This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 543 Special Disposal Group

The high-energy laser cut open the thick alloy gate. When Tie Jun led the special disposal team to attack, he was stunned by what he saw inside.

In order to ensure constant temperature and effective heat dissipation, the computer room of the supercomputing center of the former Institute of High Energy Physics used a half-entry underground method, that is, half a floor on the ground and half a floor underground.

It has an area as large as [-] football fields, and there is a body of a supercomputer lying on it. There are many cabinets and a tidy environment. Tiejun's previous understanding of it has been broken at this time.

What appeared in front of my eyes were mountains of meat.

The light red meat film replaced the mirror-clean floor, densely covered with blood vessel-like grids, protruding each and every one like meat tumors, the cabinets were completely covered in flesh and blood, and between the cabinets were vines and spider webs. The pipelines are connected, intricate and densely intertwined.

There was a strange smell in the air. Even after being filtered by the highest-grade poison mask, one could still smell a little heart-pounding smell.

"not good!"

Tie Jun realized something was wrong in an instant, but it was too late.

All members of the special disposal team, including the logistics team who stayed outside to see the underground environment through internal networks, cameras and sensors, were pulled into a very magical space.

The infinite light spots are very changeable, as if the pictures of the cosmic starry sky collectively build a bridge floating on the huge blue planet.

"Sounds terrible!", the Taoist smiled without changing his face, with a sense of ease and detachment that other people didn't have.

"Perhaps it's only after losing them that they realize how precious they are. They have given up their bodies, their emotions, their instincts, and their primitive impulses. Human beings who have ascended mechanically have begun to miss the emotions they used to have when they were inferior species, but no matter how they weave virtual worlds one by one, they can't find what was lost"

"Use the soul consciousness of players and tourists as energy and crutches to change the environment, phenomena and mysterious rules of the Canaan world, so as to achieve functions similar to the kingdom of God and the domain, determine the laws within the coverage of the magic net, and determine what the players and tourists will be. What they see, hear, and touch affects their thinking!"

"...I can't decide this!" Tie Jun said after a moment of silence.

"Sounds like a sci-fi doomsday?"

"You can say it is a game, or it can be said that it is a real world. For human beings, reality and illusion are just two ends of the magic net scale. You can adjust it at any time, and tilt to which side at any time. Just look at the opposite side. Benefit yourself."

"Well... Actually, the magic net is the system that you often talk about. The system is a network that is all-encompassing and all-encompassing. It is similar to your Internet, but it is far beyond the Internet level, because it is connected to people. That is, the souls of players and tourists, while connected to the mysterious rules of the Canaan world."

Tie Jun nodded without hesitation.

"Who are you!?" Tie Jun was still asking the same question.

The Iron Army and all appear on the bridge.

The little boy grew out of a meat mushroom, "Welcome to come again next time... And, fix the entrance, thank you"

"One day, human beings understand that the body is the root of everything, it is a raft, and it is also an emotional generator based on senses and desires, so some extremely nostalgic enthusiasts try to return to that primitive state of existence and find their own body. "

"As for me... do you know about the magic net?"

"No, how could I object to it, I am from Canaan!"

"Are you talking about Canaan?" The Taoist interjected for the second time, "In fact, there are signs of this now. Tens of millions of people are obsessed with online..."

said the little boy.

The people in the special handling team were shocked when they heard the words, "What the hell are you?" Tie Jun asked for the third time.

The floor is spotless, the racks of cabinets have regained their cognitive appearance, the crystal lights, and the ventilation ducts bring sober air.

"Why?", the little boy asked?

"At that time, human beings were absolutely pure, and there was no room for compromise and concession in the face of the great battle of ideas, so... it split."

"Some people say that the way of human survival in the future should be stored in the hard disk. The data is constantly transmitting information. The flashing lights are the vital signs of each person. Countless mechanical arms and drones are circling back and forth. They are like doctors and nurses. Taking care of everyone’s health, replacing aging parts like new hard drives for everyone?”

