This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 538 Prestige of Novice Village

Chapter 538 Prestige of Novice Village

The Tianzhituan found no new maps, no natural environment and monsters for newcomers to practice, so they can only catch some, collect some, buy some low-level monsters, put them in a big garden, and let the system set it as a copy, which can be refreshed infinitely Yes, I only need the uniform refresh fee and the dropped props and quest items.

Simple and trouble-free, it is a common practice for most private servers.

Level-[-] slimes, level-[-] skeleton soldiers, level-[-] skeleton shooters, level-[-] zombies, level-[-] little dryads...and some goblins, goblins, and even murlocs, the whole is one hodgepodge.

Huang Song brushed slimes up to level 2, and it was much harder to brush skeleton soldiers. After barely brushing four or five, the team sat down to rest.

Compressing the space, the rolling hills are next to each other, all of which are rookies fighting each other.

On a mountainside, Huang Song was hesitating whether to drink a bottle of stamina potion he had just been given, when he heard his teammates chatting, he started talking about online monsters and offline ghosts.

"Let me ask you, isn't the skeleton shelf scary?"

"It's okay, I'm used to it"

"Here comes the question, why do you think it's acceptable to have a skeleton who wants to fuck with you with a knife, but you can't accept those things that can't be seen, touched, and haven't done anything to you?"

"It's still light to pee your pants, I'm afraid I'm going to be scared to death"

The short knife slashed into the crevice of its bones, but it didn't come out. The skeleton looked back and cut it right on his neck. Now it was pregnant, and it hit a critical strike effect plus vital damage, which made his healthy blood The article bottomed out at once.

Money, finally saw the money!

Huang Song is also insisting, this skeleton is really hard to deal with, it moves faster than him, and is more resistant than him, it doesn't care if you knock it, but it will hurt you for a long time if it hits you.

One skeleton soldier has 100 points of blood, and five of them have -3-2-4 damage. Those who don't know where to move always have to suffer so many times, so it becomes lively, ghost roars, screams, and curses gnashing their teeth , Shouting... When a level 2 skeleton soldier falls down, everyone is dying, and they are still too tired.

"I can't stand it anymore."

"Why do you ignore him when he jumps in line?"

"What school belle, she's a master, call me a master."

"That's different. The skeleton frame can be seen and felt. It's only level 2. There are so many of us, so I'm afraid of shit"

The five newcomers walked up to the refreshing point they occupied in an unfamiliar formation.

"I do not have either"

"It's not yours, so many, NPC, remember?"

Even so, he didn't have the courage to fight again, lying on the ground gasping for breath, watching his teammates 'fight to the death' with the monster, it took him a while to recover.

Is this equal to two grams of gold?
so easy?

"It's alright, that chicken feather is an arrow, let's see if you can do it."

"I, I, I can't do it!"

"Okay, don't talk about offline things online, it's a taboo."

ID is the school girl's close-knit teammate who took the novice dagger. The reason why the others are so generous is because the officials of the Novice Village are too stingy.

"Look, it's still unknown. Sadako's ability lies in your imagination. If you think you can't fight it, you can't fight it. If you treat it as a skeleton soldier, you might be able to fight Sadako a few times."

In the end, Huang Song was still not willing to drink the bottle of stamina potion, silently put it away, got up with his teammates, and moved his limbs.

Mission rewards: experience 20, copper coins: 2, follow-up mission qualifications. 】

When the third skeleton soldier fell down with hatred, bang dang, a dagger burst out.

"That's right, young rebels, always ensure your dignity, even if you are in a difficult situation, work hard, I am optimistic about you!"

"How are things divided?"

Let’s just talk about the leveling stuff, there’s nothing above gray, they’re all novice outfits, money, coins, etc., I haven’t seen it until now, you say the explosion rate is low, it still drops, right? Give you a bang.

The five of them hooked their shoulders together and walked towards the exit as affectionately as brothers. Huang Song could actually hold on for a while, but it has been 20 hours since the launch, and it should be dawn offline, right? Go back and check the situation.

With different psychological expectations, you will have two completely different feelings when you look at the same thing. Anyway, Huang Song is very satisfied.

