This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 523 Combining work and rest

Chapter 523 Combining work and rest

How long?
Moloch Egg stood in front of the gate of the system temple in the new magic capital, looking at the inscribed, cumbersome badge representing the system on the door, slightly lost in thought.

Whether it was 500 years or 1000 years, I don't remember, it seems that the last time he was sealed by someone, he was divided into more than a dozen parts, scattered and buried in various places on the main material plane.

Afterwards, he fell into weakness, and it lasted for a long time, until the power of death on the main material plane began to gather on a large scale, and the authority of death once again gathered on him.

The process of waking up is long and weak. He can't even guarantee the thinking instinct as an intelligent creature. He can only rely on another instinct. The influence can affect the life, let them find another part of themselves, and then bring it back, Merge with yourself.

How many times have you merged?

Moloch Egg still can't remember, anyway, he is definitely not in the most complete state now, maybe there are other parts that are sealed by the power of the church in places that cannot be sensed, such as behind the wall of the Holy See of Light.

But in recent years, especially more than two years ago, he felt that the return of power has accelerated, and the power of death is increasingly repairing the incomplete memory, reminding him of his name and the glory of the past
Moloch Egg is the legendary archmage.

Ha ha……

Moloch Egg thought about it again. Perhaps the other parts that had not been found were kept as collections in the kingdom of the gods. Maybe a puppet consciousness was born, otherwise he would be able to sense some of what he said.

"Really, he is a serious person"

Speaking of it, the online entertainment industry is too backward. How can we say that we have status, status, and money?But apart from offline, there is no place for expenses or entertainment online. Except for equipment, it is combat power and level. Please, I work so hard, isn't it all for enjoyment?
It should have been like this a long time ago, otherwise what is the purpose of beating people to death?
Ordinary players and tourists can only walk through the gate.

"I know, sorry to trouble you, Your Excellency!"

"You, you, who are you?"

As soon as Ms. Mao came up, she held the whole audience. She didn't do much, but she made many people 'climax', as if she had really done something.

People who are usually preoccupied don't even look at the price at this time, just light it up, order it, and spend huge sums of money without blinking.

At this time, the outside of the circus was already filled with water, and many latecomers and tourists were making trouble. A spontaneous night market was formed, and many people who saw business opportunities and did similar businesses took the opportunity to sell their own services.

A performance lasts for a few minutes, and no one knows what to perform. In the end, only a few girls are beautiful, and a few girls have a good figure, and a few girls look pure and pure like my first love, Barabara...

"...Moscow University? Yes, yes, do you want to come to Huaguo to develop? Oh, look at me, it's all online, it doesn't matter whether Huaguo is Huaguo or not."

"It's him, it's him, no wonder, no wonder..."


Nicholas endured the feeling of trepidation and couldn't calm down. Since meeting that person, what does this mean to a spellcaster?
"Ah, I found out, the guy chosen by the authority of death, the ancient god of death was almost resurrected on him, and then he was besieged by the clones of the gods, and his real body was sealed everywhere... Why did you suddenly ask him? "

After scolding, he smiled again, yelling why the show hasn't started yet, girl, bring it up quickly, the uncle is not short of money... As he said, he took out a handful of silver coins and copper coins and sprinkled them on his head!

"Yes, yes, yes, you are a decent person, anyway, your wife is not online."

Moloch Egg, why never heard of it.

After a show is over, the hairy girls will stay and be hugged by the highest bidder, becoming the stars and the focus of the scene.

After a while, the lobby on the first floor was almost full, surrounded by a circular performance stage surrounded by iron fences, and drinks and refreshments were served like flowing water. The things were not fresh, but the prices were very beautiful. The lowest was outside. From 2 times.

But that's all for later, at least at this time, the Golden Bear Frontline Consolation Circus is still the first to eat crabs.

Don't worry, wearing a cool top-quality hair girl and a simple leather jacket, she came up as the assistant of the animal trainer, and blew kisses around as soon as she got on the stage.


