This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 513 Hunter and Prey

Chapter 513 Hunter and Prey

Brother Chun put his hands behind his head, lying on a big tree, looking at the moon above his head, thinking.

Hundreds of thousands of people may be watching his live broadcast, but he has no time to pay attention to it, just lying there, as if falling asleep.

Brother Chun in the past would make all kinds of jokes at this time, trying to find ways to interact with fans who hadn’t seen each other, so as not to make the atmosphere of the live broadcast so boring. point to satisfy the curiosity of cloud players.

Yunwan, Yunwan, nothing more than substituting his vision, as if he was playing a game.

But now, he doesn't care about these anymore, or in other words, he has forgotten the fact that he is still a cloud play anchor.

Since when?
he thought to himself.

This damn war.

The compactness of the outbreak was completely different from what was imagined beforehand, and it was also greatly different from the bloody battle that took place in the abyss, more like a real battlefield.

Not bad, true.

In my mind, the picture of this great retreat emerged again.

The city gates are open everywhere, there are fleeing NPCs from the system, players and tourist militias like headless flies, and the bustling flow of people extends to the end of the world.

On the front line, as the backbone of the players, they were strictly ordered by the NPC. In order to cover this strategic retreat, they must hold the enemy back.

This delay is seven days.

In the past seven days, he has hardly been offline. At the beginning, there was an organization, but it was quickly dismantled.

There is no way, the large-scale retreat of the safe zone at the resurrection point greatly reduces the time and speed of players' support, otherwise they will have to persist for a while in the frontal battlefield, and they will not retreat so early.

Looking back on what happened in the past seven days, chasing, escaping, counter-chasing, and escaping again... I feel like I haven't closed my eyes.

It was also from this time that he truly experienced the power of native professionals.

Extraordinary, extraordinary, the enemy is worthy of such a title. In contrast, players only succeed because of the system. Their occupation, level, equipment, combat power, etc. are not as important as these simple two words-extraordinary.

Extraordinary, the abbreviation of a first-level occupation, in the system represents low-level, new, and entry-level, but in the real aboriginal world, it has an unimaginable gold content.

Now Brother Chun knows that the power represented by these two words cannot be measured by combat power, level, or equipment. He emphasizes more on the literal meaning.

An elevated warrior who transcends the mundane.

Most players can't live up to this description, no matter if they are Lingjue or Shocking, so they will be defeated or even crushed at the same level, even if they are stronger than their opponents on paper.

There is also the most important quality—xinxing.

Opponents seem to be born for fighting. When it's time to be cunning, he will confuse you. When it's time to be tough, he will waste even a second of time on insignificant things. They are cold, as if they are made for fighting. They are living killing machines, they are very 'enthusiastic', understand the strategy, and many captured players say peace, harmonious coexistence and the like...

Ha ha!

The world is becoming more and more real.

What is real is not a simulated environment, breathtaking scenery, and various perceptions that are the same as offline, but... immersion!
This word is used the most by tourists and newcomers, and now even players like him have unknowingly integrated into the world plot, no longer treating it as a game, but as a real second life to experience.

The changes in him and the players have been formed step by step, especially in the past seven days...

As soon as he thought of this, two slight knocking sounds came from the team channel, and Brother Chun, who was in a relaxed state one second, disappeared from his original position the next second, appearing in the middle of the dense tree canopy.

Peel off the dense branches and leaves, and look in the direction of warning in the bright moonlight.

In order to avoid the enemy's miraculous fighting instincts, he narrowed his eyes and vaguely saw a group of elite militiamen entering the jungle in battle formation. A pet shaped like a hound was being led by the leading light infantry. Keep sniffing for something.


Brother Chun made the night vulture's call so vivid, the message he wanted to convey was that no professional was found among the enemies.

He licked his lips excitedly. It would not be difficult to eat this group of elite militiamen, but it would take the captain to give an order after weighing it.

After a while, there was another rhythmic beating sound from the team channel, which was a code, in order to prevent the voice of speaking from being monitored by some mysterious power.

These are details, common sense learned after paying a huge price, and the system will not teach them.

With the action plan approved by the captain, the battle started soon.

