This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 525 No 'compilation' anymore

Chapter 525 No 'compilation' anymore

"How does the fried angel taste? Quack..."

"Hey, what kind of angel is it? It's just a birdman. It's mass-produced. It's like plain water. It doesn't taste at all."

"Fuck, you really ate it."

"Cut, what are you pretending to be, at the dinner party yesterday, I don't believe you didn't taste it."

"Hey, it's better to be a native angel, at least one with wings, I don't know what it's like..."

"Native angels with wings? You can just dream. There is everything in the dream. I don't believe that you will be willing to eat it by then."

"Yes, it's good for warming the bed, Quack."

"I like the vigor of girls who want to refuse but still welcome..."

"You sound like you have experience."

Accompanied by the howling of the group of demons dancing wildly, a large amount of demonic energy transpired on the ground, and a large number of angels who couldn't escape were stained with a layer of black air. All that was corroded was the skeleton, and then fell down, and even the last bones were melted away by the magic energy.

Due to the scrambling to recruit demon lord players, these people not only have 'salary', but also various 'welfare', which also delays their 'free operation'. If you don't like it, you will be fired, and you can take advantage of it in another place, saying Maybe even better.

In the lord's fortress, Brother Ruoran was furious, and the speed of the collapse was too fast, and he didn't buy much time for him at all.


The abyss split, one side of the chaotic camp retained the original 'Abyss' organization, and one side of the order camp was classified as a new group company of 'Purgatory', and they parted ways from then on.

quack quack...

But the other little devil player didn't have such good luck. He was unlucky. All the monsters under him happened to be hit. In the blink of an eye, there was no host for him to parasitize. The 'radar searchlight' on the steeple locked on, and it was vaporized without even a second of reaction time.

"You can't go to the material world. I heard that there is a lot of fun there. We don't have any tourists here. What a fuck."

Jie Jie Jie...

Winged magical beasts like Beachy and Harmon completely ruled the sky. The monsters stared at the bombardment above their heads. The seamstress like a mountain collapsed after a long time, and his body and flesh burned with a blazing cleansing white. The fire caused the big demon hiding inside to escape in embarrassment, and was almost locked on by the beam of light like a searchlight.

"Come on, kill!"

Although there is no system prompt, it seems that there are prompts such as morale +1 and discipline +2 popping up above their heads.

And this is just a small wave on the battlefield. Looking around, the monster army like the tide has suffered a fatal blow. Many demon players have been exposed to the battlefield. Pulling close enough, the tide has become thinner, and naturally there is little left of the indomitable momentum.

If brother let them go to die, the core team will run away as soon as they withdraw, throwing all the battlefield of Nuoda to the player demons and their monsters.

Damn it, the fights here are all for the boss, and the boss has run away, so why should we fight?
Let's go, the sooner the better, the dead friends don't die poor, fortunately it's not the main battlefield, fortunately there is still room for retreat.

No matter, do it, kill these birdmen, capture the original angel alive and warm the bed.

This type of angel is like a robot produced in a factory. It has no flesh and blood, no soul, and even if it dies, it will not add anything to the abyss. Naturally, they have no 'experience' and 'merit' to take, completely fucking It's a loss-making business, unless you catch a native angel with wings, but all of those things are better than monkeys, so it's so easy to catch.

Here we go again, and it starts again.

The sound of hooting trumpets resounded throughout the battlefield. The elite native demon troops naturally obeyed the orders, but the player demons rose up to kill. I don't understand that this is a good fight, and it's rare to be so happy. What's the point of retreating?

Don't mention the player demons, those guys are the ones whose mud can't support the wall. If they have the heart, they won't even be a middle-level demon by now.

"Little ones, Lord Lord let us go!"

Until then, the system announcement was long overdue.

On the one hand, they say that their own real money is fighting, and on the other hand, they use this kind of consumables that are nothing, which just turns the battle with the material world upside down. The Angel Legion is more like the fourth natural disaster, and they are the tragic ones. Demon monsters used to collect experience and meritorious service.

