This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 524 The legend is a 'trap'

Chapter 524 The legend is a 'trap'

Strictly speaking, we are now in the 'post-game' era.

So far, the purpose of the existence of the magic net has been fully exposed, the functions and gameplay in the system have been finalized, and the so-called second life and soul home are also being deepened in the immersion and all-out war. With the existence of the top combat power, Bei Gaoyang can completely let go.

Let the rules of the system dominate all of this, let the temple of the system cooperate and compete with offline forces, and the second life of completely independent interpretation will be realized.

Gods, gods!
Moloch Egg has been waiting for two days and one night outside the gate of the mage tower. He has enough patience, as if he can wait like this until the end of time.

Xiao Ai came, but did not let that door open, separated by a thin door, as if separated by an extremely distant world, Moloch Egg expected to meet the master of the magic net, even he himself did not know for what.

At a certain moment, the door suddenly opened, and the Angel of Fallen Light came out lazily, looked at the guest who made Lich Nicholas terrified, yawned lazily, and said, "He let you in."

Moloch Egg bowed slightly, as if he hadn't waited long, and the pitch-black cloak was lifted, revealing an unexpectedly young face.

The Angel of Fallen Light stopped in surprise, changed color slightly and said, "It's you?"

Moloch Egg looked back. "You know me?"

"You go, little love is coming."

... (500 words omitted here).

The guest said: "I used it to break through the legend, but soon found out that it was a trap."

"What, don't interrupt."

"Well, it's the gatekeeper of hell, that is, the guard of the bottomless hell, the pet of the goddess of the night, I heard it's still..."

Bei Gaoyang stroked the Fallen Light Angel's hair one after another. When he was talking, he raised her fever with one finger and circled it around his fingertips, looking very frivolous.

"It's not him, it's a particularly disgusting guy."

Anyway, the sense of presence of guardians and records among players is extremely low, Artemis does not need to 'please' players, she only needs to be responsible to Bei Gaoyang.

"The Gatekeeper of Hell!" Bei Gaoyang released the Fallen Light Angel's chin, and looked at Moloch Egg with a smile again, "So, you still have a twin brother?"

"Oh, what trap?"

"What do you think of my magic net?"

The Angel of Fallen Light snuggled up like a pet cat, her plump buttocks sat on the man's right hand, her upper body was almost completely thrown into the man's arms, and under the thin silk pajamas, the thrilling body curves were displayed without any scruples.

"About knowing a little bit."

Although it incorporates the representativeness of the system, the system only has rules there, and Bei Gaoyang does not need to keep an eye on it all the time, but the system rules are cold, and sometimes they need to be more flexible. Xiao Ai will replace Bei Gaoyang to do these tasks.

Xiaoai, that is, Artemis, guards and records the temple, and is actually responsible for the work of the so-called "central brain".



The Fallen Light writhed like an angel snake. After watching too many movies on Earth, she has learned how to please this man, and also knows when to be willful, and when to make some innocuous little requests.

"Oh, maybe it's here to kill me, let's see if it can be replaced?"

"then what?"

"So, you found that the 'curse' I suffered was not deep. You, the former master, couldn't occupy the magpie's nest without causing the magic net to rebound, right?"

"They saw that you had persevered, so they all came to play Qiufeng, a group of fools and cowards without courage."


"I want to be with you forever and give birth to monkeys for you, hee hee..."

"Tell me about the Gatekeeper of Hell"

"Why keep him, I hate this man."

"The legend is a trap, a net set by the gods for the latecomers, a poison wrapped in molasses... I can only say this, the relevant secrets cannot come from me, if you want to know, it is not difficult to find out with a little effort .”

"Just now you said you wanted to rely on me?"


"How do you know so clearly?"

"It is an honor, Your Excellency."

"I want to rely on you."

" old guy, frankly cute, I like you a little bit."

"Of course, the uniqueness is still in you. Unless the gods pick someone to compete with you, you are immortal, because you represent death itself to some extent"

Bei Gaoyang waved his hand, and Moloch Egg silently bowed and backed away silently.

