Chapter 542
The morning breeze blows the endless wheat fields, Underwood "Baron of the Wasteland" of the Kingdom of Reynolds stands on his simple castle, looking at the serfs who are disheveled and working hard in the wheat fields.

This is the picture he dreamed of, the ideal of life, and now all of them have come true.

But he is not happy.

Underwood was born in a declining former aristocratic family. His ancestors used to follow the Earl of Renault's founding system of "Conglong Noble". Be a subject to the royal family until the royal scepter is gone.

But now, the kingship of the Kingdom of Lei Nuo is still stable, but the redbud flowers that wrap around it have long withered and withered.

It is difficult to start a business, and it is even more difficult to keep a business. During the years of power strife, political intrigue, and conspiracy calculations, the Viscount's title was deprived, the territory was divided up by other nobles, and the family withered, leaving him alone as a humble shoemaker.

From grandfather to father, he has long adapted to being a shoemaker, dealing with smelly and moldy leather every day, humbly measuring their toes for nobles and wealthy businessmen, and accumulating silver coins after silver coins. The biggest daily enjoyment is listening to The sound of those shiny little things clinking in the purse.

Marry a wife and have children, and the son inherits the father's business... It seems that this is a matter of course, and the family's past glory has long been forgotten.

But he is different.

Underwood has a restless heart and is not satisfied with his wealthy family background, his identity as a shoemaker and his profession. After knowing the history of the family by accident, he is determined to restore the glory of the family and lead the family to regain everything they lost.

"Where did the patrolling angel go?"

"No, we haven't taken office yet!"

The system prompts that a small stage task has entered the settlement state, and then there is a ding dong, prompting how much reputation, how much contribution, and how much copper coins are credited.

A new player next to Huang Song had just satisfied his selfish desires, and he became lustful again. He pointed to a thin figure in the slave team who was held in front by the old player, and smiled wretchedly: "I heard that there is a kind of magic medicine that can make players To revive the glory, the old players are all treasures, secretive, and they don’t know what they are, all of them are mysterious, and they pretend to be garlic in front of us on weekdays, and they don’t know how happy they are behind their backs.”

Lord Baron said with a grin.

This is the feeling of the natives, and because of this, Immersion did not give any guidance to the players' IDs and gang names.

However, under the threat of the butcher's knife, amidst the faintly audible cries, the players returned to the road with satisfied supplies and slaves.

But jihad changed everything.

On the wasteland, the teams starting from the Eagle Group were divided into dozens of teams, led by the old players of the Eagle Group and acting as the main force, and the new players cooperated as helpers and had related tasks. Each team consisted of hundreds of people. , Excited, trekking tens of kilometers, walking for a day and a night, finally arrived at a stronghold of a certain dog in the wasteland.

"This is road money!"

It was morning to enter the territory of the humanoid monster, and it was already noon when we arrived at the first village.

It is a pity that this so-called province of Kuidiya cannot live up to its name. Most of the territory on the drawing is occupied by air waders. His baronship is the only land in the province under the rule of the kingdom. It is like a small island. In the middle of an ocean of skywalkers.

"There is no news yet."

"What name does he want to use?"

As for the airport and so on, it's also a bit of fun, he doesn't like bodies that are too explosive.

Only by becoming an aristocrat can one know some truths about this world. It is precisely because one knows many truths that one is not easily brainwashed by those high-sounding words in churches and teachings...

This is?

In ancient times, the gods were still walking on the land, just like the current kings and lords. They attacked each other and made fun of war. At that time, human beings were still extremely cowardly races, and they did not have the extraordinary power of occupations. Live like a weed.

But I didn’t expect them to engage in this kind of trick in order to keep people. The newcomers didn’t get a job. The better ones were level 5, and the common ones were only level 3 or 4. It didn’t matter what they wanted. How could they go to the battlefield?

The beliefs of the nobility are worrying, and theocracy and the church are inseparable from the order of secular rule.

"My lord, the skywalkers are here."

"Hmph, Andre, it seems that we have to move around properly."

They are arrogant, but they can also bend down when they need to, and even kiss your toes.

he thought to himself.

