This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 532 Private server

Chapter 532 Private server
The next day, when all the people from the camp had arrived, Shao Bing unfolded [Heart of the City] under everyone's gaze.

[City Heart] is a newly launched prop for gangs who give up the gang resident and build a city in a safer rear.

It retains the original gang level, urban buildings within a certain range, and most of the system functions of the original gang, including non-resource production units and infrastructure.

It is a red prop, and when it is taken out, it presents a strong light effect like the sun.

The red halo quickly expanded, completely filling the selected area, and then, outlines were generated in these halos, first the city walls, then the streets, and then the functional units and buildings of the gang city.

Tool man NPC is included.

In less than 2 minutes, a pocket city... or rather a castle, rose up in the selected area.

"Let's go in!" Shao Bing said.

Just like the unfolded base car, only at this time do players find an increasingly unfamiliar sense of the game.

Everything is brand new. Of course, the scale cannot be compared with the original Guards City. It can be used as the inner city, which just gathers all the functional units and production units. When it is expanded in the future, it should be the outer city.

Walking into their home in this remote place with complicated emotions, everything started from scratch, and everywhere was empty, except for the tool man NPC, the scene of gathering business travelers and a prosperous population in the past is expected to disappear for a long time back to normal.

The City Lord's Mansion, the main hall.

The hall of the main hall, which could accommodate thousands of people, is a little crowded now. Shao Bing first checked the list of gang city management functions. Level 6 gangs have been reserved, and most of the important non-resource production units are They were brought here, including the most important magic circle engraving workshop.

Without this, the later urban construction would be out of the question.

The second most important thing is the warehouse.

Most of the things that cannot be placed in the heart of the city have been brought with them, and some of the less important ones have been sold. The accumulation of the 6th-level gang is very objective, and it is a huge fortune to put there.

It is jointly owned by all gang members. Creation members have voting rights, ordinary members have the right to enjoy, management members have the right to distribute, and the system has the right to supervise... After a long period of magic core and adjustments, this ownership relationship of shared wealth Has been recognized by the vast majority of players.

The warehouse is a compressed space. Shao Bing first asked people to store all the materials he brought with him in the warehouse, and after careful inventory, he let out a long sigh of relief.

It is estimated that for a long period of time, there will be only output but no income. These accumulations can be regarded as the foundation of a family, and nothing can happen.

Fortunately, this road has been going smoothly, and the accumulation of level 6 gangs can last for a long time.

The third is the various functions and non-resource production units of the gang.

Such as gang copy, gang shop, gang repair, enchanting, alchemy, gang forging, tailoring, medicine, scroll material production, etc., as well as planting, animal husbandry (mounts, pets), trial task space, gang daily, gang weekly, There are all kinds of gang strategic missions, and there are probably hundreds of them in total.

It can be said that with most of the game functions, it is almost equal to a small autonomous kingdom.

The same is true.

During this migration, the system has finally delegated the authority to recruit new players and tourists, which is the legendary 8th test. The new online players and tourists will be born in their gang resident, and they will be responsible for arranging, operating and guiding these new forces. The growth is almost equivalent to each 'private server'.

Canaan's "private server" is hard to imagine how much benefits and benefits it contains. It can be said that there is no upper limit and countless possibilities can be achieved. You must know that this kind of authority was still in the hands of national entities before.

The 8th test will be a large and small "private server" where countless players and tourists compete together in an autonomous kingdom. In terms of camp, they are unified, and within the camp, they have gained great freedom and independent authority.

It is also because of this that Shao Bing willingly gave up the original gang station, ran to this place where no shit, and started from scratch.

It used to be a big pot of rice, but now it is equal to "joint production contract".

Do you think this is all there is to it?
Most people think so.

There is also a right, which is unique to gangs above level 5. It is extremely important, and it is definitely a stormy sea if it is revealed, and Shao Bing didn't tell anyone.

That is: the release of 8 offline game devices.

