

If Xia Fan is willing to submit obediently, he won't stay in the city shamelessly. The key is, once he falls to that point, he will be fixed with these positions. Just say that the friend just now, even if he knew about such an opportunity in advance, He can't use it himself, why?The reason is that there is no freedom anymore, working from nine to five, just like going to work, you need to be a cow and a horse for others.

"Anyway, it's impossible to work part-time, and it's impossible to work part-time in this life! You can't do business, you just steal things, so you can live like this..."

He was thinking wildly, when he suddenly heard someone yelling, and when he looked up, it turned out to be a guy who was sent to prison by the system NPC, and he was yelling at some tourists who were watching and scolding him.

But why does this line sound so familiar?

do not care.

I have seen this kind of guy a lot, and he has no technical content, so he is not as smart as himself.

Confronting the system is fruitless. This is online, and the system is everywhere. Offline, it depends on whether there are cameras, witnesses, and clues to solve the case. Nothing is needed online, and the system is useless. Ubiquitous, omnipotent, offending the system's ban is fruitless, even several major national uniforms have been removed, and the law does not punish the public has also been proved to be a fart to his old man.

There must be methods, there must be skills...

Oh, none of my business.

Wandering around, I did not see anyone discussing the matter of military service, which proved that the news had not spread, and this window of time was indeed precious.

How to do.

Do you really want to be the chief soldier?

The militiamen of the system are all filled by NPCs. If the militiamen are included in the current military rank system, they can be promoted, which is indeed a broad road.

There is almost no way for tourists to rise, unless they become businessmen, shopkeepers and other property classes, the only way left is to work for others.

No matter how rich the tourists are, meritorious service and titles will not belong to them. Once this hole is released, it is hard to imagine how crazy those rich guys will be.

Wipe and dry!

Isn't it just a military service?

As soon as he made up his mind, Xia Fan took action. To show his determination, he threw away the guy who was eating—the broken bowl, went out of the city and stabbed himself clean by the moat, and changed into a luxurious suit of tourist clothes who did not know how many times he wore. The whole person walked into the city gate with a new look.

After the national uniform was abolished, the original city lord's mansion was abandoned. Without new territorial nobles, everything returned to the original track.

According to the information given by my friend, I found an NPC named Veteran in a dilapidated courtyard in a corner in the west of the city, and went up to talk to him. Sure enough, tourists can also enter the pre-story.

It took two days to get in touch with this NPC, and all the income from working every day wasted on this poor alcoholic who only knew how to get drunk every day. After two days, I finally raised my favorability to [Friendly], and I got it from him. a letter of recommendation.

Xia Fan got the letter of recommendation, found the camp of the system militia outside the city, and found that there were already many tourists coming in and out.

He wasn't the only one well-informed.

Xia Fan quickly took the letter and found an NPC connector at the recruiting office. After listening to the story of this NPC remembering the old alcoholic friendship in the past, he received the task of [Militia Assessment (1)] as he wished.

God, just because tourists can accept the task, we can see how rare this opportunity is.

When will tourists be able to get attached to missions?
As a tourist for so long, it is the first time to do a task.


Xia Fan excitedly returned to the city according to the task prompt, and found the task NPC in a training ground to the west of the original city lord's mansion.
"Uh, another young man who is enthusiastic about the great cause of the rebel army? Your name is Xia? Very well, now we need a lot of motivated young people like you, but becoming a qualified militiaman is not as simple as you imagined, Let me take a look at your beliefs, you are not a believer in any temple?"

"I believe in the system, the god of the system"

"The system doesn't need any beliefs, the system is the only one, the supreme, transcendent, understand, common people!", the face of the NPC changed as soon as it was said, and the class teacher reprimanded the naughty students, "Let's solve the problem of belief first Come to me again, a soul without faith is not secure nor trustworthy."

have to.

I just got stuck on task 1.

It’s not that Xia Fan is not like a believer. The problem is that the current temple is not the same as the previous temple. If you pull it up, you need various conditions to become a believer. Xia Fan is impatient to recite those inexplicable teachings. To most, that's ridiculous.

Every time I see religious ceremonies held in that temple, it will be very funny to see players and tourists kneeling and kneeling there. When they sing hymns and hymns, they will laugh out loud, please, everyone It's a sensible person, doing this is really... too exciting.

Of course, there are some thick-skinned and psychologically strong people who have adapted to this kind of drama and embarrassment, and are very devoted, acting like that. Many tourists like him have turned over because of this. The major temples can be regarded as a great step forward for tourists.

