This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 520 Frontline 2

"Is the resurrection circle ready?"

"How can it be so fast"

"How long will it take?"

"At least half an hour"

"Hurry up!"

Needless to say, Qiao Shan, the NPC intermediate alchemist also knew that the current situation was extremely tense.

The hastily built defense line looked extremely thin, and the 'refugees' rushing over the mountains and plains had lost their minds. Under the warning shots from here, they still rushed towards the defense line with arrows raining down.

near, near.

You can already see the appearance of the refugees rushing to the front.

They are already frightened, including aboriginal NPCs, players and tourists.

When the resurrection points on the front line are destroyed on a large scale, death has a high cost for players and tourists. Under immersion and impersonation, in a high-intensity combat environment, human spirit and consciousness cannot always be They are all guaranteed to be awake, so this has led to the current situation.

Fear, cowardice, dare not turn around and fight to the death with the enemy.

——Let them rush forward in such a mess that there is no need to fight.

The head of the big hose corps began to bear the pressure.

In a real war environment, the black-and-white classification of players and monsters has increasingly exposed its limitations. In this situation, if an attack is launched on one's own side, how to characterize it is a problem.

But if you stick to established methods, you don't need to fight this encounter, and once you lose this place, the position of the big counterattack will be forced to move back, which will disrupt the entire battle. The commander of the Throat Corps is unwilling to bear it.

Qiao Shan came back to report that he hadn't made up his mind yet, the situation on the battlefield was changing rapidly, there was room for him to waste his time like this, and the 'refugees' were about to rush up.


The command channel is in chaos.

"Let's fight, Captain!"

"If you don't fight, you can't do it!"


How to characterize it is a future issue, and now I can't take care of so much.

The head of the Dashuihou Corps still showed courage, "Hit, give me a hard hit!"

Just have an order!
The long-range strikes that had been prepared for a long time began to play for real. The bows and crossbows of the militiamen, the large-scale damage skills of mages and rangers covered a large area in front of the defense line, bang bang bang...Under this kind of indiscriminate blow, white lights are densely packed rise.

Players and tourists are not bad, although they don't know where they will be resurrected, but the NPC natives are miserable.

They rolled on the ground, they used the corpses of their companions as shields and wept bitterly, they were howling and screaming, blood, fire, and corpses were everywhere... It was like hell on earth.

Many people in the defense line showed their faces. This was a massacre, and it was their own people who killed them.

Seeing that the morale of the army was shaken, the military chaplain began to loudly preach the necessity of this move, and fanatically chanted the name of the system god, desperately boosting morale.

Faced with such a heavy blow, the refugees behind were at a loss, with butcher's knives behind them, sea of ​​flames in front, and dead ends on both sides.

Qiao Shan had an idea, and asked people to shout along with him, "Spread out from both sides, spread out from both sides!"

More and more people shouted with him, and the shouts shook the sky, and finally these refugees who had lost their minds found the correct escape direction and fled desperately to the left and right.

"well done!"

The head of the big water hose corps patted Qiao Shan on the shoulder heavily, "...take 100 Griffin Knights to protect the sky above the resurrection formation, hurry up!"

Qiao Shan received the task, and it took him 5 minutes to gather the 100 Griffin Knights assigned to him. Due to the sudden outbreak of the war, many people were not fully equipped.

But at this time, I can't take care of so much, simply divide the 100 people into four teams, defend the four directions respectively, and then rush into the air.

At this time, the front of the line of defense has already handed over to the enemy.

Or the War Golem rushed to the forefront.

The good news is that the enemy's small army is not equipped with such a "heavy weapon". A battle group, fierce battles on the ground and in the air at the same time.

The sky is flickering, sometimes it is thunder, sometimes it is rain, sometimes it is hail, and sometimes it is a strong wind... Most of the time, these spell effects are displayed at the same time.

Thunder and hail clash, wind and rainstorm sweep, and the fighters on both sides are reefs, vegetation and duckweed in this environment...

But behind the line of defense, especially over the construction point of the resurrection circle, it was still calm.But Qiao Shan didn't dare to be careless at all. He was extremely nervous, paying attention to every tiny anomaly in the large airspace.

