The strength of the two sides is not of the same magnitude at all. Xia Fan needs to block with all his strength when the opponent strikes with a sword. It was a sword strike, Xia Fan let out a howl, put his hands together, and with a clang, sparks slipped out from where the sword blades intersected.

Unable to stop it, the blade pressed deeply into his shoulder.

Xia Fan screamed in pain, his heart became ruthless, he dropped the dagger, hugged the opponent's arm holding the sword, trying to create an opportunity for the spearman behind him.

Is this humanoid really just a militia?

The other party actually lifted him up nonchalantly, using his body as a shield to block the spearman's thrust.

Xia Fan's heart was full of despair, the disparity in strength was like that of an adult and a child, just when he closed his eyes to meet the second death, the spear that was about to stab him suddenly changed its direction strangely, coming from his armpit. Drilling in, from bottom to top, pierced at an extremely tricky angle, and pierced into his brain from the jaw of the humanoid monster's face armor.

The humanoid monster's strong body freezes, its armored body like an iron can instantly loses its vitality, staggers a few times, and then falls down.

Xia Fan also fell down with him, buzzing... all he could hear was tinnitus, panting like a fish landed on the shore, the injury on his shoulder continued to lose blood, and he was about to receive a second lunch box.

A sense of cool touch invaded his body from the wound, pulled him back from the brink of death, and regained his sanity.

Taking a closer look, it was the spearman who cooperated with him and saved his life with a system bandage.

"Thank you, thank you!"

"you are welcome!"

The other party's dark face grinned, and there was no panic in his eyes, but excitement.

"how do I……"

A Class B system item like a bandage is only effective for players, how can I use it myself?
"Look at the hint!"

The opponent dropped a sentence and jumped to join the next battle group.

[System prompt: kill +1]

It turned out to be the case.

The NPC team leader said that as long as he proves himself on the battlefield, he can temporarily get the convenience that players only have. If you want to come to this convenience, it includes things like system bandages that continue to recover.

Xia Fan touched his shoulder, the wound has healed, the new skin is pink and tender, there is a gap in the leather armor, his hands are full of blood of himself and the enemy.

He got up staggeringly, looked around, and saw all the figures fighting each other.

The player didn't join in the fun, he picked up his short knife full of gaps, barely swung it a few times, and threw it away dissatisfied, then picked up the enemy's long sword and found it was too heavy. It may be tiring to climb down after waving your arms a few times.

do not care.

Now his mind is still a little abnormal, excited for no reason, not so scared, but longing for the enemy's blade, or being stabbed by himself, just like the spearman just now.

Four or five tourist militiamen fought around a humanoid monster, and the battle was very difficult. The humanoid monster had a white beard exposed on the faceplate, and it was an experienced, agile and fierce enemy.

Facing several times of opponents, he seemed to be able to do a job with ease, and his position was extremely coquettish. The four tourist militiamen were so tired that they couldn't touch his clothes.

The militiaman screamed, and when the human-shaped monster jumped away, a big hole had been opened in his chest and abdomen, and a lot of bloody things fell out.

Xia Fan's eyelids twitched, he saw the opportunity to join the battle group, and slashed at the position where the enemy passed by with his sword. The move was old, and the empty door was exposed. The opponent stabbed back with the sword, leaving a deep hole on his right arm. deep wound.

The pain made Xia Fan go crazy, howling like a lunatic and pounced on the enemy. The humanoid monster didn't expect him to be so crazy, so he couldn't dodge for a while, and he hugged his legs.

The sword blade from top to bottom easily pierced his leather armor, and the tip of the sword protruded through his chest. Under the severe pain, Xia Fan tried his best not to let him break free. Turned into a hedgehog.

The second death came, but this time he was no longer afraid.

When walking out from the resurrection point, this safe zone has reached the last moment of collapse. A large number of resurrected players and tourists are crowded in the narrow city. Various tracers on the city wall exploded gorgeous fireworks. The earthquake is getting stronger and stronger. Invincible The frost giant has reached the top of the head, and is continuously bombarding the protective effect of the magic circle in the safe area.

