Chapter 509
I'm coming!
Xia Fan nervously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and saw an enemy squad that broke into the hinterland of the battle line and got off the griffin, making preparations in front of his home.

The thick shield wall didn't give him much sense of security. The front line had already collided, and it was a mess. From his position, he could only perceive a small part.

It was two several-story-high war golems fighting close to each other, fist-to-flesh collisions, every time there was a thunderous sound, the ground kept beating, as if standing on a vibrating dance mat.

The players under the war golem are just black spots. They are wandering and fighting with the enemy. The tracer of their skills is like the hail of bullets on the real battlefield, densely packed.

These are the forces protecting the resurrection point, and these militiamen are the last line of defense. As long as they break through, the resurrection point will be destroyed.

The enemies came straight to these resurrection points from the very beginning. It seems that they have a deep understanding of the system and the player's resurrection mechanism, and they went straight to the vital point when they came up.

If the resurrection point is destroyed, the resurrected players and tourists will be forced to resurrect at a farther resurrection point, so as to delay the pressure on the battlefield and take the initiative on the front line.

Xia Fan didn't know how the front line was going. On the morning of the fourth day of the confrontation, a large-scale decisive battle finally broke out.

It's the sixth day, and the rookie who has been doing nothing is starting to feel the pressure.

"They're preparing to call!"

A revived player points at a preparing enemy and yells, "They must be stopped!"

The NPC in command of the resurrection point immediately conscripted some of the resurrected players, and issued temporary emergency missions to them, barely forming a capable team of 56 people, and went beyond the shield wall to kill the enemies who were preparing.

All kinds of mounts rushed towards the enemy who was building the fortification at the fastest speed, but it was too late. With a high-pitched and mysterious spell hidden, a huge light gate was erected in the center of the enemy's camp. Drilled out a giant blue body.

Water element makes!

"This is the elemental plane call!"

A player riding a storm bear on the way of the attack shouted, "Stop them, destroy the summoning gate!"

The players rushed into the enemy's camp without risking their lives, and the target was the summoning gate that was still spitting out water and earth elementalists.

A huge earth elemental stood up staggeringly. In its full form, it was as tall as a four or five-story building. The surrounding soil could continuously replenish it. The powerful skill damage could only erode a layer of its skin. , but in a blink of an eye it was repaired by abundant earth elements.

"Expulsion, is there any expulsion scroll!"

The earth elementalists and water elementalists waved their huge limbs, and players could hardly get close to them, so naturally they couldn't hurt the summoning gate behind them.

A steady stream of summoned creatures are pouring in from behind the door, changing the balance of power on the battlefield in a short while. Seeing that the situation is not good, the safety zone blew the horn of alarm, and the war golem who is fighting the enemy and still maintains the establishment The player corps began to retreat, preparing to defend the city.

"It's over, it's over, I'm going to die, I'm going to die!"

No matter how you look at it, this thin shield wall can't resist the enemy's front. Xia Fan's frightened mind went blank, as if he was about to face real death.

Tremors like earthquakes of magnitude four or five made the militiamen a little unsteady, and the revived players flooded in behind them. They were all requisitioned, and they didn't have to go back to the frontline battlefield for the time being, but defended this crucial battlefield support point.

The earth elementalist and the water elementalist procrastinated time with their strong self-healing ability, and another summoning door was erected, and the one who came out of it was the real main force of the enemy.

It's a frost giant.

These creatures whose lower body is made of ice-blue fog and whose upper body is a titan-like giant are already very rare in the main material world. This time, hundreds of them came out at one time. The fog turned into clouds, and the titan-like body floated on the clouds, and the temperature limit dropped. After a while, ice crystals condensed on every militiaman.

Heavy snow like goose feathers fell out of nowhere, and soon turned the small highland into a snow mountain. Ice blue clouds floated over, and giants held their arms empty, and huge ice spears rained down on the shield wall. projection.


There was no time to react, and the thin shield wall was pierced into a hole. The magic effect on it seemed to be non-existent. The 4-digit and 5-digit damage values ​​made the players stunned. Although these tourists couldn't see it, they could The wailing of the companion before dying, the system has no resources for the cruelty Mosaic saw, broke the hearts of the survivors.

