This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 549 Conversation

Chapter 549 Conversation
"...I don't know who sent the chicken feet in the end. It's disgusting. My good memories have been tarnished like this. My chicken feet, this is one of the few hobbies I have."

"Come on, you have so many hobbies, what are chicken feet?"

"Xiaoyu, I'm telling you something serious. How did it become like this offline? I...I don't know how to describe it. I feel chaos everywhere, and I don't know what's in the mist..."

"The fog is a mystery, and it is also the diffraction of human consciousness and subconsciousness. Whatever is in a person's mind, there is something in the fog, so the fog cannot be eradicated unless people can control their own thoughts, which is obviously impossible."

"...Some people say that we are the ones who caused the fog?"

"That's right, the...factors that players and tourists bring back from the line give people's minds a...crutch that affects reality. Consciousness can be separated from matter to affect and interfere with reality."

"Your offline research institute is just studying the fog, right?"


"How about it, can you tell me?"

"Our analysis shows that now is just a prologue, and there may not be a fog in the future, but a precipitated, more... dimensional thing than the fog."

"What is it?"

"It may be the air, it may be the soil, it may be animals and plants... In short, the environment has changed, and people must learn to adapt"

"What if you can't adapt?"

"...what did you say?"

"It's too cruel, can you go back to the past?"

"Impossible, starting from the 6th test, the result is already doomed."

"Oh, I don't want to be like this offline. I can't tell the difference between online and offline. I still like offline to be simpler. Every time I go offline, I can relax. This is good. It’s more tense and weird offline than online, what’s the matter.”

"That's it... Long distances are expensive."

"Anyway, I'll pay and talk about two gold coins."

"You really... what else do you want to know?"

"Have you been certified as a senior alchemist yet?"

"just came down"

"Or Mitsuba?"


"Wow, wow, you must be richer than me now, and you still want me to pay for long-distance calls? What a deduction"

"A lot of money is earned, and a lot of money is spent. There are too many secrets hidden in the ancient battlefield. I feel a little sorry for letting the gang bear it, so I pay for it myself."

"I heard that you also paid for the Mage Tower?"

"Well, this way the property rights are clear and save trouble in the future."

"Wow, Mage Tower, you actually have your own Mage Tower"

"A small tower with 7 floors without an element pool"

"That's embarrassing enough..."

"It's time, 2 gold coins!"

"So fast? I can't talk, it's too expensive, you have to pay for the next call, once a month, at least!"

"Got it, hang up!"

After finishing the long-distance communication with the best friend, the players in the long-distance communication formation pool of a certain player gang city looked at her as if they were looking at rich money, chatting and chatting with expensive long-distance communication formations, what is the point of this? With the level of talent, they can talk about several gold coins at a time. This really challenges the cognitive limits of these working dogs.

Especially for some 8 test newcomers, silver coins are already a huge sum of money for them. You must know that the current currency value is not the same as before. The system does not give it, and the players are stingy in private servers. .

A group of old hats, cut!

Chatting with her buddies made Xia Miaomiao feel as if she had returned to the past, and her mood became relaxed and happy, as if she had returned to the postgraduate period of the four and five tests.

She was humming a song and was about to leave, but when she got to the door, she remembered that she forgot to say something serious just now.

Xia Miaomiao slapped her forehead, then went back to reactivate the long-distance communication circle, and called the guard city in the extreme north. After several transfers, she reconnected to the mage tower of her best friend.

"What are you doing, I'm experimenting"

"I forgot to say just now, I sent you something, remember to sign for it"


"Good stuff, I got it from the star field battlefield, if you find it useful, make it into equipment for me, and keep the useless one for yourself"


That's how it's all said and done.

Half an hour later, she came to the busiest place in the city, picked a place facing the street on the second floor of a tavern, ordered a blue-quality set meal, and drank the unique red leaf wine while waiting for someone .

"Boss, do you want to listen to the ditty?"