The first-level regiment commander was in a state of desperation, and his hoarse voice could be heard from far away, hold on, hold on for the last half an hour.

However, after 5 minutes, the city wall collapsed in the continuous attack.

The player and tourist organization was completely dismantled, and there was no organization anymore. Before the enemy rushed in, Xia Fan followed the retreating militiamen to the rear halfway up the mountain. Seeing the assassination of the humanoid thieves who infiltrated into the rear, both sides were blurred for a few breaths in Xia Fan's eyes as they came and went, and the player, the second-level sergeant major, was sent to a safety zone farther behind in a white light.

This marks that the resurrection circle has been destroyed by the enemy, and it is meaningless to continue fighting.

"Retreat, retreat."

"Tourists don't have a map, try to follow the player, don't be captured, remember!"

Xia Fan didn't know why he couldn't be captured. He was so angry that he wanted to find a humanoid monster to vent it out.

He knew that he seemed a little abnormal now, but it didn't matter, he 'enjoyed' this moment, and even looked forward to the arrival of death a little bit.

Half an hour later, the NPC troop of the advanced occupations of the system finally arrived, but the infiltration battle was over, and the original site had become a piece of scorched earth.

This kind of battle took place inside and outside the long front. Since the resurrection point was destroyed in a large area, the frontal battlefield was gradually exhausted, and tens of thousands of player legions began to retreat in great strides.

Xia Fan was reclassified as an organizational system in the B-011 safety zone in the rear, but he is no longer in the original regiment, and the people around him have also changed. Surprisingly, he is here with the man who saved his life on the battlefield. Lancers meet.

"My name is Cui Jian, a fencer. How about you?"

No wonder.

Xia Fan thought to himself.

"How come, I don't think you are like an ordinary person, you are fierce on the battlefield..."

The two knew each other now, Xia Fan was still a shield player, Cui Jian was a spearman, because of their outstanding performance in the previous few battles, they were both promoted to be the captains of the militia.

"I have more than 200 meritorious service, how about you?"

"So do I."

"come on!"


The militia leader can command ten people. The advantage is that he doesn't have to be at the front. There are ten people available under his command. The system also activates a basic command function.

But compared to the player's team, team, and legion, it is still too crude. You can't pull team members into a channel for instant messaging, and you can only check the status and attributes of your militiamen.

Xia Fan saw his own attributes for the first time.

[Xia Fan, militia level 3 (tourist), strength 4, constitution 5, spirit 3, intelligence 2, agility [-], state: extreme fatigue (abnormal hyperactivity state), suggestion: go offline to rest. 】

what the hell!

Xia Fan felt that he was in good condition, as if he had been on a stimulant.

But he can also feel the extreme fatigue that the system said, as if he is very sleepy, sleepy to the point of death, but he doesn't want to close his eyes. When he closes his eyes, he feels very anxious, and he looks for something to vent.

The safe zone has started to rebuild, and the main forces that have withdrawn from the front line have appeared on the distant skyline, which is really overwhelming.

Because of the destruction of the resurrection point, a large area of ​​the frontline collapsed, and the players had to retreat, which shortened the time for frontline supplies.

Construction was underway everywhere, and the militiamen put down their weapons and leather armor, and became construction workers.

Xia Fan carried the heavy stone hammer and handed it over to the NPC, and finally installed it on the huge golem. The golem turned into a large construction machine, swung the huge stone hammer, and re-leveled the scorched earth.

Looking around, more than a dozen war golems are rumbling and busy, and ant-like players and tourists come and go under their feet.

The engraved magic circle base plate began to be placed, and the destroyed city wall turned into a puddle of muddy water amidst the loud chanting of the mages.

The huge splint was erected, filled with mud, and turned into a hard stone while singing.

Finally, the splint was pulled off, and the city wall more than ten meters high was erected like this.

Next is to mount the substrate on top.

I don't know how many base boards have been 'airlifted' over. The griffins landed non-stop, and many of them were exhausted. Xia Fan led the militiamen to lift a heavy stone slab and transported it to the construction site. was forcibly offline.

Offline, as soon as he woke up, he fell into a sweet sleep where he knew nothing.

