This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 522 Red Romance

Chapter 522 Red Romance

In the sound of the urgent bugle, Shuai Jue Renhuan pushed away the thighs that were pressing on his body, yawned sleepily, put on a coat and went outside the tent.

Three days ago, the system had a major update, and he could fucking sleep online, it was real sleep, the effect was the same as offline, or even better, so he really couldn't find a reason to go offline, if it wasn't for scruples With his physical body in reality, he can always be online, and it doesn't matter whether he is offline or not.

The dozen or so tents surrounded by wooden fences all belong to him, er, they should belong to the "Golden Bear Frontline Consolation Circus". Yesterday, it was finally recognized by the system, completed the 'organization procedure' in the form of a gang, and listed for business as a 'special operating entity'.

'Tax taxes according to the regulations', no need to be sneaky anymore.

This is undoubtedly a hurricane for his career, he didn't expect it to be so smooth, haha, the war made it all seem to be a matter of course.

It's all about winning!
Whether it's online sleep or condolences to the circus, they all serve the war. He is so handsome that he loves this war to death, and he can't wait to fight forever.

"Come on, be happy, anyway, there is a lot of time..."

There is another one who is more diligent than him, no, a girl named Jia Kailina is hanging her voice there, practicing the song taught yesterday.

Offline saliva songs have a different flavor online, especially Maomei's voice translated by the system is a bit special, and the changes made to fit the context, it sounds really exotic, quack...

How far is this from the front line, and safety cannot be guaranteed?

"There is also a handsome pot."

The Mao girl under her hand can't do this kind of work, she is not meticulous, careless, or the Hua Guo girl has the foundation, even if she watched the show on TV, there is also a reference.

On the "real" battlefield, the commander uses a map and the battlefield situation collected from various aspects to simulate the global and local timely situations in his brain, and make targeted countermeasures. Players generally do not have such abilities The quality, even if it is a big water hose and a high-end player, is the same.

After washing up, Shuai Jueren went back to the tent and dressed neatly, called all the 'staff' together like a dog, and began to lecture.

Although it is officially listed for business today, it has actually been in trial operation for several days, and the response is getting better every day.

Soon, the enemy was reluctant to let the invaluable air combat units be wasted like this, and the light cavalry of one's own side gained air supremacy for a period of time. The curtain opened.

This large counterattack involving more than a dozen corps has achieved good results.

Boom, boom, boom! !


He was twittering while he was giving serious lectures, but no one took it seriously.

With a sound of "Boom!", the ground trembled three times, and the front started to dry again. Shuai Jurenhuan didn't care, picked up a brush made of unknown hair, and slapped it into his mouth vigorously.

You come and go on the battlefield, there is no systematic command convenience, Shao Bing only asks him that he is not qualified as a second-level regiment commander.

The enemy is dominated by elite militias, while the player-based professionals are on his side.

Don't expect them to be proficient in everything, at least they must have the basic level of an entertainment club, right?

The thin magic wall of the line of defense is already riddled with holes, and the speed of repair cannot keep up with the destruction. A meteor-like projectile trailed a long flame, broke through the mask of the magic wall, and bombarded the city wall, "Boom! " With a loud noise, more than a dozen white lights rose, and a huge gap appeared in the wall.

Time is on the player's side.

"Well, it will be perfect to find another maid sometime."

Then learn it.

In the beginning, it was full of bumps and bumps, the commanders were not qualified, and the players who were used to missions and spawning monsters were inexperienced, so there were many mistakes and omissions. In terms of command level, most corps leaders could not keep up with top students from military academies.

The enemy and us returned to the original front and began to confront each other. Inside the line of defense that the enemy could not see, our own side began to prepare a large-scale counterattack again.

Otherwise, if you just open your mouth to swallow the stench, no matter how beautiful and delicious it is, it's still annoying, isn't it?

During the lecture, the native NPCs hired and recruited by the system drove all kinds of animals and went out, "...with the attitude and awareness of service, this, this, and the skills and skills of serving people."

Looks like I still have to go offline.