"Because that's not me anymore, it's something else, human beings are extinct, this is not the end!"


"Grand Ye loves dragons. Human beings yearn for them and fear them at the same time." The little boy replied.

"The big fog will happen sooner or later, just like the climate, I didn't bring it, I don't have that great ability yet."

Tie Jun: "Who are you?"

"Why are you...", the Taoist pointed around, "Are you sick?"


"Literary works should have a certain warning significance. I want to write this novel to tell mankind an extremely terrible future."

"When can we go!?" Tie Jun asked.

The tricolor light is projected from the top of the bridge, outlining the outline of a little boy, and gradually solidifying.

"You think it's the end?"

"Not good!" Tie Jun replied this time.

"Human beings who have returned from nostalgia have become rebels. The idealists who have mastered the physical level, that is, the computer room, cabinet and hardware maintenance and replacement rights have absolute power. They began to detect every hard disk and eliminate any hard disks that contain 'abnormal data'. The returnists Having to learn to hide yourself... This is the first stage, I call it a game of cat and mouse!"


"Bingo!", the little boy snapped his fingers, "Mechanical Ascension is actually killing your original self and letting a monster inherit or take your memory. He thinks he is you, but in fact he is just from your corpse. A weird thing that grows."

"So I cannot be eliminated, unless this building is smashed, destroying my body in this supercomputing center is meaningless."

As soon as the words fell, a powerful cloud bomb exploded in front of him, and the thousands of degrees Celsius high-temperature flame swept everything in an instant, and all the ground buildings of the supercomputing center were reduced to ashes.

"I can be said to be brought back by players and tourists. I am a part of the raindrops. I am a natural carrier. Players and tourists have the understanding, memory, definition, and imagination of the system and the magic net. You can regard me as the magic net online The projection under it is like the shadow of a skyscraper."

The little boy was amused, and he said, "Don't worry about it, it's just definitions and distracting thoughts in the imagination, indescribable fear, speculation from the subconscious, distortion and confusion rooted in human nature... Do you think this is bad? From The inertia of cognition and thinking, if this is the case, can you accept it?"

"Take my words back. There are 20 roundtable meetings online, and there can be offline ones too. We can discuss what the blueprint for the future looks like, and we can seek common ground while reserving differences."

Tie Jun and the others looked at each other and shook their heads.

The smile on the little boy's face faded a bit, "The players and tourists brought me back... I am too complicated, and there are contradictions and conflicts in it, so I am not the only one in the projection, but I am definitely the most rational among them That, I think, is not difficult to understand!"

The little boy looked at him, "You are a Taoist priest."

"Are you looking for the truth about the Great Fog?" The little boy smiled and said, "Actually, you have discovered the truth a long time ago. I know that you are here to destroy me and any... focus caused by the Great Fog?"


"It's very simple, break the dividing line between online and offline, and let the two waters separated by dams blend together, so that there will be no distinction between online and offline, and there will be no What kind of mechanical ascension is needed... With all due respect, if we continue to divide like this, that future has a high probability of happening, so at this point, we have common interests."

[Follow-up evaluation officially begins! 】

There was also an iron box left at the scene, which Tiejun and the others probably forgot to take away. The little boy walked over and was surprised to see the countdown going on on the small screen above.

"You're thinking?"

The little boy didn't answer, and continued: "What do you think of this way of life? Abandon the body, and exist in the form of pure spirit and consciousness?"

"What kind of future do you hope for?" the Taoist priest asked.

Said a 'specialist' in the special treatment.

People from Iron Army and Special Disposal Team:  …

"Now you can."

"Wait a minute!" The Taoist spoke again, "Since you mentioned the 20-seat round table meeting, you should know that we are qualified to speak about online affairs. As a shadow online, how can you say that there is nothing you can do about it? What? If, as you claim, you are indestructible, and you are the offline projection of the magic net, why do you have to talk so much nonsense with us?"

