This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 547 Make Player Complete

Chapter 547 Make Player Complete

In the end, Bei Gaoyang still did not ban the 20-seat round table meeting.

Just let it be a mark of the times and keep it.

Although the authority of this meeting is rapidly declining as the "demand relationship" between the two parties becomes increasingly unbalanced, and offline, which has lost effective control means, is rapidly losing chips in their hands. As the highest authority holding institution.

Just as a thought, a sign, a symbol...

Bei Gaoyang said this to Artemis.

Xiao Ai just wanted an attitude from him, seeing that he didn't insist on defending the authority of the meeting, she was satisfied.

One day after the War of the Stars, Josephine, a symbol of joy, came in a costume and brought infinite joy to Bei Gaoyang with her representativeness. After ending the "body entanglement" in a certain dimension, the system The goddess of pleasure took the opportunity to make a small request of her own.

"What? Allow players to marry and have children online?"

Bei Gaoyang looked at the person next to his pillow unexpectedly, knowing that he would go to the Three Treasures Hall for everything, and was willing to enjoy such services and exchanges, but the appetite of the goddess of joy was still beyond his expectations.

"What? No? This is the last piece of the puzzle for Immersion, with it..."

"Wait, did you mean it or did you mean it?"

"The temples all agreed, and agreed that players should be made... complete."

"Hehe, complete!"

Bei Gaoyang turned over and sat up, and he was dressed neatly in an instant.

The next moment the scene changed, and the two appeared on the first floor of the 20-seat round table meeting.

Bei Gaoyang sat down at the head of the desk, knocked on the bronze table top, and Xiao Ai appeared immediately.

"It's time to consider the integrity of the players, Your Majesty!"

Artemis first glanced at the Goddess of Pleasure in disgust, and then suggested to Bei Gaoyang solemnly, "The magic net can now solve the players' problems."

"How to solve it?" Bei Gaoyang went over with both hands. He, the builder of the magic net, didn't know how to solve it. This was a flaw in the design of the magic net.

He admitted that he didn't think about this issue at the beginning, and he never thought about allowing players to have the instinct and impulse to reproduce life online.

That is not a simple problem, but involves many, many aspects. In terms of ethics, there is an endless loop that cannot be resolved.

Online birth, what is the birth, and where does the soul of the baby come from?
The degree of fit between the player and the magic net has not yet reached the level of joining the mysterious core narrative of 'reincarnation', not to mention the magic net, even the gods, even the ancient demon gods cannot touch this field.

The birth of life is a mysterious and mysterious thing. A baby is conceived in the mother's body, from scratch, deep into the mysterious core narrative, a seemingly natural process, the difficulty lies in this "naturalness", any artificial intervention, Even peeping may change the process of life gestation.

That got must have been the result of the intervention.

Kind of like Schrödinger's cat.

So this process cannot be interfered by humans, no matter who the intervention comes from, even Gaia consciousness.

Just because he knew it was impossible, Bei Gaoyang didn't plan it at first, but now he was amused by Xiao Ai's ignorance and fearlessness.

The background of the system temple in this respect is still shallow.

He thought to himself.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Ai and Josephine didn't think so deeply at all.

"Isn't there a death plan, my dear?"

Josephine's whimsical and deliberate pissed off Xiao Ai, the more other temples are around, the more he doesn't mind highlighting his 'special relationship' with Bei Gaoyang. Indefinitely, you agree."

"Death plan!?"

Bei Gaoyang was amused by their whimsy, "Then how to solve the ethical issues here, let the offline book your parents in advance? How to deal with the relationship between them, and how should their family be defined?"

"Let them adjust themselves." Josephine said nonchalantly.

"Nonsense!" Bei Gaoyang clicked on the bronze to commit the crime, "Do you think this is just a simple problem? Family, ethics, morality, and concepts are closely related to me and you. As the foundation of the building changes, you, as the top of the building, can stand alone ?absurd!"

"Then what do you say?"

"Little love you say"

Bei Gaoyang wanted to hear about the plans of the system temples.

"We can take over the death plan!" Xiao Ai said, "Offline only has the right to submit the list, and we will handle the rest."

"Mengpo soup, Naihe Bridge?" Bei Gaoyang understood in seconds, thinking that this is an idea that can be tried.

