Chapter 518
Today is the day when the plot of the big counterattack begins.

The entire game area, and the core area covered by the magic net, is driven by a new wave of world plots. Countless player groups and NPC organizations are moving. For a common strategic goal, massive resources are invested go in. should I put it.

A bit messy and not as silky as one would expect.

This is because, today's world plot, which is the highest S-level authority, has been transferred from the so-called central intelligence brain AI to the Earth-Canaan 20-seat round table meeting. Because of well-known reasons, some original countries The lands that have been subdued have fallen, and the representatives of these countries and the shares they represent naturally refuse to accept obediently and do nothing, and the shares of other countries also support their motions for various reasons, so that in their A series of compromises and interest exchanges were reached internally.

50% of the S-level authority stand in the same position, and the temples representing the Canaan system also have the same motivation and demand, to try proactively once, it is of course good to conquer the lost ground, and to test the limits of their own strength if they cannot conquer Where there are still those problems, they can be overcome in a targeted manner.

The tone of the big counterattack is set here, and the only ones who have reservations about it are the sober factions among the top players. They think that it is not worth the loss to go head-to-head with the opponent without mastering 'nuclear weapons', and try to avoid excessive personnel and materials. Gather together, thus exposing the shortcomings of their own side, allowing opponents to focus on the vital point of the resurrection point in the safe zone.

This kind of consideration is not unreasonable. Putting the enemy in, dividing the battlefield, exchanging space for time, entangled with the enemy in multiple directions and levels, let them get stuck in the mud, let more valuable targets, and more When the 'nuclear weapons' don't know where to choose to strike, so as to offset this biggest disadvantage, let the enemy fall into the vast ocean of people's war, and give full play to their own biggest numerical advantage...until they win the final victory and drive out the aggressors.

Who is right and who is wrong?

Both are right and both are wrong.

War is a continuation of politics, and it is the same in Canaan. The offline counterattack is needed to integrate their interests, to test out where the real boundaries of the 20-seat round table are, and to find the core interests that need to be paid attention to in the future.

Even if the big counterattack fails, it doesn't matter to them. Conquering the lost ground and standing up for several shareholders are just excuses. The power of the 20-seat round table meeting and the huge interests represented behind it are the key.

With Bei Gaoyang completely letting go, the system temple also needs to perform well. To the main god, to the believers, to all aspects, especially the offline partners and competitors, to show the power and determination of the temple, and whether it can reach the goal of the battle. The purpose is also secondary, even if it fails, the system and the player's basic disk are here, and there will be no accidents in the core area of ​​the original public server, and there will be no problems that cannot be dealt with.

The sober factions among the top players are actually offline elites. They can see where the biggest strengths and weaknesses of both the enemy and the enemy lie, so the strategic decisions they make are reasonable, but they cannot participate in the 20-seat round table meeting, and even more so. Most of them are discussing the facts, so the level of seeing is a bit low.

In short, no matter whether it is due to efforts or doubts, the arrow has to be launched, and today is the moment of announcement.

Besides, you don't necessarily lose.

Millions of players and tourists move from all directions in the game area to the front of the battlefield. The vast battlefield jointly built by more than ten national service territories such as Norway, Switzerland, Denmark, and South Africa. With so many people flowing, relying on If it is transmitted, the cost is too huge, even the current system can't afford it.

After the 20-seat round table conference takes power, every representative can agree to such unnecessary waste. Therefore, the players have to work hard.

The No. 11 bus has hundreds of thousands of kilometers of armed marches, and it is not worthwhile to go further, and there is no time to catch up.

Zoom out and heighten the lens, and observe from a global perspective.

On the front of the more than 800-kilometer-long battlefield, the enemy's million-strong army is marching all the way, and the players and tourist corps who are still staying on the front line to resist and buy time for the big counterattack are resisting steadily and retreating in strides, giving up the vast game territory. A formidable invader.

Behind this vast front, countless ants-like marching teams are gathering at the positions pointed by the arrows on the map. Some are fast, some are slow, some have high morale and can travel more than [-] kilometers a day, and some are lazy. And the action is slow, and morale is generally a problem.

