This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 550 The Heart of the Titan

Chapter 550 The Heart of the Titan
In a city that is about to fall, in front of the last steadfast castle, on the ground and the city full of corpses, Viscount Venerson howled, and swung the long sword in his hand with a long trace of energy, as if sweeping across The coming long whip cut the air all the way, and with a huge whistling sound, it struck a thin figure.

Xia Miaomiao's figure was divided into two, and the two pieces withered like a mosaic. The real body was revealed on the roof tens of meters away. The bowstring was released without any smoke, and the continuous arrow light was like rain Drown Viscount Venus.

In an instant, the sudden burst of fire was like fireworks, Viscount Venerson howled, and Xia Miaomiao rushed like a bull, repeating the confrontation between them.

Taking advantage of the simple shooting range, Xia Miaomiao remained invincible. When he let go of the bowstring for the fourth time, the defensive halo on Viscount Venerson's body finally collapsed. The damage value of his body rose like a waterfall, and finally stopped at three huge damage values.
261, -332, -1097!

"Boom!" Viscount Venerson, who was pierced by a meteor and nailed to the gate by an arrow, coughed, with a mouthful of blood mixed with broken pieces of internal organs, his vitality was passing away rapidly, and his eyes were full of nostalgia for life .

Finally, he fumbled for the pendant on his chest tremblingly, murmured a few times, and passed away forever!
The fall of a sky knight seemed to mark the end of the war, but the time gained by Viscount Venerson also allowed the night priests hiding in the castle behind them to successfully open a summoning door by sacrificing their lives.

When the tide of players rushed into the castle, searching excitedly, a giant Titan was struggling to break free from the portal. As soon as his huge body touched the outside air, it caused the lightning element in the air to explode. resonance.


Thick dark clouds appeared in the sky, sparks of electric sparks appeared inexplicably in the air, and the "electric field" that comes with the Titan has the power of almost a domain. Players who are shrouded in everything have entered the negative state of continuous electric shock and continued to lose blood. At the same time, the body is also continuously paralyzed and weak.

"Back, get out!"

"Okay, okay, Mr. Sapling, let's rest in the camp for a few days."

Sending the scarred green dragon back to Long Island, the helper of the Knights of Guns and Roses looked pained, and what made him even more painful was that the captured city was in ruins, and he organized people to clean it up overnight.

"Cough cough cough..."

How can it be seen everywhere like the Chinese cabbage in geography?

The war patrol angel is the sword of Darmos hanging above his head. Such a big movement must have alarmed the birdmen. The players cleaned up all night and retreated at Qingming.


After Xia Miaomiao went back, she received a huge welcome. The players were amazed by Yukong's strength. This is a level 68 boss, a miracle species. There are players who can fight him one-on-one, and there are still exchanges?

That's a level 6 job.

Xia Miaomiao believed that the other party would not cross the river and tear down the bridge before the meritorious service was obtained, but she was disappointed that there were no items needed for a level 6 occupation on the cargo list.

The special arrow was put on the bowstring and pulled away very slowly. During this process, the titan roared, and the thunder and lightning bombarded her changing direction like a falling jungle.

This arrow is carved like a spar. The arrow feathers are made of emerald green leaves, the arrow tip is made of some kind of strange teeth, and the body of the arrow is carved with cumbersome magic lines. Holding it in your hand is more like a work of art than killing people. weapon.

"Then I'll wait another two days."

Titans, according to legend, have the bloodlines of ancient demon gods. Every adult titan has the ability not inferior to an adult dragon, but unfortunately, this powerful intelligent life has now been reduced to the collection of the gods, and the outside world has no more. Traces of the Titan's activities are gone.

Wisdom has also left this powerful life, and now what stands in front of the player is a complete war machine.

One hall master said, "This time, we might lose money if we don't do it right."

"Just 5 minutes!"

A violent explosion was produced, red-white flames and tangled electric lights swayed all over the sky, and a small mushroom cloud rose from where the Titan was.

"If I knew it earlier, I would have agreed to Long Island's conditions. Now it's over. Long Island's side didn't save, and here..."

Xia Miaomiao was a distinguished guest, and lived in the largest marching tent undisturbed, reviewing the gains and losses of the battle with the Titans, like a practitioner without being surprised.

"The system prompts that it is still analyzing."

