This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 533 The 'King' in Misty Manor

Chapter 533 The 'King' in Misty Manor

When the rescuers in chemical protective suits arrived, all the big men in the room were crying, as if seeing relatives they hadn't seen for many years. That scene...

Usually there are five people and six people, no matter how you say it can be regarded as a successful person, men are not as good as women, and the number three female is still strong enough to support the dignity of public figures.

It seems that years of drinking, sex and wealth have corroded courage, which is in contrast to the size of their stomachs.

Fan Chaoyue held back his mouth, perfunctory the inquiry from the chemical protective suit, only thinking about 'offline backpack space'.

She had heard similar rumors a long time ago, and this was the first time it happened to her. Seeing the mist covering the world outside, she didn't know what to do in the future.

If the weather is like this, who would have the time to go to the cinema, not afraid to watch the ghosts on the screen jump out and pull the audience to dance together?

Think carefully about it.

"I am Tie Jun, Fan Chaoyue, right? Are you a player?"

"Uh... I haven't been online for a long time."

"How long and why?"

"Is it important?"

"Please cooperate with our work"

"Well, it was probably when the 6th test started... I heard people say that if you stay online for a long time, you may be at risk of contracting a disease. In addition, you are busy with work, so you haven't logged in much."

"Disease? Hear it from someone? What kind of disease, who did you hear it from?"

"Are you asking the prisoner?"

"Please cooperate with our work."

"It's that kind of disease. There are too many people talking about it on the Internet. I don't believe you don't know about it. Does it matter who you listen to? Gossip is flying all over the place, and I haven't seen you come out to refute the rumors."

"... What happened today... did you find anything unusual?"

"Abnormal? This is not abnormal enough, zombies..."

"I mean you personally, has there been some kind of online... connection?"

Fan Chaoyue's heart jumped, and he said without changing his face: "No, no."

"Really?" Tie Jun's eyes seemed to be able to see into her heart, "As a public figure, you have to set high demands on yourself, you should think about it carefully."

"Ah... just a hallucination."

"Tell me, what hallucination."

"It seems to say something about updates, access equipment, etc. It's too vague to see clearly."

"It's like an online system announcement, isn't it?"

"Hmm... It seems that I am not the only one who has such hallucinations, right?"

"Don't inquire, thank you for your cooperation, if you have anything to add, please call this number."

"Hey, hello, what's going on? When will the fog outside clear up? Is it dangerous to go out like this? Do I need to wear a mask?"

Tie Jun left without looking back. Fan Chaoyue, wearing a white coat given by the rescuers, chased after two steps and stopped.

The rest of the crew also emerged from their hiding places, crying for their father and mother, without any restraint.

The studio was in a mess, and the protective clothing was checking everyone. A female protective clothing came and took Fan Chaoyue away.

A charred 'zombie' fell at the door of the examination room, and the protective suits didn't take a second look. Every crew member who passed by scrambled around, talking, shouting, crying, Those who scold, and those who want to complain and send a lawyer's letter...

"Sister Hong, Sister Hong, I'm here!"

"Thank goodness, it's fine to surpass you, otherwise I really can't explain to the chairman."

"My dad, my brother, are they okay? Nothing happened at home?"

"They are very safe, just worried about you...go, this place can't stay longer."

As soon as Sister Hong came, Fan Chaoyue had the backbone. The assistant couldn't find him, and he didn't know if something had happened. He was panicked and didn't notice that she had slipped away in advance, until he came outside the photography base and looked at the overwhelming fog outside. ...

Fan Chaoyue was a little at a loss and didn't dare to walk into the weird fog until a beam of light shone down and dispelled the fog above his head.

"That, that is, what is that?"

I saw a thing that looked like a helicopter and... a flying saucer suspended above the head, and the spotlight cast from above could actually break through the fog?

"Don't ask, let's go."

The weird-looking aircraft didn't land, it threw down a ladder, and a man in a suit climbed down from it and waved to the two of them.

The protective suit behind chased her out, and Sister Hong pushed her to the man in the suit without saying a word. The man in the suit hugged her by the waist, and climbed up the strange-looking aircraft along the ladder.

