Chapter 527 Mist 2
How this fog came about, no one can say clearly.

Around the same time as the online revolution started, there were sporadic rumors and self-media reports on the Internet. At the beginning, no one took it seriously, but somehow it became serious.

Who is the whistleblower is meaningless now, no matter how many stories there are behind it, it is already an established fact.

"Bang Bang Bang!"

The sudden knock on the door was particularly permeating, and the sound seemed to travel far, far away, echoing.

Aunt Xue stood inside the door and asked tremblingly, "Who?"

"Her aunt, do you have any rice at home, please help me, but I dare not go out to buy it."

"Aunt Liu?"

"Yes, it's me"

"You wait."

"...I can only adapt, there is no other way."

Xie Xiaomeng stood outside the blockade and shouted, Tie Jun and his colleagues were half dead from exhaustion, they glanced this way and waved.

Online is still the same as before.

"How can this be good, how can this be good!"

The water stoppage seems to be an isolated phenomenon, and the green belt outside still sprays water regularly.

"Mom, don't drink unboiled water from now on, boil it and drink it"

"When will the fog stop?"

"Then what do you think we should do, sir?"

There was silence for about 5 seconds, and a retired veteran cadre said, "I'm waiting for an announcement."

Xie Xiaomeng plucked a flower, bouncing towards the water room, and saw a group of people wearing full protective suits and gas masks head on. The unlucky guy who knew how many laps he had run and passed out on the side of the road was rescued.

A thunderbolt strikes the evil fetus, and the purple flame explodes all of a sudden, and a golden-armored god-man flashes in the void, and the ground becomes clean.

Xie Xiaomeng waved to them with a smile, and saw two protective suits walking towards him, "No, no, I'm a player, I can handle it myself."

"Let that Taoist priest come in."

"How do you know?" Xie Xiaomeng asked.

The doors of every house are closed tightly, and the elevator can still operate normally, but it has been stuck on a floor and cannot go down. There is a heavy breathing sound from the stairwell, which is really a bit intrusive at first.

"Mom, do you have any food? I'm so hungry."

Later, fewer and fewer people shared it, and everyone became sensitive and suspicious. Once the Internet was cut off, every household became an isolated island.

Tie Jun almost doubted his eyes.

"What happened to the water room? Something happened, I heard a baby crying..."

No one answered, Xie Xiaomeng went over and found nothing.

"Stop thinking about it, the time to go online is almost here, let's go online."

In the promenade outside the door, the fog is not as thick as outside. It is strange to say that the fog never enters the indoor places where people live and move. Even if the windows are open, it just churns outside like running water.

Aunt Xue was skeptical, but the water did come, but after turning on the tap for a while, a strand of hair rushed out of the tap.

"Does it scare people to death?"

Some protective clothing came to chase Xie Xiaomeng away. Xie Xiaomeng asked when the water supply would be restored.

"Don't worry, who am I, the title of Ling Jue is for nothing."

"This way, how can you make me feel at ease?"

This is the fifth day.

"Are you a player?" Tie Jun walked over with strong support, "Which building do you live in?"

"I'm sorry!" Xie Xiaomeng waved his hand without any regret, and walked out swaggeringly.

The growth of flowers, plants and trees is extremely vigorous. It has not been long before the road has been invaded by weeds, and the flowers are in full bloom. In such a fog, it looks extraordinarily strange.

Instead, he spewed out a mouthful of fire in the air to evaporate the pus, and slashed the mahogany sword hard in front of him while chanting a mantra loudly.

In the foyer on the first floor, the people watching TV were still there, without even moving their posture. When Xie Xiaomeng passed by, the person who looked like a retired cadre turned around and said to him: "More than 5000 million players and tourists brought back from Canaan The deadly virus is infecting the whole world. From this moment on, the familiar world will never come back, some things have been changed forever, this is the end, and it is also a new life.”

"Is there something dirty? Is this water still drinkable?"

She yelled into the air nonchalantly, hummed a song, and took the safe passage.

"...When is this a head?"

"The second group escorted the Taoist leader out."

"Poverty, I'm tired and need to rest."

There was a faint mist in the corridor, and there was a peeping eye inside each closed door. This kind of peeping made Xie Xiaomeng very uncomfortable, and subconsciously imagined some bad pictures.