A first-level professional player who looked like a bard came up to talk obsequiously, followed by two elves, half-naked, with bronze tendon flesh, but their faces were dull.


Xia Miaomiao's word froze the bard's smile.

After sending the pimp away, Xia Miaomiao yawned. At this time, there was a burst of music playing and singing in the private room next door, as well as the characteristic panting and whispering of the half-orc catwoman.

——What the hell is this place!

In a blink of an eye, I saw a line of several carriages parked at the entrance of the business across the street. Under the attentive service of two doormen who greeted customers, a middle-aged man in low-key clothes and...his family members came down.

There are family members, of course there are servants, there are groups of maidservants, old maids and middle-aged servants to block the sight of outsiders-these are all players.

Looking at the streets, there are all kinds of industries, especially the "service industry", which is really booming. It seems that all offline industries have moved online. Players and tourists are considered to be "integrated", but the integration is too thorough. I completely forgot that it was still wartime, and there was such a thing as a war cruiser angel.

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that there are no local dog strongholds around the city. Those who are ambitious, or those who want to develop their main business and make meritorious deeds, all go to the front line.
"A small sapling, right? I am Iron Army"

A level 49 shocker sat opposite Xia Miaomiao, a human being, a paladin, but you could tell by the badge he was wearing that he was a bastard.

Believe in Artemis, the god of protection and records?

Xia Miaomiao has never heard of the temple with this person, a system deity with a very low sense of existence, naturally has the fewest things, and naturally has the lowest requirements, so it has become the first choice of some 'bastards'.

"Hello, Director Iron."

"Don't use the offline name are Yukong, and it is not easy to be promoted to a level 5 profession. Many of my colleagues are stuck on the promotion task."

"It's just luck."

"You're being humble... let's get down to business."

Tie Jun looked at Yukong in front of him, and remembered the information he had read before going online, a small sapling...

To be honest, it is difficult to connect the little girl in the resume with the Gao Wan in front of her. The growth of the other party is amazing, not just online.

Putting away his complicated thoughts, he organized his language a little bit, "I heard that you intend to join us?"

"Well, I find it interesting"

"What do you know about us?"

"Not many, you are the men in black who guard the offline order, a group of silently dedicated law enforcement officers."

"Any more?"

"I don't know anything else."

" a man in black?" Tie Jun used her words.

"very cool"

"I want to hear your real thoughts."

"Well, I think this can exercise myself and help launch an impact on level 6 occupations."

"Level 6 occupation!?" Tie Jun frowned. He didn't understand the fifth-level occupation, but the sixth-level occupation?
It's not that there are no level 5 occupations in the national team, but no one knows the promotion requirements of level 5 occupations. Even if there are materials, they are top secrets that he cannot access. He has to make a huge contribution to get promotions in positions and secret levels.

As for the level 6 occupation, at least the original national team has not yet been born. It is said that Yu Kong, the highest level, is already level 59, and has been stuck on the level 60 level 6 occupation for a long time.

It was the result of concentrating the manpower, material resources and wisdom of the national team. One can imagine how difficult it is for ordinary people to become a level 6 professional on their own.

"What is the title of a level 6 occupation?" Tie Jun's mind was running fast, and he used gossip to delay thinking.



Extraordinary, out of the dust, Lingjue, shocking, Yukong, Huntian...

The system is really thorough with the use of doctrine, but why can't it be accommodated in other aspects, and it is getting stronger and stronger.

"Do you think that offline...experience will help you break through to level 6 occupation?"

"I don't know, that's how I feel."

"Tell me?"

"Feel sorry!"

"Understand, understand!"

Just like Yu Kong of the national team, professional promotion is a very sensitive matter, so you can say it or not, let alone let insignificant people know, it seems that this will increase the difficulty of their promotion?
Anyway, it's divine.

In this way, Xia Miaomiao's motives are very clear.

As an investigator, Tie Jun fully understood, and in his heart he was already inclined to recruit Xia Miaomiao to join the special disposal team, but...