In other words, he can secretly select a group of people he likes offline, and let them "accidentally" obtain the access device. As for how the device came about, Shao Bing doesn't care, he only needs to mark the specific people , These people will naturally obtain access equipment at a certain time and on a certain occasion, thereby obtaining the qualifications of players and tourists.

What is this, this is the capital of the hegemony.

Considering the big environment of online and offline, the signs of online affecting offline are becoming more and more obvious, and only fools will reject such a good thing. In comparison, what they had before is nothing, maybe , he, Shao Bing, is the one standing at the top of the pyramid.

Royal map hegemony!

Romance for men!
Don't even women have Wu Zetian?
Shao Bing never imagined how it would evolve to this point. He thought it was just a game, but now he is very sure that he is a "game". The system lady is really omnipotent, and she is so generous to the players.

Seeing that the items on the list were confirmed, Shao Bing almost couldn't hold back, showing his inner excitement and joy.

Seeing him silent, many people thought it was wrong.

"It's a little cruder, and it can't be compared with before, but it's much better when the aborigine NPC arrives."

"The 8th test is about to start, we are the birth point, and it will be lively in the future, even better than before."

"Ten-thousand-foot tall buildings rise from the ground, Chunshui, don't get too entangled."

"Yeah, yeah, look away"

Shao Bing endured the hard work and had to pretend to be sad. When the atmosphere was in place, he took the opportunity to assign tasks.

The first is to get everyone settled.

The city is too small to accommodate, even if it can be accommodated, Shao Bing does not intend to mix the living area with the functional area, and it must be planned in the early stage.

The scope of the outer city must be determined first, and tents can be used to make do with it, but the first thing must be to build houses.

All kinds of infrastructure, these cannot be expected to be sold by the system, in order to save, you can only do it yourself.

In the past, they would do this kind of dirty work, but now it is different. Everyone readily agreed to come down and made intense preparations for the arrival of the aboriginal NPC population.



Offline, Magic City, the fantasy set of Raiders of the Lost Ark.

The sound of banging on the door sounded like Fan Chaoyue, who was hiding among the props, was not panting, and the scumbag photographer fell at her feet, holding her trouser legs tightly with his hands, unable to shake them off no matter what.

This scumbag's neck was bitten wide open. I don't know when the dead body changed. Almost all the "survivors" of the same crew are here. They are usually gentlemen, so they didn't help her at this time.

bang bang bang...

There was another rush of crashing sounds, and through the narrow window, one could see staggering, faltering people wandering outside.

Who will help me, who will help me.

Fan Chaoyue prayed with his eyes, while the others hid in a corner away from her, avoiding her eyes.

What happened to break her defenses.

Fan Chaoyue obviously felt the hand grabbing the trousers, which seemed to be more convulsive, which made her almost scream.

In desperation, she had no choice but to take off her trousers, and only wore silk underwear that was very economical in fabric, and jumped out shaking her two long white legs.

Fan Chaoyue obviously heard the sound of two swallowing saliva, she tried her best to pull down the hem of the costume, and at the same time retreated vigilantly to the corner where the two girls were avoiding.

"Sorry, Beyond, I was petrified just now."

Female No. [-] apologized to her hypocritically.

Fan Chaoyue didn't know what to do, and looked around for something that was convenient.

Sure enough, the corpse was cheated.

The corpse moved, and sat up convulsively. The two girls covered their mouths and suppressed their screams. The men were not much better. One of the assistant directors was actually a scared heart. The disease broke out, and he fell down clutching his chest.

This is the most test of human nature.

In the panic, I don't know who pushed the unconscious assistant director out, right next to the sitting corpse.

Fan Chaoyue told himself to be calm, to be calm.

It's no big deal, just treat it as an online monster spawning.

At this time, she was very regretful. She regretted that she rarely went online after the 6th test. She listened to the advice of family members, friends, leaders and other informed people, saying how to do online. If she is always online, the player's consciousness and experience will not be lost. , enough to deal with the present trouble.