This sleep is a day.

When I woke up, I couldn't figure out when and where I was, and I got up to greet my militiamen.

"...The online world plot has started for half a month, and there is no sign of stopping yet. Judging from various performances, what is happening now is just a prologue. Cold weapon wars, swords and magic, more and more High-level arms, even powerful monsters and monsters in legends have appeared one after another."

"...Here, Lao Hu appeals that relevant departments should take action and make all necessary preparations for the online. There are sufficient evidence and cases to prove that maintaining this high-intensity online for a long time is harmful to people's psychology, Perceptions have serious negative effects, online time limits should be enforced..."

"Uncle, are you awake? Is it fun online? The big scene is really exciting!"

Xia Fan who was standing in the living room opened his mouth and suddenly felt a splitting headache.

It's all fake, fake.

The feeling of impersonation began to pull away from him. This feeling was extremely painful, and the sense of absurdity that followed was reappeared in his mind along with the pictures on the line.

"Uncle, drink water, drink water."

"'s you, Xiaotian, why are you here?"

"My mother is worried, I will come back to see you..."

"What about them?"

While talking, relatives came in, and they were very happy to see him offline, so they didn't notice that his expression was wrong.

Xia Fan had a hard time coping with them, as if he couldn't get along with his relatives all of a sudden, as if he was having a dream, as if... everything around him was shrouded in a specious fog.

This feeling was extremely uncomfortable and made him feel sick and want to vomit.


"Uncle has been online for too long, it's a normal reaction, don't worry."

"As much as you know?"

"Of course, I will also be a player in the future, earning a lot of money."

"See what you can do."

"How are you Xiaofan, do you want to go to the hospital?"

"No, no need"

Xia Fan reluctantly returned to his room, sat in front of the computer, and looked at online information and pictures on the Internet.

"What the hell kind of acting is that? I feel so bad right now, I'm dying of pain."

"Excuse me, can you describe your current state in detail?"

"That's right, it's just...uncomfortable, hard to understand, do you understand?"

"Please wait a moment, our psychological experts will answer you immediately."

"Hurry up, how can I get over from this state, I'm going... crazy, really, it's like two people are fighting."

"Hello, I am your exclusive psychological counselor. First of all, please don't be nervous, and don't overly resist the discomfort caused by this 'cognitive conflict'. Now you follow my steps..."

"Do, do what?"

"You need a 'switch' now, you have to tell yourself that this switch exists, press it, you will enter the online acting state, turn it off, and you will return to reality, you are Xia Fan, not online tourists..."

"It's easy to say..."

"Follow me, trust me, it's not hard at all..."

Two hours later, with the help of a one-on-one connection with a psychologist, Xia Fan finally came out of this extremely uncomfortable state, "I feel much better."

"It's a pleasure to help you."

"Are there many symptoms like mine?"

"Not many, but it's not an isolated case. You have to accept it calmly and don't have too much resistance. This is the root cause of your cognitive confusion and a series of symptoms."

"I feel all right, by the way, can I go online now?"

"Not recommended, it's best to rest for two days."

"Two days? No, no, how many things have to happen on two days..."

"Just a suggestion that you take responsibility for your body."

"Okay, I see, that's it, thank you."

At the end of the video connection, Xia Fan had been revived with full blood. He jumped up excitedly, sat on the bed and picked up the helmet and wanted to put it on his head.

"Uncle... vomit, what does it smell like, it stinks!"

It really stinks!

Xia Fan sniffed his body, as if he had come out of a sewer.

"Then I'll take a shower... don't touch the helmet, I warn you"

"No, no, I'll just take a look and touch the head office."

Xia Fan took a shower as quickly as possible, looking at himself in the mirror, his face was extremely pale, his eye sockets were sunken, but his eyes were surprisingly bright, as if they had grown a lot.

Go online, go online.

But he didn't care, he couldn't wait to log in online, pressed the fantasy switch in his consciousness, and instantly entered the acting state.

Offline, in the huge computer room where Xia Fan just ended the video connection, a cabinet flickered, and a white-gloved hand pulled out the hard drive inside, and inserted a new one.

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