Chapter 534
The sun came out, and the scorching sun of midsummer continued to bake the earth, but the city shrouded in high temperature did not return to its former bustling traffic. There were still few vehicles and pedestrians in the streets and alleys. Peeking out at the street through the window screen, one by one is like a frightened bird.

Basic living guarantees such as Internet, water supply, and electricity have also been fully restored. Perhaps they have never been interrupted. When people turn on the TV, they can finally see people instead of the same snowflakes.

Press conferences about the Great Fog are being held all over the world. People are waiting for an explanation, eager to know what happened in the past half a month.

"...Unknown abnormal climate swept the world. The earliest discovery and record was in Hardness. On July 2023, 7 local time, at 1:20, 45 minutes and 31 seconds, a local scientific research observation and recording device recorded the earliest occurrence of fog. The first record that happened in China was 24 minutes later than this record. It is preliminarily speculated that the great fog originated from hardness, which may be related to population density and cultural traditions.”

"...Thank you for your question. We are organizing an expert group to find the cause of the Great Fog...So far, we have not found any definite evidence that it comes from online. It is unscientific to forcibly associate it with players and tourists. Irresponsibility is artificially creating tension, causing unnecessary division and ethnic confrontation..."

"... Judging from the known phenomena that occurred in the foggy period, it is unnatural, not based on known scientific principles and mechanisms, and it is seriously biased towards idealism, that is, it is highly related to people's thinking activities and states of consciousness .”

"...The reason why there are unrealistic, imaginary, and unrealistic things that are well-known to the public requires specific analysis. In short, please don't panic. There is no evidence to prove that it will appear again..."

"...During the Great Fog, we made every effort to organize human and material rescue..."

That's it?

That's it?

He had never been so helpless, and never had he been so afraid of the dark.

The railway is blocked...

When Huang Song returned with sweat all over his body, his best friend and his girlfriend had already left, and took away a lot of things he snapped up, leaving only a note saying that the house was for him to live in, and the things he took away were When rented.

Now it actually appeared in the real offline environment, no different from the one online, and it even came with a key, floating above the treasure chest.

"I am Li Nan"

Huang Songla blocked the windows layer by layer with sheets, so that no light could penetrate. Several boys were lying on the bed, one's teeth were chattering all the time, one was crying under the quilt, and one didn't know what to do. Song wrapped himself in a quilt, leaving only a pair of eyes outside.

Arriving at the place, it was a mess, the supermarket had been ravaged long ago, and there was nothing left, and he was responsible for it. He rushed in to see a few boys were loading things on the trolleys, and Huang Song picked up one and rushed over. , There are snacks and food on the shelves without even looking at them.

What the hell am I doing?
Is there a fart for grabbing these things?
Isn't the most important thing at this time is to stay with your family?

Huang Song's body was stiff, the figure - long hair, white clothes, bowed head, bowed waist, bare feet, is it... ah, he was so scared that he wanted to shout and run, but his body was stiff, his legs Reluctantly walked into the water room.

The sun was shining brightly, and the ghosts on the campus of Nuo University could not be seen. Looking back at the dormitory building where he had been hiding for more than half a month, many people were lying on the windows looking at him.

"It is said that the bigger the issue, the shorter the news."

It's daytime outside, the sun is so big, why shouldn't any evil spirits hide?

Anxiety Refresh web pages and forums over and over again, vent all your anxiety, confusion and anger, and refresh again, like a mud cow sinking into the ocean.

And the fog cleared, and the senior didn't show up either.

The one holding the quilt broke the defense first, jumped up from the bed and ran out, the one with chattering teeth rolled under the bed one by one, and followed behind with hands and feet, rolling and crawling, and the other two did not want to go, but dared not Huang Song felt like he was about to urinate, who knew what ran out, what if it was the thing that spoke in their name just now.

Huang Song also went out to purchase supplies, and the school's supermarket also opened for a fixed time at a risk. The school also organized group mutual aid activities. Many enthusiastic teachers and students were active in the front line of "disaster relief".