There is a lot of space inside, if there is not a big propeller on it, this thing really looks like a flying saucer that appeared in the movie.

The structure inside was also very strange, and Fan Chaoyue had a sense of familiarity. It wasn't until she saw the magic-like 'pipelines' converging to the front cab that she suddenly realized it.

"This, what kind of black technology is this?"

Just as Sister Hong came up, she was still out of breath when the man in the suit entered the front cab, and there were only the two of them in it.

"Don't ask, let's talk about it later"

"Where are you going? Did my dad do something without telling me? I said why is he so well informed, he won't..."

"Don't think about it, especially on this occasion!"

"In this mean the fog energy outside, can..."

"see this"

Sister Hong gave her a booklet, on the cover there were three crudely printed Chinese characters, which read: Jingxinjue.

The footer of the page states that it was produced by a gymnasium in a certain mountain, all intellectual property rights are owned, and infringements must be investigated.

This, this... so magical?
Fan Chaoyue had an absurd feeling holding the booklet. He opened it and read it. It was about how to keep calm in the fog and stop thinking about it.

After the so-called meditation, all evils will naturally not invade, and gods and demons will retreat... I don’t know how to feel serious.

This is the summary of the introduction. The main text is written in a kind of verse, which is half ancient and half white.

This, this... This is not a fantasy drama, but a fairy tale drama.

"Miss Hong, I don't understand"

"You don't need to understand, it's just like chanting a mantra, read it!"


"You'll know when you try it."

Fan Chaoyue put aside the feeling of absurdity, read the beginning silently, and then couldn't help but read it aloud.

There is really an indescribable power in this text, it rhymes extremely, and the lips and teeth are fragrant. After reading the reader, she feels that she has really 'quiet', her mind is settled, and she feels a little bit of honor and disgrace.

It's amazing.

This weird flying machine is not fast enough to be efficient enough to be aerodynamic, but it is quite quiet, without the roar of the engine, and even the movement of the propeller is very small.

Flying above the magic city, what I saw was a metropolis like a ghost. There was no light, and the high-rise buildings were like giants silent in the dense fog and darkness, silent, standing, and staring.

How did all this happen?
who knows?
Fan Chaoyue looked at Sister Hong who looked like an 'old monk', and pursed his lips.

Half an hour later, they arrived at a manor on the outskirts of Modu.

The manor is brightly lit everywhere, and for some reason, the mist is blocked outside the manor. From the outside, it looks like an isolated island inside.

Surrounded by a mist where you can't see your fingers, only the inside still seems to stay in the world.

Many men in suits patrolled around with headsets, and probe-like things were erected around the manor.

As soon as the "flying saucer" came to a complete stop, Fan Chaoyue couldn't wait to jump down. The first person to meet her was her little niece, the magical girl Zhu Zhuangzhuang.

Of course, they have a very elegant name called Fan Tuan, nicknamed: Baozi.

She is indeed a very festive little girl, with a round face and wrinkled facial features, she looks just like a bun.

"Sister-in-law, you are back. They illegally imprisoned my personal freedom. I want to sue them."

Fan Chaoyue couldn't be in the mood to grind his teeth with her at this time, and asked her perfunctorily, where is your grandfather?

"Meetings, meetings all day long, mysterious, I feel like he's a villain, he's doing some kind of conspiracy."

Fan Chaoyue hurried into the manor, and his family was gone, all of them were executives from his father's company.

These people are not qualified enough to enter the meeting room, they are all sitting everywhere, talking on the phone and whispering to others, everyone is dragging their families, as if they have even moved their homes here, the banquet hall on the first floor very messy.

"Sister-in-law, I heard that you encountered zombies?"

"Who did you hear?"

"Miss Hong"

"You eavesdropped on other people's calls again."

"Sister-in-law, offline should be the same as online, right? You don't have to lie to me, I have also received a system prompt."

"What did you receive?"

"I'm a devil player, great devil, if you didn't let me go online, I would be at least a middle-rank devil now..."

"You are not allowed to go online, do you hear me!"

On this point, Fan Chaoyue was surprisingly consistent with his family.

