This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 539 Operation 'Fishing'

Offline is still the same, but the anger has recovered, but there is really no news about the 8th test.

It's understandable that we can't promote like before, but it's weird that so many players and new players don't talk about it. Don't they talk about online things offline like online?

How does this achieve the unity of hundreds of millions of people?
This is simply impossible.

But it just happened, and it's scary to think about it.

In short, offline and online have been transferred. Offline is panic, online is peaceful, offline is depressed, and online is prosperous. Huang Song fell asleep for more than ten hours after going offline. Seeing nothing changed, he hurriedly logged in.

"Did you know? It is very difficult to maintain such a large novice training camp (novice village) under the heavy snow. Let us once again thank the viscount of the Heavenly Regiment for his selflessness and generosity. I just have a promotion here. This kind of entrustment of charity, you have to let more newcomers know that everything they have now did not just appear out of thin air..."

Depend on!
This is the hidden advanced task after unlocking the prestige of Novice Village?

Huang Song felt as disgusted as if he had eaten a fly. The old player and the new player were really two different classes, and they were all blatantly playing the trick of "praising stinky feet".

But there are rewards, and the rewards are far more generous than ordinary tasks. The most important thing is small money, no matter how disgusting it is, you can't make life difficult for it.


"Dude, do you know?"


"Our Novice Village is funded by the Tianzhituan, the great, generous ID Tianya Haijiao, who is a pig of the Tianzhituan. If you say that the Viscount of the Tianzhituan is really a good person..."

"Wait a minute, are you the trustee of the Heavenly Group?"

"No, no, I'm tap water, I'm just grateful..."

"Come on, their old players have taken advantage of everything, and they still want to be good? Don't tell me that they are not good for the construction of Xinshou Village. These fools don't believe it. That is, no one is making trouble now. In the past, my cousin and the others would log in. At that time, you see, if I don’t spray this old button to death, do it, it’s all deducted from the sky, no task or any monster will cost money, and it’s fine if it doesn’t cost money, since there is a fee for FMD students to learn professional skills? Day, this kind of guy who squeezes oil out of the rock, you tell me to be generous? Are you not crazy?"


"Go away, don't delay my mission."

"Brother, do you know?"


"Our Novice Village is funded by the Heavenly Group. The great and generous Heavenly Group's helper Zhu Tianya Haijiao is really a good person, this Viscount of the group..."

"Wait a minute, the old gang's helper is called Tianya Haijiao?"


"Thanks, I'll go offline and write a post to scold this bastard."

"No, I mean..."

"Damn it, if this Xinshou Village can't be done, it won't be done. Now that it's done, at least it's going to be decent on the surface, right? This old button, it's weird to be so stingy. A high school classmate of mine is on another private server. What do people call it... Feel at home, feel at home, do you understand? People call it a mob, and piles of copper coins will explode if you just brush a mob. Wo Ri, this is the Novice Village, I was unlucky to be found by them, and I didn’t know that bastard sent their helmets, let me know, it will definitely make him look good..."


Huang Song knew that this job was not easy to do, but for the sake of small money, he had no choice but to continue doing it against his conscience.

In this way, he became even more famous in Xinshou Village. Many people knew that there was a thick-skinned guy who praised Lao Kou Tuan's stinky feet, and they didn't know what benefit he got.

If you don't say anything, where can he brag with you all morning.

It took more than a day for Huang Song to finish this hidden advanced task, meet the minimum requirements of the task, and get the reward.

[Ding, your reputation in Novice Village +50]

[Ding, because the players in the Novice Village of Sky City No. 2 generally know you, you have been given a new title—dog leg]

【Ding, you get the contribution of Sky City: 5】

[Ding, Tianya Haijiao, the helper of the Tianzhituan, is very satisfied with your service, and has decided to recruit you as a reserve member of the Tianzhituan]

[Ding, please go to Sky City to pick up relevant quest clues]

[Ding, you got 5 copper coins]

[Ding, you have gained 500 experience points]

[Ding, you have obtained [Excellent Novice Short Bow]]

[Ding, congratulations on reaching level 3]

Forget it, black and red are also red, after all they are red, right?
While avoiding the pointing and pointing of other players, Huang Song equipped the [excellent novice standard short bow], bid farewell to the NPC who distributed the welfare meal, and went to another hidden advanced task.

Plantation, he finally knew how the black bread he ate every day came from.

