This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 514 The style of that 1 arrow

Xia Miaomiao was maintaining her arrows.

There is a saying among Canaan NPCs and aborigines that the arrow is the other eye of the archer and must be wiped frequently, otherwise it will be dusty and it will make it invisible to your enemies.

In the past, it was only used as a background and a proverb of the story, but now it is extremely important.

She wiped it over and over again, sincerely as if she was holding some religious ceremony, and seemed to be wiping her heart in this way.


Since the 7th test, this word has appeared more and more frequently, and all kinds of things that are outside the system, illusory, and mysterious have begun to enter the hearts of players, and they have gradually tasted the three flavors, and they have become more and more recognized.

This kind of game can only be understood, it cannot be expressed in words, and everyone's understanding is different. As a result, players have more and more their own 'characteristics', which can also be called personalities.

Shallowness comes from knowledge and experience, and depth comes from the depth and breadth of understanding. A full bottle of water is not a half bottle of water. The two roughly mean the same thing.

Each arrow was wiped brand new, the sharp blade was like a mirror, reflecting her face, and the inscription engraved on the arrow was like a mysterious tattoo, reflecting a mysterious halo under the moonlight.

The golden Sunsun Bow has already left her, and its durability was exhausted in the high-intensity battle. This is the orange equipment newly made by the best friend with dragon crystal.

Purple or orange, she doesn't seem to care so much now, the combat value is used as a reference, she is expressionless, with a stern look, just sitting on a thin branch, with a full moon above her head, quietly waiting for something.

The evening breeze gently stroked her hair, and the shocking cloak fluttered and fell with the wind, everything was silent, and the whole world seemed to be waiting for her alone.

At some point, she suddenly disappeared from the branches and appeared directly in front of the path.

A supply convoy of humanoid monsters drilled out of the valley in the distance. The moment the leading knight spotted her, he sounded the battle alarm. The Griffin Knight rose into the air, and the accompanying mage floated together.

Xia Miaomiao slowly drew out an arrow and put it on the bowstring slowly. The Griffin Knight flew at a high speed at what he thought was a safe height, and the moment he touched a certain range, the bowstring "buzzed" like a full moon With a sound, a frightening afterimage trembled, the arrow almost penetrated the space, and appeared on the chest of the Griffin Knight almost at the same time.

Before Griffin Knight's terrified expression appeared, the magic effect engraved on the protective gear was pierced by an arrow. The ordinary arrow, without any tracer effect, took away the man in an instant. Elite monsters up to level 45.

The knight fell, the griffin fluttered its wings in horror, and the blood sprinkled in the sky had a different kind of poignant beauty under the moonlight.

The charging momentum of several knights was frightening. They shouted the holy name, and they were covered with layers of halos during the charge. On the surface, they were indestructible, as if a mountain could be smashed in front of them.

Xia Miaomiao didn't pay attention, and slowly put on another arrow. The floating mage sensed the danger, decisively interrupted the spell he was chanting, activated the defensive ring, and put on himself a halo of defense against long-range attacks one after another.

But... no use.

It's still an ordinary arrow, even without using any skills, the arrow ignores the barriers of space and distance, and usually pierces the mage's [Doll Stand] with eyes. This is not the end, the remaining arrows It has been shattered, but more than a dozen fragments still found the mage from the invisibility of the spell, and shattered several layers of defensive halos with one blow, and finally stopped before the last halo.

Even so, the mage seemed to be hit by a large-caliber sniper bullet, spit out a mouthful of blood with broken internal organs, and threw it far away like a kite with broken strings.

A little disappointed!

Xia Miaomiao curled her lips. This was the first time she showed a humane expression. After that, she took several arrows at a time and let go of the bowstring to the humanoid tank that had already charged nearby.

Like a dragon chant.

This time, the arrows fired were energized arrows, like shooting stars, which seemed to slowly cut through the void, with a huge sound of piercing the air and tracer effects, and adjusted the flying posture according to the changing position of the knight.

The leading knight raised the holy emblem of the native god, and was hit by a meteor the next second.

Several light spots bloomed suddenly, silently, and there was a brief pause in consciousness, followed by boom, boom, boom... an explosion like a meteor impact, the shock wave rolled up a large amount of dust, flying sand and rocks, and the vision was confused.

