This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 548 The Murder Case Caused by Chicken Feet

Chapter 548 The Murder Case Caused by Chicken Feet

In the silent bedroom, there was a rustling sound. It was a mouse that was bigger than a house cat. It had a pair of eyes that shone brightly in the dark. The light in these eyes was strange and inexplicable. Makes it look like you're laughing.

There is a pattern of a human face on the back of the mouse, and with the movement of the mouse, the expression is constantly changing, it looks lifelike, and it is particularly infiltrating.

The mouse climbed onto the computer desk covered with a thick layer of dust. There was a piece of leftover lemon boneless chicken feet on the table. Seeing that the person asleep on the bed didn't intend to wake up, the mouse probed in and ate it with big mouthfuls. Start a delicious meal.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew open the half-covered window, and the mouse sensed the danger, and with a chirping sound, it was nailed to the computer desk by a branch.

The bright red blood flowed from the twitching mouse, fell on the floor that hadn't been cleaned for a long time, seeped into the cracks of the floor, and disappeared.

A figure appeared on the window, and the next moment appeared in the bedroom. She lifted the quilt, pushed the dummy inside aside, ignored the mouse on the computer desk, and lay down on it.

Xia Miaomiao put her hands behind her head, recalling what just happened.

After finally going offline once, she was a bit greedy for offline food, especially her previous favorite - Internet celebrity lemon boneless chicken feet, but she turned on her mobile phone that she hadn't used for a long time, and several food delivery platforms no longer provide delivery services , Customers need to go to the store to pick it up.

It is understandable that there is such a thick fog outside, without certain skills, who can come and go unhindered in the fog?

Pick it up yourself.

Today she especially misses the taste of the past.

After placing an order online and making an appointment to pick up the meal, she looked at the fog outside and changed into a neat outfit.

Dressed in a tracksuit, ponytail, and a mask that covers half his face, he jumped out of the window.

The height of more than ten meters is like walking on flat ground to her. She is not as agile as a human being. She has a figure more graceful than a cat and a speed faster than a cheetah.

Like a master in martial arts novels, she never takes an unusual path, jumping forward on treetops, roofs, and lampposts. The fog is not a problem for her, but the best protective color.

Naturally, those ghosts and ghosts in the mist would not find her, and there was no time to hide.

It is not that there are no pedestrians in the streets and alleys, but there is a lantern in each person's hand. The lantern emits a dim light, which is clearly separated from the fog. Nuo is a big city, as if trapped in a mysterious space of another dimension. Most of the millions of people are hiding. From behind a certain window, peeping out through thick curtains.


Therefore, Xia Miaomiao ignored all the surprised, frightened, benevolent, or malicious gazes in her perception, and went straight to her boneless lemon chicken feet.

When we arrived at the place, a lantern illuminated the narrow area of ​​the sales window. There were people queuing up in the light, and where the light did not shine, it was unclear whether it was people or what was behind.

Xia Miaomiao fell to the ground silently, patted the non-existent dust, walked across a road full of various vehicles, and came to the store.

Within the area illuminated by the lights, people were wary of seeing her without a lantern. Xia Miaomiao turned around with a smile, and pointed to the shadow under her body to indicate that she was a human and not a ghost.

"Are you a player?"

In the team, a middle-aged uncle asked.

"Uncle, are you too?"

The middle-aged uncle said, "Don't push yourself too hard, young man."

This man also carried a lantern in his hand.

"Thank you...can I be behind you?"

She asked the person furthest in line of sight of the light.

The boy who looked like a high school student nodded quickly.

After queuing up, Xia Miaomiao looked around idly, not taking the tension and weirdness of the scene seriously.

Just kidding, after coming out of the copy of Star Wars, she is already a 55-level Royal Ranger. Even if the offline "network signal" is not good, she often makes mistakes, and her strength is stable at the level of "Superman". It's not enough to watch, and I'm afraid of strange things that suddenly pop out of the fog.

That thing is to scare yourself. The more you are afraid, the more accidents are likely to happen. If you don't care, most ghosts will walk around you.

But most ordinary people don't know it, and even if they know it, they can't control themselves not to think about it, not to be afraid.

Being able to control one's emotions is already far beyond ordinary people. Are there many people like this?
Even some players can't do it?

"Your chicken feet!"

When it was her turn, the middle-aged uncle didn't know why he didn't leave, but stayed aside and watched.

