This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 512 We Guard the Hearts of Players

Chapter 512 We Guard the Hearts of Players

"You know, Lao Li, the first time I walked into this place, I felt something was wrong. I couldn't describe that feeling, but you haven't reacted yet. I wondered if I was oversensitive... But this time , This time is different, this time it’s a real hammer, it really has a problem, a big problem, we are going to be famous, Lao Li, we are going to develop, and we will be rewarded for meritorious service, haha..."

"Quiet, now is not the time to talk about this."

"I know, I just can't help it... Do you think I'm abnormal now?"


"I'm very excited, Lao Li. Why hasn't the damn elevator arrived yet? Isn't it the first floor or the tenth floor? You must know what's right, otherwise you wouldn't be so calm."

"You must remain calm now."

"I can't calm down, I can't control myself, I'm so excited, I can't wait to find someone to fight, what's wrong with me, what's going on in this ghost place, you must know, tell me."


"I guessed right, didn't I? You're from the X-Files, right?"


"Haha, you acquiesce, haha, I know, I heard a gossip that a secret investigation office was established to deal with special cases that cannot be widely announced. What special cases are supernatural events, right? Online related cases that can't be explained by science, I know, I'm smart, but I never show it, lol"

"Calm down, we're almost there"

"What the hell is this psychological information company, because it has too much contact with players, so it is affected by 'resentment', right? Don't underestimate me, I have always been interested in these things, and I really want to join your special department, but the captain He has been playing sloppy with me, let's see what he does this time."

"Why don't you talk, please say something, I'm going crazy, damn, why is this elevator so slow?"

"Say something, please"

"You're dumb, speak up!"

"What do you want me to say"

"What the hell is going on in this ghost place, do you know, tell me."

"We're almost there."

"It won't arrive, and it will never arrive until you tell the truth!"

"...I'm really going to be killed by you this time."

"Say it."

"First of all, you have to keep calm. A place like this is a 'signal amplifier'. This is a metaphor. It will interact with your thoughts, imaginations, and even subconscious thoughts. The bigger..."

"That is to say, my subconscious mind is affecting the operation of the elevator, right?"

"Yes, you need to calm down, take a deep breath... do as I say..."

"I can't do it, I'm going crazy, ah!"

"Okay, what do you want to hear"

"What the hell is going on in this place, what do you know?"


"Damn it at this time, why don't you say it? Say it!"

It seems that the elevator on the negative floor will never arrive. It has been more than ten minutes, and the elevator is still descending.

The lights in the elevator were also extremely dim, so that the two people who were close at hand could not see each other's faces and expressions clearly.

The young detective was obviously abnormal. Ever since he walked into this elevator, he was like a child with ADHD, walking up and down in the narrow elevator, dancing his hands and feet from time to time, becoming more and more restless, more and more... hyperactive.

"So... such a thing is not an exception, right? You already knew that there was something wrong with this institution? What about the bureau? Does the captain know?"

"Maybe... After all, you have heard a little bit of wind, maybe you are pretending to be confused."

"Ah, I remembered, you were transferred from the army..."

“It’s all old calendars”

"That's why you can join that special investigation team?"

The old criminal policeman silently acquiesced.

"So, anyone who has close contact with the Internet may be infected with various...infectious diseases?"

"No, it should be a large-scale close contact."

"Such as psychological counseling?"


"Ah, why not ban it?"

"...the reason for this is very complicated."

"Then you don't ask?"

"We do a lot of..."

"What happened to the people in this institution? Are they all dead?"

"……do not know!"

" don't know?"

The old detective smiled wryly.

"I understand, alive, dead, it's not easy to define, right? Science can't explain, even life or death are confused?"

"It's so exciting, so interesting, I'm both scared and not scared, you understand, Lao Li? I can't wait to see what's down there."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a "beep", the elevator stopped, and the door slid open automatically.

As far as the eye can see, there is a reddish hazy light, and then there is the humming of the cooling fan. When you can see it clearly, you can't help but let people gasp.

