This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 508 The Power of the Plague

When the flood comes, every drop of water can only feel the scene in a small area around it.

From the perspective of an ordinary tourist militia, everything that is happening around you is like a scene in a fantasy epic war movie, vast, shocking, and full of visual and auditory spectacle.

There are too many continuous marching tents, like dark clouds in the sky, stretching to the end that cannot be seen, densely packed, layer upon layer, standing on the undulating horizon.

In the sky, hordes of Griffin Knights flew over all the time, and on the ground, there were patrolling knights and sentries all the time cleaning up the order of this huge military camp.

There are NPCs and player priests who are preaching loudly to boost morale, and there are joyful players and tourist merchants everywhere, as if they are in a grand celebration.

All kinds of mounts are like an exposition of beasts, and their owners, whether they are NPCs or players, are like the heroes in the fantasy epic war movies, with the appearance, strength and even temperament of the heroes. From the first-level sergeant to the first-level regiment commander, the players are filled with the central nervous system of this huge legion, and at the end is the brave and fearless NPC captain who only knows how to execute orders.

The system is ubiquitous, and this huge army and this war machine with tens of millions of parts are precisely meshed together like gears. As the most inconspicuous screw on this war machine, Xia Fan is not By oneself, except for breathing, almost all actions are restricted and regulated in detail.

When to do and when not to do, no need to think, just follow the orders of the NPC team leader.

Not far away, a war golem has been assembled. In this fantasy war epic blockbuster featuring cold weapons, these things are like Gundam, and the NPCs and players who manipulate them are like Avatar and their Tukun mounts. The huge and cumbersome beast of burden is carrying a heavy magic cannon, and it is still moving forward. The huge footprints and the deep ditches left by the wheels are full of stagnant water. The number is the largest, just like mosquitoes in reality. The [Mung Worm] seems to smell a strong smell of blood, and quietly, it has settled down in this huge military camp, just like a carrion bird wandering in the sky, or a ghoul that occasionally appears. Coming here with the smell, and wanting to join this gluttonous feast without fear of danger.

The dark clouds in the sky gathered at an abnormal and strange speed, like a large piece of lead skin, which looked so thick and heavy, as if it was about to fall off in a second.

The lighting is getting lower and darker, players are complaining about 'lag' getting worse, guess if the servers are going to be overwhelmed, will they go down or something.

Amid the repeated orders, Xia Fan ran out of the tent, found his own position outside the tent, erected the heavy iron and wood shield in front of him, and stood upright like a javelin.

The player's quartermaster appeared accompanied by the NPC team leader, and without any nonsense or politeness, he began to install some incomprehensible small plug-ins for the shield.

"It will be like this, like this... when you are in danger, like this, like this... when you hear the order, like this, like this..."

There is another group of people in the barracks who are also busy, that is, the players and NPCs of the Alchemy and Enchanting Association. These technical experts are all doing some delicate work, such as the current one.

System-standard, batch-manufactured, magic circle small plug-ins are installed in the grooves reserved for each shield. When needed, all shields can be connected into one body. Every tourist militia is like a drop of water flowing into a stream. All The streams merged into the ocean.

" will feel tired, don't panic, this is a normal phenomenon, the magic circle will draw your life points to maintain the operation of the entire matrix, and it will not kill you."

"...Remember, everyone has only 5 resurrections, there is nothing free or charged, but you have to remember, after the 5th resurrection, you must report to the team leader in time, otherwise accidents may happen, I don't You should all know what the accident is."

Xia Fan nervously kept this in mind, this is not a joke, this is his own fate.

"There are shield players... raise the shield!"

The shield players in front immediately raised the shields with the magic circle plug-in installed, and all of them found that the heavy shields were much lighter, and then heavily inserted the sharp tail part into the soil in front of them, and erected a shield wall in the blink of an eye. .

The magic circle widgets all lit up, and a hazy halo immediately covered the surface of the shield, connecting all the shields into one.

Almost all tourist militias are auxiliary arms such as shield soldiers, helping to divide the battlefield, occupying high ground, defending the enemy's possible impact from the side and rear, and buying time for the main force to return to aid.

