This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 515 Going through the back door

"Come on, come on, try this, the 'Canaan Buddha Jumps Over the Wall' invented by the chef in the gang, it tastes very good, many restaurants have come to ask for the recipe."

"How about it?"

"Uh... not bad."

"Haha, not bad, that kid has nothing to do all day to study these things, and it's hard for him to get together the ingredients...Eat it, what are you doing in a daze, the taste will be bad when it's cold."

Xia Miaomiao is not used to chatting with people like this now.

how long.

The sky is the quilt, the ground is the bed, sleeping with the evening breeze and moonlight on the pillow, being with insects and birds, and being with killing and blood, the temperament of the whole person has become a lot purer, and it has been a long time since I have enjoyed the luxurious life in the rear up.

The dishes are very rich and the taste is really good. Compared with offline, the advantage is that the flavor is unique, which has already caught up with the level of most restaurants.

"This honey grilled meat is also good, try it."

"I'm exhausted, you have something to say, Chunshui."

"That's more, do you still want to lose weight? Hehe, eat, eat more, you won't be able to enjoy it in the future."

"Is there a big counterattack? I heard about it."

"Well, the opinions of the higher-ups are not unified. I don't know if this counterattack can achieve results... How have you been lately?"

"Fortunately, hunting and anti-hunting are mostly harassing the enemy's supply line."

"I read your mission briefing. It's really good. The success rate is over 90.00%. It's a good thing that we helped out. It's a good face for us."

"Say what you have to say, Chun Shui."

"This... Xue Wu, are you still in touch?"

"How fresh, me and her?"

"I heard you separated."

"Separation... Oh, it is separation. She is a good girl. Her parents will pick her up in person, and she will go back to live in her hometown city. Isn't it too crowded now?"

"What about you, are you still in Wudu?"

"Hmm... so let's talk about offline things? Impression points will be deducted."

The so-called impression points are purely players' guesses.

The system is everywhere, and it repeatedly asks players to immerse themselves. Talking about offline things seems to violate his old man's taboo. Players believe that the aunt of the system must know, so there is a so-called impression.

The system often goes crazy, but after entering the all-out war scenario, there is no sound. High players have many channels and a wide range of contacts, and they have vaguely heard some outrageous rumors, so they are more taboo about this aspect.

"Hey, Xue Wu is completely released, and I haven't brought it back to see for a long time..."

"She is very busy. The Alchemy Association has a lot of work, and she has to take on apprentices. She complained last time that the system is using them as cheap labor."

"Hehe, I know that most of the high-level materials on the front line are made by them. If you are busy, please be busy. Take me to greet her, and let her come back to take a look when you are free. Anyway, it is also Our founding members."


"Speaking of business, it is still related to this big counterattack... In view of the high-end combat power composed of powerful units like the Frost Giants, we have to use force to compete with them. Earl Edward is going to form a knight group composed of high-level players. You're on the list."


Xia Miaomiao frowned slightly.

There are so many knights now, almost every regiment has them, and they have various names, most of them are the main force on the battlefield.

Xia Miaomiao doesn't want to join the so-called Knights. She is very satisfied with her current state. She walks alone, fights when she can, and leaves when she can't. She is lonely but comfortable.

Besides, no knight order can compare to her current income, just a loss of merit is unacceptable.

No wonder Chunshui is so hard to say.

"Edward promises that joining this top-notch knight order can solve your fifth-level occupation and cloak problems."

That's a little bit of sincerity.

Starting from the fourth-level profession [Shocking World], the difficulty of changing jobs is not of the same order. Xia Miaomiao struggled for a long time before barely passing the test of the nightmare level in the Baldwin family cemetery. When she finally passed the level, she collapsed , just a little bit to give up all previous efforts.

How many characters on the leaderboard are stuck at the level 4 occupation, not because their equipment and combat power are not good, but...

I couldn't say it before, but now I've had a lot of contact with the real extraordinary people and professionals among the humanoid monsters, and I realized that it belongs to the heart!
Extraordinary mentality, very general, very subjective, it looks at the true quality of a player, not the numbers piled up by equipment, level and skills.

Of course, numbers are also important, but there are very few that can truly integrate the various resources and support that the system gives players.

