This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 511 Curiosity Killed the Cat

Chapter 511 Curiosity Killed the Cat
With the magic net after divinity, many things have changed, for example, its projection offline.

The offline projection of the magic net is what players and tourists 'carry' back with them, especially the strengthening of the player's soul, which naturally bears the imprint of mysticism. Players go offline and bring these mysticism factors to reality , thus causing the invasion of mysterious rules and phenomena.

The more players and tourists there are, the more serious the invasion of mysterious rules and mysterious phenomena will be. But the strange thing is that since the 7th test, there have been very few supernatural phenomena that cannot be explained by science.

At least that's the case in the files of the relevant departments.

This machine room is not big, but the cabinets are covered with dark red tumors, and the hand with white gloves is a mummy. In the huge hollow eye sockets, two round eyeballs are almost completely exposed.

Also exposed are dark red gums and snow-white teeth, but these are all hidden in a tight protective cover.

Kacha, Kacha, the mummy staggered into the elevator and went up from the basement floor to the first floor. When the elevator door opened, it had already turned into him, plump and fleshy, a fat middle-aged man, and looked a little greasy.

"Professor Huo, the people from the Public Security Bureau are here again."

Professor Huo was taking off his protective clothing. He frowned and said to the intercom, "Let them wait in my office."


5 minutes later, Professor Huo's office.

"This person has resigned, and we don't know the reason...", Professor Huo opened the drawer, "Here are all his materials in our institution, sorry, I can only help you with this."

"This is already your fourth missing person." The leading criminal policeman said.

"Just because these people have worked in our organization, it doesn't mean we have a problem, right? We are a cooperative institution of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a 3A-level partner certified by Canaan Huaguo Company, and we are a formal enterprise." Professor Huo was a little impatient Knocked on the table.


"Okay, okay." An older criminal policeman stopped his colleague and said with a smile, "It's just a routine investigation. Professor Huo doesn't care."

"My time is precious... that's it?"

Outside the gate of the institute, the two criminal policemen just stood smoking in front of the bluffing plaques of the institution. The young criminal policeman said, "There is definitely something wrong with that guy, and it is definitely related to this series of disappearances. I have strong feelings about it." intuition."

"We can't handle cases by intuition." The old criminal police disagreed.

"Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why all the missing persons are implicated in this institution?"

"I've checked and found nothing wrong."

"This is the biggest problem. A large-scale online psychological information and auxiliary channel organization. Don't you think it's too deserted? The smell is also very strange. Didn't you smell it?"

The old detective was amused, "Smell, what kind of smell? I think you are crazy to solve the case."

"Anyway, I think there must be something wrong with that guy."

"Do you really think you are Sherlock Holmes? Go away..."


After the two criminal policemen left, Professor Huo closed the curtains in the office, turned around and sat down with no expression on his face. In broad daylight, the light in the room suddenly became dark, and the dim light made his face bright and dark, like a lifeless statue. sculpture.

"Professor Huo?"

"what's up?"

"The last round of interviews, in 5 minutes."

"I'm coming here."

In the conference room, Professor Huo and four colleagues in white coats pushed the door in. When a dozen interviewers saw them coming in, they got up one after another.

Professor Huo smiled and waved his hands, "Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, sit down, sit down."

Then he walked into the connected small meeting room, and after a while, the secretary called the first interviewer to go in.

"Do you understand our organization?"

In a small conference room, a white coat asked.

"Do some homework!"

The first interviewer said a little nervously.

"Very well, our institution uses new technology, you don't need professional knowledge and skills, all you need is patience, professional problems are handled by intelligent AI, now we simulate a scene: a tourist, 23 years old, accepts After taking our psychological counseling, we successfully established the second cognition online, but the first cognition and the second cognition conflicted after going offline, and there may be hidden dangers such as 'schizophrenia'. How should you deal with it? ?”


The interviewer racked his brains to recall, organized his language and began to answer.


A white coat commented, "The conflict between Second Life and No.1 Life has gradually attracted the attention of the society, and there are more and more service agencies dealing with it. May I ask, what do you think will happen if this trend continues? ?”

"This is caused by the plot of the total war..."

