This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 519 Frontline 1

Chapter 519 Frontline 1
An hour later, Qiao Shan jumped off the griffin and came to a large crater that looked like a meteorite had hit it.

The headquarters of the Knights of the Gun and Roses has disappeared. Counting more than 2 militiamen, the headquarters has been taken over, together with the backbone of the legion.

Qiao Shan touched the glazed surface at the bottom of the pit, and was amazed by the power. He looked up at the sky, and the surrounding clouds were slowly filling a circular gap.

"Come on, don't look, nothing will be left behind."

Qiao Shan stepped on the griffin and flew to the edge of the big pit, seeing that his army had already started to rectify the stragglers.

"...At that time, officers above the first rank of sergeant major were in a meeting, and I don't know what happened... Maybe they said something that scolded the indigenous gods. I heard a little bit, just a little bit."

"...The people in the temple are not there, and the high priest just went out to check the destroyed aborigine settlements along the way... Ah, they are back."

It was a bit of a coincidence that the priests of the System Monster God Temple survived. Not only Brother Chun had doubts, but others also had the same guess.

A large group of griffins landed, dressed in animal skins and painted bird decorations, like an Indian high priest with a cold face, first asked the identity of the person who came up, then waved his hand, stopped the politeness behind, and came without saying a word to the edge of the pit.

"Have they all been revived in the rear?"

asked the High Priest.

After receiving an affirmative answer, the High Priest's expression softened slightly, and then he began to give a passionate speech, "...What does this mean? It means that they are getting more and more crazy, it means that they already know that they cannot defeat us, it means..."

The people around Qiao Shan curled their lips and muttered softly, "This angle is also novel, as if we were the ones who threw the nuclear bomb."

"Hush!" Qiao Shan gave him a warning look.

The speech boosted morale a little, at least on the surface, before the high priest spoke to outsiders like Qiao Shan.

The head of the second-level army of Dashuihou came out this time and started socializing with the high priest. Qiao Shan didn't want to get involved, so he stepped on the griffin mount and flew into the sky.

Players know very little about the indigenous gods, and all their knowledge comes from the system and NPCs.

God, what is far away is a symbol. I didn't feel it strongly before, and I didn't feel much fear. I didn't expect the sense of its existence to come to the battlefield so quickly and so strongly.

In fact, there are already a large number of reinforcements from the Kingdom of God on the battlefield. The angel troops without wings are a killing weapon like robots, and they are not difficult to deal with.

Don't the players also have troops from the abyss, the two offset each other, and their battle has been transferred to the 97th floor, which is controlled by the system.

The devastation caused by war can be seen everywhere, even in the rear, far from the front lines.

On the ground, the abandoned farmland is covered with weeds, and the empty village is occupied by goblins. Lowering the height, on a windmill with an obvious earth style, a carrion night vulture bird is tearing at the body of a mutilated person. corpse.

The night vulture bird is not common in the daytime. This bird is also extremely ugly. It has a pair of bat-like fleshy wings, but it is covered with small bumps like sarcomas. It has three eyes, one yellow, one blue, and one red. The aborigines regard this bird as an ominous omen, and some people worship this bird as a symbol of the ancient fallen aboriginal god of death.

Qiao Shan once obtained the mystical knowledge about this bird. During a mission to explore a new map, he discovered that some aboriginal villages and towns were secretly offering sacrifices to evil gods. After destroying the altar, he found a pamphlet of a native ancient god of death. ...

"Captain, there is movement below!"


Qiao Shan shook his head, and drove the griffin to fly towards his subordinates.

The griffins landed in the empty village, and a large group of goblins fled in panic. The filth they left behind was everywhere, and the environment like a pigsty made the players frown.

"I just saw someone there!"

"Perhaps a villager?"

"The villagers ran away long ago, you goblins, if anyone is to blame."

Qiao Shan looked around and found that the grass in the house had grown so tall that it really didn't look like anyone lived here. "Everyone look around, but be careful."


This place is too close to the place where the accident happened. If it is not an aborigine, who can it be? It can't be a tourist player, right?
More than a dozen Griffin Knights were scattered, and the village was not big, so it didn't take much time.

Qiao Shan didn't go there, just kept an eye on the griffin, and kept an eye on the status of everyone on the team channel.


