This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 545 Star Wars

Space-time turbulence also has a deeply hidden title, which was popular in ancient times, and that is the star realm.

The consciousness of the astral world is that beyond the five elements, it is not in reincarnation. What does it mean? That is to say, if the Canaan universe is compared to a huge bathtub, then the countless planes are the bubbles in it, and what is inside the bathtub? , What is the thing other than the bubble?

The answer is the turbulence of time and space, or the astral world.

The astral world is not a plane, it has no boundary, or the Canaan universe is its boundary.

Here, time, space, matter, spirit and even the imprint of life of the carrier's soul gene are bred.

It can be said that the astral world is both the end and the beginning.

In the astral world, everything is random, so it can also be regarded as chaos. Among them, timeline and space axis are the two kinds of 'existence' with the most sense of existence. A large number of chaotic timelines are entangled here. A large number of bred and shattered space debris floats and sinks here.

Therefore, the turbulent flow of time and space is extremely dangerous. If you enter it rashly and without purpose, even the incarnation of a god will fall.

But it is also the natural moat that all cross-plane teleportation and cross-plane travel must go through. Without it, cross-plane teleportation and travel would be impossible.

Therefore, the astral realm is not something that strangers should not enter. If you master the correct method and pointing coordinates, you can still reach any place you want to go through it.

"It's not a fantasy world!"

Ms. Evernight muttered alone, and the huge 'eyes' in the star world opened. They stared at the true god with fear and hatred, fear and greed, and they seemed to be ready to move.

In fact, they didn't know that even the black dragon with the lowest combat power would not be so unbearable. Most of the energy of the black dragon was not on them, but on the magic net behind them.

On one of the surrounding islands, a pitch-black figure with a feminine silhouette suddenly appeared, and swelled up in a short time.

In the turbulent flow of time and space, light is the most common food. The generation of time and the breeding of space come from matter, spirit and soul, and usually exist in the form of a spot of light.

According to legend, the kingdom of the gods is also hidden in the star world, which is the famous Heavenly Mountain.

Although this black dragon is difficult to deal with, it is a visible and palpable opponent. The three Yukong are not without strength in a fight. The black dragon is also the one with the lowest combat power among the giant dragons. This one has just grown up. The level is not high enough to go anywhere.

On a piece of barren land, a solitary mage tower, a huge and three-dimensional network is just a flash, the mist is transpiring, and a dungeon is unfolding.

"Is it a fantasy world!?"

It is a kind of obsession born from the corpse after the death of the gods.

Well, farther away.

In the huge cave, a roaring black dragon breathed out head-on. Many high-level players were overwhelmed by the breath before reading the system prompts.

In the thousands of auroras, the fog formed by the light spots pervades everywhere, because there is no distinction between up, down, left, and right directions, and there is no time division of past, present, and future, so it is impossible to describe the shape of the fog, and we can only try to use low-dimensional language. , using a three-dimensional picture that we can understand and imagine, to describe its tiny cross-section of one billionth.

Fighting with players is just an appearance, and the magic net is the source of support for players. If there is no way to block or weaken the support of players from the magic net, even if you kill them, you can resurrect them infinitely.

Thousands of sails vying to cross are like eggs surrounded by countless sperm.

It suddenly disappeared in the encirclement, jumped to the coordinate point of the next star realm, and then changed the coordinates of the subsequent jumps without stopping. It randomly selected one and completely disappeared in the pursuit of the star realm army.

He can serve the gods, it is a last resort, what is the matter if he is caught by an enemy who doesn't know what it is?
So he struggled even harder, wanting to get rid of the player's entanglement first, but this is easier said than done?

Except for these three Yukong, the rest are all shocking.

However, the besieged islands are also waiting for this opportunity.

While speaking, his huge two-handed battle ax slashed regardless of the distance, and a hill-like light ax hit the black dragon's front paw head-on.

But Heavenly Mountain is not the same as the astral world itself, it can only be regarded as a plane, at best it is a collection of multiple planes, like many bubbles sticking together, floating and sinking in the river.