It shouldn't be a battle, it should be a one-sided massacre.

As a thief, Brother Chun was naturally the first one.

He appeared silently in the middle of this group of humanoid monsters, and stuck to the most threatening crossbowman. With a light touch of the dagger on his neck, he brought this fresh life with him.

The crossbowman didn't even react, and touched his neck in doubt, the blood in his hand.

ho ho...

Before the other humanoid monsters found out, Brother Chun had already cut the throats of three people. When the enemy shouted a stern battle alarm, a fireball fell from the sky and exploded above their heads.

The battle ended within half a minute. From the beginning to the end, the humanoid monsters did not see what an enemy looked like. The last shield player had a mental breakdown, threw away his shield, and leaned on a big tree to hold up the holy emblem of the evil god. .

"Keep one alive!"

The captain sent such a message, Brother Chun appeared alone at the massacre scene, reconstructed the corpse at random, and walked up to the militiaman who was still a child.


Brother Chun understands this word, it appears on the battlefield extremely frequently and for a long time, so everyone knows what it probably means.

Looking at this humanoid monster who looked like a child, Brother Chun hesitated a little. The moment he was distracted, the half-grown child suddenly disappeared.

Brother Chun's reaction time was less than half a second, but it was still too late, and he only had time to get out of the way with his agility as high as 68.

The severe pain was accompanied by the paralysis that made the attribute go crazy. On the way of rolling, Brother Chun became invisible, took a mouthful of antidote, and got into the dense bushes.

Under the moonlight, an almost transparent shadow rushed in.

It's a ghost.

Before the ghost possessed him and competed with him for control of his body, Brother Chun activated the soul protection effect on the ring, and the ghost wailed silently and ejected back at a faster speed.

But it also exposed his position.

With hardly any time to think, Brother Chun swung his dagger backwards, and with a sound of "Dang!", another lazy donkey rolled and rolled out of the bushes in a state of embarrassment.

The luster on the ring flickered for the second time, and the cooling time of the skill was cleared. During the roll, Brother Chun's figure disappeared, and the air returned to calm after a few times of squirming.

A dead silence ensued.

The bright moon shone unconsciously, and the scene was almost frozen, but there were several dull explosions outside the scene, and the short fight stopped within half a minute, so the entire jungle fell into dead silence.

The insects are no longer singing, the birds are nowhere to be seen, even the breeze has stopped blowing...

two hours later.

Brother Chun didn't dare to move, he didn't even dare to wipe the cold sweat off his forehead. He couldn't feel the enemy's position, but he knew that the opponent must be nearby.

The other party was waiting, waiting for him to reveal his flaws, and then launched a thunderous blow.

The injury he had just suffered no longer felt after the systemic repair, but the paralyzing effect of the toxin hadn't been completely removed, and the negative state still existed, so he didn't dare to expose himself first.

He murmured in his heart and called out the team list. Among the five teammates, the heads of three had dimmed, indicating that they had died and resurrected to a safe zone far away, which was no longer within the effective range of the team.

There is more than one enemy, and there is a high probability that they are a capable hunting team like them. Such a team must have scouts like thieves, but among the aborigines, extraordinary people like thieves are called 'night walkers'.

Hehe, the Night Walker sounds more cool than the Rogue.

Whether it is a night walker or a thief, it is a type of extraordinary person. In fact, there is not much difference between the system and outside the system. The skills that are not used in the system are learned through experience, levels, skill books and equipment. The night walker outside the system , skills or talents are learned by the aborigines in battle.

Almost everyone has their own housekeeping skills.

Of course, there are many skills in the system, so many that no one can name them all, but the skill slots of each player are limited, and the expensive skill book price further limits the spread of unpopular skills with huge uses in special occasions, so , most players' skills pursue destructiveness, lethality, timeliness, etc. Unlike professionals outside the system, their skills or talents may not be as good as players in these aspects, but in some special environments and occasions, Often have great power.

Coupled with their experience and temperament, it is predictable that the players will be deflated.

For example, in this case.

Brother Chun didn't move because he lacked the means to find out the enemy. Time passed quietly, and the more he delayed, the worse it would be for him.

