After cutting down a militia humanoid monster with one knife, Huang Song was exhausted.

Looking at the scene again, most of the teammates have already laid down, only the old people are still fighting fiercely with the professionals among the humanoid monsters, and the aura of their skills blooms like they don't need money.

The thieves appeared and disappeared, the rangers wandered around, the priest chanted hurried spells while walking coquettishly, and the paladins collided with each other like tanks... The sound of bang bang bang was like thunder, it was really hard to beat Meat, nothing fancy.

The barbarian roared and went berserk, swung his two-handed battle ax taller than a human, like a windmill spinning at high speed, if he hit a piece of trash like him, he would definitely be instantly killed on the spot.

The bard sang poems, gave various buffs to his teammates, and added various negative brilliance to the enemy. This kind of occupation is not available to the local dogs. He couldn't find a way to deal with it for a while, so he could only attack from the air. Hit the rear where the bard is hiding.

The players are not to be outdone, and the limited number of Griffon Knights use their mobility to the mechanism, not seeking to kill the enemy, but seeking to harass themselves, so that they can't spare their hands to deal with their own bards.

With the bard present, the balance of victory and defeat gradually tilted towards the side of the defensive player. The humanoid monster was extremely cunning, and when he saw that the situation was not right, he decisively blew his whistle to retreat.

After a battle, apart from the serf soldiers who were abandoned like weeds, the enemy did not leave a few corpses on the battlefield.

The hardest and most 'brutal' battles are experienced by newcomers.

There are still two-thirds of the team of more than 100 people left. The casualties are all rookies. After being killed and returned to the city, they will not be able to make it back for a while. Those who are still on the battlefield have no strength to fight again. .

Yukong! ?
Level 5 professional players?

"How can I get together? You see, the captain and the hall master are all there to curry favor?"

The newcomers jumped up lively one by one, thanking the bard.

Quickly turn on the TV, there is no accidental snowflakes, the Internet is smooth, but the above is unexpectedly calm.

In this way, the teammates who died in battle can rush to meet up as quickly as possible, and the team will be full again.

Opening the curtains, it should be evening outside, but the strange mist is like surging sea water, Huang Song was stunned for a moment before realizing that the big fog had come again.

Or thieves.

Yukong can't do it, but Jingshi can always do it.

These few people were reluctant, and a little intimidating, until the accompanying NPC gave the task, and then happily moved the corpses left by the humanoid monsters.

Mage is too fragile, without good equipment, good fighting awareness, and good qualifications, even if you get a job, you can only be a bastard. Most mage players stay in the first and second occupations, and dare not even think about third-level occupations. Lao Gao's title and cape haven't changed for a long time.

Huang Song also began to count his harvest.

Elves are the most suitable race for rangers, but it is a pity that he chose humans. If he is a ranger, there is no talent bonus, so he has to put in more effort than elf race players, and it also depends on talent.

Many people had already surrounded the city gate, and many people rushed to witness the demeanor of level 5 professional players.

Type B items are the most, and these can only be used by oneself. Type A items have two wrist guards, one white and one green, both of which are professional attire.

Offline, Huang Song woke up in the sleeping cabin, feeling tired like a burst of drowsiness, which had faded when he opened the sleeping cabin and sat up.

Move the corpse, pile it in one place, dig the hole and fill it up, and it will be quiet if you can't see it.

Thinking of this, he realized that it was time to go offline. Before his teammates came from the rear, there was still time. When the siege battle broke out, he would have no chance.

The mage's door frame is too high to be excluded.

Fortunately, there are bards.

"Yesterday you said you were going to be a paladin."

"Is there a gold medal and a silver medal in Yukong?"

The key is that now it is no different than before, even the third-level professional Ling Jue is much more difficult. The difficulty is not the task, but some illusory conditions.

"What's wrong with being a data warrior?"

After finally squeezing into a place with a slightly higher position, he could see the city gate. After a while, the noise faded away, and he saw his captain, like a small follower, surrounded by a woman riding a snow-white mount in the crowd. The elf player walks into the city gate.

The bachelor apartment is still the same, just covered in a layer of dust. Looking at the time, I have been online for 4 days and 3 nights.

At this time, he has been promoted to level 5, has experienced several real battles, and has a deeper understanding of his views on future employment.

