Chapter 541
Zhu Yexiao, a member of the Eagle Group, has recently been worrying about how to complete the system's newcomer tasks.

The Eagle Group is a civilian group without a big water pipe. It is luck to be able to develop into a 6th-level gang. The group's background and family fortune are now almost unable to operate a Xinshou Village.

Not enough resources, but not enough people.

At the beginning, 1000 players' access devices were put in, but there were not so many players logging in. As a result, his Novice Village was not enough in number, and it barely reached the passing line required by the system.

The lack of people is a flaw, and the base score is too low. Although there are more resources to be shared on each newcomer due to the small number of people, so that their growth rate is faster than most novice villages, it is not enough.

How to solve it?
In other words, there are still people who receive the access device but do not log in?
Players have no intention of being here?
The faction and strength of the gang are still not enough. If the equipment they put in is rich like the Tianzhituan, this situation can be completely avoided.

If one's own family is not enough and others are overcrowded, the most direct way is to 'cut off'.

Coincidentally, my own Novice Village has a 'famous reputation', and the system does not prohibit newcomers from moving between Novice Villages, just change the login and birthplace. In the final assessment, it depends on how many qualified Novice Villages have cultivated. A first-level professional does not ask about this person's 'resume'.

"What, what did you say?"

"Boss, this is a big feud. I didn't expect that a whole Xinshou Village would join us..."

"Really? How many people?"

"There are more than 800 people, and there is almost no room for them."

"Is it all the No. 2 Novice Village of the Heavenly Group?"

"I asked, and most of them are. There are also people from the Small Knife Club, the Thirteenth Taibao, and Guns and Roses. They are all gangs from surrounding towns, but only sporadic people voted here. They are not the same as the Tianzhituan. I guess they The Xinshou Village is almost empty."

"Haha, okay, who is in charge of recruiting people? Reward him with a big drumstick."

"That day's regiment..."

"I'll let him die, you go and arrange the new people well, don't come today and leave tomorrow, let us be happy for nothing."

"But... there are not enough resources!"

Ye Xiao also had a headache when he heard the words.

In the living room of the main hall, this 48th-level barbarian scratched his hairless scalp, walking around like a wall with a burly body more than two meters tall... After a while, he gritted his teeth, "Add more One point, just 30%, let me tell you at Zhuquetang (in charge of gang warehouses and material security and distribution)."

"But... it's still not enough!"

It's not enough, it's far from enough.

The number of new recruits has almost doubled in a short period of time. How can there be enough resources? I’m afraid the mission system will be under pressure. You must know that experience, props, and money don’t just fall out of thin air. Some are exchanged with the system, and some are from gang public funds. It's all real money.

There is also a leveling area that can't be solved, the design capacity can't accommodate so many people!
"It's okay, let's lower our attitude and explain to the novices, treat people with sincerity, let's keep as much as we can."

"Also... that's the way it is."

There is no way, resources are not created out of thin air, and it deviates from the original intention to start this novice village with nothing. Don’t affect the development of the main city and the old people. You must know that this is a wartime, and there are many strongholds of hostile forces in the surrounding area. .

"Actually... there is another way!"

"What way, don't be a fool!"


"Steal? Who is it to steal? The ones around are soft persimmons. We will be thankful if others don't come to snatch us."

"I'm talking about robbing the dirt dogs"


"Recently, the weather has been calm, and it's a bit too much. If this continues, the system temple should have a opinion. We are a rebel army. What's the point of being friendly with the enemy? Besides, if you don't rob, people will be bored with idle time. Farming all day long, it's better People don’t even go back to gangs, they just go out and do it alone.”

"...What you said makes sense, it's just that the rare tacit understanding was broken just like that..." Ye Xiao Shili hesitated.

"At one time and another, at the beginning when we were not firmly established, it was fine if the local dogs didn't come over. Now that we have gained a firm foothold, the local dogs are still so arrogant...Since we were asked to pay taxes a few days ago, what the fuck? , This is for compilation, boil frogs in warm water, who doesn’t know what to do?”

Seeing that Mr. Gangzhu was still hesitating, the man persuaded again, "When will this stand be firm!"

"You let me think again, think again."

