This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 536 Construction of Novice Village

It was a great surprise to discover the ancient battlefield.

In this way, the biggest problem is easily solved.

Time was running out, and Shao Bing didn't have time to organize people to explore the new map, so he hurriedly selected the periphery of the new map, where there are silent figures (LV2), painful figures (LV3), and roaring figures (LV4) gathered together, and set the address of the new copy , and organized manpower, working overtime to deliver the construction materials needed for the dungeon.

Hearing that there is a new map, Du Shiyu also came.

"How about it, our great scientist, what can this new monster use?"

On the alchemy test bench unfolded at the scene, a silent portrait was disassembled into eight pieces, and specimens were taken from each part for Du Shiyu, an alchemist, to study their composition. "We don't know yet," she said.

The hardest layer of stone skin on the chest shell was removed, and what was exposed was the dark red, solidified, humanoid body structure and bones.

"Did it change from a human?" The alchemy assistant said in surprise.

"It should be a humanoid creature, not necessarily a human being." Du Shiyu manipulated the internal organs of the specimen without changing her expression. Wearing enchanted alchemy gloves, she carefully took out the suspected heart-like thing from the chest cavity , the 'heart' displayed in the eyes of everyone is like a pomegranate, which is composed of multiple ventricles.

The human heart is like a fist, but it looks like a strange thing with multiple sarcomas growing together, which is very scary.

Just like what Du Shiyu is doing now, the system has no requirements and no tasks, it is entirely out of interest and self-consciousness.

After that is the Novice Village leveling area and dungeons.

It was very bitter and astringent, but there was a very cool stimulation rushing straight to her forehead, shaking her spirits.

But looking at the new map marked by the system, Shao Bing seriously suspected that this new map named Ancient Battlefield might be larger than the entire game area.

Du Shiyu got rid of these silent figures, came to the bonfire they had just lit, looked at the black thing boiled in the stone cauldron, squeezed out a little powder with his fingers, boldly put it in his mouth and tasted it taste.

Thinking of the chaos offline, Shao Bing shuddered inexplicably, and he didn't want to stay in this evil place.

"It can be like this, the underground part is used as the old nest, and the above ground can be abandoned at an appropriate time, and two cities are built. What do you think?"

This is the novice village in Guard City.

"By the way, Chun Shui, is the guardian deity sure?"

Du Shiyu ignored it, and once she entered the working state, she would concentrate on it. She put the suspected heart-like thing into a special container, and dripped various alchemy solutions into it, and stopped to observe for ten seconds after each drop. Like a precision scale, it controls how much solution is dripped.

Du Shiyu ignored such unnutritious words, and handed the test paper to Shao Bing, saying: "The heart can be used as a catalyst for most medicines, and it can also be used as the main and auxiliary materials. Maybe new formulas can be tested."

The 8th test is about to start, and the discovery of the new map makes all the previous work in vain, and has to start all over again. I am so busy that I can't wait for one person to be two people.

"Game?" The other sneered, "Those who still think so are either fools or pretending to be fools!"

——Unknown existence, unknown will is watching you

"Didn't the harvest goddess Tias get the most votes? Just use this temple? Spring Water?"

Let's talk about Shao Bing's side.

If you enlarge the timeline of this kind of operation to 1 years, everything you see is incredible.

But in order to protect this non-renewable resource, it is a short-sighted approach to kill chickens and take eggs. It is better to circle a piece, let the system set it as a copy, and use the infinite refresh mechanism to let newcomers practice.

Just when the task system was settled and Shao Bing was going through the "script outline" one tool man NPC and one tool man NPC, the priests of the system's major temples came one by one.

Du Shiyu sent away the excited people and reported the discovery of the new map of the ancient battlefield to the Alchemy Association. The relevant news will soon spread among the players. Willingness to come over time.

The official belief is Tias, can they be 'in the wild', an altar, several priests, several mission systems, it doesn't take too much trouble, and there is also the help of the leading party in the gang. address.

"Celebrate, Chunshui, celebrate!"