All he is bastard, bastard.

Seeing that the six-armed snake demon guards are bombarding the head, smashing the lifeless and emotionless angel army to pieces, the high-level troops on the enemy's side are about to come out, if you are in a hurry , regardless of how the players' demons felt, they sent the group that had just been withdrawn from the battlefield up again.

"Drink, drink!"

"Big guy, copy guy, go out and kill those birdmen."

"What are you doing, come again!?"

When opening the abyss battlefield before, Brother Ruoran was very impressed with the last boss of the six-armed snake. The guard team composed of arm snake demons is the most elite force. Most of the net worth is concentrated on these middle-ranked native demons. Once they are put on the battlefield, the effect is immediate.

The bloody battle in the abyss is over.

This kind of gameplay is actually richer than the material world, but not every player can adapt.

"Retreat, retreat!!"

As a result, a large number of player demons mingled at the level of little devils and big devils. They couldn't meet the minimum requirements to become a lord, so they could only rely on people like Brother Ruoran to make a living.

He can't take care of these for the time being, anyway, let's fight off these damned birdmen first.

With territories, system support, and resources, native demons can be recruited as thugs, but the more 'smart' the demons are, the harder they are to control, and the stronger the demons are, the more rebellious they are. Order doesn't matter, in the end it depends on how the demon player handles it.

The demon players were terrified, and retreated one after another, and the precious fighters bought at a huge price were wasted in suspicion.

woo woo woo...

A group of demons danced wildly, the atmosphere was smoky, and a group of little devil and big devil players lived in a grotto. The material world was at war, and the abyss controlled by the 97th floor system was also reduced to a battlefield.

It has been a long time since I got a response from the original high-level demon boss. Brother Ruoran realized that something was wrong. My side is only a secondary battlefield, and what is defending is the side and rear of the original high-level demon boss. The military situation is urgent. In this way, no matter whether you ask or not, you won't even reply to a message, right?
He quickly sent a little devil to Normank City to investigate, and the news sent back made Ruoran's soul tremble.


"Stop talking about this, drink and drink!"

They are all middle-level demons. Compared with them, player demons are counterfeit goods. Whether it is in demagogic housekeeping skills, personal and collective force, or even IQ, they are all at a disadvantage.

On the ground, the tide-like monsters receded, and the expressionless army of birdmen was purifying every inch of the ground. The dazzling holy light and the black represented by the system competed in every air molecule. Due to the particularity of the battlefield, the war continued. is more thorough than the physical world.

It is not an exaggeration to describe them as bastards.

However, unlike the majestic formations in the material world, the all-out war in the abyss is much more complicated.

But among the players, the number of median demons is huge, and the 97 layers of abyss are controlled by the system, and each of them can become a lord, which is incomparable to the original demons.

"Why me... Ah, forgive me, Ruoran boss, Ruoran master, Ruoran father, the younger one is wrong, wrong!"

At present, no high-level demons have been born among the players, and even the middle-level demons are still several grades behind the original ones.

The high-level native demon boss seems to have run away.

"Grass, dry, kill them, kill these bird people!"

Light sabers stood up like a jungle, and countless robot-like standard angels began to move forward with uniform steps. The demon players collapsed when they saw that they were arrogant before, but now they are so embarrassed.

The situation on the battlefield is still improving, but brother Ruoran's forehead is full of sweat, a six-armed snake demon fell under the neon breath of the Beimong Qi beast, and the figure of a native angel has appeared in the sky...

The big devil who came out to shout was furious, and he looked for the one who shouted the most, and went back to make a small report.

A large area of ​​demonic energy rose again, and a large number of monsters cooperated with the six-armed snake demon to attack the fortifications, and finally contained the enemy's arrogance.

"It's not right, it's not right!"

A large number of monsters formed in the strong magic energy, big and small demons ruled these subordinates, rushing towards the long battle line maintained by the Angel Legion like a tide.