Xia Miaomiao didn't bother to pay attention to him, picked up the food box handed out from the window, and couldn't wait to open it to take a bite...

"Go back and open it again!"

said the person in the window.

"The tube is really wide!"

Xia Miaomiao didn't agree, and pretended to open the food box. The person inside was anxious, stretched out his arm from the window, covered the food box, and shouted: "I said go back and open it!"

Xia Miaomiao frowned, looking at the hand covering the box... no, it should be the claw.

It's a bit like a devil's claw, skinny and skinny, similar to the bird's claw of some kind of raptor. She didn't expect that someone who was not afraid of death would really mess with her head. Looking at the arm, it might be two meters long protruding from it. ?

[Ding, found the scene of the devil ceremony]

【Ding, you inadvertently broke into the scene of a demon ceremony, what would you do? 】

Bad [Ding, break the ceremony site, justice points +5, eradicate the big devil who makes waves, justice value +10, order value +5, san value -3]

Xia Miaomiao wasn't surprised at all, and didn't regard the sudden prompts as the same as the online ones.

She said, "Let go!"

As soon as the words fell, a gorgeous cloak unfolded behind her, outlined with a little bit of aura, dressed in the costume of an elf ranger, her figure was raised, her ears became pointed and elongated, like a Hulk transforming, and there was an online 7 in an instant score similarity.

The claw retracted like lightning, and the voice became flattering, "Hehe, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, you can just treat my words as farting..."

Xia Miaomiao just opened the food box and picked up a boneless chicken paw inside. In her vision, she seemed to see a toothless old lady wriggling her mouth and spitting out a chicken paw full of saliva.

"Ah, courting death!"

With a sound of "Boom!", the shop seemed to be concentrated by missiles, the sales window exploded, and the people in line fled in all directions. Xia Miaomiao, who was carrying a longbow, jumped in.

"It's bad luck for you to mess with my aunt!"

There is a kitchen inside, divided into several groups. A few toothless old ladies are sitting beside a pile of chicken feet that have not been defrosted. On the floor, wriggling his mouth, he spat out the boned chicken feet.

Seeing Xia Miaomiao rushing in, they opened their toothless mouths and smiled cheerfully at her.

On the other side is the sauce for chicken feet. There are several big pots, and a few big men wearing only the lower body are stirring the pot with big shovels. There are everything in the pot, as well as scorpions, rats, etc. floating on it. Lemon, cilantro, stuff like that.

Xia Miaomiao almost vomited when she saw it.

It is written on the front wall that the authentic net red boneless lemon chicken feet are completely hygienic and delicious.

There was a secret door under the wall, which was wide open. Xia Miaomiao broke in, and suddenly it was a narrow passage.

The passage is connected with the interior of a hotel. In the lobby on the first floor, a nondescript altar is arranged. A group of panicked old and young people hurriedly covered their faces when they saw him barge in.

There was a man in black robes on the altar, who was misunderstood when he saw Xia Miaomiao...

Xia Miaomiao hit the head with an arrow and nailed the man to the wall. A puff of black smoke came out, and the man turned into a big mouse, struggling on the wall chattering.

It's all a mess...

Offline is really...

No demon player was found, but Xia Miaomiao couldn't be bothered. She scanned the crowd with her eyes, pointed her bow and arrow obliquely, and locked on a girl who looked harmless to humans and animals.

"It's all said to be a misunderstanding, why are you still relentless!"

The girl stepped forward and began to transform under Xia Miaomiao's lock.

big devil.

"Why do you want to hurt people!" Xia Miaomiao yelled.

"Harming someone, who is it? You can't eat it to death!", the devil player was still quibbling.

"Looking for death!" Xia Miaomiao's eyes sharpened, and the arrow turned into a beam of light and shot out.

With one arrow shot, the environment in the hotel lobby changed, the mist was filled with rust color, and 'monsters' howled and rushed towards her.

"You actually used people to refine monsters!!"

"Jie Jie Jie, mind your own business!"

If it is online, how many big demons are not enough to reach the corner of Xia Miaomiao's clothes, but this is offline, how much ability to bring back to reality depends entirely on luck, some people are willing to 'discover' their abilities offline, and often go to the offline Offline training, so the ability to bring back reality is stronger and more. Some people are all online, and the time to wake up offline is only a handful, so even if he is very strong online, he may not be far behind in level and combat power. people below him.