If it was a quarter of an hour ago, Shao Bing would definitely spit on anyone who said to build two cities, but isn't this the discovery of a new map? It is like a treasure, who knows how much benefit is hidden in it?

But since the 6th test, players and tourists have gone online on a large scale. They are really like locusts. Wherever they go, let alone the first kill, it is already very lucky to get a second or third swipe.

"Chunshui, we're sending it!"

"I sometimes think our system is a god too"

Du Shiyu didn't care about this, he experimented that the figure of pain can be used, the eyes of the figure of pain can be used as the basic consumables for enchanting, and add a certain amount of mental resistance and protection to the equipment, the tongue and cerebellum of the roaring figure can be used as equipment and props for bards However, new recipes are required, which require a lot of experimentation to take advantage of.

Who are they, why did they become like this, what did they experience before they were alive, what stories and secrets are hidden in it?
Linked to the reminder of the ancient battlefield, Du Shiyu's curiosity was raised to the peak.

"Ah, alchemy can still find out the year? This is not archaeology?"

Like Du Shiyu, she relies less and less on the system. Before leaving the system prompts, she didn't know what to do, but now she does have clear goals and steps.

After they were happy, Du Shiyu said, "I want to build a laboratory here, preferably a mage tower..."

"Yes, let's do it."

This is also the first income received by Novice Village, the rent of the 'in the wild' temple.

The system functions seem to be degraded, but the gameplay and the level of fun have increased. The time scale has been stretched, but players generally feel that it has become more fulfilling.

"Really, that's really great!" Shao Bing laughed happily, the new map has this kind of benefit, the first kill drop reward is still secondary, new resources, new recipes, new output... …

"Don't say it, don't say it!"

"No matter what it is, at least the motivation is good, maybe it still has a T," a manager watching the alchemy experiment said jokingly.

Du Shiyu took out a little melted substance, put it into a shallow beaker, and tested its value with something that looked like paper.

There is a burnt smell in the air everywhere, like a walking dead, stubbornly running along a certain track.

"Haha, I understand, I understand, I know the story of one night's white hair!"

"Well..." Shao Bing became embarrassed.

"Uh..." Shao Bing was stunned when he heard the words, and after weighing it for a moment, he said decisively, "Jian, anyway, this mage tower will be built sooner or later... But this place is not safe, it would be fine if it was in an underground cave."

If you don't guard your own house, some people intend to come and build a city, and there will be no place to cry when the time comes.

"Damn it, yesterday we were still worrying about running out of rice, and today we have to buy two extravagant courtyard houses. Isn't this changing too fast?"

Although they are all low-level monsters that are not worth mentioning, isn't this a kind of non-renewable resource?
In the game area back then, although first kills were rare, they were not unheard of.

"I think this place is the most suitable!" Du Shiyu insisted, "We can't stay underground forever, can we? We have to face it sooner or later."

It can't be compared with the lower city, it's empty inside, and the tool man NPC, system functions and task system have to be moved over.

He is not as 'leisure' as Du Shiyu's, and he has been so busy these days.

Shao Bing couldn't agree more, "My luck is good, but sometimes it's too much trouble."

This discovery made her excited. It turned out that the soil and stones they threw into it were exquisite.

She broke into the warning range of several silent figures, and these petrified humanoid monsters staggered around. Their attack methods are also very simple. Their weapons are hard limbs, and occasionally some are wearing clothes or weird armor. The portrait, that should be the elite, the elite has a weapon in his hand, the style of the weapon is also very strange, the knife is curved, the arrow is a cross, and the back of the sword has shark tooth serrations...

The head of the Hall of Fame said happily.

But be it weapons or armor, they were all petrified.

"With this new map, I'm afraid that it won't be popular, and that person will squeeze in here without cutting his head?"

The ancient battlefield and forgotten land is obviously only a part of this vast new map. Because it is a dark area, it has added countless mysteries and unknowns. It is this infinite mystery and unknown that many people like Du Shiyu have devoted themselves to.

Looking at the number of such low-level monsters, even without the intervention of the system, it is impossible for newcomers to clean them up.