The wasteland hamster is the only creature known to reproduce more than goblins.

This guy is even more fertile than his offline 'relatives', and he is bigger and fatter than his offline 'relatives'. He looks like a mouse but is more like a black reptile.

The underground of the plantation needs this kind of guy to increase fat, so it is common to dig a big hole in the ground and throw a few in, or a litter will be born in a short time.

Countless such disgusting things that are dark, chubby, and barely noticeable with short limbs, layer upon layer, burrowing in and out of the rotten soil. If the smell is offline, you can definitely spit it out.

His task is to fish out these disgusting things from the pit and clean them up by the river. Be careful of the murlocs. The murlocs like the smell of hamsters the most. They will go crazy when they smell it, so they need to bring bows and arrows.

——By the way, you can also do the task of a murloc.

Holding his nose, under the guidance of the NPC, he loaded a bucket full and ran towards the river with it.

When he got to the river, there weren't many players around, so he pressed the bucket into the river, took a few deep breaths, and felt relieved.

Tie the bucket to the shore with a rope, and use the water to wash these disgusting things. After soaking in the water, this thing will die completely, which just saves the step of slaughtering.

Every time he thinks that the food he eats every day is made of this guy, Huang Song feels sick for a while, goddamn old duantuan, he really has no conscience!

The river soon became restless, a round head appeared on the surface of the water, sniffed a few times with a bearded nose, and then swam towards the shore like crazy.

Huang Song picked up the bow and arrow nervously, without training, let alone being accurate, one arrow not only didn't scare the murlocs back, but also caused more murlocs to emerge.

so much?
Huang Song didn't know that there were so many monsters hidden in the shallow river, what should I do?
Naturally, the mission failed, and the wasteland hamster was eaten up by the murlocs. This also reminded him, not only did he not feel depressed, but he returned to Novice Village happily.

"Those who are level 3 and above, those who farm wild monsters enter the group, and those who are above level 3, those who farm wild monsters enter the group!"

After yelling a few times at the entrance of the dungeon in the leveling area, many people came to talk to him.

"Isn't this the so-and-so, wild monster? Do you know what a wild monster is?"

"That's right, go praise the stinky feet of the old button group, don't lie here."

Huang Songli ignored these weird words, and only answered a few words if they seemed sincere.

"Wild monsters, it's absolutely true, I have a way, don't ask for details, just follow along."

"The wild monsters have a high explosion rate, and there is money to explode, maybe there is equipment, green equipment or something... come one by one, high level, good equipment priority."

Soon he assembled a team to redo the hidden advanced mission.

There are as many wilderness hamsters as there are, most players, especially newcomers, have never seen it, and Huang Song is not afraid of them talking about it.

After getting the hamster and returning to the river, it took more than an hour, and the efficiency was surprisingly high.

When a large number of murlocs came out of the water scrambling to bee chrysalis on the shore, the five players were all excited. The problem was that there were still too many murlocs.

"Can you bring them up one by one!?"

a dwarf teammate asked.

Huang Song shook his head nervously, "Come on, quickly lift up the barrel, we'll retreat first, there are too many."

"Ah, a level 5 monster!"

"Back, back!"

In the middle of retreating in embarrassment, Huang Song had an idea and asked the barbarian teammate who was leading the barrel to throw the hamster in the barrel, the farther and the more scattered the better.

The teammates understood in seconds, and started their hands one after another, one for you, and one for me, regardless of the nausea, they threw hamsters everywhere.

Sure enough, the murlocs dispersed, densely packed, I don't know how many murlocs there are, and many murlocs are going ashore.

"So many wild monsters!"

The eyeballs of the elf teammates are all red. If they are all done, and they haven't been promoted to level 5, maybe they can explode into a green outfit or something.

Youdao said that Qian Zang was cowardly, and when the murlocs had dispersed enough, there were not many chasing after them. The five people stopped, rested for a while to recover their strength, and then killed them back.

The murlocs were scattered everywhere along the river bank, and the five of them found a single one without much trouble, and surrounded them excitedly.

The barbarian teammate has a good leather armor, not a novice outfit, and I don't know where to get it. The defense is the highest, the blood is the thickest, and it is naturally at the front.

A level 5 murloc stood almost two meters tall, and his whole body was covered with gray scales, like a heavily armed armored warrior, full of oppressive force.