The endless light spots are combined into ever-changing auroras, which contain all the information of the Canaan universe from its birth to the present.

With a frightened and angry dragon cry, the huge body of the black dragon soared into the air again, and with a sweep of its tail, it fanned away a phantom left by a royal ranger. Opening the dragon's mouth, Xia Miaomiao's position was submerged by the jet-black breath of dragon flames. Just as she was about to break free from the magic net that restricted her space, those resurrected surprises entangled her again.

When this piece of land materialized, suddenly, countless air bubbles of different sizes appeared around it, and at the same time materialized into land islands of different sizes, surrounding it.

At this time, Xia Miaomiao had already shot a meteor-like arrow.

The black dragon is really in a hurry, these ants cannot be killed or shaken off, the longer they stay here, the more they will be wrapped in layers of invisible shackles, if this continues, I am afraid they will fall here forever and become The moths on the net will always be dead bodies on it, and will be sucked dry at some point.

Afterwards, countless points of light rose from these islands, rushing towards the surrounding islands like meteors and fireflies.

If it is true, it would be too cheap for them. Thinking of the hardships they have encountered, it is hard to say that they have gone through all kinds of hardships and dangers. cheap.

At this time, hundreds of millions of players and tourists felt a pull from the soul, and it disappeared without a trace in just a moment.

Some people say that the gods are the sons of gods abandoned by the gods. Who knows that the sons of gods are only a source of gods. It is for the position of the gods, the territory, and the authority. They are very doted on, and some of them are born evil, that is, the sons of gods who did not meet the expectations and wishes of the gods. They were abandoned in the star world as soon as they were born. Over time, they became gods. .

Xiaomoyuan is also a similar place, as is the central hub and core material hardware of the magic net.

The black dragon is well aware of this, but as soon as the oppression on the player is relaxed, the player pushes his nose on the face, and after being hit by two air-defending rangers again, the black dragon growls in pain, and when his temper comes together, he doesn't care about the magic net or not. He shrank his body and transformed into a strong man in his early two meters. Hearing a bang, his whole body was like a cannonball fired, leaving a deep hole in place, and the person had already fallen into the middle of a pile of shocking people.

The Heart Magic and Illusion Realm is a test that must be experienced to advance to Yukong. The reason why the outside world is mysterious and difficult for ordinary people to know is its particularity.

This is, the mage tower on the surrounded island reacted from the sudden attack, the constant star flashed, and a huge net that covered the sky and the earth was unfolded.

All of a sudden, he ran amok and ate the player's skill damage, causing five white lights in a row.

On the highest peak of this land, there is a white mage tower, a star-like light group is constantly on the top of the mage tower, and there is nothing else.

I can't see the face clearly, but it's enough. Seeing him is like seeing the night itself.

The naked eyes of normal people cannot see visually, and will be destroyed by its huge flow of information, and will also be 'polluted', like a candle, destroyed and assimilated by strong winds and scorching sun.

Ten meters away, her real body was revealed, and she was indeed unscathed.

There are always seven or eight of them, these people don't say a word, most of them have happy faces, one by one, they rush forward bravely, creating opportunities for the three Yukong with a desperate posture.

Xia Miaomiao ignored her with a cold face, and the next moment her figure was swallowed up by the breath of black flames.

Until it 'jumps' to a stable node, it suddenly becomes a huge land, floating land lifted by the mist.

Another Sky Ranger shouted a question between attacks.

In this section, a small 'bubble' floats in, it is inconspicuous like a wave in this endless ocean.

Ms. Heiye snorted coldly, her figure dispersed, and the next moment her position was swallowed up by the giant eyes.

The shocking men fled in panic, and the three Yukong chased them up. The Yukong Barbarian hit another "Phantom Battle Axe". From the left to the right, there was a torrential rain from the light arrows like raindrops, blasting away the place where the black dragon was.

Sure enough, after you came and I went, the black dragon used up the three axes at the beginning, and soon fell from the invincible state, surrounded by the players, although it was still impossible to block the edge, but the rhythm has fallen into the players The most powerful war of attrition is up.

