This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 516 Alchemy Industry

Chapter 516 Alchemy Industry
"That's it, extract one percent, the solution of the red frost worm will react to one volume, and the magic rock purification will be diluted 20 times, and the extraction..."

"Extraction complete"



"Not enough, continue to extract!"


"What observation method was used?"

"Deep Spiritual Touch"

"No, use telepathy and divination."


"How much was extracted?"

"76%, why did the tutor drop?"

"The spirit will be deceived. We have to verify it from multiple dimensions. Nothing in the occult narrative is absolute, but it can be relative. The relative premise can be verified in multiple ways. This is the same as offline scientific experiments."


"next steps"

"Is 76% OK?"

"Any more will cause overload, and the precise magic pattern matrix can't accommodate... the next item."

"Imitation specimens of frost giants, larvae, materials include soul fragments, melting crystals, black crystals, white crystals, frost crystals, extreme temperature magic core..."

"Follow the steps to get started."

"Yes, the first group will purify the larvae, the second group will 'probe' the soul fragments, the third group will crystallize the molten crystals, black crystals, and white crystals, and the fourth group will form an extreme temperature magic core. The similarity reached more than 80%... All teams must strictly follow the requirements in the operation manual and report the progress at any time."

"Teacher, take a break."

"Well, you stare, I'm going to meditate."


Du Shiyu took off his thick and heavy alchemy robe tiredly, and walked into his exclusive meditation room wearing only a close-fitting and comfortable inner skirt.

Meditation is an effective way to relax, especially for an alchemist like her, who has the level of a magician, and meditation is more effective. I don't want those colleagues who become monks halfway, or switch from other professions to the alchemist profession. Meditation is very helpful. It has always been difficult for them.

Superficial meditation is easy to achieve, but deep meditation, especially meditation that can touch the subconscious, requires very, very deep mage roots and talents.

For Du Shiyu, meditation is relaxation, and the effect is far beyond sleep.

With a snap of his fingers, his body became clean as new. Sweat stains, odor molecules left in the experiment, and imperceptible residues were all removed by the magic effect.

Sitting cross-legged on the marching blanket as if taking a bath, with his eyes slightly closed, he soon entered a deep meditation state.

The ubiquitous elemental elves surround her, like haunting and mischievous pets, or like the attachment of similar larvae to their elders, surrounding her, accompanying her, disturbing her, teasing her... There are some comparisons' Tsundere', more 'lazy', more 'tempered'...

Du Shiyu is already familiar with how to deal with these little things with different "characters".

During the meditation, the severely depleted energy was quickly repaired, and even the magic power began to increase a little bit.

Now she has earned the title of 'alchemist'. In the indigenous world, compared with magicians, alchemists have nothing to praise. The relationship between the two is like a scholar-bureaucrat and a craftsman. It's a strange skill and ingenuity, thinking that they have deviated from the path of pursuit with the help of external force.

The status of an alchemist is naturally not much higher.

But it is different in the system. The status of alchemy and enchantment has been infinitely elevated, and it has been elevated to the height of "a powerful crutch for knowing and discovering the truth". The pure magician profession is more inclined to use and fight, and the magician adds Becoming an alchemist is the direction the system encourages.

With the common sense and understanding of the earth, people also attach great importance to alchemy and enchanting offline, and believe that through them, the laws of occultism can be discovered and mastered. , the two basic elements of science are available.

However, alchemy experiments and exploration are fundamentally different from scientific laws and repeated realizations, and most of the time they run counter to each other.

Scientific experiments pay attention to that after the known conditions lead to the established result, it will remain unchanged. Without the interference of external factors and variables, this result is the truth, 1+1=2, and will never be equal to 3.

But this is not the case with alchemy and enchanting. The human factor is magnified to the most important level, and the human spirit and consciousness are constantly changing. Maybe if you get 2 today, it will be 3 tomorrow. Even the gods cannot grasp the soul. How difficult it is to have eternal results and truths.