The player can't see enough in front of it, and the 4th-level barbarian is a small dog compared to it.

The murloc swung its paw on the barbarian's shoulder, so fast that no one could see it clearly. The barbarian screamed and fell back, half of the blood gauge dropped in an instant.


The four were dumbfounded, this wild monster is so difficult to deal with, aren't they delivering food?
It was too late to regret at this time, the murloc rushed into them like abusive food, killing them screaming, and soon, the elf teammates were returned to the city for free, and the others ran away when they saw that the situation was not good.

The mission failed twice in a row. I don't know if there is a chance to get the third time. On the way to escape, Huang Song scratched his heart and lungs with regret. The plan was fine, but he misestimated the strength of himself and the monster.

It shouldn't, it shouldn't, it shouldn't be rushed into action without doing a good job in intelligence work, this is all right, a great opportunity just slipped away like this.

Just as he was regretting, he suddenly saw a crowd of rookie players rushing towards this side. While running, they shouted, wild monsters, where are the wild monsters?
He stopped immediately, rolled his eyes, kicked people to clear the team neatly, and shouted loudly: "The wild monsters will enter the group, I know the position."

Immediately, the applications for joining the team overwhelmed his application list, and Huang Song just chose a higher level to enter the team.

In other words, how long has it been since the server was launched, and there are so many people at level 5?

The teammates at level 5 are not easy, none of them have novice outfits on them, they are all unknown equipment, and one of them actually holds a staff.

Can I use professional attire without taking a job?
Now is not the time to dwell on these things.

"follow me!"

Taking advantage of these formidable teammates not reacting, Huang Song took the lead and ran towards the direction he came from, and quickly returned to his original position. The level 5 murloc was still wandering nearby, grabbing a wilderness hamster and gnawing on it.

"Didn't lie to you! Murlocs, level 5 wild monsters!"

Huang Song's excited voice changed a bit, these formidable teammates couldn't get rid of him at this time, so they could only lead and kill the murlocs.

This group of people shot differently.

The elf holding the staff raised the staff and swung it forward, summoning a water element over two meters high!

The armored barbarian collided head-on with the murloc without hesitation. Although the hit dog ate shit, the murloc froze, allowing his teammates with bows and arrows to shoot straight at him.

Seeing this, Huang Song quickly shot an arrow.

He was a little 'blushing', not ashamed, but excited.

Thankfully, her grandma managed to get a shot, and whether it was a trick or not, at least it showed his teammates that he was useful.

Sure enough, the faces of the teammates all improved a lot.

The man with the staff took command without hesitation, usurping his authority as the captain, and he didn't complain. Seeing the barbarian go up again, he hastily drew his bow and set his arrows.

The water element has already entangled the murloc, and the barbarian's pressure has been greatly reduced, bang bang bang... The fist-to-flesh sparring scene is like a kung fu movie, watching Huang Song's adrenaline rush.

The excitement made the shot miss, but luckily the elf ranger missed.

The last teammate seemed to be preparing to become a thief, and his agility was extremely high. He was really faster than Lewis. He was holding a dagger and walking at an unknown distance.

The murloc roared in pain, the water element took the opportunity to wrap itself around it, the barbarian hit it with a sledgehammer, and the two rangers shot out the third arrow one after another.

One hit and dealt -11 damage, and the other arrow grazed the monster's forehead and flew out.

The elf ranger glanced at him, but Huang Songquan pretended not to see it, and it was another arrow resting on the bowstring, aiming.


5 minute later.

The murloc fell down with an unwilling roar, clang, and two copper coins exploded, Huang Song quickly fished them in his hand, faced the eyes of his teammates, and said calmly: "The team shares it, and it will be distributed evenly when the team breaks up... Are you still brushing?"

At this time, some players had already appeared nearby, the murlocs had been found, and the sky-shattering shouts of killing resounded throughout the river bank.

The teammates looked at each other, and if they didn't speak, they agreed.

"Come with me, I know that's the most."

At this time, don't hesitate, and don't talk nonsense.

After finishing speaking, Huang Song turned his head and left, and his four thighs followed.

"What's the matter with this murloc? I searched this place, why didn't I find it?"

The teammate of the staff asked as they walked.

"I hired it!"

Huang Song replied pretendingly: "Hiding the advanced task, I found a trick."

If he doesn't tell you the tricks, others don't ask, and if they know how to ask, it's useless to ask.

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