He was sure that the opponent hadn't left, it was nearby, and what was terrible was that he couldn't find the opponent out of the surrounding environment.

Can't wait any longer!
Taking a deep breath, Brother Chun flipped his wrist suddenly, and a scroll appeared in his hand. Almost at the same time, he felt a slight fluctuation in the air at the side and rear, and the muscles on the back of his neck felt cold and cold. The cold blade is close at hand.

Fast, too fast.

He only had time to tear the scroll apart. Fortunately, it was the kind of simple scroll that can be easily torn apart. Suddenly, a mass of hot, white light like a fire exploded and pushed out in all directions. Together with the blade on the neck, it was thrown far away.

In mid-air, Brother Chun endured the severe pain, put a coverall on his body that was good for camouflage, and then released a [false puppet] to take his place, and he fell like a shot put, so two shots were made. The sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

Fortunately, the opponent obviously rushed towards the [Illusory Puppet]. Brother Chun's figure flickered, and he completely merged into the jungle under the moonlight, disappearing without a trace.

Feeling that he got rid of the uncomfortable feeling of "the edge is on his back", Brother Chun, who hid in a hole in the ground, heaved a sigh of relief. Up to now, he still hasn't seen clearly what his opponent looks like, whether it is a man or a woman.

Large-scale confrontation on the battlefield is fine. This kind of confrontation between small teams and special environments will cause countless losses to players. The original arrogance towards humanoid monsters has long since disappeared. This kind of middle and high class, all of them talk about it with distaste.

It can be said that Brother Chun didn't realize the essence of the thief profession until now.

It's not about the equipment, it's not about the level, and even the combat power doesn't mean much, it's about the perception, and it's about discovering their skills and experience before the opponent!

The latter is often the hardest.

But fortunately, players can grow while falling down. Compared with a week ago, Brother Chun is much more mature. On the occasion just now, he would have died a week ago, so there is no follow-up now.

Being targeted by the hunting squad of indigenous professionals and his teammates separated, Brother Chun's situation is very bad, and he doesn't know how long he hasn't been offline.

After resting for half an hour, when the toxins and negative states on his body were completely cleared, and his health returned to full, he took out simple food, endured the cold and hard dry mouth, and ate it nonchalantly.

Naturally, I also forgot that I was still a cloud play anchor, and there were countless people accompanying me to experience it.

"Too, too, too nervous, I almost couldn't catch my breath just now."

"Brother Chun is mighty, Brother Chun is awesome!"

"It's too powerful. I said it was a humanoid monster. How can someone be so powerful? It feels like it's not human anymore."

"He is an extraordinary person, do extraordinary people understand?"

"A first-level occupation..."

"Haha, don't be ridiculous, how can the system's first-level occupation compare with others, they are truly extraordinary, extraordinary!"

"Extraordinary and refined, forgive me for not understanding its gold content."

"It's so exciting, you can't watch it if you have a heart attack"

"What will Brother Chun do next? Can you escape?"

"Brother Chun is going offline. It's been four days. Can your body hold up in reality? Don't die suddenly."


Brother Chun naturally couldn't see these bullet screens, even if he saw them, there would be no change. He gnawed on the cold and hard food, and didn't think about other things at all, as if the big things were not as important as filling his stomach.

He doesn't know when the Total War world plot ends, maybe it won't end at all, maybe until one side wins?
He knows, he understands, and accepts and adapts quickly. He feels that this kind of life is very good and right, and he will not have other messy thoughts.

Those who can't do this have already fled to the rear, and they are still on the front line at this time, and they are all elites among the elites.

Maybe the standard of high play will change in the future.

Equipment, level, and combat power are still the mainstream, but we don't just look at these things. A strength should not be based on these data, but should refer to multiple aspects.

Like, more immersive?

Immerse yourself!
Yes, immersion is the premise. With the mentality of playing games, you can only be a statistical warrior forever, and you cannot grow into a real extraordinary person.

Waiting in the cave until Tian Liang, Brother Chun, who was in full condition, crawled out of the hiding place like a ghost.

What follows is a game between the hunter and the prey. Of course, their roles are not the same. When the hunter shows his flaws, he becomes the prey, and vice versa.

(End of this chapter)

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