This determination is not easy to make. Once the current tacit understanding is broken, the surrounding player towns may have opinions. In addition to this crooked beam, if the local dog fails to hit it, let your own people sell it, that is called stealing Chicken can't eat rice.

"Let the old mouth group die!"

"To die, to die!"

"Let's all go, let's see how they complete the task!"

"The system punishes them to death!"

"Those bastards must be very puzzled, right? People, people, what are they doing? Haha..."

"The Eagle Group said that we are welcome to join. There is a shortage of people there. It will definitely be a hundred times better if we go there than in the Laokou Group!"

"Ten thousand times stronger, the old button group doesn't look down on us at all!"

"How fresh, they are all players, who is more noble than the other, but it's just online earlier than us, it's like [-], I won't serve you anymore!"

"Ha ha……"

Facing the setting sun, there are more than 100 newcomers who "run away from home" from Tianzhituan Novice Village and happily rush to "new life". Huang Song is also among this group of players, but he has a mission.

Remembering that this morning, Tianya Haijiao, the gangster of the Heavenly Group, the Viscount of the group, personally received him and asked about the changes in Novice Village, he was a little excited.

That's the lord of Sky City, the helper of a big gang of 2000 people, and a level 49 high-player with an amazing title. It's almost like the chairman of a listed company in a group meeting a low-level employee. Huang Song is really honored, naturally It is a question and answer.

After figuring out the ins and outs, the 'Chairman' got the 'Branch Manager' who was in charge of Xinshou Village, scolded him in front of him, and told him in an easy-going manner, Xiao Song, what are you doing in these situations? You should tell me in time, right?This is definitely not the original intention of the Tianzhituan, it was all decided by someone without authorization.

No one would believe such high-sounding and insincere words, not to mention how Huang Song found out to make a small report, even a random old player would not be close to a reserve member like him.

But Huang Song believed it, and was very grateful. After all, he is such a big boss. If he is willing to say these "soft words" to himself, he thinks highly of himself.

Finished naturally received a task.

"Eagle Group?" Tianya Haijiao sneered, "Just those beggars? You go too, Xiaosong, and you can bring them back for me no matter how they got there. Don't worry, when you really get there, you will find that this task is not a problem. Difficult to complete... Work hard, and I will accept you as a full member when you take office."

Huang Song agreed without hesitation, mixed among the last wave of new players leaving, murmurs arose on the road.

Judging by the angry attitude of this crowd, the Tianzhituan has indeed committed public anger. Even if the Novice Village of the Yingzhituan is not as good as before, these people are probably unwilling to go back.


It was like an outing along the way, and I also encountered a few wild monsters. On the road, I also found traces of the activities of players from various novice villages, as well as old players. running on the sunset.

They are very envious, such a world, such a beautiful scenery, what else can compare to it?

In this unknown, infinitely vast world, how many treasures, how many unknowns, how many wonderful things are waiting for them?
When they become like old players, there will be no regrets in life, right?
The hateful Tianzhituan are short-sighted, and they will regret it in the future.

Ah, no, let them regret it now.

The group arrived at their destination happily.

Eagle Group's Novice Village located in a canyon.

When I arrived at the place, I saw a dirt enclosure without even the basic board inscriptions on it, just like the shooting location of some crappy movie scene. It was a surge of groups of people.

There was no one to receive them outside, so I asked someone, who rolled his eyes and muttered that there was another group of snatchers, and didn't answer their questions at all.

After entering the city, I finally met an NPC in charge, and asked them to change their 'native place' first, and then they were willing to go through the formalities for their place of birth and the teleportation array set up here.

Huang Song was overjoyed when he saw this, and intentionally spread words to shake the morale of the army. Unexpectedly, most of his comrades were determined.

Most people support the change of this "native place", first become one's own people.

Huang Song had no choice but to change the birth point with them, and changed the online and affiliation relationship to civilians in the territory of the Eagle Group.

After becoming a leader, it is really easier to talk, saying that newcomers and old people are treated equally. It stands to reason that we should start from the very beginning of the guidance task, familiar with the environment of the Novice Village, but no, the NPC directly gave them the task of leveling and spawning monsters. Even related tasks, such as side tasks such as collecting and cleaning, were not given.

