This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 517 Determined to be a leader in the online entertainment industry

"Immersion, intoxication ass, damn it, I'm here to play, whoever likes to be the NPC's licking dog, anyway, I won't serve you!"

At present, there are still quite a few players who stick to the tradition, and Shuai Jue Ren Huan is one of them. For well-known reasons, he went to the international server for a while, but was miserably cheated by a hairy girl.

For a long time, I have been mixed up in this national server and that national server, and even became a beggar for a while.

However, since the 7th test, his life has become much easier, because the national server has been cancelled, he has returned to the familiar place where he fought, and his previous reputation has been forgotten. Conquering seniority and connections, I gradually got rid of bad luck and began to turn around.

But still can't compare with before.

But at least one goal was achieved, and that was Maomei.

More than one.

At this time, he watched his subordinate nodding and bowing at the side of an NPC quartermaster. The quartermaster still looked impatient, maybe because he disliked his low meritorious service, he became impatient after a few words, turned his face and left, and then became angry uneven.

"Handsome boss, is that okay? Didn't you say that Huaguo players like us very much?" Said a hot tourist with a hairy girl beside him.

"Be honest, do whatever you are told!" Shuai Jue Ren Huan replied impatiently.

It wasn't until the subordinates came back that they realized that there was no such option as a "consolation performance" in the military supplies. If they wanted to stuff Maomei into the supply series for the front line, at least the NPC way would not work.


Shuai Jue Ren Huan, who has evolved into Mama Sang, cursed, "Waste my time, why didn't you say it earlier?"

"NPC also likes oily water, he just hangs on to us, boss." Such hindsight words from his subordinates made Shuai Juren even more angry.

"I know you didn't say it earlier?"

——Because I also need oil and water, who told you to be so picky.

The subordinate said in his heart, but on the surface he still said aggrieved: "Who knew that NPCs are so treacherous."

"It's such a complicated game!" Shuai Jue Ren Huan rubbed his scalp irritably. There were people coming and going at the gate of the city, and the plot of the big counterattack was about to begin. The city in the rear was really a mess.

There are people everywhere and opportunities everywhere, but he has nothing but popular 'commodities', but he can't recommend them to the customers who need them most.

"Elena, where's Bunikova, haven't you come back yet!?"

The tourist with a hot figure just now replied, "It's so busy here, they may have forgotten the time."

"You, you, and you, go get the two of them back, gather at Papa Quinn's hotel!"

"Good boss."

"Got it boss"

The horse boy under his command hurriedly agreed, and happily went to find two Maomei who might have lost their way. Judging by their cheerful looks, it was obvious that they were not simply recruiting people.

Shuai Jurenhuan hugged the hot tourist Maomei back home, thinking about messy things along the way.

Damn immersion.

With this immersion, everything became a lot more troublesome.

Originally holding a commodity that is in short supply like Maomei, it is expected that it will be popular all over the world, but it is not easy to grasp?
No one understands the deadly virtues of Huaguo players better than him. Even if they can come to the truth, all kinds of top-quality hairy girls can make them flock to them. When the time comes, he will open a nightclub or something, and he will get rid of the low-level fun in one fell swoop and jump to the top. Have you reached the level of successful people?
When you don't talk about immersion, it's easy to say, don't look at the seriousness of most people, but when it comes to the stronghold he secretly manages, that's called bold and unrestrained, that's called bold.

The online entertainment industry is too backward, and Shuai Jue Ren Huan, who has found his life goal, is ready to change this situation. After all, money, equipment, and combat power are just one kind of demand, and what he provides is another, which is very difficult. It's hard to say which of the two is more important.

It is also his luck that he reached an agreement with the 'supplier' in this area on the international server very early, and became the so-called 'Huaguo general agent'. Especially in the hands of high-end customers, you need to think carefully.

The one who opened the store could only be Liuying. The national costumes are banned. Even if the national costumes are gone, the reputation will not be good if you say it, and you can’t sell it at a high price.

The full story of the world at war is a good opportunity. Many businesses are being reshuffled, and many businesses are created out of nothing. His colleagues are still at the low level of taverns, hotels, and half-closed doors, but he has his sights on logistics and military supplies.

If this line can be opened, then the money is not just earned casually, maybe it can be mixed with meritorious deeds.

Shuai Jue Ren Huan was inspired by this genius-like creativity, and he didn't even bother to do business. During this time, he has been running around.

