Chapter 551 Traveling Thousands of Miles
From south to north, more than 1000 kilometers away, if you go all out, you can reach the Imperial Guard City in half a month.

In fact, being able to arrive within 2 months is already extremely smooth.

Along the way, there are countless towns of players and dogs, forests, swamps, mountains, lakes, and even snow-capped mountains. There are too many situations that are not in the plan, and it will take time to deal with them.

Moreover, you can't go there in a straight line. Some places can be teleported, but some places need to detour. Xia Miaomiao's map has not been updated for a long time, so let's take this opportunity to sort it out and take a look. The latest war situation.

On the first day's journey, she came to a 'ghost city' where players and local dogs 'mixed'.

What is a ghost market?

It's just that the bosses on both sides don't agree, but the actual needs and interests make players and local dogs secretly sit together and trade together.

It is possible to teleport here, whether it is to go to the player's town or the stronghold of the earth dog, it is very convenient. Needless to say, the player's town, the stronghold of the earth dog can also come and go freely, which is naturally part of the black market transaction.

Here, Xia Miaomiao knew for the first time that there is still a way to 'disguise' as an earth dog, that is, to shave off a piece of hair on the back of the head, engrave a pocket magic circle that conceals the 'breath' of the spacewalker, and then hold the The 'identity certificate' obtained from the black market, disguised as an adventurer from the indigenous world, can come and go freely in the stronghold of the native dogs.

If it is said that the local dogs are not capable of monitoring all aspects, it is understandable that there is such a loophole to take advantage of. It is too wrong for the system on the player's side to have such a 'loophole'. Maybe... this is the default of the system?

The next 'flight' was still a few hours away anyway.

If the magic power circuit unit is used less, it is not easy to cause detection methods specially designed for this kind of camouflage, especially the patrol angel.

Adrian County.

Since it is a place that is not visible to people, the cover-up work is naturally in place. From the outside, it looks like an ordinary forest. After entering, the forest can be seen to the end at a glance... Where is the so-called ghost city?
The thief of the Knights of the Gun and Roses who was in charge of this "trade route" smiled mysteriously, and knocked in the void between the two crooked-neck trees, and there were two crisp sounds.

Barony of Moloch.


In contrast, the player side is relatively simple, there is a system that exists everywhere and seems to never exist, but there is no such thing as "dead friends will not die poor people". Players are captured, simply commit suicide, and are captured The problem is not serious, but more in terms of money, material, and props.

This is an ability that is envied by the majority of natives, and the source of this ability—the system, and the long-disappeared main thread NPC Ramsfier Bei Gaoyang, has become an existence that is almost an evil god.

It's okay to be recycled by the system, but what about those guys who have some status and just want to come to the battlefield to be gilded?
If they are unlucky and captured, their families naturally want to redeem them. With this black market, both sides have channels to obtain what they need, and naturally everyone is happy.

Of course, the rumors that can be heard by her are very self-explanatory. Whether it is "the wind and water" or the swollen face to make a fat man, or the rumors deliberately released by the natives to lure a powerful space wader like her to come to her own home. It is possible to cast a net.

There are things, and there are people.

After staying for two days, it was another time to watch the flowers on horseback, but Xia Miaomiao felt that the harvest was not bad.

Skywalkers naturally have various legends in the middle and lower classes, and the most widespread one is of course immortality.

Players in this place have a hard time surviving, and there will naturally be matching rewards and benefits. The system's investment in these 'guerrilla areas' is very objective. Missions and meritorious rewards.

The division of occupations is just a little different from the system, the difference in value is understandable, and there are rules to follow, such as forging, sewing, gathering, smelting, alchemy, enchanting... etc. By the way, there is also the Adventurer's Guild.

Some attention made Xia Miaomiao very uncomfortable and disgusting, but the 'realism' different from the player's city diluted the discomfort.

Back to the topic.

Adventurers can be farmers or aristocrats. They are more likely to be professionals with extraordinary abilities. Farmers have adventure tasks for farmers, and nobles have adventure tasks for nobles. possible.

Looking at players from the perspective of the natives is a very new thing. Xia Miaomiao stayed in this city for two days, and it was just a taste, and she saw a lot of problems.