"I know, I know!" Josephine, who knows a lot of offline stalkers, became excited, "Let Kelenvor do it, this guy's offline influence is getting bigger and bigger, and he can already integrate the representation of the god of death .”

Bei Gaoyang ignored her, "Where is Po Meng, and where is Naihe Bridge?"

"We can open up a leading space," Xiao Ai said, "That's a whole team."

"You also know it's a whole team?" Bei Gaoyang was actually moved.

Canaan's "reincarnation" cannot be touched, but it is also possible to have one's own "reincarnation" without going through this "reincarnation".

There is also a deeper reason. He doesn't want players to be like mind flayers in the future. After joining Canaan's "reincarnation", they will be completely localized. Moreover, after joining Canaan's "reincarnation", players must abandon the line The next contact, becoming a native of Canaan... This is something he is unwilling to accept no matter what.

Immersion is one thing, and it all becomes Canaan's narrative without a bit of its own characteristics and independence, which he doesn't want to see.

Then it would be meaningless for him to do all this.

He has already compromised once on legend and divinity, and on such a fundamental plan, he is not prepared to compromise a second time.

"It can be placed on the ninth floor of the magic net."

Artemis suggested.


Bei Gaoyang was noncommittal.

From the beginning to the end, there is no such thing as a 20-seat round table meeting. This nominal "shareholders' meeting" has been denied on this important issue.

It can be seen that when and at what level, the bargaining chip of checks and balances is the key. If it is lost, it means losing the right to speak, that is, losing the rights and interests it has.

Bei Gaoyang didn't want to talk about any topic about the construction of the magic net, and he didn't want to inadvertently reveal the information that would have an unexpected impact. He knew that the system temples were very sensitive to the construction of the magic net. Don't stop, one, two, three temptations.

9 layers of magic net?
so fast?
After calculating the time, Bei Gaoyang couldn't believe it, it was already 2024.

He is still used to the offline time-recording calendar. Canaan’s is too long, too heavy, and too idealistic. When he reaches his level, he will feel that the so-called time is not linear but multi-dimensional, leading to the past and the future. Not unique, but multi-faceted and multi-channel.

What happened in the past can still affect the present. People who have disappeared may also pop out from the pile of old papers. There are too many examples like this. He can pull a person from the "gap of history" to mirror it now , is nothing more than who it is, what kind of consequences it will cause, and whether such consequences can be tolerated, that's all.

All the symbols that are deeply engraved in the mysterious narrative have certain mystical attributes. Summons and rituals are based on this point to communicate with a certain imprint in the long river of history. The existence of the brand is extremely difficult, on the contrary, sealing it is the most effective way.

For example, some legendary necromancer serving himself at the dump.

Thinking of this guy, Bei Gaoyang's attention shifted, a process turned into a materialized carrier, appearing above the 'garbage station' plane.

The boundless sea of ​​chaos looks a bit like an astral world. Associating with the "systematic reincarnation" mentioned earlier, Bei Gaoyang had a whim, maybe here can be the starting point and end point of reincarnation?

In the past, the ownership of the player's soul should also be considered as soon as possible. This is a comprehensive system, and its initial and closed loop should be considered.

If the player's soul returns here in the end, it can no longer be simply regarded as a garbage dump, and it needs to be planned in advance.

Thinking about these very high-level events in my heart, even the legendary necromancer Gu didn't pay attention to it.

After a long time...

"Uh, sorry, I'm a little distracted."

The necromancer owed money to the body.

After the magic net went to the opposite side of the gods, especially after the outbreak of the all-out war, it was still standing, so some old guys and old monsters saw hope and jumped out one after another.

Or self-recommendation, or intentionally offending and expecting to attract his attention, or looking for cooperation with the door carelessly... There have been several incidents of this happening one after another.

But apart from the person in front of him, as well as Long Dao and Rose, the queen of spiders, Bei Gaoyang's attitude was all perfunctory.

They are allowed to exist within the coverage area of ​​the magic net, and they are not forbidden to fight against the minions of the gods. From a global perspective, they are guaranteed not to be suddenly attacked by Heavenly Mountain...the rest is left alone.

These old guys and old monsters are stirring up trouble among the players and tourists. Some are smart enough to add drama to themselves, some are deliberately against the system, and some are still childlike in playing the role of the master of the world and the grandfather in the ring... …

But there are always only a limited number of people recognized by the magic net, Long Island...