She has seen the performance of demon players offline. Some people... Ah, no, it should be most demon players. They can no longer tell what is online and what is offline, and their personalities have been changed. All kinds of weird 'mutations'.

It is precisely because of these materials that Fan Chaoyue obeyed his family's arrangement, and rarely went online after the 6th test.

If the little niece is also infected with that kind of 'pathology', Fan Chaoyue can't imagine what the family will be like. Originally, this niece's personality is just that, if it gets worse, she will turn the world over.

"You can't control it anymore. There will be no helmets in the future. You can go online whenever you want, anytime, anywhere, hehe."

"... Your backpack space appeared?"


"Why haven't I?"

"It's a matter of character, Auntie System sees my sincerity..."

"I'll take care of you."

Outside the large meeting room on the second floor, Fan Chaoyue eavesdropped on the movement inside, and vaguely heard some mist shield... Shelter... Supplies preparation... 8 tests... The line that has been out of control... 20 round tables Meetings, etc., key words.

"Let me tell you, sister, grandpa has a big investment in Canaan. Do you know Tianzhituan? The top 20 7th-level gang? Grandpa is their major shareholder, as well as King Kong Capital, Red Sea Deep Investment...all of them It's his old man's business, and he also cooperates with the local..."

"What's the matter? He's more fun than anyone else when he doesn't let people play games. He also kept it from us. When we were online, he didn't help or talk about it, and even ordered people to fight against us. It's disgusting. Sinister old man."

"Who are you talking about?" Fan Chaoyue's eldest brother came out of it, scolded his daughter, and then let Fan Chaoyue in.

"Why can't my sister-in-law come in?" Fan Tuan protested.

"Be honest with me, I'll deal with you later"

The big conference room was full of unknown people, including various experts, private doctors and lawyers, and people whose identities could not be identified.

These people were scattered all over the place, and an old gray-haired expert was explaining to the big virtual screen. Without a headset, Fan Chaoyue couldn't hear what he was saying.



"Come and talk"

"Dad, what's going on? Is it the end of the world?"

"Listen to me, remember everything I say now."

"Dad, don't scare me. I was chased by zombies on the set just now. When I got home, why did I feel so strange?"

"In the future, I mean that even if the fog dissipates that day, there is a high probability that we will not be able to return to the past. We will enter a new era in which materialism and idealism coexist, act at the same time, conflict at the same time, and develop at the same time. No one can predict what will happen in the future. What will life be like? After research and demonstration by countless experts, the personal and valuable suggestions are: calm, self-reliance, and self-improvement, because the more you rely on others and the society, the more dangerous you are. "

"The danger mentioned here is not the kind you understand. You have no enemies. Your enemy is yourself. There are also some people who cannot control themselves and bring danger to others. Do you understand?"

"……I don't understand"

"You will understand later"

"Dad, can't it be undone? For example, banning people from going online?"

"It's too late."

"This update..."

"After all, it was greed that ruined it... Forget it, it's not necessarily a bad thing. Opportunities and challenges coexist."

"that's it?"

"Don't act in the future, it's too dangerous."

"What's the danger in acting?"

"All people and industries that are highly related to people's impressions and thoughts are in danger."

"I don't understand, that's my job, I love acting."



"It's hard to say whether there will be an actor as a profession in the future. Even if there is, it will never be like this."

"Anyway, I'm going to act."

"I'm doing this for your own good... So, aren't you a player? I need your help with some things online. How about continuing to be a player when you can be online in the future?"

"Back then you blocked me so desperately that you wouldn't let me go online"

"It's different now than before..."

"Even if it's online, I want to act"


The disobedient daughter and the earnest father, no one can persuade the other, after the quarrel, the father finally compromised.

"Sister Hong, let's go!"

"Ah, did you talk to your father?"

Fan Chaoyue rushed to the lawn outside the manor angrily, "Who does he think he is, the king? Arrange, arrange that, think everyone has to listen to him?"

But Sister Hong said in her heart, the current situation is hard to say.

Can we go there next?

When Fan Chaoyue was worrying, in an instant, the fog that had covered the world for more than half a month receded.

In an instant!

(End of this chapter)

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