As soon as the battle started, there were casualties. If the resurrection circle was not built, the dead players and tourists would be transferred to the rear, unable to support the ongoing battlefield.

In this case, players have scruples. Therefore, although Kong has far surpassed the number and strength of the enemy, the battle lines are still stalemate.

- Too much reliance on resurrection points.

The longer the time, the more thoroughly this short board will be exposed. With the safe zone of the resurrection point behind, the player will be alive and well. Even if there is a huge difference in strength, no matter how immersed and cruel, they can still wrestle with the enemy.

But once there is an accident in this important stronghold and the main window for system function access, the dragon will become a worm. The most recent example is the refugees just now.

Yes, players and tourists do have spirit, consciousness, and soul qualities that far surpass those of Canaan natives, but when it comes to hard work, obedience, and even discipline, it's...

No one is willing to be a green leaf, no one wants to burn themselves to illuminate others, and the immersion has not yet gone deep into that, and the Canaan natives are different, because they have no choice, or, in other words, they have no choice conditions and consciousness at all.

Resurrect, revive

Damn, it's not done yet!
Just when Qiao Shan was distracted, a burst of chaos suddenly erupted below. It was a few infiltrating 'night walkers' who somehow crossed the line of defense and escaped the surveillance of the sky. Kill and destroy.


Qiao Shan's eyeballs protruded in anger, and he subconsciously wanted to go down and kill these bastards, but he still retained a sliver of sobriety, "Don't move", who knew it was not the enemy's distraction.


A large group of Griffin Knights of the enemy suddenly rushed out from the effect of the 'group invisibility' spell. This time, it was not a few people who destroyed it, but prepared to destroy the resurrection circle that was about to be completed.

This is how Qiao Shan's battle came.

But combat in the air is very different from combat on the ground.

Before the outbreak of the all-out war, the player's understanding of air combat belonged to the "long-range strike and light equipment style", that is, most players believed that the profession that naturally meets the air combat arms is a long-distance profession. This is easy to understand, because there is no ground environment in the air Well.

Melee occupations, especially physics occupations, are not suitable for air combat. Their hands are too short to reach their opponents, so they can only be kited by others, which is uncomfortable.

But after the outbreak of all-out war, this understanding was subverted by the enemy.

the reason is simple.

The natives of Canaan do not have a magic net and a professional system supported by the system. Every native professional has made breakthroughs in battle and training. In addition, human beings cannot compare with elves in archery. This is genetically The flaws in the system cannot be made up for the day after tomorrow, so the profession of ranger is rare among them, and this is precisely the strength of the system.

Indigenous air combat units come in a variety of varieties, and generally speaking, the melee class is the most. Because of the source, this has led to the fact that almost all of the air combat units they develop are 'heavy assault types'.

That is to say, pay attention to defense, formation, and head-on confrontation. If you run over with a majestic formation or be crushed by your opponent, you will either win or lose. Regardless of the outcome, once an air battle occurs, the time is often relatively short. Bloody and brutal.

This is not the case on the player side. Air combat is long-distance chasing, entanglement, and mutual shooting. After a battle, there are many casualties on both sides.

It's also interesting when these two different genres collide.

In the beginning, the players were completely unaccustomed to this "reckless" style of warfare. The "light cavalry" were caught off guard by the "heavy cavalry" and turned into stragglers. After a battle, they often suffered heavy losses.

But as the battle continued, after knowing the characteristics of the opponent and making adjustments, the balance of victory and defeat shifted.

The 'light cavalry' began to give full play to their strengths in speed, length of arms, and convenient communication and command. Instead of fighting with their opponents, they turned into sponges, a piece of cloth, to wrap the fists of their opponents. Take advantage of the vastness of the swimming and sky battlefield to wear down the opponent's spirit little by little, and finally harvest.

In this way, players have mastered the initiative and advantages of air combat, and then regained the air supremacy over their own positions, greatly supporting the ground battlefield.

Now players are studying how to break through the opponent's heavy equipment advantage, make up for their own weakness in attacking fortifications, and completely grasp the air supremacy on the battlefield.

But the air battle taking place now is extremely unfavorable to Qiao Shan's 'light cavalry'.

Because they have a goal that must be kept.

Resurrection array.