"Sign up, I'm Huang Song, I'm not crying."

The phone line at home was still busy. At this time, there were already a lot of people outside, and almost all of them were running in the supermarket outside. It was like a race against time, as if someone was chasing after them.

Walking towards the water room with a heartbeat, when passing by a dormitory, some figure flashed in the corner of his eyes.

"Fuck, there's no one outside"

Going on the Internet, encountering the same treatment, and reading the latest messages, all of them are from before the Great Fog...

"Why are you going?"

The living expenses that are usually saved and saved are spent without blinking at this time. After spending one month's living expenses, he didn't even go back to the dormitory. He went to the house rented by his best friend outside the school and stored everything in it.

The sudden, extremely slight sound of water was like thunder, which made him almost jump up. He turned to look in the direction of the water room, and saw a kind of light seeping out from inside.

"Who is crying, stop making trouble!"

It took him a long time to get up the courage to get up, and when he came outside the dormitory, he found that the entire dormitory building was deserted, and all the doors were open.

In the male dormitory of a university dormitory, Huang Song slammed the door shut, locked the roommate who had chased him inside, and hurried downstairs to the outside.

Everywhere is blocked...

It's evening, and this day has passed in such a muddle, what did I do, what did I do, just grab a bunch of these useless things?

Even if it is Zhenzi, I want to see your true face today.

But this time, after the press conference, there was nothing on TV or on the Internet, none, not one.

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This senior sister is not an exception.

Huang Song seemed to leave, but his curiosity made him stay. After a short period of hesitation and struggle, he gritted his teeth.

Huang Song spat at them, and rode a shared bicycle to the nearest supermarket.

Just as Huang Song put the things away, the bed was cleared out, and the roommates came back one by one.

"I don't care about you"

There are also a lot of people at the gate of the bank, all of them are withdrawing money, the ATM machines have been emptied, and the number of vehicles has increased, almost all of them are out of the city.

"Why is this Huang Song dumbfounded? A few days ago, he was very courageous. No one else dared to go out, but he dared to go out."

Seeing this posture, Huang Song also became a little uncertain. He felt that the supplies to be snapped up were not enough, and his brain became hot, and he swept a shared electric car and joined the crowd of looting people.

Obviously so many people are concerned, are searching, are looking for answers, even if they are fabricated, even if they are fake... No, there is no.

The light emitted from the treasure chest, Huang Song had seen countless times in the video and live broadcast.

The dormitory was empty, with messy beds, open luggage lockers, and things thrown around, exuding a strong atmosphere of panic.

Huang Song reckoned that it was almost done, and the trolley was also full. At this time, the sales staff from the supermarket arrived, shouting to pay, pay, and there was monitoring.

All of them are cowards.

"It's just right if you're overly scared. After the time limit, you can choose again."

"People scare people, scare people to death, do you know that!?"

no flight...

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Huang Song hesitated for a moment, seeing that most people were still fighting, he obediently went to line up to pay.

"You guys just wait here to die"

Several junior boys made a scene excitedly, and when night fell, everyone shut up obediently.

No matter how horrifying he saw, he was already mentally prepared, but no matter what, he never thought that he would see this.

"It's this time, are you still joking?"

A treasure chest in the Canaan game.

The Internet is also!

As the fog continued, all these people disappeared, and all kinds of outrageous gossips were flying all over the sky.

"Do you want to scare him again?"

He started calling frantically again, but the line was still busy and the signal was busy. He probably wouldn’t be able to recover in a short time. He went to the ticket-buying app to check the train ticket back home. The train hadn’t resumed operation yet...

"I am Wu Shengli"

Anyone who knows a little bit of association will shudder.

How to do how to do.

Before I knew it, the one with chattering teeth stopped, the one who covered the quilt and cried in a low voice stopped crying, the dormitory was dead silent, only the bright moonlight scatter in through the window, suddenly casting a stretched and distorted shadow .

People watch TV for a long time and don't want to leave.

There is no fog at all...

