"I salute you, Your Excellency the Archbishop. On behalf of the Viscount of Norway, I agree with the teachings of Her Majesty the Harvest Goddess on nature and life. Maybe you don't know it yet. We are in...uh, another world, to you and your church and The Harvest Temple behind it has a very lofty definition. Recently, we are going to hold an offline commemorative event about Her Majesty the Harvest Goddess. Uh, the commemorative event is mainly to publicize Her Majesty’s great insights on the harmonious coexistence of nature and the existence of all things. , Judging from the feedback from the preliminary preparations, it is very encouraging. Maybe you and your church should increase your investment in disseminating teachings offline. I guarantee that the Viscount of Norway and the Viscount of Norway will definitely cooperate fully..."

"There are no more Norwegian Viscounts and Norwegian Viscounts"

"In short, you should understand what I mean. No matter how the online changes, it's just a change of name, isn't it?"

"Thank you for your great support of our Lord's cause, but this is not the time to discuss these."

"Of course, of course, as long as you understand what I mean."

"...There is no new life that comes from death. Death and life are two sides of the same body. From a philosophical point of view, it is a reincarnation, just like everything is revived in spring, and everything is silent in winter... I understand it this way, do you think it is right? "

"...It's a little one-sided, but it's not bad."

"Haha, I'm a half-baked guy, but I'm very interested in starting a series of cooperation with you and the Temple of Death represented behind you, not only online, we also have a wide range of cooperation space offline, you have a temple in Beimi Are you right? I have to say that this is a good idea. But I still want to remind you that Americans are too utilitarian. They are so active. Maybe there is something hidden behind them... Uh, very excessive needs, we are different, we The cooperation with the online temple is positive and candid. Even our majesty the king agrees with the teachings of the death temple. This is his personal letter, entrusting me to hand it over to you, and you are welcome to visit the online temple at the right time Next, then you will definitely feel our sincerity."

"I'm very honored, how can there be a king offline?"

"It's different from the royal family in Canaan, but it's about the same. You can go offline to learn about it yourself. I believe it must be a very pleasant trip."

"I am looking forward to it, but there is no suitable opportunity right now."

"Of course, of course, I mean after 'Total War' is over."

"Hehe, there is something to wait for."

"I will definitely win, right? No matter how powerful those evil gods are, under the wise leadership of the main god of the system, under the wise command of the temples, and with the consistent efforts and cooperation of online and offline, hundreds of millions of players and Tourists must be able to smash this corrupt, depraved old world."


The meeting has not yet started, and weird communication activities have already begun. In the temple of Artemis (Little Love), the god of record and guardianship, the archbishops of the 10 system temples represent the theocratic rights of their respective churches, and the same ten Representatives of well-known operators gathered together to discuss a series of major issues related to online and offline.

This is the final piece of the puzzle.

Only by straightening out the relationship, position and interests of the operating agents can Canaan Games continue to move forward.

The magic net has reached a critical period of abandoning quantity and pursuing quality. If this step is passed, the sea will open up. If it cannot be passed, the career of Aunt System will face a major setback.

High pressure is just a gesture, not a goal. Let these people sit on the negotiating table obediently. Blind high pressure will not work. Carrots and sticks must be given to them, and they must be given benefits that they cannot give up, so as to unite them together.

After all, they are the ruling class offline. No matter how influential Canaan is, if they can unite, the system and the magic net will have nothing to do.

But this kind of scene is still a bit unreal, and no one will believe it if you say it. The offline "real" and the online "virtual" sit together, discussing, cliché, and friendship. Who would dare to put it before the 6th test? Thought, but now it happened grandiosely.

The negotiation has not yet started, and dozens of people communicate enthusiastically. The major temples are naturally high-level at the archbishop level, and the representatives of the operating agents can only use the 'monotonous' template like the tool man.

Therefore, the scene looks a little funny, but the atmosphere is not funny at all, and the discussions are all about online and offline major events.

"Cough cough..."