Xia Miaomiao belonged to the latter situation. She never thought that she would encounter such a situation offline. Facing the oncoming monsters, she was a little at a loss for a while, and could only instinctively escape from the monsters' pursuit.

Fortunately, her agility is astonishing. These monsters transformed from humans are not the same as their online counterparts. After a few dangerous dodges, she gradually found the feeling and began to relax.

Avoiding the blows of monsters like taking a walk, looking for the real body of the great demon parasitic in the monsters... Unexpectedly, I have never fought against demon players online, but I have met offline.

"You hid the devil's contract in the chicken feet, didn't you?"


"You purposely catered to some kind of conjecture and created mysterious attributes!"

"Jie Jie, you want to use this method to find me? Dreaming!"

"This is reality, not online, you are too much."

"The police don't care, you care about me!"

"They are people, they are people, are you crazy?"

"There's so much nonsense, I tell you, before I became a player, I..."

Got you!

The arrow that had been held in his hand was shot out.

Among the monsters, a monster with a distorted and swollen figure, like an obese monster in a horror game, was suddenly stunned, stunned by the shooting brilliance, and a sarcoid on his forehead wriggled crazily, wanting to be killed by it. Get out before the arrow pierces through.

However, the arrow was too fast, and it carried an inexplicable and unexplainable 'aura'. Time seemed to be suspended. He could only watch helplessly as the parasitic monster was pierced, and the arrow attached The energy invaded his body all the way.


The great demon lost contact with the monster, and could not let other monsters share the damage. A bright red -341 damage value floated above his head. The parasitic monster exploded, and a large number of squirming and trembling pieces of flesh were joined together to form a big demon. image of.

"Wait a moment……"

Another arrow hit the big devil's forehead. Afterwards, Xia Miaomiao realized that this was not online and could not be revived.

But it's too late.

Naturally, the home of the illusion run by the great demon could not be maintained, so he went back to the altar in the hotel lobby, surrounded by struggling and mourning 'believers', a corpse of a great demon was nailed to the wall by arrows made of emerald green branches , the boss with the devil's eyes staring, has lost its brilliance.


The slight discomfort quickly faded away. What should these people do? Xia Miaomiao didn't pay attention.

[Ding, successfully destroyed the scene of the demon conversion ceremony]

[Ding, justice value +10, order value +5, san value -3]

"Leave it to me here!"

Xia Miaomiao turned around and saw that it was the middle-aged uncle outside.

"you are?"

"Special Disposal Unit 2!"

The middle-aged uncle showed his ID and said to himself, "Thanks, it saved me a lot of effort."


A few more people followed in, all of whom were queuing outside just now.

"Old Li, we are not sure about dealing with this guy, thank you very much."

said another person who came in.

Obviously they are all players.

[Ding, the fog is rampant, the monsters are haunting, offline order, ethics, morality, and law are facing unprecedented challenges. As the saying goes, with great power comes great responsibility, and the Special Disposal Bureau came into being. 】

[Ding, now you have the opportunity to join the Special Disposal Bureau and take on this sacred and glorious responsibility]

[Ding, join the Special Disposal Bureau Justice value +50, Order value +35, San value -10]

"There is a mission!?" The third person who came in asked with a smile, "Do you want to join us?"

Xia Miaomiao nodded.

"Don't take that seriously. Of course, we welcome a powerful expert like you to join us... Hey, he single-handedly overturned a demon altar. This guy is about to condense a monster. Tsk tsk, if you don't mind, let me tell you Level combat power online?"

Xia Miaomiao: "I am a level five occupation"

"Wow, Yukong? No wonder, no wonder!"

"If there is nothing else, leave it to us!" the middle-aged uncle said politely.

Xia Miaomiao shrugged, turned and left.

"Whether you join or not, I have to advise you, don't spend all your time online, you should also exercise offline, it's good for you!"


“Our office is located on the 3rd floor of People’s Square and Worker Culture and Sports Center, it’s easy to find”


Recalling this, Xia Miaomiao picked up the food box and put it on the computer table. The online celebrity lemon boneless chicken feet inside seemed to be untouched. The meat was full, the soup was rich, and it exuded a faint lemon fragrance...

Who sent it?
Is this the so-called SAN value?
(End of this chapter)

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