It doesn't matter if you have money or not, as long as you spend enough, the collections in the Earth Dog Castle, as well as the treasures accumulated by searching the surrounding resource points... I don't know if there are any things needed to be promoted to a level 6 profession.

They are all in charge of a lot of things, and everyone has been busy for several days without seeing him.

All directions in all directions were blocked by the grid, Xia Miaomiao had no escape, no matter how agile she was, she couldn't dodge this attack, she could only rush through a thick hole before the grid formed.

In the end, the giant titan fell under the breath of the green dragon, and Xia Miaomiao also received an upgrade reminder and a huge amount of contribution and reputation points as she wished.

He has four arms, one holding a mace, one holding a shield, and the other two hands tightly clasped. Four eyes are lined up on his forehead, and each eye can cast a powerful spell like a beholder. Spell-like abilities.

at last!

"Don't talk about it!", Mr. Helping Pig is also upset, "Who made us not have our own fifth-level occupation?"

Tai Tan was enraged, he roared and hit the air in front of him with a hammer, "Crack!", followed by an electric light illuminating the night sky, a thick electric light, like a giant python ejected, spread in an instant Get out a grid.

A giant titan lifted the steeple of the castle and jumped to stand on the ruins of the castle.

The angry patrolling angels attacked the surrounding players' territory for several days in a row, spreading blood and fire into the player's territory, but the players have been broken into pieces and hid in various deep underground fortresses.

Xia Miaomiao, whose blood tank was half down, let go of the bowstring, and suddenly, a small sun radiated out.


Although it is impossible to win, it is already incredible to be able to form a stalemate and retreat completely. Recall that when the all-out war just broke out, players were defeated for thousands of miles in front of these miracle arms, let alone back and forth. Can't even handle a big move.

On the ground, the patrolling angels are still wreaking havoc, but the underground camp is indeed celebrating.

The level 68 Titan system is marked with a dark red color, and the players shouted one after another, both nervous and excited, obviously no strangers to this thing.

"How many minutes?"

How long has it been since?

The Knights of Guns and Roses didn't care about this, it was a red prop!
Let Xia Miaomiao choose between the bonus worth hundreds of platinum and this red item.

This waited for a few days until the analysis result of the system.

Xia Miaomiao's figure appeared in the airspace where the Titan was level. She didn't summon a mount. With her 'passivity', she gained the ability to walk on the ground at low altitude. She drew a bow and arrow at the Titan, which was obviously hostile. The move as expected attracted the attention of the Titans.

Without a level [-] job, there is no solution to the previous situation. No matter how many players are involved, this is the pain point of most gangs.

Five minutes later, the same summoning gate opened in the player's camp, and a green dragon teleported from Dragon Island replaced the exhausted Xia Miaomiao.

The alliance with Rose, the queen of spiders, gave the players a safe rear. Until the end, the patrolling angels failed to find the murderer, and could only leave sadly on the fourth day.

A faint shadow escaped from the 'fishing net' like a fish, and with electric sparks crackling all over its body, it shattered several doubles one after another, before Xia Miaomiao's real body appeared on a roof.

When Titans are recovered by the system, there will be a process of analysis. After the analysis, the species of Titans will be highlighted by the system. In the future, a new category will appear in the Merit Store - Titans, for powerful gang cities to use for gangs Summon copy.

Population is the premise of everything. The population of the earth dog territory is notoriously large. They can search it from the civilized world without worrying about the lack of manpower.

The backbone of the Gun and Rose Knights came out with smiling faces, and they all looked sad when they left Xia Miaomiao's sight.

The carnival to celebrate the victory lasted for several days, and the residents of the underground world also came to join in the fun. The dark elf drow opened many shops in the camp, and the dissolute drow priests and priests mingled with the players. All kinds of gray dwarves and lizardmen , Werewolves and other servants are also a scene in the camp.

Xia Miaomiao didn't notice this, the green dragon and the titan were raging in the sky, the aftermath of the battle couldn't stand in the city at all, the players were forced to retreat outside the city, waiting for the outcome.

This is the last hope.

There was a lot of chatter, and the faces were full of sorrow, but when they got outside, they looked like majestic big shots, surrounded by their own people and separated.

It depends on when the patrolling angels leave to accept the villages and towns of the aborigines.

First and foremost is population.