When the time came, an archbishop of the Temple of Artemis, who had a very low sense of presence in all aspects, coughed and knocked on the conference table in front of him.

The archbishop and the high priests became serious in an instant, stopped talking, and sat silently on one side of the round conference table.

The representatives of the 10 operating agents are the five executive rogues and the five non-executive rogues. The final list was obtained after several days and nights of meetings and wrangling with the authorization of the Security Council.


The unattractive archbishop presided over the meeting and started the topic, "The God of the system has awakened. Since then, our common cause has a great, unique, and supreme core of will. Adhering to the will of the God of the system, for our common cause, today we sit Together, openly and honestly, we have a thorough resolution of our concerns."

"This meeting, the eyes of the major temples are always watching, so please pay attention to your words and deeds."

"The first item of the conference, let us praise the great system temples..."

The archbishop was satisfied to see that the offline representatives stood up without any hesitation, and sang hymns skillfully without guidance.

The business is very skilled.

If you can't see their mental and soul state, you will think you are another devout believer.

——I heard that things like lies, deceit, and power are popular offline.

The archbishop was vigilant in his heart, don't be led into the ditch by these cunning aliens.

After the solemn religious ceremony was over, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and after sitting down again, the atmosphere was relaxed.

"The second item, the draft on the establishment of the Canaan-Earth 20-seat round table."

A thin piece of parchment appeared on the table in front of everyone.

"Half of Canaan, half of the earth, two semicircles of a circle, together decide the strategic decision-making within the jurisdiction of the system, the highest S-level authority..."

The archbishop preached with a blank face.

At the same time, outside the city of Hongye Town, the original national service.

"Look at me, look at me, tell me who you are?"

"We are the glorious rebels!"

"You are not, you are not qualified to call yourself the rebels, you are just rookie militias, not even militias!"

"We are the glorious rebels!"

"Very good, very ambitious, listen to my orders now, everyone is ready... Take a step forward, stab!"


"One step to the left, stab!"


"All turn back!"


"Defensive formation!"

The shield as tall as one person is made of a special kind of fire-resistant wood, which is very heavy. Even players who have been strengthened by the system before level 10 don't want to hold it like this all the time, and keep moving and changing directions. Raising the shield, retracting the shield, keeping up with the rhythm of the array, tired like a dog.

Xia Fan felt that he was about to die, his brain was numb, his sweat had dried up, and the leather armor of the uniformed militia was covered with a thick layer of salt frost. He was completely mechanically listening to the NPC's orders, and there was no training at all. extra thoughts at the time.

"Very good, you have done a good job, I have to admit, you are stronger than most ordinary people, much stronger!"

"But it's not enough. You want to become a glorious rebel army. You also want to become extraordinary people. This level of training is just the beginning. You have to constantly challenge your limits and challenge yourself. Only in this way can you surpass yourself and become a powerful person." professionals."

There was a dog bone hanging in front of the player, and most of them were gritting their teeth and persevering until they couldn't hold on anymore and fell down with a thud. Soon, an NPC rushed over and dragged this guy away like a dead dog.

There are also points in the training camp. If the points are not enough, you will be expelled.

Xia Fan has never thought that playing a game can be so tiring... Ah, now it is no longer playing a game, but experiencing a second life.

But I'm still too tired.

Military training in reality is not so tiring.

This npc doesn't treat them as human beings, but like animals.

On the playground, more than a dozen phalanxes of hundreds of people are training under the scorching sun. Outside the playground, there are crowds of tourists rushing to enter the training camp.

Finally, after the training was over and the whistle sounded, no one in the entire phalanx could stand.

"Get up, get up, if you don't want to waste it, get up and walk a few times... You, and you, get out!"

There was no way, Xia Fan had no choice but to stand up unsteadily with a heavy shield, and walked for a few minutes on his unconscious legs under the instructions of the NPC.