"Save me, save me..."

A militiaman whose lower body was shattered into pieces grabbed Xia Fan's trousers, begging with tears of blood, full of nostalgia for life.

"Woooo, I don't play anymore, I want to go home, do I want to find my mother!"

A survivor with a broken mental will ran around like a headless fly. The NPC team leader scolded him several times to no avail, and cut off his head decisively, causing his head to fly three feet straight. The headless corpse wobbled The circle fell to the ground.

"Don't forget, this is just a game, you can be resurrected!"

The immersion is not without cost. The immersion far surpasses the player's and brings such a real feeling and experience. Xia Fan wanted to throw down the shield several times, but his legs were already firmly frozen to the ground.


He began to howl in despair, and the militiamen who were still able to move were driven and suppressed, and a thick shield wall was rebuilt to block the enemy's charge.

And he and a handful of people stood alone in front of the retreating array line.

At this time, the invincible frost giant began to throw ice spears again.

The huge ice spear has both physical damage and magic damage, and the gathered frost giants can also temporarily change the surface law of the scene, making frost and low temperature the master of the scene.

The situation is one-sided!
The invincible war golems were frozen into huge ice sculptures, and the player regiments were lost in pieces, and the white light that was constantly brushed made their own formations thinner, and the charging enemies easily broke through to the Before the shield wall.


I saw it, I saw it.

One week since the outbreak of the total war world plot, Xia Fan finally saw a living enemy clearly.

The other party should be an elite militiaman, riding a full suit of horses, wielding a heavy hammer, aimed at his head, and smashed it down.

Xia Fan subconsciously raised his shield, then felt as if he was hit head-on by a truck of tens of tons, and was thrown into the air involuntarily. Looking back in mid-air, he saw only his frozen lower body remained in place.

【You are dead! 】

There was no pain, not even any feeling, he seemed to see himself flying towards a hot sun like a firefly in a daze.

There are countless points of light, along the roads developed in all directions, and finally converge into the interior of the big sun, and then surrounded by infinite light and heat.

After waking up, he was so touched that he was almost in tears. When he opened his eyes, he realized that he had returned to the resurrection point guarded by the rear, and there was a thunderous rumble outside.

Almost in an instant, a huge ice spear hit the magic circle in the safety zone, and a transparent shield shook like jelly, and the people inside, including Xia Fan who had just been revived, were shaken to one side.

"Quick, quick, quick, don't be dazed!"

Still in a daze, he was pulled out by the NPC team leader of the resurrection formation. In a daze, something was stuffed in his hand. After a closer look, he found that it was the standard equipment of the militia.

Only then did he come to his senses completely, quickly put on a full set of leather armor, and was then taken to an area where resurrected militiamen gathered, and began to eat nervously.

"I was..."

"You called mom, mom, I want mom, haha..."

"I, I... I'm too involved."

"Ha ha……"

"Don't laugh at others, you won't be much better, have you peed? I can already smell it"

"Go away, I didn't even blink my eyes."

"I don't know anything, so I went back to the resurrection point."

"Shut up and eat quickly!"

Xia Fan picked up a piece of black bread and gnawed it, choked on a few mouthfuls, and poured down a bowl of broth that tasted okay, his eyes and ears kept collecting information from the outside world.

It looks bad.

The safe zone is about to lose its hold.

The power of the frost giant is too great. The resurrected players said that one of them looks like level 65. So many of them gathered together can even change the weather in a small area.

The air units of the players couldn't get close at all, they were frozen before they got close, and ice lumps fell from the sky one by one, there was nothing they could do about it.

It can only be seen when the advanced occupations in the NPC will come to support, at least Yukong and above have a chance.

With so many hundreds of frost giants on the frontal battlefield, the safe zone cannot be defended, it is nothing more than delaying time.

The enemy adopted leapfrog tactics and carried out large-scale infiltration strikes on the strategic support points in the rear, shaking the frontal battlefield for a while. I heard that the situation was very bad. Many resurrection points were shaken, and the support for the front line was weakened. The four natural disasters are being effectively contained.

