This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 531 The Heart of the City

After separating from his buddies, Xia Miaomiao and his party headed north along the Hengduan Mountains until they went deep into the abandoned wasteland and set up camp on a barren Gobi Desert.

After trekking for more than ten days, judging from the map, it is not far away. It is only more than 200 kilometers away from the ruins of the extreme north city, and it is farther away from the extreme south city, more than 1500 kilometers away. Guard City, that is more than 2000 kilometers away.

Looking at the map, people can't help but sigh, Huangtu's hegemony was a dream, and now it's time to start again.

Abandoning a well-developed gang resident, if you want to say who is the saddest, it is naturally a river of spring water.

But for this migration, he was indeed the most active one, and he often joked with the backbone of the gang who couldn't bear it, seeing success or failure, heroic life, and starting over from scratch at worst.

A simple start all over again, God knows how much his loss is, the formed infrastructure and resource extraction points of the gang resident are an astronomical figure.

Such a huge benefit, just give up if you say give up?

Although the system has various compensations, such as retaining the original gang level, gang contribution, and open gang functions, etc., the prestige and rights are returned, and the free title has been upgraded by one level.

So Yijiang Chunshuiliu is now the Viscount of the system.

But this viscount is a group viscount, and if the gang leader is changed that day, this viscount will belong to someone else.

When he came outside, Shao Bing remembered the little sapling who hugged his thigh in the past, and he couldn't help laughing. At that time, who would have thought that Xia Miaomiao's current position is more like his, and he had given up on the "right way" long ago. Working hard, I have long been obsessed with business gameplay.

"It should be the native professional who is the target. The real level 5 occupation is so difficult. Anyway, I don't know if I can achieve it in my whole life... But it doesn't matter, shocking the world is enough."

"At that time, I was still a newbie, so I didn't dare to go to such a far and dangerous place." The gang hall of fame leader said with a smile, "Chunshui, what's there?"

The players skillfully formed a battle formation, and when Yalong shook his dizzy head and stood upright, the mage here had already chanted.


"It's not Gao Wan, who can come to such a far place?"

The two human-shaped strange rocks are leaning against each other, which is easy to recognize. Behind the big rock is the pool of water emerging from the underground river mentioned by Shao Bing.

"The title is not enough, the level is enough, right?"

One or two are like this, but they don't tell them when they ask them, they just make excuses and don't make it clear.

Shao Bing pointed to a mark left on the stone wall at the entrance and said: "At that time, I thought I would come back after a higher level, but I didn't expect to wait until now."

What is the use value of this kind of place?
Shao Bing was troubled, but he didn't show it on his face. With a bold smile, he pointed to a hidden forest in the distance and said, "I remember when I was in the 3rd or 4th test, I went there with a team. There is still a demon disaster, but it is not as quiet as it is now, and all kinds of demonized monsters are really layered and dense."

"Have you heard that the offline exchange market has been cancelled?"

Shao Bing smiled, skipping this, the front has already arrived.

"Help the pig, what are you looking at again?"

Then stand up, clap your hands, "Keep up, let's rest somewhere"

Also away from the traditional gaming area, there are pros and cons to it.

"Really, it doesn't look like it"

"There is an outlet of an underground river, and there is a large cave inside. I didn't notice it before. There should be a lot of minerals in it... Along the underground river, there is a stone forest underground. Some ghouls, goblins, Goblins and other monsters are very active, and they can be used as materials for gang trial dungeons..."

"Can it work? Repair water conservancy online?"

Knights can already have their own fiefs, advance to the lord level, and have business-like gameplay and permissions.

"When you get to this place, you can relax a little bit, and don't be tense all the time."

The backbones talked and laughed, and the camp had been built.

Just now when he said about Yu Kong, Shao Bing felt another thought in his heart.

"Have you got the mission?"

"Fuck, before the 6th test, who would have thought that online would become like this? We were hunted down like defeated dogs, and we couldn't even keep the main city of the system"

"No more than 100. It's too difficult to meet the job transfer requirements. I heard from a big plumber that he didn't even fully understand the job transfer requirements."

The teammates laughed, took a break, and walked into the hole.

Shao Bing's tone was affirmative: "I have consulted experts, and the plan has been drawn up. After the aborigines move over, we will start building the dam."

"The one from the gang last time?"

The cave is very large, and there are countless forks in it, just like an underground maze.