In this way, the biggest advantage-speed and flexibility will be lost, and you will have to fight the enemy.

Hundreds of griffin riders, except for Qiao Shan and a few priests, are almost all crisp-skinned rangers and mages, and the opponents, even the griffins under their crotch, are a size bigger than theirs, which is really heavy armor , turned into a cluster of tanks in the air, and charged here.


The light cavalry had to adopt a dense formation, firmly guard the sky above the resurrection formation, bend their bows and set arrows, and tilt the deadly arrow rain towards the enemy.

The arrows carried skill tracers, like meteors, bombarding the enemy's array, and instantly struck thousands of lights.

The advantage of the heavy equipment style is reflected in this kind of time. Facing the high damage, only a few heavy cavalry were unlucky and fell from the sky because the defense was breached.

"Mage is ready!"

Qiao Shan was very nervous. He raised his right arm in the formation and drew his voice.

The enemy came too fast and too close, and the mages didn't have time to chant powerful spells. They generally prepared frequently used PK skills such as [Fireball], [Ice Roar], and [Single Lightning]. With enough time, combined with singing special spells for air combat such as [Medium Energy Force Field] and [Group Gravity], the results will be completely different.

Another round of concentrated fire, the power is much better than the more arrow rain, the mage can't bear the strongest output...but it's useless.

When the flames, hail, and electric snakes entangled with lightning receded, most of the enemies still rushed out to meet the frontmost 'light cavalry'.

Here comes the cruel test.

The player's griffin was easily knocked into the air, and there were several wailing sounds in the air, and the enemy launched an attack on the back of the griffin, some disappeared, some left afterimages that went straight to the opponent, and some waved a heavy mace …The crisp-skinned light infantry did not deserve a blow, and white light flashed continuously.

The formation was shaken in the blink of an eye, Qiao Shan gritted his teeth, and shouted on the command channel, he can't retreat a step, he can't retreat a step!

The light infantry had to entangle and exchange with the enemy in a fighting style they were not good at.

As soon as a player ranger shot an arrow, a distorted shadow appeared behind him, a black light flashed on his neck, and a white light lit up.

In the blink of an eye, the enemy who succeeded in one blow was fired upon by the players on the rear and flanks. He jumped off the struggling griffin without hesitation, and fell to the ground like a meteorite.

Two seconds later, he came back again, and his crotch caught him on the mount in mid-air.

Qiao Shan's eyelids twitched, and when he looked in other directions, there was a hard fight. The thin mage had to face the huge mace, and the crispy ranger had to entangle with the elusive "Night Walker". Attracting hatred, being under the care of the enemy, they have no time to care about the life and death of others, and they have all given themselves magic spells, blessings, healing, and status auras.

The ownerless griffins were whining, losing their owners, they were at a loss, and the brutal battle made them terrified.

Qiao Shan had no time to worry about the situation on the ground battlefield. The air battle was at a critical moment, and he had no choice but to let the enemy bomb the resurrection formation on the ground.

"Damn, fight with them!"

In the end, he led the reserve team with only 10 people left, and blocked the heavy flying cavalry who had broken through his own front. It was as tragic as if he wanted to use his flesh and blood to stop the enemy's rolling wheels.


As soon as he took a no-frills blow to an enemy wearing a tauren helmet, his 42 strength was just like a joke, his arms swung, and his empty door was exposed.

The enemy danced the heavy mace into embroidery needles, piercing his chest like a poisonous snake.

As a last resort, Qiao Shan could only use a substitute.

[Stand-In Doll] The transformed shadow was torn to pieces, Qiao Shan lost contact with the enemy in the bull head helmet, and faced another opponent wearing a silver mask.


After 10 minutes, the reinforcements finally arrived, and the enemy saw that there was nothing they could do, so they withdrew decisively.

At this time, only 20 or so of the hundreds of 'Qingqi' were still standing above the resurrection formation. Everyone was wounded, their physical strength had bottomed out, and most of them had only a layer of blood left.

"Old Bridge, good job!"

Qiao Shan: "..."

"Haha, is it exciting? Is it completely different from dungeons and spawning monsters?"

Qiao Shan: "..."

"you are silly?"

"Don't pay attention to him, you'll get used to it after a few more visits."

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