When the players, especially the player commanders, heard about his intentions, whether they were affected by the immersion or what was going on, they all had righteous and awe-inspiring faces.

Who doesn't know who.

What to wear.

I still rarely cooperate with you.

Players know the basics, so it's not easy to be fooled, and now they all carry them, for the sake of character design, for immersion, and for the so-called impression points of the system... It doesn't work.

Then you can only find a way on the NPC.

The NPCs are not obsessed with this, and there is no need to pretend, after listening to his novel ideas, they all expressed a certain interest.

Shuai Jue Renhuan was deeply encouraged, and ran to the main city behind, all kinds of gifts, all kinds of licks, all kinds... Anyway, money was poured out, but the situation was still unable to be opened, this delay, that It's also delayed, until now, the big counterattack is about to start, and all kinds of military supplies are gone, just like Na Hai, except that there is no frontline condolence group for his Maomei.

I have no choice but to tell the NPCs clearly, but all of them changed their faces and slandered and said that his Mao sister was a "devil's deal", ah, why didn't he say it earlier, welcome When I was with you, I didn’t see those of you who cared less about me.

This is the main city with the most hope. The quartermaster is still a virtue, and the immersion of the dog day, without it can save a lot of trouble. The player's way has already been cleared, and he will not be fooled by the NPC.

Shuai Jue Renhuan hated the feeling of being teased by others the most, it made him look like a joke, he vowed that he would never let himself fall into the situation of being teased by others, and on the way back, he had already planned how to take revenge.

Grandma, are you an honest gentleman, or a devout believer, I will pass you the black materials and see how you pretend.

Many NPCs have played wild with him. His Maomei is professional and full of exotic styles. There are good and bad NPCs, and there are also hobbies of one kind or another. It is not difficult to deal with it if you find out the context.

This is why he is so confident.

Unexpectedly, it was still played in the end.

Along the way, seeing him hugging a hot hairy girl, many players looked sideways, but few of them came up to strike up a conversation, even if they came up to strike up a conversation, even if they were extremely handsome, he didn't care. He didn't like these people, either they were bastards or they were poor Ghost, waste of time.

With the countdown to the counterattack, even the towns in the rear are extremely lively, with carriages full of goods everywhere. If this is counted as GDP, it is absolutely amazing.

The offline factor is invisible, everyone has changed their appearance and played role-playing, not to mention, everyone is quite capable of pretending, no matter believe it or not, and what they think in their hearts, such things as temple priests are very popular.

When approaching the hotel, there was a loud traffic jam at a crossroad. Several carriages collided with each other, and the goods on them leaked all over the place. Many skinny NPC children were scrambling to pick up the missing things. It took a while for the traffic to resume.

The hotel is not big, and the rooms are full. Shuai Renhuan brought a lot of people out this time. Four or five people live in one room, which is very crowded.

It was originally intended to entertain the NPC quartermaster, but now it is no longer needed.

Don't want these things, upset.

"The boss is eating these again, no caviar?"

"Boss, is there anything else to do today, I want to ask for a leave, hehe"

"Handsome brother, who will accompany you tonight? Why don't you play the game of flopping, hee hee..."

At noon, the Mao girls under my hand arrived, Yingying Yanyan made people look sideways, many sneaky eyes often looked at this side, and there was a guy with a girlfriend who was being spotted by his girlfriend and pulled his ears beat hard.

These hairy girls are all tourists with first-class quality. They are all selected by Shuai Jue Renhuan in accordance with the aesthetics of Chinese players.

All of them are fair-skinned, beautiful, long-legged, and dressed in cool clothes. In this cramped, dark hotel, they are definitely beautiful scenery.

It's not that no one does this business, but almost all of them are tourists who do well. Tourists can't pinch their faces. They are convincing and high-rollers recognize it.

Unlike players, online is an elf goddess, and offline may be Aunt Bucket, just think about it.

The valuelessness of tourists is reflected in all aspects. We all know that Huaguo has a large population and fierce competition, but Huaguo players are rich, and the market size is not comparable to other places.

Although the national server has been canceled, the distribution of players and tourists from various countries has not changed much. Maomei is still quite new in this place-what is this, this is a business opportunity.

Thinking of these handsome people makes me anxious.

The NPC can't move, and can only eat the grass of the player's back.