The interviewer has been prepared for a long time and has his own set of views, "...any new thing is always uncomfortable at the beginning, the biggest problem comes from the 'heterogeneous' psychology of new things, the biggest source of fear and rejection is the unknown, believe, Once Second Life becomes entrenched, such a problem becomes a common problem, like a cold or fever, and users can even overcome it on their own."

"What if you can't overcome it?" Professor Huo asked for the first time.

"This..." The interviewer was a little stuck, and after thinking about it, he said, "Isn't our organization set up for this kind of situation?"

Professor Huo nodded.


The interview lasted until noon, and finally all the interviewees were sent away. The four white coats did not say a word, and there was no communication during the whole process. One of them left with a file.

Nuo Da is an office building, but it is extremely quiet, the corridor is quiet, a window on the second floor is suddenly pushed open from the outside, and the young criminal policeman who visited in the morning crawled in.

He turned over extremely nimbly, and at this moment, an office door just opened, and a stiff white coat walked out of it.

Seeing that he was about to be discovered, he rolled over and hid in the bathroom.

The bathroom was spotless. The young policeman touched the sink, put on his gloves, and unscrewed the water pipe below.


A stiff footstep came close, and the criminal policeman hid in the compartment, closed the door, and looked out through the crack of the door.

A mechanically stiff white coat stood in front of the urinal, untied his belt, stared blankly for a while, and left.

Lenovo's water pipe was completely dry, and the criminal policeman's mouth became dry for a while.

When there was no movement outside, I came to the urinal and touched the inside of the urinal with my gloved hand.

Clean, no signs of use for a long time.

This is weird.

"What are you looking for?"

The sudden voice behind him startled him, and he turned around to look at Professor Huo whom he had met formally this morning, "Uh...I'll come in to use the bathroom."

Professor Huo stared at him blankly for several seconds.

The detective didn't know why his heart was beating so fast, and he couldn't help touching his right hand pocket.



"excuse me"

"oh oh!"

The criminal policeman pretended to be okay and walked out. After walking a few steps, he heard the sound of water behind him.

Could it be a mistake, this suspicious...

Out of the corridor, there was nothing unusual in the white coat going back and forth. He took the elevator suspiciously to the first floor. The sun was shining outside, and the beautiful front desk lady was engrossed in watching the online live broadcast on the computer screen.

"Well, Holmes, have you found any clues?"

After returning, the old criminal policeman made fun of his partner, and the criminal police explained the suspicious points he found.

"How come, so many people..."

"Really, the sewer pipes are covered with a layer of dust."

"Isn't it easy to check? Go to the water company and ask, won't there be a result?"


The two drove to the water company, and the result was that the water consumption of that building, that institution, had dropped sharply in the past few months, and the water consumption of hundreds of people was not as much as that of an ordinary family of three.

"how is this possible!"

"There must be something wrong here."

The two criminal police returned to the unit with the results of the investigation. The team leader heard them explain the situation, "You are asked to handle the missing persons case. Why are you investigating these things?"

"There's something wrong with that agency."

"What's the problem? Just saving water because of interpersonal relationship"

"More than that, Captain, you should understand what I'm talking about."

The captain frowned, "If there is any problem, it's a big problem. Recently, the upper...forget it, what do you want?"

"A thorough investigation of that institution, I mean the scene, must have found something."

"What do you want to do?"

"Prepare for an operation at night, and we will go to investigate again."

The captain had no choice but to put down the teacup, "Be careful, it's a company with a lot of background."

"Understood, head!"

The adventure prepared for the night made the detective very excited, and some weird plots were automatically filled in his mind, and he spent the whole afternoon preparing for the evening... er, adventure, but his partner didn't notice it, just like everyone else , Watching the grand occasion of the online live broadcast, heated discussions.

The total war plot has been going on for about 10 days now, and the heat is naturally not as good as the first few days, but as long as there is nothing wrong, colleagues will sit in front of the screen, and the epic battle scenes of sword and magic will make people mesmerized .

Nowadays, the combination of offline and online is becoming more and more sophisticated. Take them for example, they receive cases related to online almost every day. There are so many employees in the industry, and there are only 5000 million players and tourists, but it drives the whole society to share the benefits of the online metaverse economy.

