This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 521 Necromancer

The third morning.

The dew in the early morning was heavy, and everywhere was wet. The sunlight was blocked by thick water vapor, and the light was refracted into various colors on the way of transmission.

Blue, green, purple, red... Such a spectacle is like a rich oil painting.

Tick, tick, dewdrops dripping from the leaves, a small animal shaped like a squirrel cautiously sticks its nose out of its nest, its developed sense of smell distinguishes every subtle smell in the air, it took a long time before sticking out its head .

It is gray and as big as a domestic cat and has an extremely agile body. The paws of this little thing have thick webs shaped like a duck's paw. It moves almost silently, and often only sees gray shadows flashing before disappearing. gone.

The small camp is located in a hollow surrounded by two big trees. The accumulated water has been drained, but the dew overnight made the low-lying place wet and muddy. Liang started to fuss, and the reins that tied them were almost torn off by them.

Qiao Shan stepped in the mud, the mud splashed everywhere, and his trouser legs were covered with mud spots. He was carrying a large bucket, which was filled with a green thick soup with branches and green leaves floating on the surface. It had a strange smell Spreading out, the little thing shaped like a squirrel jumped onto the wooden fence, raised its two front paws creakingly, and kept bowing to him.

"small thing!"

Qiao Shan laughed and scolded, deliberately ignoring it, opened the animal pen, poured most of the bucket of paste into the long stone nest, then picked up the wooden brush, and skillfully served his mount with the clear water that had settled overnight .

One after another, the griffin riders in the camp all went out with wooden barrels, and the long animal pen was filled with the joyous cries of griffins and the sound of grunting and eating.

"How do you feel, old man?"


"Lift your feet!"

The intelligence of a griffin is about the same as that of a smarter parrot. Some mutant griffins can even have the intelligence of a human child. This big guy is sometimes cute, especially when it is relaxed.

"Uh...don't make trouble!"

Qiao Shan blocked the griffin's big tongue to wash his face, and brushed the gaps between its scales vigorously with the brush in his hand. Obviously it was very comfortable, so he kept using his tongue to repay those who served him.

After finally cleaning the big guy, Qiao Shan started to clean it again.

There is a big pile of feces excreted by this guy last night in the animal pen. The excrement shovel officer held his nose and shoveled out a big lump. The [Grey Flying Squirrel] waiting outside couldn't wait, jumped onto the animal pen, and squeaked. call out.

"Wait a while, I have to come one by one!"

"Okay, I'm afraid of you!"

He scooped out a ladle of the paste from the food nest, and put it in front of [Grey Flying Squirrel]. The little guy couldn't wait to plunge into it, and started to eat it.


The bell in the camp rang. At this time, the sunlight basically evaporated the water vapor from last night, the light became stronger, and it was another sunny day.

Qiao Shan hurried back to do morning class, yawned, and 'recited' the teachings of the God of Hunting system with his teammates, went out for missions, kept everything simple, and everyone was dealing with laziness on errands.

After all these things were done, the squad that had been stationed in this no-man's land for two days gathered together, took out the parchment map, and discussed with this oil lamp.

"Sanmao, Li Tie, lame, you patrol this route, be careful of this place."

"Understood, head."

"Little Xiami, is there any problem with you alone?"

"Boss, it's what you ordered."

"Okay, this lizardman's lair is a bit weird. You should find a way to sneak in and have a look. Remember not to act rashly no matter what you find, and come back safely."

"pass it to me!"

"The rest of you will continue with me on yesterday's route. Remember, once you get separated, you will be at point 6!"

"no problem."

"Boss, don't worry"

"I'm afraid that a fight has already started?"

"should be."

"That's it, let's go in 15 minutes!"

The 10-point Griffin team was divided into three teams, and the team with the most leaders led by Qiao Shan sent four teammates to leave the camp one by one.

The griffin took to the sky and soon became a tiny black dot.

He didn't wave his hand until it exceeded the range that the team list could support.

The remaining 6 people stepped on the griffin mounts that were about to move, and when they lifted the reins, the griffin gave a light reprimand and flew into the air together with a whoosh.


A [Grey Flying Squirrel] chased it out, jumped onto a big rock, and screamed mournfully towards the sky.