In the blink of an eye, only He was left standing alone at the original coordinates.

A light group like the sun condensed on the tip of the arrow, piercing the black dragon's wings like a rainbow piercing the sun, and at the same time, countless skills that were not inferior to this attack fell on the roaring black dragon, with three-digit or even four-digit damage values Let the black dragon's blood bar that only had question marks at the beginning appear.

It is sailing, following several fixed routes, and can appear at several points "randomly" in a random sea.

Therefore, its trajectory can be pondered, it is known information, and it is a constant, and the turbulence of time and space will not cause harm to it.

The black dragon noticed something, was overjoyed, and struggled hard, the space of the dungeon froze, and a jelly-like boundary appeared in the void.

He is so stalwart, so stalwart that it seems that the entire star world seems to be held in his arms. He stretched out his two arms in a normal way, as if to embrace the island, which caused the magic net to tremble.

At this time, an unknown number of dungeons were unfolding over this continent, and the magic net was showing its ferociousness, and the armies from various kingdoms of God were trapped in the quagmire. No matter what collection it was, they were all caught in the net and couldn't move for a while.

In the mage's tower, Bei Gaoyang reviewed himself. He always followed a fixed route. After a long time, he was noticed by others. He set up an ambush and could not blame others.

It is impossible to describe his appearance in words, and his mighty power cannot be described in words. It seems that in an instant, each 'cocoon room' is revealed in the magic net, including the one where Xia Miaomiao is.

The light ax shattered, and the Yukong barbarian was thrown outwards in a whirl.

I don't know how long it has been floating like this.

The Yukong barbarian roared, turned his head and saw Xia Miaomiao, grinned and said, "Little Sapling, we meet again!"

Some people's dreamland is to challenge their own spiritual weakness, some people's dreamland is to defeat an enemy that is impossible to defeat, and there are still people who don't fight, but solve puzzles with countless clues...

After finally escaping from the siege, the central hub of the magic net was reduced to a bubble, floating and sinking in the astral world.

The white light rises, the white light falls, and a level 52 Yukong barbarian yells: "What's going on, I just hung up once?"

During this process, some "collections" bound by the magic net escaped and returned to their respective islands one after another, and each island was restored to individual bubbles, drifting away with the turbulent flow of time and space.

With this point of force, the black dragon is about to struggle to escape from this cage...

But this is only the beginning.

Abominations are another source of danger in the Astral Plane, and are one of the demon's favorite collectibles.

In short, it's all about the privacy of not having a quasi-aircraft professional, so the outside world can't hear it.

So in the star world, a small island appeared.

They first came into contact with the fog barrier, so they were reduced to angels, dragons, titans, liches, mind flayers, Beamon, Quidditch, etc., and even powerful men who had enjoyed a reputation in history, various intelligent races , various life forms.

These are abominations.

The fog is not only its barrier, separating it from the sea, but also its boundary, symbolizing a world within the boundary.

But this moment is enough, the magic net remains motionless, the shadow cannot embrace the island, and then reveals its true face.

Xia Miaomiao was negotiating with the members of the Eagle Group. The words of the two sides were fierce, and the bargaining effort was suddenly dragged to a strange world by the system.

Aurora is everywhere, both low-dimensional and high-dimensional. Words cannot describe its vastness and splendor, just like the mystery itself. No existence can fully understand the secrets it contains, so the soul cannot be fully analyzed from the beginning to the present. field of.

That's why another Yu Kong Ranger asked if it was the language of the heart demon and illusion, because of the excitement on these people's faces.

The dungeon over the land is still going on, and the high players among the players are still being tortured by their respective opponents, but the victory or defeat is no longer important, the magic net has already captured their opponents.

"Go on, why can't the 20-seat round table continue?"

Bei Gaoyang said to Xiao Ai nonchalantly, "Is it because of the big fog offline?"

"Second time, my lord"

Artemis hadn't recovered from the threatening danger just now, and said with some confusion: "I don't think there is any need to maintain it, and now there is no need for offline cooperation."

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