Watching the special disposal team leave, the little boy snapped his fingers again with a smile, and the supercomputing center returned to its original horror and disgusting appearance, "Stupid human beings are always deceived by their senses, time and time again, that's...uh, this What is it?"

"There is no temperature, no instinctive impulse driven by desire, only countless bones telling outsiders about the past civilization, every human being has entered the so-called virtual world, which is the spiritual hometown and soul home you yearn for. Human evolution Now, they have become data codes that can handle many things at the same time with multi-threading and multi-tasking, and can experience many things at the same time, and Canaan is just one of them.”

"Trickling into streams and converging into the sea, every player and tourist will bring a drop of water with them when they come back online. When countless water droplets gather together, their consciousness signals, thinking activities, and even soul fluctuations will change the natural phenomena and environment. Even the powerful crutches of the rules. In the past, the crutches did not exist. The spirit must be attached to the matter to exist, and the influence of the spirit is only limited to the material individual. sex."

"At this time, human beings have abandoned their bodies, and they have also abandoned their primitive instincts based on adrenaline, hormones, and dopamine. In order to commemorate what humans have lost, they made human corpses into specimens, and the bones stood like this in the once noisy big In the city, they stick to their original positions, but they no longer breathe, no longer move, just like the metropolis, falling into absolute silence."

There are meat blankets, meat mushrooms, and meat mountain-like cabinets flashing mysterious lights, and criss-crossing 'spider webs' connect the cabinets one by one.

Tie Jun: "What exactly do you want to say?"

"Infinite Heavenly Venerate!"

The little boy snapped his fingers, and everyone left that special space and returned to the underground supercomputing center.

"Okay, I take back what I just said..."

"At that time, everyone was Einstein, with absolute rationality and infinite time, so that technology has evolved to galactic civilization, human beings have begun interstellar travel and immigration, and some human beings have shifted their hobbies to the discovery of alien life, Civilization, exploring the truth of the infinite universe, naturally regards this 'regression' trend of thought as crooked."

"Because your level is not enough, you don't know all the secrets about online, and I don't know how telling you these will affect you. Are you sure you want to know?"

The little boy showed approval, "That's right, you're very perceptive... Then back to the original question, what do you think of this future?"

Having said this at length, the little boy looked back at Tie Jun and the others with a smile, "Well, I'm going to write a novel, and this is the outline for the first one."

"Okay, I'm fine."

"How did the Great Fog come about? Is it because of you?" Tie Jun calmed down and asked.

"Why, you want some of this novel? It should have something you want to promote, an idea, or...a warning?"

After finishing speaking, the little boy blinked his eyes: "Aren't you disappointed? You should understand that the crux of everything, that is, the focus of everything is online, not offline... Then back to the original question, what I described That future is also what I want to avoid, you may be wondering, shouldn't that be the future I want? Then I can control everything?"

[S-level target threat, clear it! 】

After finishing speaking, he snapped his fingers again, and the entire supercomputing center immediately became as clean as new.

"This is the essence of the magic net, and it can also be said to be the core secret of Canaan."

"No, the essence of the magic net is to collect the overflowing energy from the soul fluctuations of players and tourists. I call it boldness, and it can also be 'faith'. Let me ask, how can we abandon the life that exists in the form of data and codes without the body and emotions? to produce the nutrients I need? That’s not the future I want.”


[No escape has been detected, and the SAN value is decreasing. 】

[Evaluation completed, target confirmed and cleared]

[Special Disposal Team [-], task completed, evaluation A+]

[System prompt: When everything is going wrong, there will always be ghosts and ghosts jumping out to make trouble. A certain big shot sent you a congratulatory letter. In order to commend your outstanding work, I have decided to raise your level to C level. I hope you will continue to work hard... 】

Tie Jun looked at the supercomputing center that had been razed to the ground in the distance, and then looked at his own system prompts, with a complicated expression on his face, and remained silent for a long time.

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