They are like swarms of worker ants, doing the hardest, most tiring, and heaviest work. When a crisis comes, they have to use their cowardly bodies to directly face the enemy's soldiers.

"There is another situation, if there is a delay in the network signal, don't panic, don't be confused, keep your position in mind, and do what you should do!"

"Remember, the system is everywhere, and the performance of each of you will be recorded, absolutely fair!"

Well said.

In reality, if such a war occurs, limited by low technical conditions, what a certain person did, how he performed, whether he was a brave or cowardly deserter, he may still be fooled.

It will never happen in the system, you don't have to worry about your credit being buried, and you don't have to worry about someone cheating for personal gain and so on.

"Likemen, all of them are there, lift!"

Spears more than ten meters long suddenly stood up from behind Xia Fan, densely packed, turning the thick phalanx into a hedgehog.

Shieldmen and Spearmen are the two arms with the largest number of tourist militias, and they have both undergone intensive training. At first glance, they seem to be quite similar.

This is, the main force of the corps has completed the coalescence, and the vast and loud trumpets sounded. Compared with the purge of the tourist militia, the main force seemed extremely loose.

They were talking and laughing loudly, discussing, all kinds of cloaks, all kinds of mounts, all kinds of equipment, all kinds of stalwart, powerful, ferocious, elegant, exquisite faces, there is only one emotion, that is excitement.

"I'm coming!"

Xia Fan nervously licked his chapped lips, the handle of the shield in his hand was already soaked with sweat, what he saw with his eyes and what he heard with his ears was seriously distorted, and suddenly a sense of absurd emotion surged up.

—Who am I, where am I, and what am I doing?
The huge barracks moved, like a complex engine, every gear began to rotate.

Xia Fan only knows how to obey orders, move mechanically, and then merge with the main force, then merge into a larger square, and then bigger, bigger...

In the end, only numbness and excitement remained.

I don't know how many people gathered together, the sound of breathing and heartbeat filled all the senses, every mouthful of air exhaled was hot, and the air that was inhaled was also hot like magma.

Xia Fan only knows to look at the command flag of the NPC team leader. A week ago, someone told him that he would be so 'good'. He would definitely spit on this person, but for some reason, he became like this without knowing it. .

His field of vision became extremely narrow, and being in a large group seemed to eliminate most of his thoughts and distracting thoughts. He couldn't help but silently recited the holy name of the goddess of harvest, Tias, and vaguely heard someone like him coming from behind him. , countless voices murmuring prayers.

The voices merged together, seeming to dispel the inexplicable atmosphere that enveloped the scene, and even the lead-colored clouds in the sky receded a little.

woo woo woo...

Boundless horns sounded one after another, Xia Fan began to run, and countless people changed their directions like precision gears. Finally, on the distant horizon, their enemies were ushered in.

woo woo woo...

It was also the howling sound of the sky, and the enemy's main force came one step ahead of the flying mounts all over the sky.

Gryphon Rider.

Griffon riders from both sides met in the middle of the battlefield, and a brutal conflict broke out.

The tracer of the skill pierced the sky, and the griffins charged in groups, colliding together, and the sound of fists to flesh could be heard on the ground, countless griffins broke their wings, and fell from the sky like raindrops, and then , a torrential rain of arrows rose from the ground, shooting at the griffins flying at low altitude, spying on and harassing the main array.

The war golems on both sides stood in the front, and the war golem shaped like a black warrior on his side was the most eye-catching. It held a radiant lightsaber, and with a slash in the air, it killed an attacking monster. Gryphon split in two.

Blood and internal organs were spilled like buckets of water, and the system did not give mosaics. All the real and extremely bloody scenes happened in the eyes of countless players and tourists.

It swirled and waned like many waves, and soon, the battle between the sky scouts was decided. The Griffin Knights of the player camp retreated in a hurry, and they couldn't even clean up the battlefield.

The winning side also suffered heavy losses. The system can be revived, but the other side cannot. This kind of consumption seems to be a victory, but if it happens a few times, it will definitely be reversed.

