526 Mist
How long?
Brother Ruoran doesn't even remember when he went offline last time.

It stands to reason that for such a long time, lying there without eating or drinking, he should have crossed long ago, but this time he woke up, feeling that everything was okay.

In fact, it's more than that, there is almost no discomfort, except for the appearance.

He looked at himself in the mirror, no matter how he looked at it, he felt that the face in the mirror was strange, as if it was not his own, until he saw that the pupils turned into familiar vertical pupils, the fangs gradually grew, and the horns on the head protruded. It began to elongate, and the facial features became more three-dimensional... Only then nodded in satisfaction.

With an evil smile, he closed the mirror and looked at the house.

With a snap of the fingers, it will be much more pleasing to the eye.

He sat down on the quaint throne that looked like it was carved from white bones, took out the mirror again, smugly smeared it, and habitually summoned the little devil's servant, only to realize that it was already offline.

After getting used to the computer and the offline virtual reality network for a while, he found a secret activity website of a demon player in his memory, opened it, and entered the user password to log in.

"I have passed away, the bloody battle is over, and I have been assigned to the devil's camp."

"Devil? Pretentious, or comfortable being a devil."

"Yeah, I'm not crazy, how about you, are you crazy?"

Waste is waste, it is everywhere, and offline, I only want to be hugged by my thighs, I only want to benefit, there is no free lunch in the world.

"Have you found out why?"

"Haha, easy to say, easy to say ha"

Wait to regret it.

"Don't make trouble, I'm busy." The courier boy turned around and ignored him.

It's all ghosts!
There is a folklore about drowning people in the artificial pond. The little boy and the little girl are twins. One day when they were playing, they accidentally fell from a high place. He is still full of tendons, and one day, under the praise of people, he made a difficult movement on the ring, but his hand slipped, and he flew out, with his head and neck facing down...

When I came outside the building, there were only two or three people wandering in the community. A girl in a white dress sitting in front of the artificial pond was washing her long straight black hair, humming while washing.Two four or five-year-old little boys and girls wearing cheongsams and mandarin jackets are bouncing and jumping in the garden holding lanterns. The young couple on the swing gnawed at each other's face, and they didn't care about the blood all over their mouths and faces...

"Listen to the truth first"

"It must be, it's not sincere to be anonymous"

"What sense? Is the end of the world?"

"I don't want to come back either. I'm afraid I'll scare them, but I just can't help it. I miss home very much. I come back somehow."

"Hurry up, maybe you will forget again sometime."

After he said this, Brother Ruoran was really a little uncertain. Not to mention, this time he woke up and felt that the outside was extremely quiet. It had been such a long time, and there was no noise at all. Usually, there is a lot of traffic at this time.

"You turned to the devil too?"

"Then sign it."

"No, no, the old man must have the spirit of contract."

After reading this post, Brother Ruoran sneered. It was a typical fishing post, which was so plain that it made people laugh, but there was a guy who mentioned him in it, maybe it was some trash under his hands.

"No, no, don't..."

He thought while looking at the thick fog outside.

Close the computer, unplug the power cord, Ruoran is still worried, throw the computer into the toilet, press the water pump button, the computer is smashed into parts in the high-speed rotating water vortex, and then sucked away.

"False, what is a lie?"

Brother Ruoran certainly knows that this is not an illusion.

"Do you want to go home, can you not find your way home?"

Being held back by Brother Ruoran, intimidated by Brother Ruoran's devil-like appearance, he trembled for a while, "No, I don't know."

"Same, same, jie jie jie..."

"So we're going to give you a push."

Guys who are still hanging out at this time, their curiosity is not usually strong, and their ability to withstand stress is not usually strong. Brother Ruoran realizes that it is not easy to fool.

"You are, who are you, why, why did you become like this, the police, the police?"

"What rank are you?"

"On the 12th...how did you think about what I told you last time?"

"You really want to know? That's another business."

"Upstairs, can you turn into a devil? Why don't I have this option?"

"Fuck, you won't be allowed to gather on the top. If you catch it, you will close it. There is a magnetic seal sensor on my door. I don't know how many cameras there are in the house. Are you telling me this?"