"Is it still like that outside?"

Tie Jun fished out large clumps of hair from the water pipe, and then, a sticky, dark red thing poured out, splashing, and spread out on the floor like jelly.

"Hello, Uncle Police, you have worked hard, Uncle Police."

"Really, it's still a secret at this time"

The Taoist priest was sweating profusely and shook the bell tremblingly. The melodious sound of the bell seemed to have a special magical power. When it exploded, pus-yellow water splashed out, directly hitting the incense table.

There are also a lot of protective clothing on the side of the water supply pipe, and a blockade has been pulled up around it. I also saw a few people who looked like Taoist priests and monks. , and then there was a fire, and then... hair.

"I'll go out and have a look!" Xie Xiaomeng said.

The two protective suits stopped at the sound, and the group of people ignored her after that, silently admitting the delirious people outside.

"It's more real than real gold, so don't worry about it."

"This thing is evil and needs to be purified again."

The man didn't speak, just waved his hand to drive away.

The neighbors all became sneaky, as if they suddenly became strange and dangerous. At night, I often heard people shouting, shouting, singing, and knocking on the door...


"Quick...the others back up, all back up."

"It hasn't been said on TV yet, I'll tell you later."

Aunt Xue was about to touch it, "This is...", Xie Xiaomeng quickly grabbed it and threw it into the trash can, "Who is so immoral, really...Mom, don't turn on the water, I won't wash it."

"It doesn't matter what kind of fetus it is, whether it can be disposed of."

She shook her head, forcibly suppressed the scene that had just emerged, hummed a song again, and bounced to the front of her house.

With that said, he left the house regardless of Aunt Xue's obstruction.

Xie Xiaomeng looked at the TV screen with only snowflakes, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Tie Jun hesitated before saying, "Try not to drink unboiled water, and don't ask about other things."

What did you just see?


"Don't worry, Mom, nothing serious will happen."

Large pieces, piles, and piles of hair were cleaned out, and the Taoist talisman ignited it, and there was a bang, and there was another shrill scream.

"I'm flustered, my heart is beating so hard, I..."

The lights in the elevator flickered, I don't know if it was an illusion, I always felt something crawling on it, Xie Xiaomeng muttered silently, he didn't think it was strange, the strangeness was self-defeating, and he returned to his floor without incident .

"Then I thank you."

"Inject a sedative!"

Aunt Xue didn't know what happened, so she could only prepare with her own knowledge and ideas. Every minute of waiting was a torment. It was already 1 am, but the outside was still the same.

Xie Xiaomeng hasn't logged out yet, the room is quiet, and the outside is even more dead silent. In the thick fog, from time to time, one sees hurried figures, some fall, some bump into the lampposts, some He ran around in a circle strangely, but couldn't get out no matter what.

Carefully opened the door a crack, and confirmed that it was the neighbor who lived upstairs before opening the door.

Surprisingly, there are quite a few people here. They are all neighbors who live upstairs and downstairs. They all watch a TV with only snowflakes, watching it with gusto.

Maybe the dense fog broke out in one place, and a certain amount of warning time was given, but I don’t know which place is so unlucky, and how big the dense fog affects. If the whole country and the whole world are the same, it will be fun to watch.

"That kind of evil is rooted in people's subconscious fear and imagination of deformity. Fear is inherent, just like people's breathing, human subconsciousness has become a vast ocean, which is rapidly affecting and changing everything around us. Everyone The mind is an island, and when it is invaded, fear spreads like a plague, and that's how this fog comes—it's the tide rising from the sea of ​​subconsciousness!"

Tie Jun shouted loudly on the channel, "Don't let the mental threshold exceed 12 points."

"Poverty trying its best"

"What notice?" Xie Xiaomeng asked.

"What should I do?"

There was a burst of exclamation on the communication channel.

"Then just keep waiting, bye, I'll go to the water room to have a look."

"Building 10, am I a player?"

"you are welcome."

As the ceremony proceeded, the evil fetus seemed to have reacted, and those dazed dead people's eyes were turning, all staring at the Taoist priest.

