This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 535 The Ancient Battlefield

"Boss, are you looking for me?"

"Tell me... well, what's wrong with your head?"

"Ah, can you see the wounds received offline as well?"

"Stop talking nonsense, what's going on?"

"It's all done. I have selected more than 20 people in our school, all of whom are brave and brave."

"Didn't reveal your identity?"

"Don't worry about my work. It's not like you don't know. I almost turned into a devil. I'm the best at pretending to be a ghost."

"Okay, give me a copy of those people's information, get out, there are things everywhere, don't be lazy"

"Understood, Boss, I will pass you a copy when I go offline."

The sun online is not as fierce as offline, but it is also a rare sunny day, which is almost like a snowy day in the abandoned wasteland.

The problem is that these statues are movable and have the same habits as animals. They live in groups and live like walking dead.

Fortunately, there is a player in the gang who used to specialize in game planning, and the various routines for designing newcomer tasks are easy to grasp, saving him a lot of trouble.

When building a city in a hidden valley, neither resources nor traffic conditions are considered. Concealment and easy defense and difficult attack are the top priorities.

"How about it, is it suitable for a novice dungeon?"

"Just B file!"

Tianya Haijiao, riding a mutant storm bear, patrolled his own territory like an old farmer in the field.

Turtle is a derogatory term for the indigenous army, so Birdman doesn't need to explain.

Being targeted by the birdman, there may be an air strike at any time, the player lacks defensive means, and it is still weak to deal with high-level units such as Beamon and Titans, and it is troublesome to be discovered.

Perhaps because of sincerity, after nightfall, a small team exploring deeper into the abandoned wasteland really found something.

Two-way choice of bullshit.

I know you're there, I know you know I'm here, the question is is it worth it, is it sure!

There are always so many warning messages a day, and the ends of the earth are not overly nervous. After the evacuation, the battlefield has changed from a large army and a front that often stretches tens of hundreds of kilometers to countless battles. With your muddy quagmire, on the map of the ends of the earth, there are no less than ten strongholds of the Turks, and one is particularly close, with a straight-line distance of no more than 30 kilometers.

"Cultivation is easy to use"

"Understood, if you find something, report it at any time."

But this Xinshou Village has to do it again, it is a pity to give up, the difficulties are temporary, and a brilliant future is waiting for me not far away.

The resurrection points and teleportation arrays in the city have been constructed, and they are all uniform-standard magic array substrates.

If the business develops in the future, the geographical advantage and the attribute of being far away from the front line and the rear will definitely make up for all the disadvantages in the early stage. Shao Bing can only comfort himself in this way.

In the afternoon, he personally led the team, went up to the surface, and returned to the mountain forest.

On the situation map that only Shao Bing can overview, most of the surrounding areas are dark. It will take time to explore, but the system does not wait. The 8th test may also be the last test is imminent, and he must rush to the end Pass the system acceptance before the time limit expires, otherwise you will be punished by the system.

When there was no public beta, I shouted about the public beta every day. This is going to be a public beta, but there was not even a word offline.

Haijiao Tianya also needs to consider that the task system for newcomers should be linked to the construction of the gang city as much as possible. Shao Bing doesn't care about it at all, he just wants to pass the system acceptance smoothly. It's up to luck.

But Shao Bing has no plans at all. He intends to 'treat people with sincerity', emphasizing the label of Guards City as safe, warm, and born in the civilian class. If you can keep a few, you can count as a few. .

The system even delegated the authority to recruit newcomers to players like him, which is really... God unfolding.

After finding out early this morning, Tianya Haijiao, the guild leader of the Heavenly Group, lost his temper and deducted the performance points of the player in charge.

On the one hand, the huge investment needs to be paid in advance by the family, on the other hand, there are system rewards and talents who can be expected to join in the future... It's really tangled.

"Help the pig, just come and have a look. I don't know how to describe this strange thing."

But what about this?

Nothing went well this morning.

When Shao Bing arrived excitedly, he found that the so-called monsters were a bunch of strange stone statues.

Hundreds of people spilled out, and there was still no news until the evening. Shao Bing was already desperate, and he could only use the monsters exchanged by the system to top up.