But this does not mean that scientific thinking, discovery, and exploration are useless. In some relative environments, relative conditions, and constant conditions that are not so prone to change, effective repetition of scientific experiments can still be achieved.

This provides a theoretical basis for large-scale batch manufacturing in the magic net. Without these, how can we talk about the current war resources?
Take the simplest standard equipment of the tourist militia as an example, a large number of non-magical materials combined with highly 'inert' magical materials, plus a large number of alchemy apprentices and even zero-based white men, these cheap laborers sit on the production line, only One of the hundreds of procedures in charge of dismantling, let them mechanically and numbly make and process the only required enchanting and alchemy crafts, let them get used to it, naturally, it is as simple as breathing, with such a stupid method, after enduring After the waste of the low yield rate in the early stage, the cheap industrial products manufactured by batch assembly line have been successfully realized.

This is the magic industry!
The advantage is that the cost is greatly reduced, which is less than one-tenth of what the system provides. It effectively supports the battlefield and is rewarded and affirmed by the system.

But it is not so simple to launch an impact to a higher level.

The more complex the craft, the more magnified the human factor. It is easy for one or two works, but it is difficult for thousands of works.

What Du Shiyu is working on is the standard equipment that continues on the battlefield and defends against the "weather damage" of the Frost Giants. It is difficult, but necessary.

Otherwise, no matter how many militias and players there are, as long as the corps composed of frost giants appears, they will be useless.

This will undoubtedly greatly restrain one's own quantitative advantage and cause a great waste of system resources.

It is easy to make talismans that simply protect against 'climate damage', but the difficulty lies in the mass production of mature magic crafts, which is the same as laboratory works and commercial applications.

During meditation, Du Shiyu is not unable to think, but enters into a state of right and wrong thinking. The conscious mind is silent, but the subconscious mind is indeed active.

Many neglected flashes of thinking exist in the depths of the subconscious mind. Meditation is also a kind of "interaction between heaven and man", which has a lot of metaphysics in it.

The big counterattack is imminent, and the task of the association is very heavy. Her subject is related to all aspects, and there is also competition from other alchemists.

Those who can be called alchemists are all outstanding people who are Sanye intermediate alchemists or above. In this group, the proportion of players has surpassed that of intelligent NPCs, and they have become the pioneers of "applying scientific methods to cutting-edge alchemy experiments".

It's just that this pioneer is a bit much.

Take the team she leads as an example, about half of them are from offline scientific research migrant workers, and many of them are seconded from the national team. The offline support is the same as the online one. Outside of the Canaan game system, Du Shiyu has entered the big list of the "Thousand Talents Plan for New Talents" and is expected to obtain an offline professor title. On the surface, he is affiliated with a certain 985 university, but in fact his organizational relationship has entered the archives of a secret scientific research unit.

Fame, status, wealth, rights... are all closely related to the current research. Compared with most players, it is another realm and way of playing.

Meditation does not know how many years, when she woke up from the deep meditation, the tiredness all over her body had disappeared, she was full of blood, she tidied up her state of mind energetically, and a gleam of joy appeared on her face.

"I have a new idea."


"In this way, try putting the extraction process in a vacuum environment..."

"Does this... make sense?"

"It doesn't take much time to try."

"All right……"

Changing a small processing technology, the result is really incredible.

"Unbelievable, the reaction has increased by one volume, incredible!"

"Vacuum environment is easy to implement, right? I mean large-scale application."

"Well, it's just a little troublesome, and the cost will increase a lot."

"Then... make a report, try first, see if it works."


A breakthrough in volume turned the previous stumbling block into a small obstacle. After repeating it 5 times and getting roughly the same result, everyone in the project team was very excited.

The report was quickly approved. After all, in wartime, all factors that are conducive to war must be used. Such a major breakthrough is enough to change the balance of local battles. No matter how much investment is made, it is worthwhile.