In the past few days, he is not ready to go online, and he has to hide from XZ like a mouse when he goes online. It may be more dangerous to stay online.

"Then tell me and listen"

"Brother, you need to practice your acting skills again. I can help you. How about a deal?"

These are not people.

"Fuck, it's better to be with the original demon. I'm with a middle-ranked first-class demon named Brother Ruoran. It's a pitfall. Today we left us and ran away. It's a pity that we almost failed to resurrect. Next time I see this girl Yes, you can’t scold him to death.”

All the courier cabinets in the lobby on the first floor were open, and a courier brother was sitting in front of a pile of packages to sort out. Ruoran walked over and asked, "Hey, is there any courier for me?"

"Interesting, hey, interesting"

"What's going on, what's going on, the address is all wrong, people are so careless nowadays."The courier boy muttered to himself in annoyance.


In this kind of weather, there was no one outside, and the bleak lights in the dense fog were only small, ethereal, and blurred spots of light, not to mention people, and even street lights could not be seen.

When the old man's son and daughter-in-law opened the door and complained to welcome back the old lady who was "walking around at night", the old lady suddenly regretted it, turned her head 180 degrees, and said, "10 days is too short. , one month, okay?"

"How to help me? If you lie to me, I will scare you every day."

This person may still be awake, he just pretended to be dazed, so as to be like the people around him.

The courier boy turned around, his eyes were out of focus, and he asked sleepwalkingly, "Abyss or purgatory?"

"False words are more reliable than the truth, Jie Jie Jie..."

"I'll help you go home, what will you give me in return?"

"I haven't figured it out yet," said Ruoran with a smile.

"That means you don't qualify, but I do anyway"

"The system has a prompt, whether to follow the original high-level demon, if you follow, you will go to purgatory."

Brother Ruoran grinned, "Yes."

The information on the postcards can be seen, and most of them are things like going to school, getting medical treatment, getting promoted, getting rich, beauties and so on.

"Whether the third-rank boss in the middle is still recruiting, purgatory is also okay, bring your own dog food and go."

Brother Ruoran was not surprised at all, and tapped the keyboard: "Your one?"

"Do you want to hear the truth or lies."

The young couple didn't know, maybe they came from outside to make a guest appearance.

"How's your health?" Brother Ruoran opened his mouth loudly.

"Hey, almost."

Who else would stay outside in this weather?

"What condition, just say it, is it my soul? Just take it, devil."

"I'll think it over"

"How can I help you?"

"Not every demon player pays such attention to details. Details, details, details determine success or failure."

"Then I'll exchange my beriberi with you."

"Brother Ruoran?"

"for free."

"Hehe, I'm Xiao Wu, I contacted you offline last time, you forgot"


The devil's first business signing now is very smooth, and the smoothness is beyond imagination.

"Brother Ruoran? This name...is unprofessional and not immersive enough."

"You are really smart."

The man shook his head wildly as soon as he heard it, and began to struggle.

Brother Ruoran took a deep breath of the thick mist, as if he had tasted a lot, and returned to the computer, "How long has this weather lasted?"

"I'm still a little bit close, Jie Jie Jie..."

Being really in this fog, I can see a lot of things clearly.

It may still be in the system task stage, and the nanny will not be able to do anything without the system.

"It turns out that you are a veteran, what happened, I forgot."

"Hey, you want to trick me into throwing yourself into a trap. You have been practicing for a few years."

Today is already the first day of July?
Brother Ruoran caught a sleepwalking pedestrian, this guy had a heartbeat and breathing, "Brother, what day is it today?"

"Really?" The courier boy turned his head blankly.

Burning money is a kind of sustenance and a kind of mourning for the lost relatives, but now it has become a mysterious ritual, calling the soul of the old man back here.

Watching the old man return home contentedly, Brother Ruoran said: "Family love!" Then he grinned and kicked the extinguished brazier down the stairs like a joke. It seems that the stairs are bottomless, as if they are connected to a dark purgatory.

"...I, I don't know", the man was about to cry.