This is because, since the story of Total War, on the one hand, it has been highly immersive and tense, and many players cannot adapt to it; The situation where platinum coins are randomly picked up all over the floor.

It's impossible to think about it. With the current number of players and tourists, if it really wants to be the same as before, the system will have to go bankrupt, and inflation will not be able to digest even one more earth.

In fact, immersion also makes a phenomenon and trend more and more obvious, that is, the stratification of players.

From the third test or the fourth test, Bei Gaoyang deliberately led such a situation to appear. It is impossible for tens of millions of players to be promoted to Yukong. There are not enough resources to make this happen. Layering is the only solution.

With a huge population base, it is possible to select the best from the best, so that those who are truly talented, persistent, and lucky stand out, forming a pyramid pattern of the top, the backbone, and the solid bottom.

Pull away, go back to the present.

Millions of players and tourist corps are moving towards the vast battlefield, and the enemy is not ignorant. On the second day after the start of the big counterattack, the fighting in all directions on the front line has stopped.

The enemy began to shrink the scattered forces, clenched their fists, and seized almost all strategic locations, quietly waiting for the arrival of the army of players and tourists.

In such a large group, individual strength and factors are insignificant, but as a drop of water, one can still feel the surging, epic, powerful and heroic rivers, lakes and seas.

What game content is the most fun?

In the past, the answer could have been very different.

But now, at least in the eyes of a large number of players, it is now.

This kind of commanding thousands of troops, this kind of being surrounded by countless people, countless people obeying orders, and countless people running and shouting for themselves, in a disguised form determines their emotions, affects their second life process, and affects their gains and contributions. ... what is this, this is the right!

Is there any better and more exciting way to play than this kind of real power and wonderful life?

No more, no more.

From this point of view, I don't blame the "political correctness" online, because without immersion, all of this is a castle in the air. It is precisely because of the full response of middle and upper-level players that there are more and more real and wonderful first episodes. Two lives.

The Canaan game can only be said to be basically complete until now.

In the armed parade that stretched for several kilometers, Qiao Shan instigated his mount to leave the brigade. He galloped on the muddy road facing the rising sun and the cold morning wind. The capable air force always pays attention to all movements during the march.

The gray scaled horse is a good mount, with a docile personality and hard work, able to cope with the harsh weather during such a long march.

It should have rained in this area last night, and it was muddy everywhere. I just passed by an underground dungeon. I don’t know if it was because of the flood or because the enemy team infiltrated and caused damage. The infrastructure of the dungeon was destroyed, trapping more than a dozen players , They were not rescued until the army passed by.

This shows that the march along the way was not peaceful, the enemy was always paying attention to every move in the rear, and it was impossible to talk about secrecy.

Therefore, marching in the rear cannot guarantee absolute safety. After all, the enemy has a lot of means, a profound background, and has 'nuclear weapons' in his hands. It is better to be careful in everything.

Originally, with his character, he didn't need to go to the front line to endure hardships, but things caught up like this. A big hose with a good relationship in the network was ready to attack the position of the third-level regiment commander, and he was urgently needed. Lu Ziguang's manpower came to win over the forces from all sides, so he invited him out after looking at Maolu, and arranged a position as a small captain of the security force.

The gray-scaled horse galloped for several kilometers, from the waist of the march to the head of the ranks. There was a canyon in front of it, and a big river blocked the way. The player troops who arrived first were stopping to build camps, and there was chaos everywhere.

Qiao Shan immediately found the NPC attendant who was handing over the task, and made a brief report on the situation behind. Analyze the latest situation on the front lines.

It's not convenient to go in, so I just went to the camp of the Griffon Knight team I was in charge of.

Speaking of which, it was the first time for him, the direct superior, to see the soldiers under him.

The Griffin Rider camp is easy to find, just go to the highest point. On the mountainside on the right side of the valley, the Griffin Riders take off and land. With the current environment, it looks like the scene in the movie Avatar.

"Well, did you find anything along the way?"