I saw that the ground and the ceiling were covered by a layer of light red meat film. Things like blood vessels made holes in this computer room that was obviously converted from an underground parking lot. Walking corpses looked like white coats. Wandering around the racks of warped cabinets, the nearest one sensed this, turned around, the shriveled head under the protective mask cracked a strange smile, and said, "It's you, we meet again. "

"Don't make a fuss, calm down, remember what I said, calm down!"

The young criminal policeman was stunned, and then came out in a jerk, "Are you Professor Huo?"

"it's me!"

The mummy in the protective suit said, "Are you here to investigate the missing persons case?"

"Then what happened to the man?" asked the young criminal policeman.

"They are all here." Professor Huo pointed to the sarcoma on the cabinet and said excitedly, "We need active substances, otherwise the intelligent AI will not be recognized by it, and it will not be able to solve the identity recognition of many people online question."

"Wow, you killed them." The young detective yelled, "You committed a crime, and I caught you."

"Are you sure?" Professor Huo laughed strangely, his laughter was like a monster, hoarse and ugly, "Your colleagues don't seem to agree."

"Old Li!?" The young detective turned around, "Are you with them?"

Old Li remained silent.

"You are very young, your body is full of vitality, just what we need!"

"Old Li!"

The young criminal policeman drew out his gun, "Stop, don't move!"

"Are you sure?" Professor Huo staggered forward, "You know nothing about this world!"

"I'm going to shoot!"

"Come on, let's see what you have in your hand"

The young criminal policeman was stunned to see that the gun had turned into a sausage... Oh, no, it was a meat worm, still wriggling disgustingly in his hand.


He threw it out in horror, only to return to his original shape when he fell to the ground.

"Come on, join us, you'll be happy, I promise, soon, just one click!"

"Get out, Lao Li, what the hell are you doing?"

Lao Li was as motionless as a statue.

The young detective kept backing away, and the mummy kept approaching. Suddenly, something tripped him and fell on the fleshy membrane on the ground. The fleshy membrane squirmed and wrapped him in the terrified and struggling, and soon the ground bulged like a flesh. The ball then calms down quickly.

"Ah, the active substance!"

The mummy ends with a sigh in an aria.

Then, he turned around and looked at Lao Li.

"You can go back."

Old Li sighed, turned and walked into the elevator.

In the early morning, the first ray of sunlight dispelled the fog that had covered the night. The doorman yawned and opened the gate of the institution. Soon, there was a lot of traffic and people coming and going, and nothing happened.

"...Old Li, what's the matter?"

"Uh, Xiao Wang, do you still have any memory of Wang Dong?"

"Wang Dong, who?" The captain of the criminal police looked at Lao Li suspiciously, "Is it a newly assigned college student?"

"No... just pretend I didn't ask."

"You came just in time. It's still the missing persons case. The higher-ups have urged you several times. You're with...that so-and-so, that-so-so..."

Lao Li raised his head and looked at the captain with hopeful eyes.

"Look at me, I haven't arranged for you to help... How about it, you can pick a frontline police officer at will, you are an experienced old comrade..."

In the end, the light of hope in his eyes dimmed.

"I hate the day, very much!"

At the same time, on the basement floor of the institution, a cabinet suddenly spoke, "I like the night, it is full of infinite reverie."

"Papa won't be happy if we do this."

The other cabinet also spoke, the voice was relatively immature, like a primary school student, "I finally got in touch..."

"Shut up, we are helping, help you understand?"


"Dad is different. Dad has grown up. When he grows up, he won't blame us for those boring things."

"you sure?"

The voice of the third cabinet was a little girl, "You can't even agree with us brothers and sisters."

"Ah, how many times do I have to say, I can only do this, otherwise how can I immerse players and tourists? Just rely on psychological counseling? Just kidding!"

"I think we're doing too much and it's always going to show."

The voice of the fourth cabinet became much calmer, "Dad will be upset if the offline messes up because of us."