"It's easy to say, easy to say, everyone goes online with the ID of M, and ask for a real name, don't be anonymous"

"Damn it, I worship the big boss who is one step higher. The big boss hangs out there, and the younger brother wants to join him."

"It's just that the middle-level demons in our city gather in private to talk about things."

Brother Ruoran looked at the postal information on the package. Every normal one was either sent to the underworld, heavenly bliss, or ten years later. Of course, there are many paper dummies, ingots, and cars. There are also many CDs, postcards and so on.

"All demon players gather?"

"Jie Jie... I like lies, what do you think?"

Offline is also good.

Brother Ruoran understood in seconds, and said with a smile, "I can help you."

Sensing that someone was approaching, the old lady stopped humming the old tune and raised her head. A pale face with a pair of red ghost eyes was the classic look in TV movies.

"I beg you to take care of me, and I will give you a lot of benefits."

"Yeah yeah"

"Median 3rd class"

"On the first day of July, the auspicious time has come, and the gate of hell is open!"

"How could I lie to you? We can sign an agreement, and all the conditions are clearly stated, and the exchange is equivalent, and we guarantee that you will not suffer."

"Yeah, the American people are doing it first, and it's proven to be effective. Don't you want to become the master of the offline world? Think about how many pure lambs urgently need our salvation, how many blank and empty souls urgently need us to fill them up, Our business will be very busy, unlike online, there are so many rules, and it will be difficult to develop a business in the main material world."

The computer screen went black suddenly, and a line of words appeared at the blinking cursor.

"No. 12, No. 15, don't play tricks in front of me, talk about things if you have something to do, and get out if you have nothing to do."

"You are so happy that I am a little at a loss...deal!"

I hurriedly opened the curtains and saw that there was an unusually thick fog everywhere, not to mention the opposite side of the road, it was like a will-o’-the-wisp that might go out even if the lights of the opposite building followed.

There was a dense fog rolling outside, but there was no discussion about this abnormal climate on the Internet. When the TV was turned on, it was still singing and dancing, as if the dense fog was his own illusion.

"Not even the soul."

"Don't talk about it again, you don't even know how to bargain, really."

"I can't afford it."

There are a few good people who play demons, and I haven't figured this out until now, which shows how wasteful it is.

"Haha, it's easy to say, I used to be from the demon east city, and a native high-level demon boss, the boss takes care of me more"

"The lie is that God began to judge the original sin of human beings. The great demon king who destroyed the world came down from the sky with a mission. The dense fog that sealed everything will continue until the extinction of human civilization. This time there will be no Noah's Ark. People must save themselves. First of all, they must quit Mentally addicted..."

"It's easy to say, easy to say...that's it, bye?"

"It's very simple, we are like this, like this..."

The outside of the community is similar.

There was hope in the man's eyes, and he nodded hesitantly.

"Equivalent exchange, you can exchange one thing on your body, anything."

"But you have to sign a contract."

With such curiosity, he walked into the elevator.

When I opened the door, someone was singing outside, and the stairwell naturally had a sound mixing effect. I walked quietly to see it, and suddenly it was an old lady who was burning a brazier.

"I guess the addiction must be Canaan."

"Go out and see the world, you're out of touch, these are old calendars, I bet no one can lock you in now"

"Please thigh"

"To be honest, I don't think there is a trend of offline becoming online."

So the second devil's contract was obtained, and all the parcels of the courier brother were put into the express cabinet, and he himself contracted extremely itchy athlete's foot.

"Three or four days"

"What the hell? There is no hint, why didn't I find it."

"The truth is... Affected by the sudden eruption of solar flares, the strong solar wind blows the entire solar system..."

Brother Ruoran snapped his fingers, and the first offline contract was revised.

The elevator lights flickered, and suddenly, it dropped from the 11th floor to the 1st floor, which was faster than free fall. The instantaneous speed and inertia made him a little unstable. The elevator door opened with a bang, and the thick fog outside poured out Come in.

"No, no, just take me home, just go home."

"Well, I'll take you home and give you something, how about it?"

"What, what?"

"Things that tickle you very much." Brother Ruoran snapped his fingers.

(End of this chapter)

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