"What's the matter, what did you find?"

"No, no, it's too disgusting."

"Don't be surprised."


The search went smoothly, and the goblins didn't dare to stab these heavily armed players. After a while of flying around, the goblins were driven out of their nests, and they hid everywhere like headless chickens in horror.

"Captain, I found an underground entrance with a magic circle!"

"That direction?"

The team members who found something abnormal reported their positions, and Qiao Shan rushed there immediately.

It is the only stone-built dwelling in the village, with a small courtyard.

Next to a dry well by the wall of the courtyard, familiar magical patterns appeared under the pried open stone slab, and the system prompted that an abnormal entrance was found, which confirmed Qiao Shan's premonition.

Teammates arrived one after another, and one of the mages broke the prohibition on the entrance and destroyed the floor covered by the magic patterns.

After 5 minutes, a narrow, steep underground entrance was cleared.

"Be careful!"

Qiao Shan left three people on top, and jumped into the entrance with the rest.

The ground was soft, and when the torch was lit, he saw that what he was stepping on was actually a pile of corpses.


The corpses were all decomposed, and the calves were sunk in the rotting flesh. The smell was so touching that several teammates couldn't stand it anymore and retched while leaning on the wall.

Qiao Shan also pulled out his right leg in disgust, and shook the torch around.

"It seems that the villagers didn't escape, but..."

"It's all here? It's too miserable!"

"Who did it?"

"Who else can it be, it can't be us"

Holding a torch, Qiao Shan looked around, and soon found an altar covered by debris. His teammates worked together, and when the debris and corpses were cleared to the corner, a secret sacrifice site was cleared out.

"It's an indigenous god!"

"The rune is the Mother Earth!"

"...The villagers are sacrifices for sacrifices?"

"...Damn, this is using the power of our people to summon the indigenous gods to attack us."

This sacrificial scene should be arranged by the enemy's infiltrated squad. I don't know what it has to do with the 'nuclear weapon' just now...

He's definitely related.

This is like the positioning of a missile. Otherwise, how would the native god know what is going on below and destroy the combat effectiveness of a corps in one fell swoop, so accurate?

Maybe there's a traitor too.

Otherwise there is no explanation.

In fact, what Qiao Shan and the others didn't know was that if it wasn't for the magic net's divinity, under the punishment of God, the player's soul would be wiped out, so how could they talk about resurrection.

Of course, the magic net without divinity is also within the scope of destruction. On the surface, it is just a beam of energy, but in fact it is the application of laws.

Qiao Shan reported the discovery and waited for the NPC priests to clean up the mess.

"This place needs to be thoroughly purified, thoroughly!" said the High Priest accompanying the army with a livid face.

So, half an hour later, the whole village was engulfed in a raging fire.

The flames destroyed all sins, including the bodies of the aboriginal NPCs.

On the return trip, the team members were in a heavy mood. Players and tourists could be resurrected, but the aboriginal NPCs did not have such an opportunity. There were many infants and young children in the pile of corpses. The cruelty of the enemy was really outrageous.

In the past, the system would give mosaics to these images, but now there is no more, and the Canaan world seems to have lifted a veil. The more immersed you are, the more you feel the heaviness inside.

At this time, seeing the skinny NPC aborigines and seeing their numb and desperate eyes, it can no longer be used as a set as before.

This is what you gain and what you lose.

Immersion is not all good.

Thinking of this, Qiao Shan suddenly remembered that at the beginning of the 7th test, there were all kinds of protection organizations online, and they all disappeared at this time. It stands to reason that the current environment is the time for them to show their strengths, but instead of tossing and What's the matter?
On the way back, the Griffin was handed over to a substitute. The No. 11 bus was going slowly and carefully. The rear was not necessarily safe. The rear was infiltrated like a sieve.

Everyone was thinking about their thoughts, and the atmosphere was a little dull.

"What are you thinking, still thinking about what happened just now?"

"Uh, no..."

"Even the elderly and children are not spared, what a beast!"

"Religious wars are the bloodiest. Old people and children are also heretics. For those people, they deserve to die!"

"Even if you want to kill him, you shouldn't...forget it, it's really inhuman"

"You said, where did those animals, plants, and ecological protection organizations go? If they were there, the life of the NPC aborigines would be better...I remember being very active before?"