In fact, both sides of the total war know their opponents well enough. The advantages and disadvantages of the players are equally obvious. After the key attack on the resurrection point has been effectively compensated, the power of the fourth natural disaster has gradually been revealed. Regardless of whether the native army No matter how many high-level combat powers and arms are used, even if the Angel Legion has participated in the battle, if the magic net cannot be shaken and the infinite resurrection of the fourth natural disaster mode cannot be prevented, there is no hope of victory.

And the attack against the magic net has been staged from the very beginning.

"This... Auntie System, our circus will be open for business from today onwards. That, I have always emphasized, when we are in the service industry, we must adhere to the attitude and awareness that the customer is the customer... that is the parent of the food and clothing. , Without such ideological awareness, it is impossible to do well in the service industry..."

At this time, Shao Bing's personal strength is secondary instead. He does not need to go up to fight the enemy. He needs to keep an eye on the battlefield map provided by the system and the flickering light spots on it all the time. Move and the reports of various subordinate commanders to imagine what kind of situation the local battlefield is in.

The backbone forces selected from several regiments have completed the assembly, and the large-scale, group concealment spell blinded the enemy's eyes in the sky. Intense entanglement and fighting.

Last night was the peak of the trial operation, unfortunately, we can't provide overnight service, otherwise today will be more lively, haha...

After the information was collected one after another, Shao Bing made corresponding adjustments through the command system. Several staff officers were responsible for checking and filling in the gaps, and orders were issued to every unit on the battlefield through the task situation.

Is there enough food to eat, how to replenish personnel and supplies, the fighting on the front line is so fierce, is there going to be a famine in the rear?

This is also a lazy approach. Many players who are impatient with religious rituals and preaching, and have little pursuit of faith promotion, just use the excuse of the belief system aunt as a panacea, which can save a lot of trouble.

The chasing enemies stopped and lined up 500 meters away from the front line. The huge war golems, puppet statues and other war weapons of both sides moved to the front again, and the magic guided cannons of both sides began to speak again.

How could this spy make such a big commotion?

Building a new line of defense, a new safe zone, is like a giant in a deep quagmire, taking a few steps forward with difficulty. It is still far from regaining the lost ground and driving the enemy out of their homes.

The expected situation did not appear. The heavily invested players and tourists were always wiped out by the enemy's various means. It has been a week. Not only did the lost land not be recovered, but several cities were also lost. I don't know this battle How to fight.

Is this still a traitor?

10,000+ people competed for several key strategic locations, and the enemy finally showed signs of decline. When a flag of the Guards Corps was planted on a ruined system city as expected, Bingchang Shao breathed a sigh of relief.

All the hairy girls in the camp didn't take it seriously, just followed in the college girls' dormitory, chatting, chatting, and making crazy noises. Tarzan thought that this would not work, and he had to find something for them to do.

The ground and the sky were all rushing towards the camp on the mountainside. The orangutan Tarzan watched for a while, until the movement gradually weakened, and then he gradually relaxed.

"Circus? What the hell?"


At the beginning, there were not many customers, and they were a bit reluctant to let go, but later on, they became more and more unrestrained.

"Tch, not interested."

The ownerless griffin wailed, and blood was spilled in the air. As long as there is no problem with the resurrection point, this level of exchange is beneficial to the player.

"Check for spies!!"

Sister Mao is getting a little impatient. I heard that Da Mao and Er Mao have also started to fight offline. Maybe they are all skinny. The handsome man is still full of desires, so he has no choice but to do so.

"The frontline is brutal. We have to do everything possible to soothe the players' traumatized and ravaged hearts, let them regain their courage, let them relax and enjoy themselves..."

In fact, the bodies of players and tourists do not need to be cleaned at all. 90% of players do not take a bath or brush their teeth, because they will die at some point, and everything will be new after resurrection.

"You guys are disgusting."

As the saying goes, a population of ten thousand is boundless. On the front line in charge of the Guards Corps, the attack and defense stretching for several kilometers has entered a fierce stage. The counterattack force invested by one's own side has gradually lost its vigor under the enemy's full counterattack—— The key is that the rear cannot be supplied, and the revived players cannot keep up with the speed of the killed players, so that the spears that are stabbed become blunt and thin, and are gradually submerged in the enemy's counterattack layer by layer.