The six-armed snake demon's individual force is strong, but it is lacking in the innate ability of the "evil life" monster. It could have formed a good complement with the player, but the incompetence of the player demon made this short-sighted The board is enlarged.

For all the purified space and land, the traces of the magic net will be erased. This cannot be done in the main material world, because the rules of the main material world are more complete.

Soon, two hexapods came out, and the noisy "monsters" misfired collectively when they saw the two brothers, and the hexapods rushed into the smoky scene without saying a word, and pulled out a screaming little devil.

But don’t think that they are having a bad life. On the contrary, because they have no territory, they have no burden. If one person feeds the whole family without hunger, and they don’t look at the long-term and only focus on the immediate future, they will naturally live in a very chic way.

In the end, the power of the magic net won. The little devil's soul broke free from another strong gravitational force, entered the magic net's soul transportation channel, and disappeared on the battlefield.

The consciousness of the abyss is manifested as the "Styx", which divides the abyss and purgatory into two, and everyone draws the river to rule. From then on, the business is separated. Everyone eats from one pot, and becomes two pots to grab food.


"Don't go, don't go!"

Of course, the process is not very beautiful.

On the frontal battlefield, only the demon lord among the players is supporting, the high demon and his people are gone, and Nuoda has searched all the demon castles.

This is the point that demon players hate the most.

"It's our turn so soon?"

The screams of the little devil players made the other devil players shudder, and also made them bloodthirsty and excited.

"Ah, I know these bastards can't do anything."

"Waste who can't eat three dishes in a lifetime, waste!"

The six-armed snake turned a deaf ear, and pressed the little devil into the boiling oil pan

"This time it's fried, I want to steam it."

"...I pissed off Lao Tzu, do you believe it or not?"

A small piece of pond silt is easy to swell, how can the vast ocean be cleared?

Although they belonged to the order camp, don't expect the demon players to be the same as the players in the material world. They rushed out in a swarm, and their figures merged with the surrounding darkness.

It is said that after playing demons for a long time, they gradually become "perverted". Under the influence of the abyss environment and gameplay, in the intrigue with the original demons, and under the background conditions of more and more immersion, many demon players are " Abnormal', will wantonly, no lower limit, the material world is far from being compared with the abyss, the intensity and shame of the game have already broken through the lower limit.

Seeing that the situation was saved, Brother Ruoran still didn't relax, and contacted the original high-level demon boss for the nth time, asking for help, asking for help, shouting tears and painstaking efforts.

On the battlefield, the six-armed snake demon wields six weapons, chopping melons and vegetables and tearing those wingless birdmen to pieces. Player demons are invincible in a downwind battle. The unborn monsters rushed into the heart of the Angel Legion in one fell swoop, wreaking havoc.

"Fuck them!"

Birdman suffers...

"I don't even give a call fee, it's too picky!"

The little devil's soul clearly appeared on the battlefield, and it was obvious that there was another powerful force fighting for this soul, as if two invisible hands were wrestling, one to the left and the other to the right, and the little devil's soul Almost broke when pulled.

Brother Ruoran was driven crazy by the system's flickering red prompt. All the demons under him were not allowed to rest. At least half of the recruited people will be dispersed.

But this is all brother Ruoran's old background, if one dies and one is missing, if all of them are wiped out, he can become a polished commander.

There is no other way but to let the guards—the original demons go up.

Unfortunately, the 97th floor of the abyss was classified as the 'Abyss' system, and the thighs that have become [higher devils] naturally cannot stay here, so... this is really running away.

The situation collapsed like this, it was the kind of avalanche, but the players who were abandoned on the battlefield were pitiful...

Brother Ruoran, who ran back to his own territory non-stop, had a premonition that the future was not good, so he resolutely huddled in the castle and dared not go out. At this time, the front line had already collapsed, and a large number of player demon lords who fled back passed through the border like lost dogs.

——This 97-story abyss is about to change.

Offline, you can't receive any news online, but offline information spreads the fastest,
(End of this chapter)

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