"Am I not qualified?"

"No, you know we were all internally selected in the first place"

"National team"

"The fog continues. It is impossible for our people to handle all abnormal events. It will be a matter of time to absorb people like you... Well, I can accept you as a peripheral member first. If there is a suitable task, I will To inform you, you have a probationary period, not to test your ability, but..."

"Worried I'm a spy, or..."

"No, do you know the SAN value?"

"Uh... the system has prompted you."

"To put it simply, the Great Fog will affect everyone's consciousness, causing everyone's emotions to evolve to extremes unconsciously. Do you understand what I mean?"

"……don't know!"

"That is to say, it makes you sensitive, irritable, anxious, and fearful. To a certain extent, you will do some extreme things. The SAN value is to measure the progress of a person being affected and assimilated in the fog. Its The higher the value, the harder it is for people to control themselves. Control their desires, emotions, and behaviors. At the most serious level, there will be a certain degree of variation, and the variation will be deep. A mysterious core will be born, we call it a strange thing, which can affect the fog and even control the fog within a certain range, collect people's emotions, affect the group's understanding within a certain range, and even distort some phenomena, results and laws!"

"...Why is this happening?"

"I can't finish explaining it for three days and three nights. You just need to remember that the higher the SAN value, the more dangerous it is."

"Well, I get it, how much is my SAN worth, how do you look at it?"

"Your is very low... I'll talk about this later. Also, there will often be offline mission reminders similar to online ones. Don't pay attention to them. They may be tricks, or they may be... In short, don't compare them to online ones. Don’t pay too much attention to the connection with the system, let alone follow its prompts, absolutely, absolutely!”

"I didn't take it seriously."

"That's good."

The two chatted well, and the atmosphere was good. Xia Miaomiao didn't mind being a peripheral member of the special disposal team, as long as she could take on the task.

Without this peripheral identity, she still needs to find abnormal events to deal with by herself, which is a waste of time, and besides, she can't run into them every time.

"You'd better go offline once every two days. I'm talking about the game time. After you go offline, pay attention to the package delivery... By the way, there are lanterns. You must remember that you must bring lanterns when you go out. Don't overdo it and think that you are the only one. Being able to come and go freely in the mist, many people have stumbled on this, I don't want to hear the news that you have become a monster one day."

"The mist... is poisonous, right? For a normal person with a very low SAN value?"

"It can be said to be poisonous, chronic and fatal poison, whatever you want to understand."


"Your lantern will be delivered in two days, as well as some of our internal materials, how many departments, our responsibilities and obligations, and of course the treatment and benefits..."

After chatting for more than two hours, the two separated.

Xia Miaomiao was very satisfied with this meeting and let her know many things.

In this catastrophic 'climate' sweeping the world, the offline officials did not just accept it. They did a lot of things, trying hard to restore order, find the cause of the great fog and solve it.

But all such efforts failed.

Afterwards, the official disposal plans of various countries were different, but they all began to think of ways to adapt to the existence of the Great Fog, study its mechanism, find out its laws, and even turn harm into treasure, using it and the "fog" that suddenly spread around the world Infinite quality', click on another kind of 'technology tree', some researches can be described as rapid progress, even achieved things that could not be done before the fog.

But for ordinary people, the Great Fog is definitely a major disaster. The sudden change of the natural environment has forced the flowers, fruits and plants accustomed to the greenhouse to face the wind and rain. Gardeners can no longer provide them with thoughtful protection. Ethics can no longer create a safe haven for them.

Out of responsibilities and obligations, as well as the need to save the world, most ordinary people must receive a certain degree of protection, basic material supplies, and basic security guarantees, and special disposal bureaus in various places have emerged as the times require.

——We are not doctors, let alone policemen, we are just a group of people who help the people relieve their 'pain'!
Tie Jun explained to Xia Miaomiao in this way.

——In the end, they still have to rely on themselves!

Tie Jun's tone was both melancholy and hopeful.

(End of this chapter)

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