"Damn immersion!"

The call was about to start, and there was not much time left for him. He didn't do anything in the afternoon, so he contacted his old connections to see if there was a way to make friends with a big player at the level of the commander of the player corps.

"Military quarter, are you kidding me? Maomei is a military quarter?"

"No, no, don't say it so badly, the condolence group, the front-line condolence group, or the singing and dancing troupe, or the circus. Isn't it just acting? The people under my command can do anything."

"Uh... this... is a bit heavy"

"Brother, help, help"

"It can't be a sympathy group. Are you an imperial army? It must fit the context. This is 'online correctness'. Nowadays, anyone who pursues something a little bit, who dares to go against it."

"Yes Yes Yes"

"The song and dance troupe... Let me ask, is there any indigenous people?"

"Absolutely, I've asked about it."

"Wait, let me ask."

"I'm sorry bro."

"This kid is really talented..."


In the issuance room of a certain level of corps that manages the logistics, Tarzan's "friend" counted the chips in front of him and said with a smile, "Do you remember Tarzan the Ape?"

"Tarzan the Ape? That?"

"The one that was very popular in a certain period of time should be the first meeting of the 6 test international server. It was chased and killed by several gangs, and then it couldn't get along. It ran to the Maozi server. It was originally aimed at other people's Maomei. I didn't expect to be cheated by Maomei to touch the corpse, and made a fortune..."

"Ah, I remembered, I remembered, you are still in an offline lawsuit, as a classic case, the one that gave birth to the online asset management method?"

"Yes, that's the guy."

"Hehe, do you know this kind of person?"

"I've met a few times, but I don't have much friendship. This guy is thick-skinned, and he can eat there. No, this time he brought a group of hairy girls back."

"What the hell?"

"Traveler Mao, you understand."

"Damn it, you're a talent"

"There are even more talented people. This guy wants to get through the way of military supplies suppliers. Do you think it's whimsical, haha..."

"Really, is there such a good thing?"

"Pull it down, it's impossible for the leader to agree, I'm just perfunctory..."

There was a burst of laughter and exclamation in the issuance room. It would be great if such a thing really happened, but this hearing is out of the question. If it is spread offline, it will not cause an uproar.

Besides, it doesn't fit the context... right?

Now this is "political correctness" and everyone is paying attention to it. It is only in this kind of private occasion that everyone can let it go and talk about it. When they go outside, everyone must carry it.

This is called acting!

However, the morale of the frontline is indeed a big problem. Not everyone can adapt to the side effects of high intensity, high tension, and high immersion. Just like a bowstring, it should be removed when not in use for maintenance. There is no reason to keep it stretched.

If this kind of condolence group can really work, it is a good way. Among other things, at least let the players have a place to vent their pressure. Anyway, that kind of thing can't be really done.

Everyone sighed a few words, and soon forgot about it.

Unexpectedly, there was a caring person in the room, who happened to know that the morale on the front line was not unstable, but extremely unstable, especially the tourist militia, many of whom had deserted and had psychological problems.

He just told the commander of the first-level corps of the corps he was in.

"There is still such a talent, there, quickly bring him to see me."

Unexpectedly, this first-level corps commander who pays attention to consistency with the system is completely another reaction in imagination. That night, the desperate Taishan of the orangutan was brought to the military camp outside the city. The two talked at night by candlelight and reached a cooperation agreement. .

The next day, the circus exclusive to a certain corps was established. Taishan was naturally ecstatic, and brought a group of warblers into the barracks majesticly, joined the ranks of suppliers as he wished, and received a series of back wall guarantees Tasks - meritorious ones.

At this time, his position changed completely, "It's better for him to be immersed in meow, woohaha..."

If there is no immersion, there is no way to solve the problem of offline opinions and public opinion. If it is not good enough, it will be a mess. With immersion, it will be different. Canaan has its own rules, as long as Canaan has them , If the system does not prohibit it, you can do it freely.

In this way, the biggest problem is not a problem.

Shuai Jue Renhuan, who aspires to be a leader in the online entertainment industry, contacts his 'upstream suppliers'. A dozen fat and thin Mao girls in Yanhuan are chatting on twitter, looking at everything new. The wealth of players in Huaguo is really well-deserved, and they just entered the military camp This time, the tips and rewards they received far surpassed what they received in the factory for turning screws.

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