"Hmph, little smart, that's the name I want, otherwise the church won't be able to explain it."

"This cunning goblin... Tell him that the goods are gone this month, let him stay in the castle honestly, or be careful of his life."

I heard that the reason why the deserted wasteland became a paradise for abandoned people, criminals, heretics, unbelievers and monsters is because this area was once a battlefield for gods?

"The one in the north, the one who calls himself the Sun Slayer."

"Think of a way to get the church to give a hint, let the patrol angel come here, and frighten this cunning goblin."

In short, they are a group of guys with incomparable practical interests. Putting aside the fact that they are outsiders, the attributes of evil races, the blasphemy of death and the status of heretics, you will find that they are actually not difficult to deal with, as long as you can Provide what they need.

"The elf? What does he want?"

As a result, countless newcomers who were waiting to be fed, their eyes turned red from the stimulation, joined the various teams screaming, and took out the savings they saved from their teeth to buy medicine, equipment, bigger backpacks, and supplies... The market in Xinshou Village was booming, and many vendors laughed and said that they hadn't seen such a scene for a long time. Now that the rebels have lost their courage, they should be like the Eagles to live up to it. Aunt System's earnest entrustment...

"His attitude is very firm, and he may have concerns about paganism."

Who can refuse such a task, whoever refuses is a fool.

Huang Song recalled the shock when he first heard about the special mission of "combat" when he first heard about it. The mission of the Tianzhituan was about to be completed. The Eagle Group suddenly released this series of special combat plot missions?
His first feeling was that it was a delay. Everyone had seen the predicament of the Eagle Group. He couldn't eat so many people, and he still had some indigestion.

"There are still 6 days to go."

"It will be harvested in another month!"

Fuck the system auntie.

Let alone them, when we are about to arrive at the target location, we will see farmland far beyond the player's territory, a sufficient population completely different from the depression of the player's territory, serfs composed of abandoned people, immigrants, and various intelligent races, in groups Working in the fields, seeing them all run away, just like devils entering the village... Huang Song also began to get excited.

It’s not that Huang Song didn’t work hard during this day and night march, but the newcomers were so stimulated by the big cakes described by the old people that they couldn’t listen to anything. They fantasized about making a fortune on the battlefield and bid farewell to the days of eating welfare meals every day.

Underwood thought to himself.

"What about the territories of other space waders?"

Because of translation, weird vocabulary and bold and profane name ID have become the standard equipment for space travelers. The indigenous people are weird, horrified and furious when they first hear it, but now they are used to it. Every time they hear it, there is something different. Even some unremarkable, even weird, despicable, and cheap names, once connected with space-waders, will become logical and a little unclear.

"Boss, there are still many teams behind, what if the humanoid monsters can't afford the money to buy the road?", amidst the excitement, a newcomer asked.

The human gods rise amid suffering and despair, and the vigorous development of faith is like a revolution. The old and new forces fight in the abandoned wasteland, and finally establish the basic pattern of the future order in one fell swoop.

Huang Song was puzzled when he saw several carriages coming out of the village, followed by a series of weeping orcs, half-orcs and even wild elves...

"Look, there is a cat girl!"

The centaur invaded and the jihad was launched. He persuaded his father to sell his property with difficulty, bought horses and armor with all his belongings, recruited and trained a team of farmers, first fought against the centaur invaders, and was awarded the title of knight for his meritorious service. Afterwards, he fought against the spacefarers, and until now, he was entrusted with the enclave of the Reynolds Kingdom in the abandoned wasteland - the Barony of Underwood in the province of Qudia.

As an outsider, in the process of localization, you should not blindly and unprincipledly respond to it, but you should also retain a little bit of your own specialness. This specialness will not cause problems of fit, but will highlight and emphasize players in the localization process. Features in Mystery Narratives.

"Long live the Eagles!"

The simple village wall is made of mud and wood, three or four meters high, and the humanoid monsters are hiding inside and shivering.

Underwood was stunned when he heard the words. He thought he already knew the spacewalker very well, but he didn't expect that someone would take the initiative to break the tacit understanding.