A chief of the Earl who was in charge of the teleportation formation was alarmed, and immediately rushed to serve these extraordinary people attentively, but there was a noble moon elf among these extraordinary, which surprised the chief very much.

No, it actually used various "scientific" principles such as vision, light, refraction, space composition, and camouflage colors to hide the entrance of a compressed space to such an extent while avoiding the use of magic circuit units as much as possible. .

The pass was also very easy to handle, and Xia Miaomiao soon had the identity of an elf adventurer from the Kingdom of Renault, and a native dog name of Christina Van Crocker.

The fear, hesitation, and misery brought about by the brutal war only become more intense here. This is fundamentally different from the player city. Misery, howling, despair, and even numbness are rare among players, or even none at all.

Depression is everywhere.

Aboriginal populations also have secret beliefs and ritual systems.

In the indigenous world, almost all legends and stories are related to adventurers. The stories of Seven Fairies and Dong Yong are similar here. Bards are folk entertainers, and only the system recognizes those who do not have extraordinary abilities.

Xia Miaomiao didn't see oppression, persecution, or the tragic scenes of the people, who dared not speak out, but could feel the ubiquitous class division. Every aboriginal has an identity label, which is very difficult for them. The things that change are still on the front line. In war, it should be the place where class barriers are most likely to be broken, but there are still few examples of breaking through one's own class.

A farmer will always be a farmer, even if he is trained as a militia and makes meritorious deeds on the battlefield, he is still a farmer.

Or the cognitive difference of 'value' inside and outside the system.

You must know that in the civilized world, there are not many elves who can walk freely, let alone the moon elves with noble blood.

There are too many places that can be traded, and even strife, power struggles, and conspiracies among the local dogs can use this channel to make the air-wavers become knives in their hands...

The patrolling angels will come every few days, but they still can't change the situation of the baronie in this piece of land. Being in the vast sea of ​​skywalkers, it's like a flat boat that may be destroyed at any time.
Xia Miaomiao was deeply touched, never before.

From the perspective of the natives, it is incomprehensible for a farmer to become a knight, just like how could a duck become a swan, even if the duck has the ability to fly.

Compared with the player's city, this city is more 'dreary', and the order is much better. Everything is in good order, and it is itself a big barracks.

Elven adventurers are very 'valued' in the city of Tugou, and they are the focus of attention wherever they go. If Xia Miaomiao is not a professional with extraordinary power, I believe people will be more 'enthusiastic'.

Race is not a problem for players at all, but for indigenous people, there are various labels, which are associated with identity and rank, and are reflected in all aspects.

If the factor of belief is excluded, the space waders are similar to outsiders in concept, and if the language barrier is excluded, there will be no problem at all. I believe that if it is not for the upper ruling class, no one will be idle. For air waders How about these invaders.

For example, the works of art with special cultural connotations in the earth dog do not have any Extraordinary attributes. After the players capture them, they can only be piled up as sundries and moldy, or recycled by the system. The price of recycling is better than nothing.

While waiting for the teleportation to start, a fellow player came over to strike up a conversation. This person claimed to be on a business trip to the territory of the earth dog. It seemed that he was by no means the first one to lie down. When talking about the various specialties and taboos of the earth dog's territory, he was familiar with it. , he also said that he even pretended to be a dog and chased down players...

Because she had to hurry, she didn't stay in this black market for a long time, and what she saw was enough to be surprised. When she walked into the teleportation array and pointed at a large dog territory, she still had a little more to say.

She suddenly realized that Canaan was not a game. The so-called humanoid monsters were all living beings, and most of them were good people, just like her, someone's daughter, someone's wife, something the mother of man...

This magic circle does not affect the "reception of network signals". It is obviously designed by the experts in the earth dog for the air waders, and even considers the beauty, so it is as small as possible.

In the past two days, she witnessed a fire torture. The crime was to sacrifice to the evil god. This evil god is the main thread NPC. It can be seen that even the Church of the Earth Dog has elevated the main thread NPC to the height of a god.