Maybe it was because of drinking too much, maybe because the pressure was released, and soon there was trouble down there, and for some reason, many people started fighting.

After the communication ended, Nicholas's mind calmed down a bit. The biggest source of fear was the unknown. Now that he knew a little about that person's roots, his calmness returned to him.

Outside the temple of the system, people come and go. Due to the Buddhist system of the system, this temple was donated by a certain player, and the priest is also an NPC aboriginal volunteer. The system will not give any feedback, nor will it be because of you Shout out a few words to the system's aunt Supreme and you will be lenient.

Nicholas had never been at a loss like this before. He didn't feel the other party's extraordinary level, nor did he feel any real threat, but at the soul level, it was like a goblin facing a dragon that was always examining him. It's a different feeling, the feeling of insignificance that cannot be shaken in the face of a high mountain... Even Bei Gaoyang has never felt it before.

Nicholas seemed to have been punched by someone, and he was so shocked that he was stunned for a second.

"Ah, Artemis, I need your help!"

"Don't be an example, don't be an example!"

At some point, without warning, he turned around and saw the Lich Nicholas.

"I don't know, the relevant records have become 'secret', unless the gods or have the authority of [peeping secrets], even if the truth is placed in front of you, you will not be able to understand it."

Like the attraction between magnets, Kelemvor felt a huge pulling force, which caused him pain and made him begin to endure a huge test.

Xiao Moyuan's vice president groaned at the communication circle, and said after a while, "I seem to have seen this name there... Wait a minute, I'll look it up."

Don't talk about the phylactery, Nicholas has a strong feeling that this person who gave him a huge soul deterrent may not give him a chance to resurrect with the phylactery.

"...what did he do with the Book of Canaan?"

"Moloch found his clue? Listen to me, Nicholas, that is an absolute taboo. With your current level of magic, it is better not to touch it...Also, because of the power of death, you The Lich has no resistance in the face of the power he left behind."

In the evening, the front gate of the Golden Bear Consolation Circus hung colorful silks and lanterns early on. Two naive pot-bellied bears put on human clothes, and under the guidance of NPC technicians, they stood at the door as welcome guests. The sound of gongs and drums replaced the firecrackers, the gates of the circus were wide open, and bursts of passionate music were amplified by the amplification array and spread far away.

There was a sound of sighing in the audience, and the reaction outside the tent was even more enthusiastic, as if there had been a naked meeting inside.

"Thief, thief!!"

There is one other person who is restless because of the arrival of Moloch Egg, and that is Kelenvor, the temple of the system.

"It's unbelievable. I saw the beam of divine punishment... For thousands of years, I have never seen them so restrained."

"I'm looking for the biggest one here."

The people inside stopped making noise and watched as the curtain opened on the central stage, the people outside stretched their necks, and the people inside poked a hole in the tent and looked inside desperately.

Fleeing away from Moloch Egger's sight, the feeling of being on his back still didn't disappear, which shocked the Lich. Even if he hid in the Mage Tower and was isolated by heavy protection, he still couldn't get rid of the sting of the Tarsus Ant feel.


"...You said your name is Chloeva, what a coincidence, my surname is Ke too, we were one family 500 years ago, haha!"

Two pot-bellied bears came up on stilts. Under the command of the NPC animal trainer, they bowed to the audience in all directions, but the noise started from below. Who the hell came to see this?

The boxes on the second floor are much better. The people here are all reserved, and Mei Mao has come to serve them early, so there is no need to wait for the official performance to start.

It soon became lively. Stimulated by the drinks, many people began to talk loudly, and there was no sound insulation. One can imagine what kind of environment it is.

"Just go in like that?"

"Moloch Egg?"

"Otherwise, what do you think, they might really need something, so... Forget it, remember to tell that person that the door of Little Moyuan is always open for him."

"Why, do you know the name, sir?"