But Xia Fan couldn’t do it, tried it, and couldn’t get over the embarrassment of acting. No matter how serious the priests of the temple were, he wanted to laugh, or doze off... After a few times, he was painted as dead wood. , If there is an occasion where an NPC priest preaches, he will be ignored.

But this time, there is no way to avoid it. Xia Fan has one head and two big ones. He can't find a solution online, so he can only look for strategies offline.

Now, the offline guides are really vast, but the really valuable things have become less, not only the official website, but also many professional platforms that specialize in online information. Find similar guides on them. Countless people came up with a search. It seems that many people have similar problems. It is a very common phenomenon that they cannot join the show.

Find a post that is more refined and has a lot of replies, and read it patiently.

The poster shared his solution is to find a psychiatrist, use psychological hints to do a series of psychological counseling, and leave an advertisement link. Some of the replies below say it is effective, and some say it is deceptive. Overall, That being said, those that are effective still account for the majority.

After browsing through several other excellent posts, there is no so-called shortcut to find. One of them hit the point, saying that online beliefs are a lie, not to lie to others, but to lie to oneself, not to lie to oneself to really go Believe it, but lie to yourself to adapt to the online identity, forget reality, forget common sense, substitute this identity, think and act with the psychology and state of this identity.

Xia Fan half understood, isn't this a split personality?

Is it so mysterious?
In the past, he would have given up a long time ago, but this time he was really reluctant. The news might have spread that day, and under the fierce competition, the door frame might have to be raised by then.

As soon as Xia Fan gritted his teeth, he clicked on the advertisement link in the first post, and got in touch with an organization that specializes in online psychological counseling and counseling.

The other party has done a lot of this kind of business and has a very mature process. After successfully signing up and paying expensive fees, Xia Fan became a member of a certain team and started an online psychological counseling course.

In the next few days, in addition to making money online, he devoted all his energy to this kind of psychological course.

Xia Fan swore that he had never put so much effort into the college entrance examination.

After more than a dozen class hours, if it’s useful, Xia Fan will give crazy psychological hints every time he goes online, compiling a set of resumes for himself as a tourist. Despite bumps and bumps, but the environment is good, within a short period of time, he felt that he had improved by leaps and bounds.

This thing is the same as learning a foreign language. If it is just a few hours in class, you will learn a dumb foreign language. If you go abroad to study in a preparatory school for college, the courses will be different.

In short, after such a toss, another three days passed.

Three days later, there were already faint rumors in the market. The preparations for an all-out war affected all aspects of the line, and the atmosphere became more and more tense. I heard that there were warning signs of a large number of enemies gathering on the southern front line. Players near the border And cities have begun to mobilize, the market behind is getting more and more tense, prices are skyrocketing, and a lot of demand is emerging out of thin air.Life is much easier for tourists.

The delisting of the national service has been implemented, and a large number of unowned cities and territories have become the driving force for players to mobilize. Online and offline, what fame can only be obtained immediately, making contributions, founding a country... The enthusiasm of the players has been completely mobilized Wake up, the atmosphere for an all-out war is already extremely warm.

In this environment, it is gradually becoming known that tourists have a way to become a militia.

For some reason, the system did not issue such an announcement. At present, only some tourists have taken action. When it really spreads, there may be some twists and turns.

People are forced out.

At a preaching site in the temple of Jaeger, the god of monsters in the system, the NPC priest checked the mental condition of each lamb one by one, nodded with satisfaction, picked up the roster and began to roll their names.

The second one read Xia Fan's name.

Xia Fan first breathed a sigh of relief, his ecstasy seemed to be on another level, his current identity, he kept using psychological hints to hypnotize himself, so his performance was quite normal.

After becoming a general believer in Jaeger, the system monster temple, and solving the problem of belief, and then going to the NPC in the training camp, there will be a large group of tourists queuing up there.

Militia, Merit, Merit can do everything, including becoming a player, no need to wait for a new test and lottery...

Ah, this...

Xia Fan is in a hurry. Fortunately, he has already accepted the task and is a big step ahead of these tasks. However, there is no one-on-one reception from NPCs. The required belief is no longer the lowest general believer, but a shallow believer.

The bar has indeed been raised.

Xia Fan was sincerely grateful that he quickly handed in the task and successfully led the [militia assessment 2]

At this time, a small-scale battle broke out in the southernmost border city.

World Story - Total War thus kicked off.

War broke out!
Relevant headlines immediately ignited online and offline public opinion. For a while, no one paid attention to the first "all shareholders" meeting held online by Canaan entities in various countries in order to switch from the front stage to the backstage, let alone many people know about it. .

And this meeting is destined to go down in the history books.

Because the high-level temple NPCs represented by the system will sit with representatives of entities from various countries.

(End of this chapter)

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