When the dust cleared, four or five large pits cut off the road, and the fearless knights were gone.

A long sword fell, followed by a human arm.

Xia Miaomiao raised her head slightly, and the mutilated human body fell like raindrops, and the blood was evaporated, pouring out one after another.

Too much force?
The strongest blow enters a 24-hour cooling CD, and the orange longbow also enters the [charged] state, but the enemy does not know that their morale has collapsed, including the mage who escaped from death, they all began to Fleeing in disgrace, abandoning the supply convoy.

Five minutes later, the raging fire annexed the enemy's supplies, and ten minutes later, a hunting team led by a sky knight arrived at the scene, but Xia Miaomiao had already used the teleportation scroll to move tens of kilometers away from this place.

Denmark City.

With the fall of the city of Norway, the former main city of the national server is already in turmoil. A large number of players, tourists and NPC aborigines who evacuated here from the front line turned it into a huge military camp.

The former city lord's mansion, Yijiang Chunshuiliu, who has been promoted to the second-level regiment commander, is chatting with a first-level regiment commander intelligent NPC. When the time comes, dozens of players and NPC commanders, led by the attendants, walk into the busy lobby on the first floor.

"Miao Miao is back."

Huaguoshan Saint Warrior sent a short voice.

"How about it?"

"Yes, the task was completed very well."

"Is nothing wrong with her?"

"A 'sharp shooter' at level 49 is one step short of Yukong's high-level players. What can happen? It's not about head-to-head."

"It's better to be careful. Many people capsize in the gutter because of their carelessness."

"Tell her yourself."

"Let her wait for me for a while, I have something to tell her."


After finishing the communication, Shao Bing had a smile on his face again, and began to communicate with players and senior NPC commanders.

The battle on the front line is not good, and the divine punishment sent down by the indigenous gods seems unstoppable at present. That thing is the hydrogen bomb, which is unreasonable and unsolvable.

This has led to the fact that no place is safe, just say this city, maybe there will be a beam of light in the next second.

The system temples didn't make a move, or in other words, they couldn't make a move. The players naturally saw the system's 'embarrassment' and talked about it.

In the absence of 'nuclear weapons', how can we wage an all-out war with 'nuclear powers'?
This question may even be known to a high school student with a little common sense.

Naturally, we can't get together, let people lead people in one pot, and large-scale frontal battles must not continue. They should be dispersed and divided into countless pieces. There is space for time, so that the enemy's supply line will be stretched, and they will fall into the crowd. The quagmire of war.

But the consensus among the players' senior commanders is easy to reach, and NPCs are different.

"This is cowardice, this is evasion, this is the performance of losing courage!"

An NPC second-level legion leader roared, and the players who persuaded him couldn't hold their heads up. "God's punishment is not infinite. The main material world has a limit to carry it. The magic net is indestructible. Even if God's punishment, it can't be shaken." It, what are you worried about?"

"However, the excessive concentration of personnel and materials makes it easy for the enemy to find the target. Besides, the large-scale frontal battlefield and the logistics safety zone are easy to become the enemy's key targets... Isn't this a lesson enough?"

"It's enough to strengthen the defense of the safe zone. If you fail the frontal battlefield, will it be useful to win the flanking battlefield? Can you tolerate the enemy occupying a large area of ​​our homeland, destroying our facilities, and enslaving and killing our people? We can tolerate it, we can't tolerate it, we don't have another world to go to."

"Oh, Mr. Locke, everyone is discussing this."

"There is no need to discuss it. We must fight back vigorously on the frontal battlefield and recover the lost ground as soon as possible!"

Outside the crowd, Shao Bing and a legion commander exchanged glances, feeling that the outcome of this frontline meeting might not be good.


Viscount Edward, the lord of Extreme South City, led a large team to arrive, and announced the start of the meeting without much nonsense.

"We are preparing a big counterattack!"

Wisdom NPCs are sometimes stubborn. For example, this time, knowing that they have nuclear weapons, they have also found a way to target the magic net and the players. The base has been mobilized... a new one has been established... a large number of tourist militias who have performed well will flood the grassroots organizations of this huge army. We have already had experience and learned lessons. This big counterattack will definitely regain lost ground."

