This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 540 The Old People's Teachings

Chapter 540 The Old People's Teachings

By the time the third murloc was found, the new players had already flooded the river bank, and there were no new murlocs to be found.

But at this time, Huang Song has already become familiar with the four thighs, maybe because he has the tricks of a fisherman, these somewhat arrogant teammates are still kind, and if Lang has a concubine who is interested, it is a matter of course to hook up.

"I'm rich, how about you?"

They couldn't find the murlocs, so the five simply sat down to rest, chatting and getting closer, and waited until the heat was almost ready before Huang Song asked.

"It's from my normal university," said teammate Chinchilla, the human player holding the staff.

"That's pretty close, it's right next door, and you can see your West District 2 canteen from our dormitory building," Huang Song hurriedly made friends.

"We were all recruited by a group of people, not all together," said the elf ranger Hou Yishe Chang'e.

"Who, I don't know this person all this time, is it the big brother in the gang?" Huang Song took the opportunity to collect information.

"I heard it was a sycophant called Xiaolou Yiye Chunyu, but he didn't recruit me," the barbarian teammate said.

Without waiting for Huang Song to ask, the elf ranger said, "Fei Liu's cousin is the head of the White Tiger Hall of the Heavenly Group, and his ID is the high-war paladin of Jin Ge Tie Ma."

This time Huang Song was really 'respected', even though he had expected it, "By the way, are you all?"

The four teammates laughed together.

Isn't this nonsense, it doesn't matter, who can upgrade to level 5 at this time, and still have a custom-made equipment, just the staff in Chinchilla's hand, without certain alchemy and enchanting skills, who can make it?
Using a bunch of high-grade materials to make a staff that can only be used by novices is such a luxury, is it a normal relationship?

——They are all related households!

Huang Song was both envious and jealous, and he didn't hide it, showing it smartly.

Sure enough, the four teammates were very useful. With his seasoned 'licking skills', I believe that even if they didn't have the tricks of a fisherman, the four of them would still regard him as a friend.

After all, everyone has vanity and shows off a little bit, so he played the role of fan.

Finding one's own position has always been Huang Song's strong point, from childhood to adulthood.

"Let's go, no more blame!"

Chinchilla stood up and said, "I still have something to do."

"Add me as a friend, add me as a friend!"

There is a friend list at level 5, but there are distance and area restrictions. If you exceed a certain distance and area, even if you are online, the avatar in the friend list is gray, but this does not prevent you from being in the small area of ​​Xinshou Village and Sky City. use.

Every time Huang Song reaches level 5, he can only be added by others.

"We will keep in touch in the future"

"Haha, easy to say, easy to say"

"I'm still waiting for you to fisherman"

"I don't have to say, tomorrow, tomorrow you will find me, it's easy to find, I will distribute welfare meals every meal."

"Ah, that thick-skinned guy is you."

"The heavy snow crushes the green pines, I wonder why the name is so familiar."

"Your boy is capable of doing things, and he will definitely show up in the future. I am optimistic about you"

Hee hee ha ha, talking and laughing, saying goodbye to the four newly acquainted thighs.

In fact, it can't be counted as thighs, only calves, thighs are the relationship behind them, Huang Song has nothing to do with it, his parents died early, and he was brought up by his sister and brother-in-law. Sensing words and emotions is the basic skill for survival.

More than one person has said that he will be promising when he grows up. This is the first time he has heard it in the game, and it is a surprise that he hasn't been scolded for being a dog.

There are no more murlocs on the river bank, and there are still many newcomers who are unwilling to leave. On the way back, I heard that someone exploded something. In the district, many newcomers who were caught up with the new line were still beating their chests and feet, as if they had missed a huge opportunity.

Life is full of vicissitudes, is this also considered a player's vicissitudes?
Huang Song went to find the NPC who distributed the welfare meals. He failed several missions, but the tool man was not unusual. The missions were still available, and the bait could still be obtained for free, which made him heave a sigh of relief.

Is this considered a BUG?

I heard that the quest system in Xinshou Village was made by the Tianzhituan. As long as it is made by people and not a system, there must be some negligence... Maybe it really is.

This discovery made him so excited that when he was distributing the welfare meals, his hands were shaking, especially when the group finally broke up. He didn't mention it, and he didn't ask a few 'calf'. After the time limit, the 8 copper coins that exploded all became his Captain's again.

Holding a 'huge' amount of 17 coppers in his hand, his head was dizzy, imagining that these 17 coppers would become 17 silver and 17 gold... Haha, isn't this exactly the dream he had for a long time?
Fuck the fog, fuck the online and offline, whatever the flood, as long as you're on board.