There should be main missions, but the village head of Xinshou Village is overcrowded, much more people than Tianzhituan Xinshou Village. I heard that the main missions are rich in money and experience. If you are lucky, you can get equipment and so on. .

The problem is that I can’t get it. The three inner circles and the outer three circles are all people.

At this time, the newcomers who jumped over were dumbfounded, but they still held on and went to the monster spawning area, thinking that it would be okay if they fell.

But when I got to the place, I found that there were more people, and the copy of the leveling area was smaller than that of the Eagle Group. There were several teams guarding a refresh point, and there were still a large number of teams queuing outside... couldn't get in.

After a mixed night, in the morning, I was hungry, and the welfare meal was also black bread, but it was much smaller than the original Xinshou Village. Not to mention, the key is that it still contains a slight toxin. After eating, there will be A slight negative state for two hours does not 'stop hunger', and before noon, the hunger bar will be full.

When the hunger point is in the body, the recovery of physical strength and health is slow, and the recovery of physical strength and life is slow, which increases the burden on newcomers in disguise, because it takes more time to fight against the negative state brought by hunger, and the physical strength and life are consumed. It is not easy to replenish.

I can bear anything, except being hungry.

Many people have retreated because of this, respect and contempt are not as important as belly, the attitude of the Eagle Group is indeed good, and there are old players who come out to explain, fight, and pass on experience to newcomers, calling them brothers and sisters ...

It can be said that if you can’t get enough tasks, you can’t get enough monsters, and you don’t have enough food, you have to solve them. This is the basis for new players to survive and grow. Without these, you’re just a big picture, no matter how approachable , It is also in vain.

Huang Song took the opportunity to start his mission, lobbying some people who started to waver to go back.

Some people have concerns, fearing that they will be put on small shoes after returning home.

Huang Song patted his chest and promised, absolutely not, the so-called law does not blame the public, how many small shoes are enough for so many people?
Some people are afraid that they will not be accepted when they go back.

Huang Song directly showed his 'official identity', and took the lead for his old club, saying that after this incident, the old player in the regiment who was in charge of Xinshou Village was punished, how shocked the helper and city owner Tianya Haijiao was, saying New blood is the foundation of the future of a gang's power. No one will be short-sighted and deprive their own new force. In the past, the people below made their own decisions, but they won't in the future. When they go back, they will solve the pain points that everyone generally cares about and increase investment in Xinshou Village. Barbara!

The person who said it was ready to move.

As for the previous words of "I would rather die than eat the grass of returning to the old button group", I have long forgotten that nothing can compare to the cold reality.

In the end, a few people who went to inquire about other Xinshou villages came back, and the news they brought back made many people's hearts very cold.

Some of them are not as good as the Eagle Group. They even have to do missions to give them free welfare meals. The euphemistic name is: Remuneration with work... This is treating them as refugees.

A few conditional treatment is acceptable, and they don’t recruit people. It’s hard to raise people now, unless they are particularly related and capable...

have to.

Just when the success of Huang Song's mission was imminent, and he might be able to fool the people of the original Eagle Group to go back to their own homes, the upper management of the Eagle Group also noticed this movement and was eager to find a countermeasure to resolve it.

The civilian regiment has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that it does not have such a heavy "bureaucratic atmosphere", and its execution is very strong. Once a few people make up their minds, things can be settled.

"So...the only way to go?"

In the middle of the night, Ye Xiao Shili was still worrying about where he was. He wronged himself to sit on a simple wooden chair, and he didn't even remove the burrs on it.

"If you don't make up your mind, you will lose half of the people tomorrow."

"In a few days, everyone will be gone!"

"That's the player, you can't tie them up, it would be easier to say if it's an aboriginal NPC..."

"When all the people are gone, the system tasks will be yellowed, which is related to the future development of the city and the gang!"

"Go ahead, boss!"

Ye Xiao Shili is not without courage. It is absolutely impossible to use the blood of old people to support newcomers. There is no potential to be tapped inside. With so many mouths waiting to be fed, there is only one answer-to steal, to grab!
"Damn, it's done!"

Ye Xiao slapped the table ten miles away and stood up murderously, "Let's grab his mother!"

(End of this chapter)

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