Let Xia Miaomiao talk about her experience, she can't say it, this is something that can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words, it is very, very fantasy, how many people are struggling against the wall, they can't understand it, even though they may only exist from that goal A layer of window paper.

Take Shao Bing as an example.

He has long given up on obtaining the fourth-level occupation and cloak through formal channels. Through this city lord, gangster, baron, and second-level regiment commander, he also won gold medals and titles. Among the players, "real gold" and "real gold" were born. The theory of 'fake gold', Xia Miaomiao is not afraid of fire because it is real gold, so Shao Bing...

Of course, Shao Bing has transcended to another level, taking another more exciting route of gameplay, and he also enjoys it, laughing at the so-called 'fake gold'.

Level [-] occupations are so difficult, and level [-] occupations can be imagined.

Referring to the middle and high-level professionals among the enemies, to be honest, Xia Miaomiao thinks that she is barely qualified. Usually, when encountering the enemy's sky knights, level 5 mages, and priests above the high priest, the outcome is [-]-[-], depending on luck. over there.

From Yukong, oh no, it should be from Jingshi, the system does not provide a fixed template.

What do you mean?
In other words, if there is no general skill, even if it is dropped or treasure hunted, there are very few. Occasionally, a copy is like a martial arts cheat book. In addition to money, it also depends on connections, resources, and luck.

The professional skills above level [-] come from there.

It's simple - enlightenment!

A particularly fucking word, it requires players to have the qualities of a true transcendent, or to persevere in training, to use thousands of repetitions to bump into the enlightenment of the dark line, and to comprehend their own unique signature skills.

Or in the immersion and devotion of heavy pressure, life-and-death struggle, and life hanging on the line, squeezing one's own potential is also an inspiration to hit the dark line...

There are people who practice both, Xia Miaomiao is going both ways.

Even so, the data on paper is enough, and she can't guarantee that she will get the 'real gold' of the fifth-level profession [Yukong]. It can be seen that the lord of the extreme south city, the advanced intelligent NPC, and the vampire viscount Edward really paid for it. .

It also shows that he attaches great importance to this top-level player knight group.

But Xia Miaomiao just weighed it up a little and was ready to give up.

It's just a Yukong.

My aunt disdain to go through this back door.

It's not that I can't get it.

Of course, you can't say that to Chunshui, "I still can't, I'm afraid I won't get used to it"

Shao Bing was taken aback when he heard the words, and wanted to persuade him again.

"Let's not talk about that, Chun Shui, if it's a mandatory task, then I'll take part, otherwise, it's better to be alone."

Mandatory missions can only come from the system. Edward in Extreme South City does not have such authority, let alone Shao Bing.

"OK then"

Shao Bing had no choice but to stop talking about it.

Xia Miaomiao obviously felt that the other party was not very happy. Originally, as a founding member of the gang, he always had to consider the public interests of the gang. This so-called knight order was helpful for building a good relationship with Edward in Extreme South City. After all, he is from the southern city, so this matter can be big or small, and it will be troublesome if it is written down in a small notebook.

Nowadays, the relationship with NPC is also a science, and players are paying more and more attention to it. Of course, there are many people like Xia Miaomiao who only recognize the system and don't easily deal with these complicated "online office politics". But first, You have to have this strength.

After enjoying a delicious meal, Xia Miaomiao left Shao Bing's tent. The gang resident was very lively, and they kept running into acquaintances.

She first went to the quest NPC and handed in the completed quest. Not surprisingly, she got the highest evaluation, and a lot of merit was credited.

Then I went to the Meritorious Service Store, exchanged for a pair of purple shoes for a level [-] profession, and repaired all my equipment before arriving at the branch of the Alchemy Association.

Purchasing scrolls is a big deal. One trip can be as short as a few days, or as long as ten days and a half months. Any accidents can happen. Scrolls can sometimes save lives, and they can also rely on them to escape in dangerous situations.

But the selection of scrolls is a matter of knowledge. When most people go to this kind of place, the first choice is usually those powerful spell attack scrolls. Xia Miaomiao is different, and her needs are different.

[Puppet Substitute], [Ghost Servant], [Eye of True Knowledge], [Passive Damage Absorption], [Soul Guardian], [Adaptation to Dangerous Environment], etc.