Shao Bing bent down to grab the generally dry soil, tasted the salty taste of the soil with his tongue, and said confidently: "We can build a dam over there to store water and divert water to flush this piece of land. It won't take long. The water will take the salt out of the soil, and soon it will all be fertile and arable."

"The summoned monsters are too dull, and the training is all routine fighters, which are not very useful"

Although Shao Bing said he was full of confidence, he actually had no confidence in his heart. Fortunately, the system became active when he arrived at this place. Seeing frequent system prompts had a huge effect on stabilizing people's hearts.

"This thing needs to be cleaned up, otherwise it will be a hidden danger"

Shao Bing couldn't figure out how the level 5 professional title and cloak had nothing to do with combat strength and equipment.

Before nightfall, the bitter wind of the wilderness made people unable to stand still, and the wind was getting stronger and stronger, mixed with all kinds of screams and strange sounds like babies crying.

"It looks like there are very few monsters?"

"A kind of sub-dragon, light red, everyone be careful!"

The sound of the water flow was louder than the outside, echoing through countless fork roads, it was deafening, just like being in a booming factory.

"Who knows, don't talk about it online, it's not good."

"What about the aboriginal population? This place doesn't look like a place to grow bitter wheat anyway."

Being regarded as a lair by such a big man, the inside is naturally spacious, but the smell is very touching. There are bones, residues and the like left by the Yalong times everywhere, as well as shed skin. The pile is as high as a person. The system prompts that it can It is a surprise to be used as a medicine material.

Rub, what kind of poor land is this.

"I know... what's wrong with you?"

Wangshan ran dead horses, and when Shao Bing arrived at the mountain forest staring at the strong wind, it was already dark, the wind was too strong, and the torches could not be ignited, so they could only be illuminated with magic.

Half an hour later, Chun Shui carefully asked the system to recover the Level 53 Yaron, who was only breathless. He was in a good mood, "Isn't this the first small boss of the gang?"

The teammates got up one after another, the sentry sentry returned to the team, and the scouts walked in front, heading towards the direction of the sound of water.

If he hadn't jumped into the big pit of the metaverse real estate before, maybe he wouldn't be like this now, maybe he would be like Xia Miaomiao, and concentrate on climbing on the 'right way'.

Shao Bing glanced at the [Great Dragon's Song] orange level 45 longbow that Xia Miaomiao was cleaning, and slapped his forehead as if he just remembered, "There is still a piece of dragon crystal in the gang warehouse, I was thinking about giving it to you that day, and then Make one and see if you can make a suit."

"...too much, let the natives and tourists take their time"

"Don't mention it, don't mention it," Shao Bing waved his hand, "Let's go careful, it's been so long, I don't know if there is any danger."

Everyone's mood will inevitably be affected. Leaving the bustling place like the main city of the system, and going to this kind of place where the birds don't shit, there is nothing and nothing is inconvenient. It's really...

Every step I took, I was fighting against this extremely nasty bush. The tanks that opened the way lost a third of their HP. A teammate tried out that this thing is particularly flammable, and it will emit strong poisonous smoke after burning.

In half an hour, Shao Bing's physical strength bottomed out.

The lunch was hastily eaten, and while the others were doing their lunch classes (prayer, faith points), Shao Bing found another Xia Miaomiao who was sitting in the guard post.

I don't know how difficult the system's test for Tier 5 occupations is.

Before the outbreak of the all-out war, the feats needed for a knight-level title were not something that ordinary people could come up with. Now it is given away for free. Although it will inevitably cause depreciation, it is enough to appease most people's dissatisfaction.

"The level of our players is still too low, let's just say Yu Kong, how many are there now?"

A thick and large light shield stood in front of everyone, and with a sound of "Boom!", a strange thing shaped like a giant python with horns on its head fell backwards.

"It can't be canceled, as long as there is one can block the flow of money online and offline."

In order to boost morale, the system is also based on practical considerations. All the people who participated in the migration this time have obtained the private title of second-class knight.

"You guys don't know, during the three tests and four tests, Chunshui is one of the top [-] masters, and he is a real master at a fair price."

There are almost no traces of living creatures, only demonized giant mosquitoes flying in twos and threes on the dirty salt water pools, and a bird has only been flying in the sky for a long time, so don't even think about resource points.

"It's good to have it, I really want to exercise, go out and find the humanoid monster."