——Hey, why are you always distracted recently?

Maybe it has something to do with preparing to ignite the fire?
The computing power is all taken up.

"Oh, what did you say just now?" Bei Gaoyang smiled embarrassedly.

"No, just here!"

"Oh, let me think about it, I'm here to find you... Uh, by the way, you know offline, right?"

As the administrator of the garbage station, the necromancer naturally knew that the offline system was another crystal wall system, the spiritual hometown of players and tourists, and the boss's rear.

He nodded.

"There is also news that the death representative in the system has already been integrated with the system temple. If he fails, you can try again?"

Bei Gaoyang's tone seemed to be that selling vegetables in a vegetable market didn't care about the representation of death.

The Necromancer still nodded.

Bei Gaoyang smiled and said: "You are very confident. You must know that the representativeness in the magic net and the representativeness in Canaan are not the same. Kelan Wo worked hard, both online and offline."

"I die!", the Necromancer replied.

Almost forgot.

He is the 'reincarnated disciple' of the ancient god of death, a guy who almost merged with uniqueness.

The representativeness in the system still has certain limitations, and the level of others is much higher, and they may be able to sit on the same level as the magic net.

However, once he returned to the altar of death, he stepped onto the opposite side of the magic net. This was an almost irreconcilable contradiction. After all, in the conventional definition of death, players and tourists were simply bugs.

Maybe that's why the guy agreed to work for himself?

After all, knowing your opponent is sometimes more important than knowing yourself.

"Okay, let me see your work performance."

Compared with the last visit, the garbage station is much calmer now, partly because of the immersion, partly because of this guy's effective management.

The mixed colors are separated, red is red, black is black, and white is white, so the ocean presented in front of you is colorful.

The obvious color division, the transition of gradient colors, those that cannot be defined and accommodated, all make him "compressed" into islands, or into monsters in the sea.

These monsters are also the examiners of the fifth-level professional Yukong, which makes every Gaowan who enters here haunted by dreams and headaches.

Bei Gaoyang landed on the largest island, which was located under a majestic high mountain. Looking up, the white snow-covered decoration was extremely real, and he also found a fully armed mountaineering team camping on a huge ice slab.

Bei Gaoyang was happy, "This is how you understand offline?"

Extracting the player's memory fragments from the chaotic sea and restoring them to the island is like reappearing the scene, which is also a way to project from the gap in history to the present.

This is an extremely high-end use of time, and the legend is displayed without any fireworks.

"It's just a trick," the legendary necromancer said modestly.

"Go, go and have a look!" Bei Gaoyang said enthusiastically.

The next moment, two people appeared in this mountaineering team, incarnate as two mountaineering team members.

Seven people, male and female, white and yellow, huddled together in a tent burning with a gas stove for warmth.

The cold wind was howling outside, and the air was thin at several thousand meters above sea level, and everyone had no strength to speak.

The team members took turns breathing oxygen until one person opened the door curtain and broke in with the howling wind, snow and severe cold.

"I think we are trapped here by the wronged souls of our predecessors!"

The person who came in lifted his mask, sat down in front of the fire, and said in a heavy tone while roasting his frozen hands.

A white woman began to sob, and the tent was gloomy.

"The most important thing now is to contact the base under the mountain."

"But it's already foggy down the mountain, big fog, damn it, we're done."

"What should I do, I don't want to die here."

"Calm down, calm down. At this time, we can't mess around."

When the emotions of the teammates calmed down, the man said again: "We must reach the place where the light shines. This is the test given to us by the ghosts of the seniors. It must be."

The next day, the mountaineering team set off again. After a whole day of hard climbing on the cliffs of the snow mountain, they returned to the ice at the starting point.

Looking at the traces of the camp left yesterday, someone collapsed on the spot, yelled like a madman, and then jumped off the cliff thousands of meters high.

A luminous point is not far from the top of the head, as if it can be touched by reaching out.

What is it hiding?

Bei Gaoyang, who already knew the answer, smiled, and looked at the caucasian woman among the climbing teammates with deep eyes.

"Our knight order does not recruit trash!"

The caucasian woman looked at the direction in which her teammates jumped and said in her heart, "I'm sorry, Wang, you couldn't withstand the pressure, and you don't have the qualifications to become a player."

(End of this chapter)

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