The communication in the military camp is very simple, there are not so many politeness, and there is no need to worry about acting, just keep a straight face and do business.

Players nowadays like this very much. If you want to laugh and laugh as soon as you come up, they don't want to, and feel that it is not respectful enough.

"The situation is not good. Many copies and resource points have been artificially destroyed."

Said a sergeant major.

Behind him is a griffin mount of a godly horse. Judging from the full set of cloaks and the level of the noble inscription on it, this person should be very good. At least he has a title and his own exclusive noble badge, although it is only the lowest. A first-class trainee knight.

Noble titles correspond to military ranks, starting from trainee knights and going up all the way, they are knights, lords, barons, viscounts, earls, dukes, etc. The lowest level is not eligible to exchange (purchase) territories. Starting from knights, you can have your own talents. Yap.

If you do not advance to a certain rank, you are not eligible to be promoted to a higher noble rank. Such a chain is like a military group, mobilizing the enthusiasm of players on the battlefield to the maximum extent.

The traces of money will be eroded by the years, only the castle built by rights is qualified to be a long-lasting monument!
In the past, Qiao Shan was a little unconvinced, but this march has changed his opinion. No wonder the real boss, whether offline or online, is very detached from money and wealth, and only pursues rights tirelessly.

There are many sources of power, and military rank and noble rank are just a very intuitive manifestation of it.

When the player tastes the taste of power, he will feel that the previous pursuit is like a child's play.

There is a saying that right is the best aphrodisiac.

Everyone you encounter is 'springing' and the result is immersion.


Before the 7th test, who would have thought of it?

"An enemy?"

"Who else can it be if it's not a humanoid monster." The first-rank sergeant major replied.

"It should be an aborigine, or a minion of the evil god!" Another gryphon knight corrected.

"Yes, yes, those hateful evil god bastards!"

Humanoid monsters don't fit the context, and the natives emphasize the difference between players, and it's still the compound context of evil god's minions and cubs.

Qiao Shan was noncommittal, "Is there a way to deal with it? No one will take care of it?"

"How to deal with it? Let them go, as long as you win the frontal battle, these are just minor problems."

"Uh!" Qiao Shan nodded in agreement, "Be careful of being attacked, your task is very important, and you must always keep abreast of the surrounding situation."

"Don't worry, captain, there are eyes on our heads 24 hours a day."

Qiao Shan turned around and looked at the Griffin Knight's camp, nodded, and after some routine, he was about to leave.

At this time, I suddenly felt a strange feeling, the mouth of the person in front of me was obviously opening and closing, but suddenly there was no sound?
Then I felt that the surrounding light was getting stronger and stronger, until it was so strong that even people who were close at hand could not see clearly.

Qiao Shan wanted to turn around, but found that there was a heavy 'delay', and the body was full of consciousness for several beats before the slow movement appeared.

"What, what, what's going on!"

The sound that is close at hand seems to have traveled a long distance to be captured by the ear, and the distortion is serious.

When he turned around completely, he only saw a beam of light penetrating the sky and the earth constantly in the depths of the mountains, silently emitting light and heat that filled everything.

This, what is this?
Qiao Shan hadn't realized what happened, his mind was spinning extremely slowly, and time seemed to freeze.

It seemed only for a moment, as if a long time had passed, and the next moment, the beam of light disappeared.

The delay of the magic net also disappeared, and sound, movement, wind, light and heat rushed over all at once, flooding his senses.

Qiao Shan stared blankly at the disappearing peaks in the distance, and it took a while to hear someone shouting hoarsely: "It's God's punishment, God's punishment!"

God's punishment?

No wonder!
I finally saw the legendary nuclear weapon. I didn't expect it to be under such unprepared circumstances. I thought that the biggest function of nuclear weapons is to stay on the launch pad. I didn't expect the enemy to use it so rashly.

"What's there, those troops?" Qiao Shan grabbed a panicked Griffin Knight and shouted.

"Knights of the Gun and Roses, join us the day after tomorrow!", the Griffin Knight shouted in horror.

(End of this chapter)

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