"Captain, you don't understand this, it's all business..."

"In the past, it was always messing with the operating agent and bargaining, but now there is no national server..."

"Who really cares about the online ecosystem."

"The system will not be used to them."

"The decapitation business is done by someone, and the one who loses a fool."


The teammates all have a see-through tone.

"Don't talk too much about offline things!"

By the way, there are also contextual taboos.

Qiao Shan could only try his best to forget the tragic picture lingering in the back of his mind, and turn his attention to the current affairs.

If the spies' speculations come true, then it's most likely that kind of person.

Now the population under the system is divided into various labels, and the most non-existent ones are the tool people NPC of the system. Needless to say, these people are like inanimate props, nothing more than talking and talking. Interacting with the player according to the script is the least possible way to be this spy.

Unless there is a problem with the system.

Moreover, there are fewer and fewer tool man NPCs, players have more and more freedom, and the national server has been cancelled. Presumably, these tool men will disappear soon.

Another kind of people is the aboriginal NPC, that is, the aboriginal population under the rule of the system.

The source of this part is complicated, from the original abandoned people, from the local population that was annexed by the national service just opened, some migrated from the civilized world, and some settled in the game area for various reasons...

This class is currently the most suspected, and the burned village just now belongs to the same situation. It is hard to say that the enemy's infiltration into the rear has nothing to do with the secret cooperation of these people.

They have not been accepted by the system, and live in the game area like weeds. Naturally, there are mixed ones and bad ones. The former have been able to integrate into the ecology of the system, while the latter... There are also many people who are poor and precarious.

The third is the intelligent NPC of the system.

These people used to be the interfaces of various functions of the system, among which the task system is the most, and now most of them are "making a living" and have obtained a degree of freedom similar to that of players. At the same time, they are also the main promoters of context and immersion. The system occupies a large proportion. Most high-level NPCs, such as the current leader of the Rebel Army, Bob, and Edward, the lord of the Extreme South City, belong to this class.

Their suspicion is relatively small, because everything they have is given by the system, and they are inseparable from the system ecology, and they are nothing without the system.

Then there are players and tourists.

Could the player be a spy?

Not too possible.

It's not that there is no intention, but that the system cannot be bypassed. Of course, this is not absolute. The reason for the outbreak of the all-out war is not because some players colluded with the indigenous forces to bypass the system and attack the system on a large scale. city ​​of?
But I heard that the 'loophole' in this area has been patched, and this has never happened again.

So... tourists?
The origin of tourists is more complex than that of players. The system treats them like NPCs of the aborigines, almost letting them go. There are many people who are dissatisfied in this regard. The bloody suppression caused by the "strengthening law and order" not long ago cannot guarantee that some people will follow Indigenous forces hooked up.

Not to mention, if there is such a possibility, the system does not strictly supervise them. Visitors from Earth don’t have that much sense of justice, and ordinary people don’t have a long-term vision. Naturally, they will listen to whoever benefits them.

Based on this analysis, the spies are most likely hidden among the aboriginal NPCs and tourists.

And these two kinds of people happen to be the most numerous.

All the way back to the camp thoughtfully, without any accidents along the way.

The big pit has been banned from approaching. Qiao Shan and his regiment merged with the remaining Guns and Roses regiment, and the number expanded to more than 5.

Fearing that they would be overwhelmed, the 5 people repaired in situ for a day, divided into ten teams of 5000 people, separated by 5 kilometers, and set off again on the third day of repair.

There were no accidents in the subsequent trip.

After 7 days of the big march, they rushed to the predetermined position and began to build a line of defense.

On the second day after the defense line was built, "refugees" who had retreated from the front line appeared all over the mountains and plains, and a small group of enemy's forward troops arrived together.

How miserable!

Standing on the tower more than ten meters high, Qiao Shan looked at the "refugees" who were all over the mountains and screaming loudly, chased and driven by the butcher's knife from the rear, rushing towards the defense line recklessly, feeling a little at a loss.

"Don't let them get close!"

"Blow the horn!"


The friendly army hadn't arrived yet, and the defense line had just been half built. After being rushed like this, there was nothing left.

(End of this chapter)

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