"This little thing..."

"Flying squirrels belong to monsters, right? Why didn't the captain accept them?"

"Forget it, let it be free."

"Being free is better than being taken care of"

Qiao Shan smiled, squeezed his legs slightly, and the griffin under his crotch flapped its wings and started to accelerate.

Six griffins marched in a formation of geese at a high speed in the airspace at an altitude of 6 meters.


"Let's compete, Captain!?"

"Don't make trouble!"

It is difficult to open the mouth during high-speed flight, but this is not a problem for the players. The 6 griffins are facing the rising sun, shuttling through the cotton-like clouds, and the teammates howled excitedly.

Although they are all 'veteran pilots', every time they fly in such a world, it still makes people so excited and excited.

Flying is a dream engraved in the genes of human beings. Driving a cold machine is far less real and exciting than it is now.

Qiao Shan can sense the heartbeat of the griffin, feel the air repelled by its vigorously flapping wings, adjust its state and posture according to its state and posture, and follow its breathing rate, every time it rises and falls , Swooping, circling and even hovering as if you are flying without any external force... This kind of feeling cannot be provided by a cold machine or a roaring engine.

The rising sun is right in front of it, and it looks so golden and huge above the clouds, all troubles are far away, only generosity, ambition and pride are left.

"Captain, we're here!"

"Descent to 500 meters, be careful!"

The 6 griffins comprehended the intention behind them as the knights adjusted their postures, and they hissed one after another. The triangular heads pierced the clouds obliquely and descended to the predetermined height.

Flying at low altitudes is far more awkward and dangerous than flying at high altitudes. The boundless primeval forest is slightly arc-shaped, and it looks extraordinarily calm under the sun.

"At 6 o'clock, find our supply convoy!"

"Let's go over there!"

Qiao Shan lifted the reins lightly, and the Griffon changed direction in a graceful arc, with its long tail skimming over the top of a giant tree. Five minutes later, it came over a convoy of more than a dozen pack animals. .


There was a burst of panic in the team, and they cheered when they saw that it was their own people.

"We were attacked!"

Qiao Shan didn't let down his vigilance, because there was not a single player in the convoy, and they were all aboriginal NPCs.

"what happened?"

"I am Roward Hashimoto, the sheriff of Phoenix Town..."

Players can be resurrected, and NPCs have only one life. When encountering danger, players usually let NPCs with good relationships go first, which is normal.

This logistics supply team comes from Phoenix Town, which is more than 100 kilometers away from the front line. It is located on the border of the former North American national server. The players who escorted them are American players. When they were resting by a small river this morning, they suddenly encountered a team that was infiltrated by the enemy. Sneak attack, at a critical moment, the player held back the enemy and let the NPC lead the supply team to go first... That was already 5 hours ago.

Qiao Shan repeatedly confirmed that no problems were found, so he asked his five Griffin Knights to take on the task of escorting the supply team, and flew to the scene of the incident by himself-he needed to confirm the status of those American players, and if he still had a chance, he would catch them. Hold the enemy's tail, call for backup, and destroy them.

It is also ironic to say that the natives are better at infiltrating the special operations of reverse osmosis than the players. Even the ubiquitous system cannot prevent this from happening again and again. It can be seen that the system is not omnipotent. Just like people, consciously Inert, with dead ends for monitoring.

Qiao Shan and the others are in charge of guarding this airspace and the vast surrounding area. If something goes wrong, they will be held accountable. The day and night defenses, the only question is whether it is safe to do so, or let the mice come in and cause damage. Qiao Shan doesn’t care. Said, the heart is actually very depressed.

When we arrived at the location where the incident happened, there was no one there. There were traces of battle everywhere, and no players or enemies were found.

This shows that the player has suffered a lot, but the enemy has not lost much.

Qiao Shan landed in front of a big pit where a big tree fell, squeezed a small handful of soil and smelled it, then changed color and said, "Undead?"

As soon as the words fell, a large number of dense sounds appeared around him, and a dark, silent roaring shadow rushed towards him.

As soon as the abnormality appeared, Qiao Shan jumped on the mount. The griffin roared and struggled to get up, and the shadow fell forward. However, the sickle turned back into the incorporeal body at the moment of the collision, passed through the shield, and slashed at the neck of the griffin.