The lord of the Extreme South City, the vampire Viscount Edward, appreciated the words, and looked at the side where the player was sitting.

"... Therefore, we have always believed that we should adjust the current combat method and try to avoid the excessive accumulation of personnel and materials in large corps. Our advantage lies in our strong organization, extremely fast communication, and the speed of information transmission is several orders of magnitude faster than that of the enemy. It can be completely broken down into parts, and complex linkages are carried out on the vast battlefield. This seems to be scattered, but it is actually a whole, and the accumulation turns into a qualitative change, until it changes the balance of power between the two sides."

"Strength comparison? We have many more professionals than our opponents!" A wise NPC leader questioned.

"But we can't compare to others' professionalism!" A player corps leader sitting on the other side was not to be outdone.

"You are questioning the greatness of the system!" Another intelligent NPC leader began to go online.

"I didn't!", the leader of the player corps naturally wouldn't admit it.

"You doubted, wavered, and you were afraid!"

"Your Excellency, are you joking?"

"Then prove it to us!"

"Please, use your brains to fight"


"Enough!", Viscount Edward stopped the quarrel between the two sides, thought for a moment and said: "You only see the gains and losses on the battlefield, but you don't know how many things are connected behind it. A big counterattack is imperative, and the enemy must be hit head-on. Let them know the pain, let them re-evaluate us, only in this way can they reflect, otherwise... well, I understand them, these can only be proved by a strong fight back."

"The big counter-offensive will be carried out in three days. Within these three days, Denmark City will complete the construction of the front-line base and be ready to welcome the friendly forces in the rear."

"What about God's punishment?" A player's regiment leader was still not convinced.

"Don't worry about this, the system temples will handle it."

have to!
So be it.

After the retreat of the country and the advancement of the people, especially after the general emphasis and promotion of immersion online, NPCs, especially the intelligent ones, have seized the highest interpretation power of the system. On the other hand, the player's degree of freedom has increased. There is such a meeting, the system tasks, what to do, players are not qualified to participate in strategic decision-making.

It's different now, there are no restrictions on how to play, and the relationship between players and NPCs has undergone tremendous changes. The two sides have both conflicts and cooperation, as well as conspiracies and plots. Therefore, countless gameplays and game content have been derived, and the second step is further strengthened. The wholeness of life.

It also makes the player more immersed.

Unable to convince the intelligent NPC who had the right to speak, the player regiment leaders had no choice but to disperse. Shao Bing walked at the end, discussing the upcoming strategic counterattack with several familiar regiment leaders.

"I'm not optimistic. We have a lot of people, but our weaknesses have been exposed. The enemy is not a fool. On the contrary, they are very cunning. They also have high-end combat power and...nuclear weapons that we cannot match."

"Didn't nuclear weapons say they could solve it?"

"If it can be solved, it will be solved a long time ago, and it will wait until now"

"The system shrine...doesn't seem to be comparable to the indigenous gods?"

"Hush! Don't look at this place, dare to say anything."

"Originally, the obvious thing."

"That can't be said, be careful that misfortune comes out of your mouth."

"What about the big counterattack?"

"What can I do, play by ear."

When Shao Bing returned to his residence, he was a little anxious when he saw that the place was still in a mess.
Called all the backbones together and announced the news of the strategic counterattack. Seeing the backbones, whether they were players or NPCs, they all had different expressions, so I asked them what they thought.

What surprised him was that the reaction of these people was exactly the opposite of what happened in the meeting. The intelligent NPCs were all worried, and God's punishment left an indelible shadow on them. The strong fighting spirit in the eyes.

Thinking from their point of view, such a reaction is reasonable.

Shao Bing smiled, looked at the system prompts, and it was only at this time that the pre-plot of the big counterattack ended.

The plot of the current system is also very interesting. It used to be a stage play, which was rehearsed. Even if the players participated, they were still puppets, and the lines of the script were all stipulated.

It is different now, there is no script, or he has become a person who has the ability to influence the script and the plot. There is no limit to the gameplay and no limit to the achievements. This is the biggest difference from the previous tests.

"Chunshui, are you looking for me?"

It was rare for Xia Miaomiao to come back. Shao Bing had prepared a sumptuous dinner and did not find any other guests. This time he was going to have a heart-to-heart talk with the team's first fighter.

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