"Why are you angry?" Bei Gaoyang squeezed her chin jokingly, "What's wrong with learning, learning from ordinary people on Earth."

"Stop it!", the Angel of Fallen Light screamed, "It must be like this, you must be happy, but you must be unhappy like this?"

"Conscience and stuff are boring, but the souls absorbed carry the seeds of madness, splintering, and ultimately self-destruction for legendary mages."

"I just checked on you"


A shadow sitting on a single sofa supported his chin with his hands, and stared at the visiting guests with a little curiosity and a little bit of inquiry with two pairs of eyes shining brightly in the dark.

"It's... that... you know, I hate... lover, lover, please."

"Then why don't you do it?"

"How to say?"


This kind of punishment, apart from the eclectic and taboo elements, is more about fun.

"That's it, you go down and get ready."

"What did you do with the Book of Canaan?"

"You know that the most famous thing in the Bottomless Hell is the Wall of the Unbelievers. In fact, the Wall of the Unbelievers is just an insignificant type of Hell. It is used to frighten and punish mortals. The real function of the Abyssal Hell is to detain, Torturing those creatures of the kingdom of God who cannot be easily eliminated, who are against the gods, or who made a mistake and were rejected by the main god... In short, it's just annoying."

"Do you understand what a legend is, sir?"

"There is no way he could represent me or be acknowledged by death."

"Hee hee, people dare not say it."

"You used the Book of Canaan to be promoted to legend, and later you used it to awaken the ancient god of death who had fallen long ago."

"Tell me, how is the situation?"

"Yeg, oh, your name is Moloch Egg... So the authority of the ancient god of death and even the uniqueness of death... almost succeeded, right?"

"Haha, Goddess of the Night has a holy, noble and unattainable appearance, how about this one?"

"I didn't fail."

"It's not you, you are not as disgusting as that person!" The Angel of Fallen Light soon realized that this person and the old man from the Kingdom of God were not the same thing, but her impression of Moloch Egg was already bad. To go, but followed Moloch Egg and went back inside.

"The time in Canaan is so long, I don't know how many Moloch Eggs are about to emerge. Now we must unite everyone who can be united. This is called a united front. As for hidden dangers, let's talk about it later, as long as the magic net is in hand, There is nothing wrong with these billions of anchors, and they can't affect anything, including the little Moyuan that has been dancing very happily recently."

"I didn't know it at first, but I know it now."

The morality and ethics that restrain ordinary people no longer exist. It has nothing to do with justice or evil. It is very comfortable and relaxing.

"You know all about it."

It was a prudent and serious meeting, but it was completely destroyed like this.

"You didn't use the Book of Curses to increase the level of mages, nor did you use it to invent any lethal spells?"

he asks.

"It's not worth mentioning technically, it's indescribable creatively, and it has infinite possibilities. You have the capital to subvert the order of the gods."

"Well, it's technically not worth mentioning. Indeed, there is the Book of Canaan. You have owned it before, and you must have studied it deeply... Forget it, what are your plans now?"

"...Well then, Goddess of Pleasure, Goddess of Pleasure, that doesn't sound serious."

"Then let me guess." The corners of Bei Gaoyang's mouth twitched slightly, showing a smile that I don't know if it's ironic or joking, "The symbol of legend is the domain, but the life level of mages and mortals cannot use their own magic power to achieve the law." The extent of the domain, it is precious to speak out the law, but the price may be "hollowing out" yourself, and you have to absorb external "energy" to supplement yourself. This kind of "energy" has magic power, vitality, and even soul... This is undoubtedly Challenged the conscience and the bottom line of being an intelligent life. Even if the heart is as cold as iron, and completely abandons emotions, likes and dislikes, the legendary mage can only be a "hermit". The reason why there are few rumors about the legendary mage outside is because I met them Few of them survive, do they?"

"Then you can be the gatekeeper of hell, just right, I have a place that is short of a manager."

After the punishment, Bei Gaoyang slid his finger on the fallen light angel's lips, and asked lazily.

"There is also reproduction. Your character is not suitable for being alone. The moon is too big for you to bear."