After the welfare meal was distributed, he took his piece of black bread and chewed it as he walked nonchalantly. At this time, he didn't think about how disgusting its ingredients were, and he was full of thoughts about success and success in life.

3% of the level 45 experience, in the afternoon in the copy of the leveling area.

Team up with level 3 skeleton archers, and practice archery by the way.

I heard that to practice this kind of basic skills, you have to go to the corresponding training camp, but he is not going to be a ranger, and he is not willing to pay 5 coppers for an hour of training fees.

As for the gold medal or the silver medal, it was enough for him to want to get a silver medal in the past, but now that he has raised his heart, he dares to imagine a gold medal.

It is said that the gold medal of the first-level profession is not difficult to get, but the dungeon of the Kobold Mine, it is quite troublesome to pay the transfer fee to the public server stronghold.

I still have to save money!
He is full of thoughts, and his hands are not slow at all. Maybe it's because of his experience with murlocs. This kind of level 3 undead monster that can be easily dealt with as soon as he gets close is not enough to watch.

He grabbed the last blow of the skeleton shooter with a single knife, and his experience gained 2 points. A teammate was dissatisfied and asked him if he did it on purpose. How many times has this happened?
Huang Song said a few good words with a playful smile, and after that, he continued to snatch it, but after killing a monster, the four teammates left the team without saying a word, and threw him in the range of the two skeleton shooters, almost dying.

"Who is this, this is!"

There is no way but to find a new team to join the group.

Just after forming a team, I heard someone yelling: "Let's kill the boss!"


real or fake?

Huang Song was the one who reacted the fastest. Others were still skeptical, so he found the location where the shout came from, jumped up and ran there.

In less than a minute, the players in the entire leveling area were concentrated on a hillside, densely packed, and the monsters were refreshed in seconds.

Huang Song was stuck in the middle, and from a distance, he saw a zombie general as tall as a two-story building, with a bright silver cursor ID on his head, and a layer of eye-catching aperture BUFF on his body. City white light.

This time he was very anxious, but he couldn't make it through, all of them were blocked by the players.

It was really rushing towards the top of the mountain like a tide, and the boss was also fierce and tight, killing as many as possible in seconds.

I don't know what's going on, Huang Song squeezed to the front, less than 50 meters away from the boss, and then I saw clearly that the players like ants rushed towards the boss like moths to the flame, With no rules, let alone organization, it is luck to touch the boss, and the price is to return to the city in vain.

Whenever the white light flashes, the front becomes loose, and the newcomers squeeze forward, bringing him here without knowing it.

He kept telling himself to calm down, but he couldn't calm down. This is the boss, and this is clearly a treasure mountain. It just depends on the luck of that guy, and it puts everything in his pocket.

Are you the lucky one?

All the players who came to the scene thought that they should be the one who had the last laugh.

When Huang Song rushed around the boss, his blood volume was really worn down a lot, the -1-1-1 damage never stopped, and occasionally a -5-7 popped up, let him see Frightened, afraid that the boss will fall the next moment.

It was really his turn to play, and he wished he could beat him to death with a stick.

Go, kill...

Huang Song still wanted to shoot arrows from a distance, but the players around him didn't give him the chance at all. He couldn't even stand firmly, so he had to equip his novice dagger, and rushed to the boss with both excitement and fear.

As soon as he touched the halo around the boss's body, he began to lose blood continuously, his movements became sluggish, and the dagger he swung became weak... Without this layer of halo bonus, even monsters at level 9 would be heaped to death .

He slashed at the BOSS's right leg, causing a -1 damage as expected, but then a huge force threw him into the air, and he glanced at the system prompt before dying.

You are hurt by the repulsive force field of the novice village lord zombie general LV9 Kyle Perry, -999!


At the resurrection point in Xinshou Village, Huang Song and a large number of people are resurrected at the same time, and the system prompts that the number of free resurrections per day is -1.

Only then did he calm down completely, realizing that the boss was a trap, but he still had two free resurrections, and he wasn't going to give up.

Even if the hope is slim, it's good to try your luck, but if you don't get dizzy anymore, you have to think of a way.

Just what can I do?

His whole Novice Village was overwhelmed with excitement because of the boss. Some people were yelling to form a team, and some people were pulling some people to hide in the corner and muttering, as if they were discussing some conspiracy. He quietly went to hear what they were talking about. People stopped talking when they saw him, and told him to go away very bluntly.

There is not enough strength, there is nothing to do.