The system has several versions of the task reward system. The 'private server' only needs to be brought over to set it up. In order to prevent disputes between newcomers and private servers, the system performs it on its behalf, which avoids the lack of credibility between players. Of course, the system will not allow you to cheat or renege on debts, and newcomers don’t have to worry about being deducted or targeted. The gang also avoids getting caught up in cumbersome affairs and spends its energy on dealing with dangers that may arise at any time.

"Okay, okay, good, good."

"how many people?"

"This place... why hasn't it been discovered before?"

Players and tourists who have been broken into pieces are like pebbles on the beach. There are millions or tens of millions of square kilometers of land everywhere. It is useless to come less, and there is a risk of being eaten. After leaving, change the place, and after a while, there will be another crop, one piece after another, it can be said that the wild fire is endless, and the spring breeze blows again.

Standing on a checkpoint on the canopy of a big tree, looking around at the ends of the earth, others thought he was thinking about the construction of the station and when the old look would be restored. In fact, what he was thinking about was the upcoming 8th test, which can also be called the public test.

With the supervision of the temples of the major systems, Tianya Haijiao has never thought of playing tricks, but it is a bit annoying. This novice village and resources cannot be created out of thin air. They all need the resources of the Tianzhituan to fill it.

"Analysis? Damn, doesn't that have the right to kill first? What is it?"

Safety and security are very attractive to the aboriginal NPC. Although the place is barren, there is a large population of abandoned people. These are potential resources, and it depends on how he uses them.

"I don't even know if it's a monster"

The tool man NPCs who exchanged money from the system are already in place, but the shops behind them and the functions they represent are still incomplete.

The unexpected joy came from a mountain stream not far from the station. In a complicated swamp, a monster community composed of goblins, bear goblins and goblins was discovered. What is rare is that it seems that it has not been disturbed by the outside world. There are a large number of these low-level monsters, and there are also low-level undead monsters such as skeletons and zombies wandering sporadically.

Several centaur NPC workers were repairing the fence of the pasture not far away. Yesterday, it was unknown whether it was a monster or a magical beast that sneaked out from the Fairy Forest. A very good stallion.

"The ID is still a question mark, and the system prompts that it is analyzing."

Safety is guaranteed, and recovery will be twice the result with half the effort. At this time, with the inner city of the Guards as the center, and radiating out to the outer city, the urban area has begun to take shape. The arrival of the aboriginal NPC population has allowed the resident population to exceed 2000. Agriculture, animal husbandry, Planting, equipment manufacturing, alchemy, and enchanting are in full swing, and several underground resource points have been discovered one after another, all of which are concentrated in a cave that runs through an underground river.

After returning from the checkpoint, standing on the well-concealed ridge, many NPC aborigines have already opened the farmland to the outside without shelter. If a birdman comes, can't you see through it at a glance?
He also called the management who was in charge of this aspect of affairs and scolded him, ordering immediate rectification.

"Boss, there is movement at post 10 at 33 o'clock"

He was so impatient that he didn't want to wait any longer. A dozen or so exploration teams searched almost all the underground caves. Except for the murlocs who didn't know where they were hiding, this place didn't even have a goblin. It was a miracle.

And these rewards are indispensable for the development of gangs. Even if the rewards of the system are not considered, more players and tourists will be added to the population, which can also enhance their own strength.


In the player's impression, the sky is often gloomy. It is like saying that the war angel who does not know when he will patrol over is calm one moment, and may be struck by lightning the next moment.

What's even more outrageous is that they actually have their own cities.

Having said that, the task system of Xinshou Village cannot be solved in one sentence. The situation, content, and route design of the task, how to rely on the most useful place at home, and effectively use this cheap labor force are all tested by the ends of the earth and the ends of the earth. Human intelligence and care.

After crossing the river, the outline of the safe zone has emerged, and the aboriginal NPCs are working overtime to build the last section of the city wall.

But when new players and tourists come in, they have to build a novice village for them. The birthplace of a novice village is just the foundation, and their growth, tasks, employment, income...all of these are nothing. Serve newcomers like a nanny and grow up, but you can't force them to join your gang and town, you need two-way choices.

But doing this is tantamount to burning money in exchange for the level, equipment and combat power of the newcomers, and it will damage the interests of the old people in the gang.

The system has delegated authority to him, and given assessment tasks, rewards as much as he completes.

"It's a pity to use it for newcomers. It can be used as a trial book for gangs."