"Look, the biggest source of fear is the unknown. The unknown is the most terrifying. Most of the time, we scare ourselves... If you think about it this way, even if Sadako crawled out of the TV, that thing might not be as good as this skeleton Soldiers..."

On the one hand, they are 'honest and obedient', and on the other hand, they are 'hardworking and hardworking'. No one reminds them of immersion, and they know how to avoid it. In terms of 'entering the show', they even surpass many old people.

"You're nothing..."

There are still so many people in Novice Village, and the old players basically don't show up, and they all stay in the main city more than ten kilometers away.

After waking up, I felt ashamed that I actually...

"Brother, why did you send it instead, tell me?"

Task requirements: distribute lunch fairly and reasonably.

"Okay, the school belle's close master."

"Happy cooperation"

Huang Song remembered a player's sharing post he had seen when he was a cloud player, and his heart moved, he ran to the small river outside the city to clean himself, cleaned himself up, and went back to receive relief after reading it for a while. '.

His eyes almost popped out, he tried his best to determine the direction of the monster's attack, and his mind was highly concentrated. He avoided the monster's sneak attack several times narrowly and narrowly. With a little sense of fighting, he moved in a decent position.

Rest full of energy, and the blood gauge has returned to above the safety line, so I went back to Novice Village to hand in the task. I saw that the experience bar was only 3% before I was promoted to level 3, and level 3 had 3 points of free attribute, but this time he was not going to add it, 7 A little power is enough, wait until level 6 to see the situation of employment before making plans.

"Crap, that day Sadako crawled out and I wanted to see what you look like, don't pee your pants"


Slowly, he learned to fight with his brain.

Only then did he realize that once fear was put aside, many things would become different. Skeleton soldiers’ actions and rules are actually very easy to judge. Who has the highest hatred and who has the lowest hatred? He is holding a dagger, and his physical attack has a 1-2 bonus. He added three points of freedom to his strength, and his strength is 7. What about his teammates?

"It can't be done, if you brush again, you will lie down."

The NPC in charge of distributing the relief saw him looking neat and tidy, and said one more sentence than others. The system prompted, get the NPC's favorability degree of 50, and explain the NPC's advanced tasks.

"Original intention, original intention!"


"Give me two yuan, one is not enough."

Clank, bang bang... Whoops, the dwarf teammate next to Huang Song was hacked by another skeleton soldier, and suddenly shouted like killing a chicken, and he didn't know that another one had chopped off his main artery.

How much is it in RMB?
Seven hundred or eight hundred?

"I happen to be short of manpower here, would you like to do me a little favor?"


The barbarian teammate was the first to lead a skeleton soldier towards him tremblingly, and tremblingly raised the wooden shield that was not durable enough to block the first attack.

Five rookies, you look at me, I look at you, I don't know who is the first to laugh, and they all laugh like fools.

The third skeleton soldier joined the battle group. The blood volume of the dwarf teammate had bottomed out. The captain was an elf, and he was very loyal to help his teammate block it, "You get out of the battle, don't hang up."

Huang Song resisted the surprise and did not show any strangeness.


"It's better to be online, don't worry about some shit coming out because of some guy's random thinking, you don't know, I have been suffering from insomnia recently, I have nightmares when I fall asleep, and I can't tell if I am dreaming or doing something when I wake up Well... once, I dreamed that someone was dressing me, and when I woke up, there was someone waiting for me by the bed, I was so scared that I was hoarse, and the whole building screamed with me..."

"No, no, Sadako is irresistible and has super powers, which cannot be deduced by common sense."

It may be another feeling for old players to hear this voice.

"Well, the rest of the food will be distributed by you. Remember, there is only one rule, and that is fairness."

To this body, 3 points of freedom are added for strength, 2 points for spirit, and 1 point for agility. The muscle lines, the sense of strength, and the agility have increased. He was fully recovered, but he was full of energy, and his limbs seemed to have endless strength.

"Brother, what task, why can't I receive it?"

Huang Song was so busy that he was sweating profusely. It was not an easy task to complete. The requirements were fair and reasonable, and he did not dare to favoritism. He even treated his teammates equally. In the end, he had to threaten to report to the NPC, which offended many people for no reason.

"Have you almost rested?"