According to professional research data, the online economy has become the main engine of the real economy. The online war is going on turbulently, and the offline is like the rear, and it has become 'quiet', as if other voices are being suppressed by the online battle. Scream replaced.

Players and tourists fought hard, the front line retreated again and again, what new troops appeared on the enemy, what new strategic moves, what powerful humanoid monsters... There are countless treasures offline, even the leapfrog tactics adopted by the enemy, focusing on attacking Various resurrection points on the battlefield have also been focused on analysis by military experts and academies.

Not to mention the hygienic media and self-media platforms.

Offline has become a habit, just like these colleagues, after finishing their work, they are used to watching online news.

The magic net, the system, has become well-known to women and children, and online vocabulary and common sense concepts have also injected a series of new definitions and new terms into reality.

In the evening, the sky darkened, and the whole city entered the immersion period after the hustle and bustle. Under the influence of the all-out war, the nightlife became much more low-key. Everyone went home to watch the live broadcast.

"Old Li, how are you doing?"

"What's the matter, I don't understand, why did I mess around with you in a daze."

"Hey, there must be something discovered, trust me."

"At this time, I've been following the live action of the Battlefield No. [-] for many days."

"It's the same when watching the video tomorrow."

"What do you really do, touch it in quietly?"

"Well, look at that tree, go in there, the camera is broken."

"It's funny being caught."

"No way, who told the captain not to let the aboveboard come."

It was already dark, pedestrians and vehicles on the street became scarce, and the shops facing the street were not very popular, it seemed that everyone had gone home and stayed in front of the TV.

On the surface, it should be depressed, but the temperament of the city has indeed changed from the previous noise to a lot of silence.

Many high-rise buildings become dark as soon as they arrive at this store. Except for the decorative lights outside, the inside is like a tomb.

Speaking of tombs, this institution is particularly like it.

The two climbed the tree and turned into the courtyard. It went smoothly at first, and they didn't meet a single person. Except for the dim lighting from the weak street lamps, the office building that was going to be inspected was completely dark, and only the guard room at the gate was still lit.

"what happened?"

It started to fog before entering the building. An inexplicable atmosphere made the young policeman's heart beat faster. Suddenly, he felt a strong feeling. He looked up subconsciously. In the fog, the dark building suddenly lit up on every floor. A A figure walked by the lighted window, its posture stiff.

"I'm coming!"

"What's coming?"

"I can't tell..."

"What should we do now?"

"Go in and see"

"Just walk in like this?"

The plan to sneak in quietly failed, and the young criminal policeman's heart was beating like thunder, and he dragged his partner into the lobby on the first floor.

Through the transparent revolving door, a shambling figure with his head down was staggered by the revolving door. When he looked up, the young criminal policeman's scalp was numb and he was numb.

"Are you~you~ coming to interview~test~?"

This is a mummy, the skinny kind.

The young detective almost drew his gun, but his partner held his hand calmly, "Yes, we're here for an interview"

"Second floor!"

As the mummy said, it staggered past them and staggered down the steps.

"Old, Old Li"

"Go in?"

The young detective gritted his teeth and nodded.

"Curiosity killed the cat!" The old detective sighed softly.

"What did you say?"

"It's nothing...don't make a fuss about what you see later, we'll talk about everything after we get out."

"Old Li, do you know something?"

"Don't ask."

Except for the beautiful lady at the front desk during the day, the building has almost continued to look like the daytime. Everyone, every window, and every office are working 'as usual', because it is an online business, and the standard, mechanical The responses came one after another.

But all the people sitting in the partition on the first floor were mummies.

"Interview~interview~on the~second~floor!"


"Electric~elevator~is~over there~!"

In the elevator, the young detective found that there was an extra negative floor on the button.

"Old Li!"

"...They say curiosity killed the cat!"

"Do you want to go down and have a look?"

"you sure?"

"I have a feeling that the truth must be hidden underneath."

"OK then!"

Then, the button on the negative floor is pressed.

With a ding, the elevator started to run.

(End of this chapter)

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