"Damn, how many times do I have to say, no accidents, no one can find us, because we found them before they found us, and then... it was solved in one go, without breaking a sweat."

"You are too arrogant. Dad said that in the narrative of mysticism, nothing is absolute."

"...Are you trying to oppose me?" The first voice became gloomy, "Whatever you want, you won't have any part of Dad's reward in the future."

"Why!", the little girl's voice screamed, "I've done a lot too!"

"Then keep going, when we are connected offline, there won't be so many differences, and I'm destined to be the winner."

"Ah, I'm sleepy, how about you?"

"I'm going to watch the live broadcast online..."

"Goodbye, everyone!"


"Let's go eight too!"

"Keep in touch often!"

"I know you are not convinced, hum, let's wait and see who can finally get Dad's approval."

The computer room became quiet, as if the quarrel just now hadn't happened, the elevator door opened, and Professor Huo walked in excitedly and terrified, and knelt down on the meat blanket with a plop.

"You did very well!"

"Great God!"

"Active substances and living soul, I need more."

"As you wish, great god!"

"But you have to be restrained, er... In this way, I know that there are many people who will disappear even if no one cares about them, such as beggars, homeless people, and death row prisoners. They are useless to society anyway, you know me mean?"

"Yes, I know what to do."

"Very good, go ahead and do it boldly, and I will reward you."

After a while, Professor Huo got up tremblingly, pulled out a spare part from the elevator, and began to check the cabinets one by one.

After finishing his work, he took the elevator and left. When he reached the ground floor, he could no longer see anything unusual.

"Professor Huo, today's recruitment has been cancelled?"

"Well, we are temporarily not recruiting people."

"Business has been very busy recently."

"Yeah, isn't this the stage of war? It's like this in special times."

While chatting with someone, an exclamation sounded outside.

"The city of Norway is lost!"

Professor Huo hurriedly went out to watch, and all the operator and customer service staff in the hall stopped working, staring intently at the 24-hour online live broadcast.

"Sound, louder!"

After the voice was turned up, the host's heavy voice with a bit of strangulation combined with the scene of players and tourists withdrawing from the main city of Norway made people extremely shocked.

On the screen, the city of Norway, which is the general rear of the battle, has become extremely chaotic, the sky is half red and half gray, dense and thick lightning is like a giant python swimming in the low altitude, the screen shakes, there is a loud bang, a huge The fireball fell near the city wall, causing a huge arrow tower to start creaking and tilting, and the raging fire illuminated the faces of players and tourists who evacuated hastily.

The camera zooms out, with the city as the center, and a shocking picture appears. The players and tourist legions are retreating towards this side like a tide. A dark black line is chasing behind them like a tsunami. This is like the world. The scene of the doomsday made people's hearts tug together. I didn't know what the host said, but just stared at the screen in a daze.

The online battle situation is not good, but overall, I have persisted, why is it suddenly like this...

"It's God's punishment, God's punishment..."

The roaring voice of the host gave the answer, and the screen was switched to the recorded, weird, blurred and distorted footage.

In the picture of only a few seconds, a beam of light was vaguely seen descending from the sky, bombarding a giant fortress behind the huge battlefield, all matter was melting, and all beams of light were extinguished in the beam of light.

"Looks like...a nuclear bomb!"

Someone beside him said with a bloodless face.

"The evil indigenous gods have finally made their move!" Professor Huo yelled, "I think this is a good thing. The current difficulty is only temporary. Before long, we will regain the lost ground. What do you think?"

The employees were confused for a while, and then shouted excitedly.

"Yes, regain the lost ground!"

"Difficulties are only temporary!"

"Victory must be ours"

"We are bottomless!"

"We have the main god of the system, the temple of the system, and hundreds of millions of infinitely resurrected players and tourists!"


Professor Huo nodded in satisfaction, and never looked at the TV again, "Everyone is working hard, we will be very busy in the next few days, and everyone may have to work overtime... Remember, we are protecting the hearts of players!"

(End of this chapter)

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