The rookies really don't have a single coin, they don't give quests, they don't give monsters, they don't know how to earn money, and they all starve to death without relief.

"I want to go offline, it's kind of disgusting"

Level 2 skeleton soldiers have been refreshed a long time ago, a total of 3 of them are wandering in a small circle, and there is another refresh point not far away, 5 rookies are screaming and screaming around the two skeleton soldiers, fighting in groups, and further away, spawn An elite with a green ID came out, half taller than the average skeleton soldier, heavy in body, with tattered armor on his body, and a rusty long knife in his hand... he was chasing five soldiers with two younger brothers. A rookie player who offends tiger beard cuts off.

"Then give it to the school flower"

Huang Song's tears were about to come down.

This is the place that newcomers criticize the most, there is no suspense about spawning monsters.

This is reflected in all aspects, regardless of their various situations and constant jokes, but so far, few people have complained about this or that.

"I'm going to transfer to a thief, give it to me"

This kind of rookie pecking is happening everywhere, the level 2 monster spawning area is not bad, level [-] slimes and newcomers are swallowed by this snot monster, the whole person is struggling in the jelly, it is called a miserable .

"Ha ha……"

"I have no opinion"

This is just the beginning.

But all high-level players have come from this stage. Compared with the previous few tests, the overall performance of this group of newcomers is not bad. A black history, at least in terms of entering the state, this group of newcomers far surpasses them.

"I'm tired, are you still brushing?"

When the teammates left, their faces were not good-looking, and they made an appointment to go online together without any follow-up. This is really a plastic brotherhood, and none of them can stop a piece of black bread from the system.

For the two copper coins, Huang Song also went all out, and finally finished the task, and finally he was the only one left.

Another most important quality is the attitude towards 'game'.

[Ding, your reputation among players and NPCs has increased by 50]

Maybe it was because of shame and anger at himself, he got up with a ghostly roar, poured the bottle of stamina potion that he was reluctant to drink without thinking, picked up the rookie dagger, and rushed back.

"Ah, I'm dying!"

A gang fight with one turned into a scuffle with two.

"Those offline things are different, you don't know what it is, where it is, what it's going to do...that's naturally..."

Two copper coins.

[Accept the hidden mission to advance: There is no free lunch in the world.

The highest strength seems to be 9, but the weapon is just a wooden stick, without the bonus, what about others...

"Ha ha……"

The barbarian player let out a ghostly roar, as if he had accomplished something important. Seeing this, the others became more courageous, swinging sticks, short knives, etc. at the skeleton soldiers indiscriminately.

It is said that this time the test sense of pain and other senses has been adjusted up, and it is becoming more and more unfriendly to players. However, most of the complaints are concentrated among the old players.

The newcomers have been hanging out online so far, and they have successfully turned themselves into refugees one by one. There is a long queue in the tavern where the free food is distributed, and they look like a group of beggars.

He called like a bitch, and the fear of dying was so real that his pupils dilated subconsciously, his body froze, and he didn't respond at all.

"Then go back, let's make an appointment to go online together, or together"

Once he learned to use his brain, he found that the skeleton soldiers were not difficult to deal with. This kind of monster was very mechanical, and if he mastered the rules, even if there was only a layer of blood left, he could handle the next battle very well and did not hinder his teammates.

The dwarf teammate didn't run away, he was really reluctant to part with the experience he was about to get, so he gritted his teeth and persisted.

But monsters don't know pain, and they don't know fear. When encountering such a ruthless person in reality, Huang Song would have fallen down a long time ago. He would be as heroic as he is now.

It was his teammates who pulled him in time, so that he didn't really hang up.

This NPC has no problem distributing food, and the order does not need to be maintained. They are all well-behaved. It will be different if they are replaced by players like them.

[Ding, due to your impartiality and selflessness, players and NPCs have established a preliminary understanding of you]

[Ding, your novice village reputation +20]

[Ding, the head of Xinshou Village appreciates you very much, and seems to have a special commission for you. 】

Seeing a series of system prompts, Huang Song laughed sincerely, prestige = popularity?
It seems that being famous is also a good thing. There are so many people, why should others remember you?
Being able to remember you is your ability, and there must be something different from others.

(End of this chapter)

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