Shao Bing took the "task script" of the newcomers, and checked it with a toolman NPC and another toolman NPC. This script was specially designed by a team hired at a high price offline. Although Weijun is a level 6 gang, its background is still a civilian gang, and its background is not as good as the big gangs led by Dashuihou and local tyrants and invested.

The turmoil within tens of kilometers of the gang resident as the center, the ends of the earth and the corners of the earth are all known, but it has also achieved early warning of large groups of enemies, and small and medium groups of infiltrated enemies can also be discovered in time and have time to deal with them.

I inspected the preparations for the toolman NPC, and the completion of the task system is about 68%, but the crucial leveling and resource points are still blank.

"It's here!" Tianya Haijiao said happily, "Good job!" He patted the shoulder of the player who discovered the treasure here, "Let the inscription take the time to engrave the basics according to the blueprint, just as a practice for newcomers." Level point, the task system should also be designed, don't be too fastidious, you won't be able to keep people, it's thankless.”

Take the mountain forest as the center to explore in all directions, and no matter what, find a suitable place to build a copy of the newcomer.

The former is fine, but the latter is troublesome.

"I don't know yet, maybe it's a native, and the possibility of a birdman is unlikely."

It is located on the west bank of the underground river, across the river from the Guard City, about 15 kilometers apart. On both sides of the river, the east side is relatively steep. Traces of murloc activities have been found so far. The west bank is relatively flat, but there is nothing.

[Ding, discover the ancient battlefield · forgotten land]

"What? A monster that has never been found?"

Every day, the gang missions that players in the gang receive the most are patrolling everywhere, and the job they do the most is scouting.

No matter how fanatical beliefs are, they will be worn down by reality and time. Therefore, it has been a long time since fierce battles have occurred. Some player strongholds and Turk strongholds have even reached a certain degree of 'tacit understanding'. Occasionally, there will be a few fights. Each has its losses, and it is easy to explain to the above.

At noon, the good news finally came.

After being evacuated from various places, the well-known Tianzhituan gang also migrated to this hilly area. It was originally located on the outskirts of the Fairy Forest. Livestock farms and plantations.

As soon as this strategic thinking changed, the situation seemed to develop in a very interesting direction.

After sending off the caravan, Shao Bing rushed to the scheduled construction site of Xinshou Village.

[Ding, found a new map]

"No, the level is too low."

These are all money from the gang's public funds. Although newcomers are cheap labor, there is not so much work for them to do. Maybe some tasks are designed for tasks, and losses are inevitable.

Relying on these resource points, more than ten villages and towns have been dispersed. The output of various non-resources is not as good as before, but it is already considerable. What is lacking now is popularity.

There is an urgent need to open up channels for communication with the outside world, especially trade.

The gang's 'treasurer' is a little confused, "What standards?"

In the morning, Shao Bing sent away the sixth caravan led by Huaguoshan and Zhenzhen. Their task was to draw the surrounding terrain and maps, especially to find out the distribution of the player's city-states, and which are the enemy's strongholds. , Those are abandoned civilian camps of the neutral camp, where monsters gather, and those places can be used as resource points...

The sun was rarely glaring, and Tianya Haijiao patrolled the gang resident.

Ordinary players don't care about whether lightning strikes or not, including offline things, which are rarely mentioned online.

When other city-states were still fighting their enemies and struggling to survive, they were already more than one step ahead of others. If they didn't make good use of them, they would lose their intention to travel long distances and migrate here.

While cheering himself up, Shao Bing hoped that the exploration team would send good news.

Turks are people too, how long has it been since Total War started?Don't you miss home, aren't you tired, aren't you afraid of your beautiful wife staying alone in the vacant room and the old king next door?

At this time, Shao Bing was also worrying about the construction of Xinshou Village.

He didn't have the luck of the ends of the earth. The gang's resident went deep into the abandoned wasteland. In terms of remoteness and barrenness, it was far better than the surrounding areas of the fairy forest, but there was also an advantage, that is, safety.

[Ding, found a new monster silent portrait LV2]

[Ding, discover new resource points: 3 types of resource-type mineral deposits]

[Ding, discover unknown influence, all players' field of vision -20]

[Ding, found unknown influence, all players attribute -20%]

【Ding, there is an unknown existence and will staring at you】

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