"He is a goddess, one of the chairmen of the evening meeting, leading a god system, who dares to speak of him?"

"But it is impossible for the gods to pick someone out. They have been gods for too long, and they have become extremely arrogant. Any latecomers are unacceptable to them. They deceive the world, saying that they are born divine, It's been a long time, and even they themselves believe it, haha... It's funny to say, I don't know about others, but that guy, the God of Light, was a bastard in the second year, a second-rate thief, and returned it to the Demon God I used to be a slave thug." Bei Gaoyang wiped the corner of his eyes, and impatiently pushed away the fallen light angel who was dawdling against him, and looked at the visitor seriously for the first time, "Then why did you come to me? ?”

"The mighty power of time is really irresistible to anyone. You in the past, you in the present, me in the past, me in the past, Moloch Egger in the past, and Moloch Egger in the present... Who knows that after thousands of years, I or you, What will you say to who and where?"

Bei Gaoyang paused unexpectedly, raised his head in surprise and asked, "It's over?"

"That Moloch Egger, are you really going to take him in? A character that even the gods can't subdue is willing to live under you?"

"forget about it!"

"Look, you used to be her godmother. I still remember your righteous words and awe-inspiring look when you objected to me being with her. At that time, you were really a proud white swan... Even if we just met At that time, you still had some shadows from the past, and you even asked me to resurrect her..."

There is a sweet fragrance in the air, which is somewhat similar to the smell of fallen angels. There is a gauze that undulates slightly in the wind, and outside the gauze are several leather sofas brought from the earth. Some books are scattered on the sofa. Kind of debris.


"I still want to be the moon god, the moon god has motherhood"

"Don't you like it? Don't think I don't know the dirty thoughts in your heart, you... ah... I was wrong, don't... forgive me, woo..."

"Okay, I'll give you a trial period, and I'll talk about it after I'm satisfied."

"The gods destroyed all of this, at the last moment when Riley ascended the altar."

"His name is Jaeger," Moloch Egger emphasized.



"The abyss is split into two, the chaotic camp continues to use the title of demon, the abyss of the order camp splits into purgatory, and the consciousness of the abyss has also materialized, becoming the Styx that runs through the abyss and purgatory... All this is happening, my lord. "

"Isn't it because I'm afraid of being caught back, being locked up in that kind of place and being humiliated and entertained wantonly, it's better to die clean... I have a good sister... who fell into the hands of the hell watchdog, and ended badly. At that time I am still serving the God of Light, and I have witnessed it with my own eyes... Since then, I have been... only to be... oh, I don't want to talk about it."

"That's good!" Bei Gaoyang turned over and sat up, "We don't have to lie to ourselves anymore... I'll give you another chance, this time it's representative of joy, reproduction, and enjoyment. Recently, the convergence of consciousness in this area has also deepened Now, take good care of it and don't let me down."

"You bastard, I just praised you for being frank and cute, but in a blink of an eye, I had a problem..." Bei Gaoyang scolded with a smile, he seemed a little embarrassed, watching Moloch Egg ponder for a while, then suddenly arched Arching the stunner in his arms, he asked, "It looks like you know him?"

Bei Gaoyang found that after gaining divinity, his desire became particularly passionate and pure, with much less scruples, more willful, and more unscrupulous.

The Angel of Fallen Light also cast a provocative look like a visitor.

"Why, don't you want to?"


Moloch Egg didn't care, all his attention was on this man, everything else was insignificant, and the Fallen Angel of Light was not as important to him as these dead things brought from the earth.

An astonishingly hot body wrapped around her like a snake, "I don't know how to face her."

"Time!" Bei Gaoyang sighed.

"Hell's watchdog, it should be a ghost thing made from a part of this guy's essence."

"Do you still want to revive her?"

"My lord, the bloody battle is coming to an end."

"I mean."

"So fast?"

"I heard that there is an element of twilight meeting liaison and mediation"

"Bahn and the others..."

"It must have not been revealed by the wind. This is a very dangerous signal."

(End of this chapter)

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