There is nothing extraordinary about the equipment, except for the longbow with an expanded shape and a huge gemstone (dragon crystal) inlaid in the handle, all the equipment on this man's body is full of "travel and dust". , You have to look carefully to see a little bit in the details and materials.

Huang Song remembered that when he chose his name, it went quite smoothly, maybe it was luck?

"Then you can only be a data warrior forever."

After discussing for a while, the old people called Qicheng, and the new people immediately cleaned up. A team of more than 60 people rushed to the front line in a newly constructed safety zone. They were delighted to find that the teleportation array had been built.

Before, I wanted to tear him apart, but now I felt a little sad for no reason, and didn't dare to look into the boy's eyes.

His companion sat on the ground and put the things captured (dropped) on the battlefield on the ground like a stall, and began to sort and classify them one by one to see if they could be stuffed into the backpack with limited capacity.

The old people couldn't see it, so they called a few and asked them to clean up the corpses at the scene.

Huang Song hurried out to have a look.

Huang Song opened the door, and there were indeed vegetable bags, medicine boxes and other items in the corridor outside, as well as a pamphlet asking people to keep calm and rational in this special and abnormal climate, and try to avoid going out, even if there are unavoidable circumstances If you want to go out, you have to be ignorant, don't worry about things, go straight to the goal, and return immediately if you succeed...

Only less than 1.7 meters tall, a pair of empty eyes looked at the sky, lying lifeless on the ground, the body was already stiff.

"Tsk tsk, the title of Yukong, the characters above level 50, we can't compare with the pigs, right?"

Huang Song was also idle, so he ran to pick up the task and came to the corpse of the humanoid monster who had fought to the death with him.

"What do you say?"

"I don't even understand this? You don't want Yukong, even if you don't have any hope, such a high-end combat power, isn't it enough to deal with the boss of the humanoid monster?"

Before this, Huang Song didn't know what it was like to fight with humanoid monsters and dogs. It was really not similar to fighting monsters. The war between swords and magic was not really realized until now.

Before it was too late to savor, the group passed by.

He thinks that he is still not very used to the fist-to-body fighting between paladins and barbarians, which requires a heart as strong as the body, and he still prefers to hide behind a relatively safe place to output and yin people, so mages, rangers, thieves became the profession of choice.

I don't know if there is a chance.

At this time, there was excitement outside the tent, someone came in and said, Yu Kong came, Yu Kong came.

Ponderosa is ready to go offline.

"Which gang does Yu Kong belong to? How powerful is it and how high is its level?"

"They're all players, what's there to curry favor with?"

"There should be something taboo"

Material security is also provided.

Everyone from the Eagle Group arrived in the safe area, as well as NPCs, which showed that this level 5 player not only had a high professional level, but also a lot of merit and title.

The distance is getting closer, and he has tasted the difference of this female elf's high play. How should I put it... seems more natural?

After revisiting it again, the dream ended, only a few seconds later, Huang Song opened his eyes again, most of his overdrawn physical strength recovered, his health bar was full, and the most terrible thing was mental exhaustion and spiritual exhaustion. 'Trauma,' was also repaired in an eerie ballad.

The official designation for this unusual and special weather.

"What else can we do, let's attack the city, we are the first ones to fight with the local dogs in this area, if we don't come here and there, where will the Xiaodaohui be?"

"Yeah, I heard that occupations above level 5 depend on luck and talent, and hard work is secondary."

"Let's not talk about Yukong. It's not an ordinary person who can win the gold medal. With so many players, how many Yukong are there?"

"There will be no one above Yukong. If you can pass it, you will pass it. If you can't pass it, you will always shock the world. There are no discounts such as silver medals and bronze medals."

"I've decided, I'll be a bard in the future."

She looks like an 'average' female elf player, she looks rather 'weak', not as 'imposing' as her own captain.

In addition, it is such a time offline, and all kinds of information online have become taboos. All major forums are full of "Fengyue". If you want to find dry goods in it, it is either a liar or a fishing post with ulterior motives.

"Ask yourself."