Shao Bing stood on a protruding hill in the Gobi Desert, overlooking this barren land.

Shao Bing shook his head, leaving some people in the camp in the afternoon, he led a group of people to the distant forest.

This thing is really the same as the giant python monster in the Godzilla movie.

There are many animal footprints on both sides of the pool, most of them are mouse-like goblins, and there are also many others such as lizardmen and goblins.

As soon as the words fell, there was a gust of sinister wind. Shao Bing smelled the strong smell first, and decisively activated the group defense effect on the ring.

"What about 3 tests and 4 tests?" Huaguoshan Saint Warrior said with a smile: "It's not too far away, why do I feel like decades have passed?"

Xia Miaomiao shook her head, "It has nothing to do with combat power and equipment."

In this position, you don’t have to worry about the sky’s ‘cruising skycar’. The abandoned wasteland is still a place of exile, and it’s not friendly enough to the gods and their minions. I heard that in the deepest part, there are still unknown clones of the true god Throw it there, it can be called the Bermuda Triangle of the main material world.

Everyone didn't panic. Yalong, that is, a subspecies of giant dragon, is rare but not unheard of. In the past, the gang dungeon raised an Assyrian dragon. Full, ten paladin savages added together are not enough to scratch it with one paw, it will die if it is touched, and it will hurt if it is rubbed.

"No matter what the assessment is, can you please help me to refer to it! Now the gang especially needs a level 5 job, otherwise a Frost Giant, or a Titan or Beamon will not be able to stand it."

Shao Bing put away the parchment and said lightly, "It's nothing, the map."

"Why are you talking so much? Isn't that what you are doing? Anyway, there is plenty of time now."

"Thank you," Xia Miaomiao laughed.

A thick layer of rot has accumulated on the ground for many years, and a bush full of spikes grows everywhere. The spikes are poisonous, and it is very troublesome to clean them. If they are accidentally stuck, they will be infected with various negative The status is very annoying.

"Don't talk about me, you are still the same."

"Is it related to the fog under the line?"

I saw that the area of ​​the pool is not large, because the terrain is relatively high, so the water flow is very fast, and the water channel in front should turn underground again, so there is no river outside.

The abandoned wasteland is also a place cursed by the gods. Although the tide of magic has receded, there are all kinds of strange shapes and ghost-like things everywhere. The ground was covered with scabies, and the silted ditch in the low-lying places was smelly and pitch-black, surrounded by the bones of unknown animals.

He heard a faint sound of rushing water, and he said that it was almost there. After a 10-minute rest, the team members sat down on the marching blanket with relief, feeling more tired than coming off the battlefield.

"That's fine, you don't need to participate in the gang's activities during this time, just concentrate on...concentrate on 'exam preparation'."

However, the magic resistance is very weak, and it is easy to be restrained, but the problem is that the resurrection and teleportation circles at the camp have not been built yet. It's far away, and I can't get in touch with here.

"Yeah, if you build a city here, the summoning array is a big investment."

"How about it?"

"Make another orange suit, are you sure about Yukong?" Shao Bing asked the most concerned question.

"Give me a little more time to spring water", Xia Miaomiao began to wipe her longbow again, "Just a little bit, just a little bit".

Intelligent creatures will not leave such clear traces. The good news is that the pool water is very clear and should be drinkable. I just don't know if there are any aquatic monsters below, such as murlocs.

With the contrast from the outside, the place looks "beautiful". When Shao Bing found the entrance of the underground cave, the team cheered softly.


"what is this?"

"This is the mark I left last time"

Xia Miaomiao nodded.

A coin attached to the light technique is suspended in front of the team. In the dark environment of night, it seems that it will be swallowed up at any time. The trees in the forest also grow in strange shapes. In the fluctuations and fluctuations of light and darkness, it seems There are countless ghosts baring their teeth and claws.

Along the largest corridor, leaving marks along the way, after another half an hour, Shao Bing found the ideal place to build the city.

This is a huge rocky hollow, hard in all directions, not far from the underground river, but blocked by layers of thick rock walls, the noise is tolerable.

The terrain is very flat, and the most rare thing is that there is a layer of soil like lava ash, so the vegetation is lush, and useful and rare materials are everywhere.

"Last time I found a red snake grass here, I don't know if there are any."

Standing on a big rock, Shao Bing looked at this land of hope for a new start, and carefully took out the 'Heart of the City'.

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