The photographer who scammed the corpse finally stood up.

What is horrifying is that only one-third of his neck is still connected, his head droops on the left shoulder, and he turns around very stiffly, looking at everyone with a pair of dead fish eyes.


The female number three finally shouted out, before the monster rushed over.

Immediately, countless wandering figures outside seemed to have been slapped with chicken blood, desperate to hit the iron door of the props room.

Boom!With a slam, the door lock failed to stick to the end, and it bounced open in despair. The iron door suddenly cracked a gap, and several bloody fingers protruded through it.

"No, no..."

"Help, help..."

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die..."

There are more than a dozen people, but none of them can do anything.

Forced to this point, Fan Chaoyue had no choice but to go all out. He grabbed the top of the female number three and tied it around his waist, picked up a prop gun, and swung it round, like an attacking monster.

Thanks to the props team, thanks to the generous investors, this prop gun is made extremely strong for realism, Fan Chaoyue shot it very accurately, hit the monster's head accurately, and hit it from the left shoulder to the right shoulder, heard There was a clear clicking sound, probably the broken spine was completely broken, and the head swayed a few times before falling off the neck.

The monster's body was stunned for a moment, and it fell backwards. Its head looked like a football, and it rolled into the middle of the crowd, screaming and howling again.

"Stop howling!"

Fan Chaoyue roared like a heroine, "Go and block the door!"

"Oh oh oh……"

Only then did everyone find the backbone, throwing everything in the prop room over the door.

Fan Chaoyue was almost dying of anxiety, rushed over, pushed the heavy shelf, and yelled for a few men to help, and put the shelf against the door together.

The others finally found the correct demonstration, followed suit, and buried the entrance after a while.

Safe for now.

Fan Chaoyue supported the wall to pant, and the others finally calmed down, covering their mouths and trying not to make a sound.

The turmoil outside lasted for a while, but seeing that the entrance could not be knocked through and there was no movement inside, it returned to its previous state.

As soon as the crisis is over, some people will take action.

Someone asked who pushed the assistant director out. One person said who it was, and that person denied it desperately. Their respective supporters and opponents began to push each other.

"Are you done yet!?"

Fan Chaoyue was so angry that he almost couldn't control his voice, "It's already this time, don't you know unity?"

"Beyond, why are you... why are you grabbing my clothes?"

The weak tone of the female number three, whose upper body was only in underwear, made Fan Chaoyue almost fail to come up in one breath.

At this moment, a man in the crowd suddenly screamed like a pig, and the people around him dispersed. Fan Chaoyue saw with tingling scalp that the monster's head had bitten the man's calf. Biao whistling outside.

"Help, help, save me!"

The man was bitten by a head and fell down. He crawled and stretched out his hand to another man. The man ran away in a panic.

"Step aside!"

Fan Chaoyue went over, stepped on the man's back, grabbed the hair of the monster's head with one hand, and pulled it up!

With the flesh and blood of a man, Fan Chaoyue held a ferocious head that was still chewing, looked around, and asked who had a lighter.

A lighter was thrown over. Fan Chaoyue took the monster's head, found something to light the fire, and pressed the monster's head into it.

The clothes wrapped around his waist fell off at some point. Fan Chaoyue looked up and found that no one dared to peek, and all the eyes he met were evasive.

at this time.

【Ding, you have a new message】

[Ding, dear player, the system is undergoing a major update. After the update, the game access device will undergo a major upgrade. This update opens the game access device'pre-upgrade' channel, and there is a probability of obtaining a mysterious prize from the system if you upgrade in advance

. 】

[Ding, do you want to upgrade the game equipment? 】

Fan Chaoyue laughed. Fuck his conspiracy theory, it's like this offline, even if it's really bad for your health, you can't be like these wastes, right?


[Ding, the game access device is being upgraded, and the offline personal exclusive backpack space is opened...opening]

The prompt box in this field of vision is very distorted and blurred, a little distorted, and it is not exactly the same as the line.

(End of this chapter)

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