The second floor is full of boxes. The top box is reserved only for those with the status of regimental commander and above. Others can’t book it no matter how much money they have, regardless of players, tourists or NPCs, and they don’t recognize equipment, level, battle Those who have status and money are uncles.

"I...I know."

"By the way, he is also the previous owner of the Book of Canaan."

A special, huge marching tent is the venue for tonight's performance. It is divided into upper and lower floors. The lower floor is as big as a football field. There are hundreds of tables, and the one-legged high stools are filled at every turn. In order to save space and allow more people to come in, only one person is allowed to walk sideways in the aisle.

There are also those who cry while beating, crying about how difficult it is for me, how hard it is to persevere, how long I have not been offline, how many times I will die a day, scolding the game (the system dare not scold), scolding the officials in the Corps, Scolding the enemy is inhuman, scolding this, scolding that, scolding the world... Anyway, everyone except himself should scold...

No one watched the real performance, and everyone's eyes were glued to those hairy girls. Every hairy girl had a small number plate hanging around her waist. Customers who liked the ones could use the method of tipping to make them feel happy. This hair girl will "explain" the subtleties of the performance for you alone.

"...What, you are not yet an adult, I don't think so, look at this little hand... let uncle check your body."

"I'll make an exception today, so don't make an exception next time!"

There is nothing but two bears, but they still don't care, just like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, some are embarrassed, but they are very willing to say a few words, some are secretive, just Like thieves, they sneaked in without anyone noticing, but most of them still made friends, laughed and laughed, and were very curious about the evening program.

"It's improving, and the magic net has withstood the test."

"I'm going to tear him apart!"

"It's okay, I can wait."

He just stood in front of the gate of the system temple, no one paid attention to him, no one entertained him, and he didn't mind at all when the players and NPCs who came and went regarded him as air.


" is the war going? I heard you are holding on?"

Ding jingling, little shiny things rolled around, but no one dropped points to pick them up.

This time he had good reason.

In less than an hour, it was full.

"The only one who can represent death is me, only me!"

"I am Moloch Egger, cowardly, call the master here to meet me."


"It's started, it's started!"

The tense atmosphere on the front line was relieved. This thing was like an athlete's march. As soon as it sounded, players would think of that occasion. After a few days of word-of-mouth fermentation, it was already well-known and thunderous.

Since the beginning of the Total War plot, the door of the Mage Tower has not been opened. Xiao Ai tried to knock on it several times, but finally gave up because of various scruples.

Nicholas almost fled away. What kind of person is this, what kind of monster is this, why, why does such a transcendent exist.

The system is the system, and everything is done according to the rules of the system, whether you are scolding or respecting from the bottom of your heart.

"Death authority, death authority!"

"...Excuse me, but the master here doesn't know when he will be free to see you."

Soon, all kinds of carriages were parked in front of the gate, and those who came down were all dignitaries, and a special VIP channel was opened for them. In the last one, the high-rollers who coaxed them with strange accents and grammar all smiled crookedly.

"...What kind of performance, uncle is not rare to see, I will see you tonight."

"You... what did you say?"

That guy named Moloch Egg is qualified to make him an exception.

"Don't worry, no one will laugh at you"

"Oh, a coward, a fellow who escapes death," said Moloch Egger.

Driven by huge market demand, many tourists and women have stumbled, which is really embarrassing to say.

"Then... don't bother me."

Well, if there are many people competing, it is natural that whoever pays the most money will be able to "teach and teach" one-on-one. set.

"The book of curses, the tongue of the blasphemer, don't say you don't know."


This was almost a fatal mistake. If Moloch Egg had malicious intentions, this second was enough to kill the Lich a dozen times.

Luxuriant and indulgent, it is indeed of great help to the morale of the front line.

Shao Bing in the box on the second floor saw the people in his gang screaming like lunatics below, nodded in satisfaction, and turned around to chat and laugh with the others.

That's right.

There should be gold and steel, there should also be tenderness and sweetness, and a combination of work and rest can last for a long time, right?

(End of this chapter)

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