Silent figures wander about, and they pitch camps, and they light bonfires, and they set up pots and throw clods, bones, and the like into it.

"Haha, good days are yet to come"

A management question.

"Luck, luck!"

And in the deepest part of the north, the system also uses a few bright red question marks and red circles to boldly mark it, prohibiting players at this stage from approaching.

This involves the conflict of interests between different believers, a bunch of nonsense, Shao Bing doesn't want to pay attention to it, "Since the voting is like this, let's do it according to the voting results."

"Haha, the base vehicle is about to be deployed again."

Dirt is mud, and stones are stones. How can they have attributes after being fired like this?
She spent the next few days studying the matter.

Afterwards, Du Shiyu successively found powders in other cauldrons that can speed up the recovery of injuries, poison people, and make people unconscious. After checking the materials for firing these 'medicines', they found nothing abnormal.

As for whether all the newbies born in this novice village will become followers of Tias, it depends on their abilities.

"Our big scientist is right. How can we not take any risks? Chun Shui, we have all hid in this kind of place where no shit. If the war angels patrol over, we will recognize it."

Facts have proved that in the competition for belief, the system temple is not far behind.

Just like there is a commission for pulling business, the members of the gang who support Tias's entry will be rewarded with missions afterwards. This is counted in the contribution of faith. Followers of Yas also receive special rewards.

"I'm not afraid that there will be no business routes now."

Most of the new maps still need to be protected. When there is free time, organize the elite people in the gang to explore, so as to maximize the benefits.

A castle slightly smaller than the lower city is spread out on this white ground.


"Then build, build two cities, one upper city and one lower city. Only our own people can enter the lower city. The upper city is open to all players and forces. What do you think?"

Three low-level monsters, the utilization rate is much better than skeletons, zombies and slimes.

"Isn't it appropriate to put Xinshou Village in the lower city?"

Including the 97th floor of the abyss too.

Once the temple is settled, they don't need to care about their task system.

After confirming the belief in Xinshou Village, you don't need to worry about the following things. Naturally, the church of Tias will settle in, so there is no need to doubt their efficiency in this regard.

"Let you guess right, it's not human beings, a kind of subhuman intelligent species, which is older than human beings. It existed about 8000 to [-] years ago. It was eroded by unknown energy and petrified to form this walking corpse. monster."

A player watching the 'base car' unfold sighed: "Only at this time, I feel that I am playing a game."

Shao Bing heard it but pretended not to hear it. When the outline of the city wall changed from virtual to real, he took the lead to walk towards the city gate.

Perhaps this is a sign of deepening immersion.

"We'll talk about the celebration later," Shao Bing was still in a daze, "let's talk about it after the eighth test is over. It's only a few days away, and it's serious to build Xinshou Village soon."

Now it’s not like before, all-weather, distance-agnostic instant messaging is possible, friends who are far apart can only be contacted by letters, unless a dedicated communication circle is set up that costs a lot, online synchronous collaborative experiments, even the Alchemy Association, it’s not that It can be done.

"Pull them all down and put them in the upper city."

As the solution continued to drip in, red, blue, and green light emitted from the container. Looking inside, the specimen had melted and turned into a sticky, black-red-black mass.

There is no time to pay attention to so much, the site of the upper city was quickly determined, and the price of 100 platinum coins was exchanged for a 'base vehicle' from the system, and the [City Heart] was placed at this address.

Time was tight, and there was no time to find the boss of the new map, so Shao Bing took a level 9 zombie general from the gang dungeon, put it in the newcomer leveling area under construction, set the drop, and handed over the dropped materials in advance Give the system algorithm, and everything will be left alone.

For a long time, newcomers will hang out in the novice village, changing jobs, jobs, and jobs. It is not until the second job that they can really grow up and adapt to the real game atmosphere.

Xinshou Village is just a baby, a greenhouse. The flowers in the greenhouse cannot withstand the wind and rain. The real enemy is far from being as simple as a spawned monster.

The days are spent in a busy way.

Before you know it, the day when the newcomers of the 8th test will land.

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