The castle collapsed, the streets were destroyed, and the places they passed were in ruins. A large number of innocent players and tourists turned into white light. Let alone participating, ordinary players could not guarantee their own safety even if they stayed on the periphery.

Xia Miaomiao was not going to escape, she stood firm on a precarious steeple, a dragon chant sounded behind her, the longbow in her hand turned into a dragon head, the dragon's mouth opened, and it was a breath.

The leader of the Gun and Beauty Knights screamed in the channel with a distorted voice, and the players fled out of the castle in embarrassment at a faster speed than rushing in.

It was so 'slow', but it traveled through the space in an instant and touched the titan's chest.

The emerald green branches and leaves all over the sky were strangled by the electric light, leaving only a bleak greenness. Facing such a powerful enemy, Xia Miaomiao took a deep breath, and slowly pulled out a solid arrow with her right hand.

The helper of the Knights of Guns and Roses was afraid that she would misunderstand, so he quickly explained that before the fall of the castle, the cunning Viscount Venerson had sent away the most valuable materials. Many of these items on the manifest were not captured on the battlefield. It was their Knights who subsidized her.

Conquering the territory of the earth dog is only the first step, the second step is to digest, and after the digestion is completed, it is governance.

Level 6 occupation.

In fact, based on the current population base of players and tourists, this problem should have been solved long ago, but... the indigenous population is still easy to use, no matter how miserable the players and tourists are, it is impossible for players and tourists to be willing to do things for you Horses, some key positions, or use the indigenous population to rest assured.

"Where's Tai Tan's body?" Xia Miaomiao asked.

It's not her character to wait for the battle to end. When her physical strength recovers a little, she will join the battle group and fight side by side with the green dragon.

There was a strong unwillingness in her eyes, and the "powerlessness" of fighting against the Titans aggravated the obsession in her heart.

"What is the origin of this Yu Kong Ranger? Can you dig it?"

The fighting continued until nightfall.

At dawn, a meteor crossed the sky, and the four-winged war patrol angel arrived, only to see the destroyed cities and castles, and all valuable things, including the corpses of the titans, were recovered by the system.

The skies above the castle are now ruled by a green dragon and a titan.

Xia Miaomiao looked at the only red item she had seen so far, with hesitation on her face. This is not a material, not an equipment, nor a formula. How to use it, the system prompts that there is only one name.

She struggled to pull out her body from the ruins, first poured a bottle of high-grade sun water, and pulled back the blood that had bottomed out and was still bleeding. The figure flashed, and the next moment, a huge fist smashed on the ruins.

The other hall master felt sorry for the things he had just given to Xia Miaomiao: "I don't like things worth a few hundred platinum."

"pass it to me!"

This is the first Titan captured by the system, and the reward for the first kill is generous, it depends on what the system parses out.

"Is it possible for Yukong to dig casually?
"People have long been freed from gang constraints, do you think that Yukong will stay in one place?"

Looking at the experience bar, level 56 is just around the corner. After the victory in this battle, a viscount dog's stronghold will be captured, and the well-developed farmland outside the city will fill the Knights of the Gun and Roses. According to the prior distribution agreement, she A huge sum of money will be earned.

There was another loud bang, and the titan with a big hole in his chest shot up furiously, chasing after the bug that caused him great pain and injury, his two tightly clenched arms opened wide, and his two huge palms were in the air. In the middle of the hug, two air walls visible to the naked eye surrounded the left and right, blocking the escape routes in two directions.

At the entrance to the dungeon of the Knights of Guns and Roses, a camp built in an underground cave, Xia Miaomiao held a long list of goods and raised her eyebrows and said, "That's all?"

This blow also made Xia Miaomiao fall into a weak state. She was shaking and was sent flying tens of meters away by the strong shock wave. She smashed countless things along the way, and was finally stopped by a wall.

In fact, this is the normal situation.

"Master Sapling, can you delay for a few minutes?"

"We can't afford to dig it up, forget it, forget it."

"Titan Heart?"

single choice.

Xia Miaomiao chose this thing without hesitation.

"Heart of Titan? Bring it here and let me see it for you!"

So, Xia Miaomiao set off for the extreme north the next day, with the heart of a titan, her trust in her buddies, and her expectations for the level 6 profession [Huntian].

(End of this chapter)

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