Not to mention, after the most difficult period has passed, there is a kind of "masochistic" pleasure. Although the body is uncomfortable, it is crazily secreting dopamine. For those who are painful and happy, Xia Fan feels that he is sexual. It's not a big problem to practice.

With the sound of disbanding, these people staggered back to the barracks and turned into a barracks for the militia buildings.

"This group of people is good, I want it!"

A player with the rank of first-level regiment commander is about to lead his army to the front line. He needs a large number of militiamen as servants to observe on the playground.

This militia, which has been training for 7 days, left a deep impression on him. This hard-working spirit is not found in most players.

"Do I need to go through any formalities?"

"No problem, their supplies will be borne by our legion."

"Late training? No need, I don't count on them anyway."

"Okay, I'll take you in this afternoon."

After lying on the wooden bed for a few minutes, the whistle for assembly rang again. Xia Fan cursed, got up resignedly, took heavy equipment, and assembled outside the barracks.

The NPC in the training camp told them that they were selected by the legion and would be enlisted in the front-line legion.

As an extra meal at noon, one kind of broth and one kind of deep-fried batter, the taste is very strong, it may be full of energy, and many people have begun to gain weight.

With sufficient exercise and adequate nutrition, the online body became visibly stronger with the naked eye. It has a muscular outline that is not available offline, and its height has also increased a bit.

Wearing a full set of militia uniforms, although you can't see the attributes of these standard equipment, the players say that they are better than the novice outfits in the previous tests, and the system is not just using them as cannon fodder, at least from the investment and treatment. It can be seen from the above that there are still high hopes for them.

After lunch, it was time for lunch as usual.

In the chaplain of the army, the wooden house of the altar of the Harvest Temple, Xia Fan sang hymns with others without any sense of shame, and then listened to the preaching of the NPC priest, repeatedly brainwashing himself.

The so-called "online impersonation method" is really easy to use. Every time he goes online, Xia Fan can quickly enter the role, try not to think about offline things, let alone logic, common sense, etc. I only regard myself as a reserve militiaman on the line, an aboriginal, thinking and acting in this capacity, I feel that it is much smoother.

Separating online and offline, more and more people around have found their own ways. In this way, it is much faster to enter the role, and they don't care about the gains, but the gains are huge.

For example, for this kind of training, the system has a subsidy, the city has a supplement, and the Chamber of Commerce Alliance has a bonus, as well as points and prestige, which can be counted as meritorious service on the battlefield.

It is not less than what he earned before, and it is decent, and the room for improvement is not at the same level.

Just too tired!

It's really tiring.

In the afternoon, Xia Fan, together with more than 1000 militiamen trained for 7 days, transferred from reserve service to official service. The phalanx of more than 1000 people was taken over by a player army. After joining two other phalanxes of more than 1000 people, thousands of The man followed his legion leader and walked towards the large teleportation array.

"Boss, it's so exciting, there are thousands of people, real person, listen to our command, look at it, look at it, it's so spectacular"

"Shut up, don't spoil Lao Tzu's personality."

"The NPC training is really good, the order is forbidden, wow, it looks more majestic than our players, more like a regular army."

"This kind of gameplay is too exciting, Legion, commanding tens of thousands of people to fight, it's so fucking enjoyable."

"I will also raise my rank in the future."

"Dream you."

Tourist militiamen can’t hear the discussions of the player’s officers on the channel. They have been trained not to think about these things, and they don’t have the idea of ​​getting close to and friendship with the player’s officers. They just walk mechanically, carrying with heavy luggage.

The large teleportation formations are specially built for gathering troops on the front line. Each teleportation formation is as big as a football field and can teleport one phalanx at a time.

The total war plot started yesterday, the scene is extremely huge, but I heard that the fight was extremely difficult.

The players were not used to fighting with large armies of cold weapons, swords and magic. When the opponents were no longer mindless monsters and monsters, they lost their cities and lands and fell ten miles away.

About to go to the battlefield, Xia Fan was extremely nervous, even though he had free resurrections, he was also nervous.

Nervous as if really going to face a hail of bullets.

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