"Then go get it yourself!" The old player said in a gangster manner, "You can still work voluntarily when you come back!"

But this time it took a little longer, because the team of players had already passed by, and the village couldn't afford much money to buy the road.

Walking down the castle, the loyal and hard-working steward—a night walker (thief) who limped one leg during the war—emerged out without a sound, "My lord, there is news from the Skywalker."

Arriving at the second dilapidated village after nightfall, the same drama was staged again.

——If only this territory was in my hometown.

On the one hand, it caters, on the other hand, it is special. The beauty of existence lies in the exquisite grasp of mysterious rules and mysterious narratives.


Unexpectedly, the old players of the Eagle Group really swear by it. After some publicity and demagoguery, somehow it became "grabbing money, land, equipment, and women (men)". In their description, The territory of humanoid monsters is really full of gold, there are experience and equipment waiting for them to slaughter everywhere, and the money is piled up like a mountain. Newcomers only need to follow the old players to fight and beat the side drums.

He was about to go back, and the beautiful maid was still waiting on the bed.

The new people are naturally grateful and elated, is there anything cheaper than this?
Veteran players eat meat, and they drink soup, which is completely acceptable, after all, they haven't done anything.

They are brave and cowardly at the same time.

To be honest, apart from the language barrier, these spacefarers are not difficult to get along with.


"It could be trade, hiding the amount of tax paid in the difference."

At that time, humans, dwarves, and elves were still allies. After the belief became popular, the theocracy was infinitely elevated... Forget it, what are you thinking about.

Players new and old laughed loudly, and in a joyful atmosphere, the team that received supplies, money and slaves set off again.

There is not much danger, and there are generous task rewards, prestige, meritorious service, money and equipment waiting.

Just then, the alarm bells sounded.

"Can't you?" Huang Song was also moved by reason. He was not interested in the half-orc girl with a tail. He thought it was similar to an animal walking upright. Pleasant to the eye, in line with his aesthetics.

Isn't this money grabbing?

If it weren't for the restraint of the old players, the newcomers would be 'voluntary labor'.

"His territory can pay taxes to you, but not in the name of taxes."

An old player explained with a smile, "This is an abandoned village, but it was taken over by the local dogs. Let's stop there. Anyway, there are other teams behind, hehe!"


Nowadays, the blood of the jihad has long cooled down, and all fools know that the skywalkers cannot be wiped out in a short time, even the divine punishment from the gods, and the next support angel army from the kingdom of God cannot wipe out the skywalkers , not to mention others.

This sun slayer is the guild leader of the North Knife Society, and his ID is the level 45 elf ranger Hou Yi shot the sun.

Humanoid monsters seem to be very weak, the old bitter wheat players in the farmland said to buy as much as a catty, so that newcomers can spare time to help humanoid monsters 'voluntary labor', and receive as much as they can!

It's very similar to the abandoned people now.

Apart from being remote, the deserted wasteland is quite fertile. It's a pity that such a fertile land is indeed a deserted place.

Under normal circumstances, the son of a shoemaker has no chance at all.

More than 100 players flaunting their power took up positions by the moat outside the city wall. Huang Song thought that they were going to attack the city. Unexpectedly, after more than ten minutes, some humanoid monsters came out tremblingly and danced with the old players. Provide translation between different camps), the old players who lead the team are called to close the team, close the team.

At this time, he had already forgotten about the Heavenly Mission and the secret mission, and he was completely focused on 'grabbing money, land, equipment, and women (men)'.

They are greedy, but at the same time they can judge the situation and know how to advance and retreat.


"The skywalker over there?" Underwood stopped, his expression becoming cautious.

But not long after leaving, I saw flames rising into the sky behind me. Obviously, the team behind didn't receive the road money and went to collect it by themselves.

This kind of armed parade lasted until late at night, and the humanoid monsters hardly resisted.

"Be mentally prepared, we will see the real chapter tomorrow."

After setting up camp, the old players who led the team vaccinated the newcomers, "That's the real dog, fierce."

(End of this chapter)

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