In fact, there was nothing to do during the day, Shuai Jurenhuan watched the circus rehearsal for a while, nodded his head like a boss, and was about to comment a few words, there was a bang, this time it exploded nearby, turned around and saw a nearby, The barracks on the mountainside suddenly screamed and shook the sky.

Commanding tens of thousands of people to fight, or a war of swords and magic under the condition of cold weapons, who can grasp the overall situation with the naked eye?

Players are not afraid of consumption, the enemy is indeed dead one less, how long can the offensive that condenses the essence of all human native kingdoms last?

"Haha, that's the kind... Captain, you know."

Calculating the income from the trial operation in the past few days, it is enough to invite some people who have changed jobs to plan and design their own business. There is no competitor. In the future, we must always have a long-term vision.

One-on-one, a dozen elite militias are not enough to kill a player above level 30, but when they gather together and cooperate with a relatively small number of transcendents, the players are repeatedly frustrated. It is much better, but its performance on the battlefield is far inferior to the enemy's elite soldiers.

A huge bulge, the war golem and the siege engine were toppled and ignited raging fire even in the safe command post. Behind the assault troops retreating like ants, there is a tide coming enemy.

Only people like him who haven't hung up for a long, long time, or who are purely for work like his sister Mao, need such trouble.

The sound of shouting and killing was loud, and a thick shield wall was striding forward. The tourist militiamen were dispatched.

"Come on, be happy, anyway, there is a lot of time... Sing like this, 'Anyway there' is connected, hurry up, be playful...Yes, yes, this wink is very well done..."

Finally, the praise system aunt can not be omitted, instead of the real morning class.

This is just a blip.

After the war, it is natural to cultivate one's health and recuperate, to mend the wounds left by the war.

The Mao girls dispersed in a rush, and the camps soon became lively. Only the aborigines and NPCs who were actually in charge of circus performances were in the middle of the camp, training diligently.

Since it's a circus, even if it's a trick to sell dog meat, there must be animals.

Dozens of beauties with blond hair, brown hair, blue eyes, and green eyes all dressed cooler than the last, all with fair skin and long legs...

Very good, Ruzi can teach!
Qiao Shan went to wash up with satisfaction, one after another, all the 'staff' under him started to get up, Yingying Yanyan's singing voice like an oriole bird was intoxicating, creating a gentle village in this cruel, tense and intense front line .

But this kind of large-scale corps battle, players who specialize in command are no longer useful. Besides, there is no corps leader who gives up the excitement and benefits of commanding tens of thousands of people to fight, and hands over the power to others.

After stabilizing in all aspects, the construction aimed at seizing important places began again.

There were such and such movements during the day, spies were caught for a while, and the squads infiltrated by the enemy were harassed for a while. The front line was still fighting, and the big counterattack did not go smoothly at the beginning.

That's why there is a situation where the team commander and the team leader are separated.

If this continues, it will undoubtedly be beneficial to players.

The emergency material warehouse removed its camouflage and began to move. The ant-like tourist militia transported various inscribed substrates to the city wall. After a few minutes, the city wall was repaired, and the new energy storage unit began to play a [-]% protective role.

Qiao Shan hurried out of the camp, grabbed a griffin rider who was about to take off, and asked what was going on.

God's punishment, on the surface, effectively destroys the key nodes of the battlefield. In fact, it is not a "probe" attack against the magic net. With divinity, there are hundreds of millions of anchors to define and support it. Compared with the beginning of the war, it is more stable, more in line with the mysterious rules and narrative, not the other way around.

Fortunately, the natives of Canaan have evolved the toothbrush as a personal cleaning product, otherwise, for the sake of immersion, they would not be able to brush their teeth.

The headquarters is relaxed, and there is nothing for them to do in the follow-up tasks. They take the opportunity to rest and recuperate, and let those overly immersed players and tourists heal their psychological 'pain'.

Shao Bing said with a smile: "Then go see and see, and the expenses will be paid for!"

"Long live the pigs."

"Go, go to Red Romance"

(End of this chapter)

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