There are traces of brutal battles everywhere in the safe area. The wreckage of a war golem collapsed on the collapsed city wall. Alchemy apprentices are dismantling its parts, and newcomers like him are not allowed to approach. The corpses of the griffins, such as the griffins, have been cleaned up by the old players, and the new players are still 'picking up leaks' everywhere, and the city walls are even more chaotic.

After listening to the old players' comments, Huang Song went to find out the name of the female elf player.

"Everyone calls her sapling, sapling, so that's it, right?"

A troubadour with the title of Lingjue came to Huang Song and the others, and sang a drowsy ballad. This strange tune had a special magic power. In the deepest level of sleep.

This is as rare as giant pandas.


"The minimum is 2. In fact, when you come to Yukong, your combat power is a reference. You should have experienced it after fighting the local dog for so long."

"Fuck off, I'm a Yellow River koi, okay...I can't help it, all the good names have been taken, the same name, I can't hang 123, right?"

He thought a little uncertainly.

"Yes, even the conditions for promotion to level 5 are mysterious. Whether the promotion is successful or unsuccessful, they are all kept secret."

Unlike the "fierce fire" like the high battles of the captain and the Eagles, he looks very gentle, casual, and lazy.

"It's called a small sapling... Tsk tsk, I heard that someone named this ID, and it has connotations when you hear it, unlike you, what kind of Yellow River tortoise, Mount Tai sand sculpture..."

Revisiting in a dream is not a first-person perspective, but a third-perspective review of one's own gains and losses in previous battles, those that did well, those that did not, those that were fatal mistakes, and those that will be the next time. Something to remember and improve upon.

"There is no hope for high-ranking, let alone... Forget it, let's go and see what Yu Kong is doing in a small place like ours."

"We helped the pigs to shock the world. It's not a gold medal, what do you think?"

I don't feel any discomfort in my body, and I don't feel hungry.

The old people camped on the spot and didn't care much about them. The new people had just recovered from a brutal war, and they forgot that at this time they were busy counting their harvests, and some even set up stalls on the spot to sell them.

A newcomer next to Huang Song said to his companion.

Yes, it is natural.

I heard that there are some devil players who expand their business to offline, if they accidentally get involved with something they shouldn't, it will be troublesome.

"Then how high is her combat power?"

Compared with the first time, Huang Song was much calmer. He called his parents first, and as expected, they were all busy. But he knew that this kind of communication interruption was not caused by the fog, but was deliberately done. The purpose is to prevent the 'spread of the epidemic'.

He looked at these two pieces of equipment with a smile on his face. A newcomer next to him asked him if he sold them. He shook his head and said that he was going to use them himself.

Whenever I can be like this myself.

"It's enough to have Ling Jue, the level can still be raised, and the equipment and combat power can still be improved..."

No wonder the old people often say that they were rookies who didn't know anything before, and they also said that they can't look at everything online with the mentality of playing games.

The title of Yukong is correct, and the cloak is more ethereal, mysterious and luxurious than Shocking World, but the person... makes Huang Song a little disappointed.

The dream starts from the beginning of the battle.

Haha laughed a few times, and heard some old players say: "What is Yu Kong coming to our place, what big action is there?"

This is a young man with flaxen curly hair, sunken eye sockets, three-dimensional facial features, and a thin build.

"I wish I could be in the air too."

The man gave a disdainful cut, and went to look at other people's harvest.

Lying there without eating or drinking for four days is fine. It is a supernatural event in itself, but now I have become accustomed to it.

After listening to the gossip, Huang Song left with a lot of enthusiasm, and then looked at the tents of the hall masters, as if they were holding some kind of celebration, delicacies from mountains and seas were sent in in turn, new and old players gathered around, either envious or jealous Speaking of the five-level occupation among players.


The great fog appeared yesterday afternoon, and it still swept across the world in the same way. Compared with the first time, people were much 'calmer' this time. On the official websites of various places, there are various emergency measures and contact methods, which are convenient for emergencies and People in unexpected situations ask for a group.

"Wow, doesn't that mean that every Yukong is the kind of real gold that is not afraid of fire?"

I don't know if it works, but it's really inconvenient.

But he had the bottom line in his heart, so he didn't panic like before.

Take a bath and cook a good dinner. I am really tired of the online pig food, and it is only at this time that I can satisfy my appetite.

big fog?
Fuck him!

I am a player now, still afraid of you?

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