The griffin wailed, and took off for a while. Fortunately, there was a neck guard. The griffin was injured but not dead. Before the sickle swirled and struck again, it took off.


More than a dozen vines shot up from the quagmire below him, half of them fell into the air, and half of them wrapped around the lower limbs of the griffin, bouncing... Pulled straight for a moment, Qiao Shan drew his sword and slashed down, and the severed vines spurted out Viscous and dark juice.

It's too late, it's fast, all this happened in an instant.

The second shot of the scythe missed and landed in the hands of a man in a black cloak who appeared at an unknown time. Amidst the crackling sound, a large number of undead emerged from the ground, including middle and high-level soldiers such as black warriors and skeleton knights.


The system uses a bright red ID to illustrate the danger of the man in the black cloak.

The griffin fell heavily to the ground, sizzling where the juice splashed on its body, the hard scales and flesh were rapidly withering and corroding, and the pale thigh bones could be seen.

The griffin was in great pain, struggling and going mad, Qiao Shan had no choice but to jump off his mount, and smashed a charging skeleton warrior to pieces.

The necromancer was fully rested, his huge sickle retracted into the shadow cast by the cloak, Qiao Shan and the Griffin were surrounded by the undead, and the opportunity to escape was lost.


The necromancer said in a dry, emotionless voice, "I want to talk to the man behind you."

The system does not provide translation, Qiao Shan has no idea what he is talking about.

He looked around quickly, looking for a way out of trouble.

The necromancer began to chant, Qiao Shan thought he was about to attack, so he could only send out a [Puppet Substitute] on the spot, and tore open a scroll at the same time.

The stand-in replaced him and stayed where he was, for three seconds.

Three seconds later, using a noble [random teleportation] scroll, Qiao Shan appeared in a bush [-] meters away. At the same time, he slapped his chest and retracted the griffin mount that was surrounded by heavy siege.


The suddenly intelligible voice from behind made his movements pause, and then released the griffin, lifted the reins, and flew up rapidly.

Until flying to a height of hundreds of meters, Qiao Shan still couldn't believe that he escaped from the mortal situation so easily.

He looked back in the direction of the necromancer, only to see a shadow that expanded like a god of death, turned into mist, and melted into the air.

——A necromancer appeared behind him.

Reporting this information is enough to offset the responsibility for the attack on the supply team.

"I want to talk to the man behind you."

Qiao Shan froze, looked back, but found nothing.

"who are you?"

"I am Moloch, Moloch Egger."

System translated?
no, no prompt...

"I have been asleep for a long time, and it was a lot of flesh and soul that woke me up. I noticed that you and the minions of the gods are fighting...I want to meet your leader..."

[Ding: Trigger a special plot mission...]

The task is actually a task.

"I have no malice towards you, and I did not kill your companion... No, it shouldn't be killed. I noticed that your life situation is very special... The net... It is really a masterpiece..."

"Do you know who attacked our supply team? Who are they?"

"Of course, look..."

Qiao Shan followed the task prompts. Such detailed task prompts have not appeared for a long time. Since the beginning of the 7th test, the emphasis on immersion and impersonation has given players a high degree of freedom.

The system prompts that even the lines are provided, which also shows that the character of this special plot task is not simple.

Necromancer Moloch Egg?
Qiao Shan's vision was blurred for a moment, and then he appeared at the scene when the logistics supply team was attacked. The necromancer appeared beside him, and saw everything before, during, and after the attack.

——It turned out to be a combination of inside and outside.

The attackers were hidden among the aborigines NPCs, and they had been fooled by them before.

not good!

"That's it, Your Excellency!"

With a light wave of the necromancer, Qiao Shan escaped from the 'mission scene' and returned to the back of the griffin.

"I'd like to introduce you to the commander-in-chief of the front line, Lord Earl Edward, the commander of the first-class legion, Your Excellency!"

"Edward...very good!"

Since then, the voice has never appeared again.

Qiao Shan caught up with his teammates. Fortunately, what he was worried about didn't happen. Looking at the attackers mixed with the aboriginal NPCs, he kept his composure and led the supply team to the frontline corps headquarters.

I wish you all a happy new year and all the best

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