The Griffon Knight is a technical unit. In this aspect, the system is naturally far inferior.

The loss of air supremacy was far less serious than imagined. The large-scale griffin troop was spying on every aspect of the ground, and the harassment from time to time was pushed back by the high-level players who were waiting in line.

Soon, all the player's Griffin Riders were resurrected and lifted off again, covering the safety above again, but they no longer fought the enemy.

Touching and probing on the ground also begins to take place.

But this time, the thieves became the protagonists.

The confrontation was fierce, but Xia Fan could no longer see it. The NPC team leader issued various orders to adjust the formation, and made adjustments according to the timely situation of the front line. Panting heavily, he pulled up the heavy shield and ran several hundred meters to the On a hill protruding relatively from the battle line, the shield was smashed down to build a thick shield wall.

Inside the shield wall, intense construction began.

The player alchemists laid flat base boards on the roughly leveled ground, and a resurrection point, a vital resurrection point, became a strategic location that Xia Fan and the others must defend.

woo woo woo...

I don't know the final result of the contact station. The horns sounded almost simultaneously on both sides, and the huge and thick front moved suddenly, like a lumbering and slow giant pulling out one of his feet, and walked towards the same slow and cumbersome opponent.

The two giants have a frontal front more than ten kilometers wide. There are also invisible confrontations on the flanks, rear, in the air, and even underground. Inexplicable white lights rise in large numbers in the formation of Party B, but they do not interfere with the main force's lineup and morale.

Two hours later, the resurrection point behind Xia Fan was completed, and the bulge was no longer raised, but located in the hinterland of the battle line. The battle should not have happened yet, but the main forces of both sides were close enough.

Suddenly, a star lit up in the sky, and the thick lead-colored clouds were excluded from a large area of ​​the airspace. A huge iron gate appeared and slowly opened, and troops that had never been seen before came out of it.

Angel without wings!
The army from the Kingdom of God.

Auntie System is here!

Just as Xia Fan felt panicked, another star appeared above Party B's head, and then the same iron gate appeared, from which a dark army gushed out.


A demon in the middle of the player flashed in the air, Jie Jie Jie laughed strangely, and landed on the unknown battlefield.

"Long live the system god!"

"The reinforcements are here!"

"From the abyss!"

Xia Fan let out a long breath, the sky has returned to normal, the arrival of reinforcements from both sides seems to be the final prelude, followed by a long confrontation.

It is said to be a confrontation, and the battle will happen all the time, but the main front line has not moved, as if looking for the opponent's weakness and evaluating the opponent's strength.

In the invisible field, attacks against the magic net have been happening all the time, but the immersion of hundreds of millions of people, especially the tourist militia, has given the magic net a huge "centripetal force", and countless "toxins" injected into the magic net have been absorbed by itself. The powerful immune system suppresses, eliminates and shields, and many of them have magic effects up to level 9.

At the center of the magic web, a huge invisible spider is dealing with attacks from all directions, from the main material plane, from the unknown plane, from magic, from divinity, from time and space, Even from the core principles of mysticism...

This web is experiencing wind and rain, and has encountered the most serious test since its birth. It is trembling, and the giant spider in the center of the network is constantly "spinning". There are loopholes and dangers there. Just fix it there.

Players feel much better than before, the 'lag' phenomenon is weakening, all kinds of inexplicable negative states are dissipating, and the situation is developing in a good direction.

"Tsk tsk, look, the power of the plague!"

The red dragon Flame Destroyer, Leviathan, hid in the airspace a hundred kilometers away, watching the largest war in the main material world in the past thousand years with trepidation, and said to the other green dragon strongly and calmly, "This way Is your strength enough to be our ally?"

Coming from Dragon Island, the green dragon with a heavy mission ignored it. A pair of emerald-like green dragon eyes stared at the battlefield, "Can you talk to them?"

"Of course!" Leviathan boasted, "I've had contact with them, and generally speaking, it's not difficult to deal with them."

"That's good... let's see the result of this battle first." Green Dragon said.

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