The association sent a lot of people to help, and started the common sense of small batch production in the big laboratory.

The largest number of apprentices and even alchemy migrant workers were mobilized 100 people. After surprise training, they were assigned to various positions in the production line. They were all replaced in front of more than a dozen alchemy tables. With an order, they began to process according to the craft stand up.

The first step, the second step, the third step... soon reached the critical link.

A migrant alchemist carefully started the extraction process. The valuable red worm solution was heated on the tongs, and the spirit of the migrant worker penetrated into the violent reaction. The extraction took place, and a small vortex appeared on the surface of the solution.

This step is not difficult. These migrant workers have rich experience and corresponding qualifications, and their mental attributes are above 10.

The vacuum environment is actually a bubble. The extracted essence needs to enter the bubble for the next step. Each bubble is only the size of a fist, but it can be stretched. This requires the high attention of migrant workers. All previous efforts will be wasted.

But this migrant worker still failed, the bubble shattered during one of his operations, and a puff of thick smoke suddenly rose from the operating table, which was quickly extinguished by the laboratory's [Suppression Magic Circle].

It's been like this since the beginning.

The alchemists didn't care, but Du Shiyu was very nervous. You must know that this step is very critical. If the difficulty of preparation is too high, there will be no basis for large-scale application.

Fortunately, after several attempts, most of the migrant workers successfully crossed this hurdle, and the alchemy continued.

Extraction, vacuum, get the volume, check the perfection, reach the standard, transfer, repeat... such a material is processed one by one.

The more they went to the back, the more moved the alchemists were. The finished semi-finished products were repeatedly observed by them, and the structures obtained were all extremely similar, and the errors were negligible.

With success in sight, Du Shiyu couldn't believe it. Such a small technological change had achieved such a huge result. You must know that there were hundreds of alchemists working on this project at the same time, but they were all stuck on the final similarity.

If the similarity is too low, just like the models, materials, and even properties are inconsistent, it is impossible to carry out large-scale assembly, because each "part" is too different, and it cannot be assembled with the same formula and process.

"That's it!"

From morning to late at night, a smart NPC of a great alchemist ended the busy and tense small-scale trial production, and said with a gratified smile: "Congratulations, Xuewu Feiyu Sanye intermediate alchemist, your breakthrough! Help us solve a big difficulty, and countless fighters will benefit from your achievements..."

"But, master, the final experiment has not been carried out yet."

An alchemist who was working on the same subject refused to refute.

"It's ok, 88% similarity, except for this...uh, the vacuum environment, the others are all mature processes, and the final result should be expected."

The alchemist said with a smile, "Of course, your reward will not be settled until the final result comes out, but based on my experience, there will be no accidents."

"Thank you, master!" Xue Wu Feiyu bowed happily, thanking him sincerely.

"Most of the time, we are only separated by a layer of window paper from success." After listening to Xue Wufeiyu's breakthrough process, the master took the opportunity to educate others, "Then how to pierce this layer of window paper? Only It can only be achieved by devotion wholeheartedly, selfless research, and a pious reverence for the mystery at all times."

"My child, you are a pure person. I have seen the shadows of countless excellent alchemists in you. You have a bright future. Work hard. Don't let this talent down."

The alchemist finally encouraged him.

After sending these people away, everyone in the research team naturally celebrated. The achievement of this achievement is no less than the victory of a small battle. Enemy against almost all native gods.

Most of the time, power is something that people can see and touch, but it is not only reflected in the comparisons on paper. In many cases, the creative ability is often overlooked, and this is precisely one of the biggest capitals of magic net.

The height of thinking determines the upper limit of achievement, which is also feasible in the narrative of mysticism, even more important than offline and science.

After offline, there is another honor waiting for Du Shiyu.

Xia Miaomiao thought that her best friend was detained at home by her parents, but in fact, she already existed like a scientist.

(End of this chapter)

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