In the end it all comes down to luck.

Reluctantly formed that team and went back to the monster spawning area, only to hear someone shout that there is still one tube of blood left, one tube of blood.

Immediately, all rationality and mistakes were thrown out of the blue, and he ran to the position where the boss was obedient, and he didn't care if he ran away from his teammates.

When we got there, we could clearly feel the 'chicken jelly' in the air.

Everyone is out of order, pushing forward desperately, if it is not for the fact that they cannot PK if they are not employed, the damage caused will be missed by the system, and the number of free resurrections per day will be reduced afterward. Now these people can fight.

Don't, don't, don't...

After a long wait, when he arrived at the place, he happened to see the figure of the boss falling down suddenly!
That scene was crazy at the time, the series of bursts of light, like a virus, spread among the crowd, wherever they went, they lost all reason and moved forward desperately.


"Fuck, just explode this thing?"

"What is there..."

"Not even a fucking green suit, just a whiteboard!"

"Money, do you have any gold coins?"

"Shit, copper coins, only ten!"

"You're lying!"

"Go up and watch for yourself, the guy who picked up the last blow is dead, there is protection time, just watch!"


Huang Song didn't believe it either, the boss of Tangtang Novice Village gave this thing?

When he squeezed forward to take a look, the corpses of the bosses next to the light group were being systematically recovered, there was a protection time, and there was a small lock on the light group.

Bandages, blue medicine, red medicine, a white board long sword (the white board does not need to be identified), a small pile of copper coins... and then, it was gone.

"What, are you kidding me?"

"It's not the system, it's the old Koutuan. The Xinshou Village is contracted by them."

"The resources of the system have been embezzled by their old players."

"Ah, that's too much!"

"Have we been tricked? Have we been tricked?"

"Goddamned old dunk... I can't afford to be provoked, I can afford to hide, change places!"

"How to change?"

"There is another Xinshou Village 20 miles away. Although it is not rich there, there are no such fun people. Sign up if you want to go!"

"Count me in"

"Damn, everyone go, let them drink the northwest wind..."


Outrage, what is outrage, now that's it.

Almost all the newcomers were there, one person raised his arms and shouted, and the group responded, and the chaos was about to get out of hand...

The members of the Heavenly Group appeared in time, a group of old players, all riding unattainable and expensive mounts, the equipment, titles, capes... It seemed that they were two different species from the beggars at the scene.

But their appearance is not for crisis public relations, but for trouble!

"...Who, stand up, the one who said that the Xinshou Village next door is good, stand up, I will help you right now!"

These old players are really proud. There are so many newcomers, who were already shocked. Although most of them didn't speak, the anger and aggrieved eyes could no longer be suppressed.

"What do you want, um, what do you say you want!?"

But these old players don't know, they think they've calmed down the scene, and they speak even more unscrupulously, "Do you think there is a free lunch in the world? Do you think that the wealth, materials, equipment, and props that our Heavenly Group has worked so hard to accumulate should be free of charge?" Provided to you? Do you think that there is no cost to eat, drink and scatter your trash every day? Do you think the system is still the previous system, and Canaan is the same Canaan as before?"

"Do you think you guys are still playing games now?"

"Hey, maybe the current environment has given you this illusion, but I want to tell you... No, there is no free lunch in the world, and the system is not the same as before. The current environment is just to let you trash get familiar with the basic operation of the game , basic environment, basic atmosphere, basic survival skills!"

"To put it bluntly, you are almost like newborn babies, so you only have a mouthful of milk. When you grow up a little bit and become a little more sensible, you will understand how precious the environment and opportunities are now. !"

"Why are you all so stupid, let's go, get out, get out!"

The newcomers left silently after hearing this, and Huang Song was one of them. As a reserve member of the Tian Zhituan, he wanted to remind him, but seeing the arrogant attitude of the old players, they didn't take it seriously at all. , wisely walked away.

He didn't feel angry at all, at first he felt it, but it soon dissipated.

He felt that what the old player said was reasonable, but the method, method, and occasion were wrong. Besides, even if it was Nipple Music, you should wipe some of it anyway, right? This resource is not a drop in the bucket for the Tian Zhituan.

It doesn't make sense to do it all in Xinshou Village, and the big heads are out, so stingy on such tiny and sensitive details.

If he was in charge of Novice Village in the Tianzhi Group, he would definitely do a better job than he does now, save money and make people feel unreasonable.

The next morning, it was obvious that the number of people in the city had decreased dramatically.

Many people leave the city and never return.

Someone was in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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