Thinking back to the more than half a month spent in the mist, I didn’t actually encounter any scary things, but I kept hearing this and that, and heard this and that rumor.

A Nuoda treasure chest was placed on the floor of the water room near the window, and a faucet was not closed, dripping water.

Huang Song heard that an enthusiastic senior from the student union had been wandering outside, no one would call back, she even went to the artificial lake to wash her hair, singing while washing, not to mention how infiltrating it was.

"Don't make a wrong choice, the boss blames me for not being careful... Oh, forget it, I have reported it all, and there is no way to change it."

That is……

The press conference, which was held in a hurry and ended in a hurry, gave people the feeling that they were trying to cover up and half-hidden their faces. Usually, after the official announcement of a hot spot, various interpretations, hypes, and impromptu performances would follow. Come here, even at the expense of spreading rumors, but also to take a look at this hot spot and gain some attention.

Not bad.

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The school said that she was sent to a designated hospital for rescue, but Huang Song was skeptical.

The canteen was closed when the supermarket was not open, and the door was slammed when the canteen was closed. After more than two hours of tossing, it was a bag of a size that could not be moved.

"Who is crying? Why didn't I hear it, it couldn't be..."


A thing that looks like a game helmet is suspended in the light group, and the words "Xing" appear in front of him at the same time.

After grabbing a few items, the big team arrived, and they all rushed to the shelves, grabbing desperately, even toilet paper.

"Who is crying, stop crying!"

The darker the sky outside, the less he dared to carry it alone in this room. He had no choice but to choose some useful things to take with him, and returned to the university campus.

"I am Ma Xiaotian"

Most people feel at ease in the sun, and it stands to reason that nothing beyond common sense should appear.

"How about? Find someone to fight with?"

But when he saw the messy dormitory and the empty dormitory beds, he realized that all of this was true. Suddenly, no matter how harsh the sun was, it couldn't give him a little warmth, and his feet exposed to the sun were like He shrank back as if he was scalded.

Not being able to win the lottery is a pain he can't shake. That cloud player has never imagined that one day he would open it with his own hands, and he dreamed of it.


Depend on!
Huang Song fell on the sofa, and gradually woke up from the state of irrational dizziness. Looking at the mobile phone, there is still no information. Watching TV, it is still singing and dancing, looking outside, it is still in chaos, and then looking at myself...

Huang Song walked over in a dizzy state, touched the key first, and the key landed in his hand as he wished, then touched the treasure chest with the key, the treasure chest opened immediately, and a big ball of light flew out.

But that's just the beginning.

Tick, tick...

For a moment he wondered if he was dreaming.

He walked around the room like a headless chicken, anxious, with several big bumps on his mouth.

"Which one of you is crying, don't cry, can you, it's still infiltrating!"

Not to mention how Huang Song reacted, but a certain guy hiding in a dormitory looked triumphantly at the "surprise scene" he arranged, full of an indescribable sense of accomplishment.

The moon is very big and round, and the moonlight is so strong that it can be seen clearly without street lights.

The door of the dormitory clanged, and the sound of footsteps on the stairway, rattled and rattled for a while, then returned to dead silence.

The hairs all over Huang Song's body stood on end, he didn't speak just now, so who is speaking for him?

"Hey, the boss still trusts me, otherwise he can entrust me with such an interesting task, and I won't kneel and lick like Wang."

Huang Song didn't know how he spent the night, and he didn't know when he slept. When he woke up, it was already bright, and the scorching sun shone on the bed in the morning, bringing indescribable warmth and warmth. serene.


"It's a pity that it can't be made public. Jinyi Night Walk is a fly in the ointment, otherwise this school won't go sideways?"

"Scare him again"

Then, 'Sadako' reappeared in front of Huang Song, with long hair covering her face hanging on her bare feet, water dripping from the tip of her hair!
But this time, Huang Song didn't hesitate at all, picked up the game helmet, and smashed it with a round circle.

A certain 'director' who was peeping in the dormitory covered his head and screamed: "Ouch!", thus revealing his whereabouts.

(End of this chapter)

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