After the Taoist priest left, the special team continued to clean up the pipeline of 'abnormal energy reaction accumulation' here, and did not open the sluice gate until it was confirmed that there were no more omissions.

Aunt Xue waited in fear, and when she saw her daughter coming back, she quickly opened the door and pulled her in.

"Player!" There was a commotion in the crowd. Everyone was afraid and looking forward to it, and mixed with strange emotions that could not be explained clearly. "This fog was brought by you players."

"Thank you so much." Aunt Xue ran to the kitchen, unscrewed a twenty-jin bag of rice from the closet, thought about it, and hugged two Chinese cabbages.

There are more and more people going out, and all kinds of strange things are encountered. At first, the Internet was still connected, and the owners shared their horrifying experiences in the group, which can no longer be described as horror.

"What the hell is this!?"

"I'm not afraid!", Xie Xiaomeng waved his fist, "I'm a player!"

"There are too many things that can't be explained now, and there is no excuse."

"Water room?" The expression on the retired veteran cadre's face cracked, "It's haunted over there."


Everyone looked back at her almost at the same time, expressionless.

Ordinary people would be terrified when they saw this scene, but Xie Xiaomeng didn't care, and went over with a smile and asked, "What are you looking at?"

"It's okay, it's okay, I just met people from the Meteorological Bureau, and they said that the fog will clear tomorrow morning"

When Xie Xiaomeng went offline, Aunt Xue immediately felt that the room became much brighter.

"calm down!"

"It's gone, isn't it that players are not allowed to get together... You are also a player, right? What's going on with those hairs?"

The Taoist priest set up an incense table in front of the evil fetus, drawing talismans, inviting gods, casting spells, and suppressing demons. He did it so well that he thought he was making a movie.

"I don't know...give me another bowl"

Science alone can't explain it.

After eating and drinking, Xie Xiaomeng stretched her waist, told Aunt Xue that she wanted to take a bath, and entered the bathroom, only to find that the water had stopped.

"Immeasurable Shouzun, this is an evil fetus!"

"Is there any water, is there any water?"

This so-called evil fetus seems to have lost its activity, but it is still spreading invisible influences. Anyone who sees it, the self-control ability is plummeting. The evil thing is that the iron army and their special team can't eliminate this influence. .

A retired veteran cadre said: "It was said on TV."

"Come on, outside..."

"Isn't this a big deal? What if the water and electricity were cut off that day?"

Xie Xiaomeng shrugged and walked into the elevator.

"There must be an explanation, right?"

"Are there any other players on your floor?"

Seeing that the protective clothing here will not leave for a while, Xie Xiaomeng is very reluctant to return the same way.

Aunt Xue panicked, and now she can't even hide at home.

Tie Jun waved his hand and ignored her.

Going down from floor to floor, to the 7th floor, Xie Xiaomeng was already mentally prepared for something unusual to happen, but it went smoothly. After walking down the stairs, she came to the lobby on the first floor.

Also does work.

"What's going on? Why didn't anyone give an explanation?"

Along the way, those who were shaking outside were taken in. Considering the size of this city, the official action was timely and effective, and it should have used a lot of manpower and material resources. Judging from such reactions and organizations, it was not the case beforehand. Not prepared.

This thing is disgusting, a bit like a pre-formed embryo, the most central position, the outline of human hands and legs has grown out, more than a dozen hands and legs grow on a soft torso, it seems that there are no bones yet, A head-like ball of red flesh was like a half-full water bladder covered with dull, lifeless human eyes.

Amidst Aunt Liu's gratitude, she closed the door of the room, sprayed it everywhere with disinfectant spray, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Xie Xiaomeng felt sick when he thought of the hairs cleaned out from the pipes,

Children have to go to school, adults have to go to work, old people have to go to the hospital... There are always reasons why you have to leave the house.

How could there be such... magical things appear?

The big counter-offensive was in full swing. On the surface, everything went well, and a lot of lost ground was recovered.

The players gradually adapted to this rhythm, and their learning ability was amazing. The power of the fourth natural disaster began to make the natives of Canaan at a loss. The massive loss of personnel and materials made it impossible for them to maintain an indomitable offensive posture.

However, this is just an illusion.

The bad news begins with the collapse of the abyss battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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