It took 2 minutes to settle the lunch on the battlefield, the revived militiamen were driven away, and a new organization was formed outside the safe zone. Xia Fan got a new shield, and the newly formed phalanx was full of unknown people.

——The leader of the player corps didn't know what happened.

As soon as I thought of this, I saw a player riding a mutated monster lizard rushing out of the resurrection point cursingly. Isn't it their corps leader?

"Damn it, when will the support arrive!"

"Master Corps Leader, it really takes two hours!"

"Hey, the day lily has been cold for two hours."

The NPC liaison officer didn't know what a daylily was. Facing the anxious and roaring leader of the player corps, he asked him to guard this place with a pale face.

"I will guard with my life!"

After the player's corps leader yelled the last sentence, he gathered the players at the resurrection point and stepped onto the mutant storm bear, "Have you heard it? Don't worry about the frost giant. No matter what, we must persist for another 2 hours!"

"Boss, the number of resurrections is not enough."

"If you don't have enough money, spend it, and get it out of the gang's funds!"

"That's good!"

"I'm going all out, the big guy will charge with me!"

Players have player locations, and visitors have visitor tasks.

Under the leadership of the NPC squad leader, the reorganized militia rushed to the already precarious defense line.

This time I changed the direction, the west side of the hill, the foot of the hill is in a good position, and a large area of ​​enemies has spread over.


As soon as they entered the predetermined position, everyone, including the cumbersome and slow shield soldiers, joined in the counterattack. Xia Fan held the heavy shield and ran at the end of the team that charged for the death. He saw a huge ice spear descending from the sky, as if The incoming missiles were average, hitting the thickest waist of the crowd.

In the sky full of ice crystals, the mutilated corpses of players and tourists splashed everywhere, a faint icy mist hit, and a thin layer of frost immediately condensed on Xia Fan's body.

I shivered from the cold, and my limbs became sluggish.

"Go, go, go for me!"

The first-class sergeant major riding on the porcupine screamed like a madman, and the tourists screamed in fear, like a group of girls shouting broken sounds.

The charge continued, passing through the big hole smashed by the ice spear, and seeing the enemies attacking one by one.


Xia Fan's face was contorted from shouting, the one who rushed to the front had already engaged the enemy, unexpectedly, he easily gained the advantage.

"It's at the elite militia level!"

Enemies are not all professionals, professions are very rare on the enemy side, the elite militia level are ordinary humanoid monsters, and the targets are ordinary people who have been trained and have rich battlefield experience.

The morale of his side was greatly shaken, and the players were all desperate. When Xia Fan arrived, the enemy had already retreated into one place, organized by a small number of professionals, preparing to delay the time.

Even Xia Fan knew that the longer the time dragged on, the more unfavorable it would be. There was still an invincible existence in the sky, and he might strike with precision at any time.

"Rush, rush up, kill, kill!"

"The shield player throws the shield, equips the dagger, and charges!"


It doesn't matter whether the formation is in formation or not, the tighter the formation, the more unlucky it is. Xia Fan dropped his heavy shield, drew out the dagger at his waist, and rushed into the enemy's huddled formation screaming.

There are people everywhere, swords and swords everywhere, and the tracer effect of skills everywhere. Before the afterimage of a player's charge has dissipated, the mage's fireball technique exploded in the most densely populated area, causing Xia Fan to stumble from the shock wave.

Shaking his dizzy head, he felt a numbness in his leg, and saw a humanoid monster with only half of his body cutting his leg with a knife.

He chopped it off with a knife, and the blood spattered more than one meter high. One of Gululu's heads flew to the feet of another militiaman, and was kicked like a ball and disappeared without a trace.

Xia Fan wiped the blood off his face, screamed and aimed at a single enemy, and limped forward.


Slashing at the opponent's armor, the humanoid monster pulled out a long sword from the chest of a tourist militiaman, turned his head and blocked it, causing Xia Fan to fall backwards.

(End of this chapter)

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