With such a large local dog stronghold, the surrounding player territory has been 'cleared', but in the vast wilderness, the player has not disappeared, but has taken the route of 'surrounding the city from the countryside', pushing the enemy in guerrilla warfare into retreat, The strategy of the enemy retreating and advancing is very good. Every once in a while, there are dozens of collection teams sent out from various jurisdictions of the Earl of Cheng, sweeping back and forth, and implementing the real three-light policy, but those involved in the air are still Like Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death, the wild fire is endless, and the spring breeze blows and regenerates.

There has always been this voice of reflection, but she never thought about it deeply, until she was here, witnessing the misery of these people and numbness to this distant war with no hope of victory in sight.

It rarely happens that players are captured. Once encountering such an extreme situation, they can avoid it by going offline and giving up one free resurrection. The local dogs have not yet found a solution.

Secondly, the hatred for those who walk in the sky still stays at the upper level. For the vast middle and lower classes, the people who walk in the air are only enemies that the church and the nobles want to eliminate, nothing more.

This is the most similar institution in the system, and it is the only way for the natives to confuse their own class.

On the morning of the third day, her 'flight' arrived, and she set foot on the teleportation array, heading for an indigenous city in the north where the confrontation was more intense.

In the early morning, the teleportation array welcomed a group of guests from afar, all professionals.

Xia Miaomiao's eyes are not enough anymore, this place is too luxurious and lively, outside there is life and death, here is indeed a place of singing and dancing.

Entering through the open entrance of the void, one finds a passage hidden in the bushes and trees, which can accommodate two carriages side by side, and even draws a dotted and solid line pointing to traffic. There is an endless stream of oncoming vehicles, but everyone is happy. Cover your face.

The last is depression.

There are reasons for such prosperity.

No one here cares whether you are an air wader or an earth dog. Of course, the identities of the earth dogs are hidden and they all wear masks.

There really is no shortage of dirty deals out there, if the price is right.

With this in mind, Xia Miaomiao took the gun and the letter of introduction from the Knights of the Roses, escorted the spoils of the two carriages, and arrived here in the evening.

After the entrance was opened, Xia Miaomiao was amazed, illusion?

He thought it was the big man's collection, so he was even more respectful, and offered to let the moon elf ranger live in the Earl's inner castle, but she refused.

But in Tugou, it is indeed priceless.

At the end of the passage is an earth enclosure, half of which is occupied by players and half by earth dogs. This is really a veritable 'land of alienation', where the two opposing species of air waders and earth dogs live in harmony, and even hang shoulder to shoulder and call each other brothers.

The market is also very prosperous, business activities are frequent, and there are many adventurers from all over the world—by the way, communication is not a problem. In that black market, there are scrolls of [Language Proficiency] specially sold for skywalkers.

First of all, even in the 'enemy camp', the 'network signal' is still very good, no different from that in their own territory. This shows that the natives have no ability to block the signal of the system. I heard that the mighty power of the system aunt has spread to the civilized world, so some A player with abnormal brains, a black market, dressed in the skin of an aboriginal adventurer, traveled to the enemy's base camp, and it is said that it is still flourishing.

There is an auction house that has all kinds of items. Through the Knights of Guns and Roses, Xia Miaomiao obtained a 'pass' to the territory of the earth dog, and a magic circle was added on the back of the head to conceal the identity of the spacewalker.

What is fashionable on the side of the earth dog is the set of "scholars and bureaucrats who cannot be punished". Nobles and priests are captured, but they are not treated as captives. They can be exchanged for ransom. This is almost a hidden rule common in the mainland. It doesn't work anymore.

The city is just a wounded and sick camp, wailing everywhere, the camp is full of sewage, and the air is filled with the smell of rotting flesh.

She wandered around in this earl city, which was comparable to the main city of the system.

Others are more or less the same.

This place is already on the 'front line', fighting almost every day, patrolling angels visit daily, and the territory is full of wars.

Why does the system treat the natives of this world so cruelly?

Why did the indigenous gods target the group of spacefarers so much.

What are they... or their purpose, what are they pursuing?
Somewhere, Xia Miaomiao suddenly thought of the key to being promoted to a level 6 profession.

A promotion prompt that seemed nonsensical at first seemed to have an answer.

(End of this chapter)

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