The scrolls transcribed by the Alchemist Association have a shelf life, so the price is cheap, but this cheapness is relatively speaking. To buy these, the rewards from the task have already been spent, and some savings have been used to use the spell in the left hand. The space ring is full.

Ordinary supplies Xia Miaomiao is used to finding familiar merchants to pack some things. Tourist merchants can customize according to the actual needs of customers, such as marching tents, simple rations, and even underwear without attributes, etc. These systems will not arrange it. Personalization Customized services are already very common online.

Of course, ordinary players don't have such a need, and the price of customization is high, but for Xia Miaomiao, the most important thing is practicality, and the price difference is not so sensitive.

"Sister Miao Miao!"


"Everything is ready for you."

Although this little girl is not very old, her voice is soft and cute, but she is already one of the big businessmen nearby. The most rare thing is that she is still a newcomer in the 7th test. Now, what a miracle.

"I have something here, take a look."

"Okay, Miss Miao Miao"

Zhu Yuting took Xia Miaomiao's backpack carefully, her hands sank, and she almost missed it.

Open it and take out the contents one by one, there are still some bloody ones, and you can tell their origins at a glance.

Mithril, pure gold, thunder mica, Warcraft core, some unknown remnants, a large number of medicinal materials that can be used, magic materials, and the most beautiful and valuable gold and silver coins (the system does not recognize them), etc.

They are all good things that can be processed and used.

These are Xia Miaomiao's trophies, harvests other than missions. Of course, she will not give out anything of real value.

Compared with the gains and freedom of being alone, it is no wonder that she refused the solicitation of the Rausch Knights.

Zhu Yuting quickly estimated the approximate value, and asked her, "Sister Miao Miao, are you going to sell it on consignment, or..."

"If it's not troublesome, you can accept it."

"Okay, thank you Miao Miao for taking care of my business."

"Little profiteer!" Xia Miaomiao scratched her nose in a rare feeling of narrowness.

"How can I have it, it's very kind, okay?"

"Sorry!" Xia Miaomiao felt a little embarrassed.

"Just kidding, sister Miao Miao, you are too tense, you should relax properly."

"Well, how much do you see?"

Zhu Yuting also persuaded her, seeing her like this, it's fine.

"Miss Miao Miao, go slowly!"

There were a lot of customers in the store, Zhu Yuting quickly put this episode behind her, a dozen tourists and NPC clerks were busy, and there was not enough manpower.

It's time for a big counterattack. When a person like her is really at home, I wish this war could drag on for as long as possible.

With the sound of the cannon, ten thousand taels of gold, the consumption speed of this resource is really beyond people's imagination. Fortunately, with the accumulation of previous tests, and it is a local battle, the magic net can still support it, but the opponent is far away. Can the organization and mobilization methods of the Middle Ages still maintain such a soldier front?
Offline military experts have been studying this issue. Civilian politicians, keyboard players, and cloud players have seen it more thoroughly than players. Zhu Yuting sighed and prayed that what they said was not true. Continue until beta.

Xia Miaomiao walked to the teleportation point alone.

She was still thinking about Zhu Yuting's persuasion just now.

When did I start to enjoy being alone.

So much so that I have a bit of social anxiety.

I remember that I was not like this before.

So is best friend.

It's been ten days and no contact.

She seemed to be immersed in her own affairs, and plunged into the alchemy laboratory, and her skills far surpassed that of offline.

Maybe everyone has changed.

Chunshui is like this, Xiao Zhu is like this, everyone I know is like this, gradually, I can no longer find the state of mind of the previous tests, and it is replaced by this... this...

In fact, this is also good.

After completing the tasks, step out of the camp, stay away from the hustle and bustle of people, dance with the forest, primitive, and wilderness, use the sky as a cover, and the ground as a bed, patiently look for prey, and in this process, gain, give, move and grow.

"That's it, it's good!"

Finally, she said to herself with a smile in the breeze.

"Xiao Yu, what have you been doing lately, you haven't answered me for such a long time?"

"Uh... busy experimenting"

"Another experiment... We haven't seen each other for a long time, Juju?"

"Well, let's wait until the plot of the big counterattack is over and see the result... let's not talk about it, I'm starting again"


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