Chapter 552 God Fire
"Level 6 occupations require a certain degree of understanding of the 'truth' of this occupation. Specifically for players, although they are not required to touch the application of the system at the level of laws, they also require their own understanding of the 'truth' and path of this occupation. understanding, forming their own stable 'style', different from other people's experience... This requires them to completely break away from the form of the player, to be self-reliant, to be a discoverer of rules, not a blind follower."

"So, it is very difficult for players. It not only requires them to have extraordinary aptitude, but also requires them to have extraordinary understanding. One in a million is not enough to describe, but with such a huge base, the birth of a level 6 or even higher It is a matter of course for a person with a high professional level, and I am full of confidence in this."

"Until the player is born with a real high-level profession, we will have the strength and capital to launch a counterattack. Don't be fooled by the good situation at this stage. The enemy is tired and tired, but the real enemy is one who doesn't know how to get tired and doesn't know how to retreat. of."

"I hope this day will come soon"

"Come on, give the players a little more time."

"I hope so... Well, I also hope that you can ignite the divine fire smoothly."

After finishing the monthly system inventory and sending Artemis away, Bei Gaoyang closed the door of the secret room, returned to sit cross-legged on the futon, was lost in thought for a moment, and closed his eyes.

After a long time of preparation and adjustment, today is finally the moment when we break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly.

If divinity is the beginning of transformation, then Shenhuo is the first condensation after transformation.

Divinity is the nature and attribute of gods, and divine fire is the heart and engine of gods.

What the engine produces or transforms is the purest, most powerful, and most lawful power in the universe—divine power.

Only by igniting the divine fire can one become a demigod, and the use of divine power instead of elemental elves is the fundamental difference between ordinary things.

Divine power is the purification and transformation of beliefs by Shenhuo, from large and scattered beliefs to specialized and refined ones.

As we all know, consciousness and soul are the foundation of mystical narratives. Collecting the convergence of ideas of all beings and controlling the convergence can change everything including the law.

Matter and spirit, and spirit controlling matter are the core rules of mystery, and the supremacy of divine power is determined by this core narrative.

The level, strength, and quantity of divine power are the yardsticks for judging whether a god is strong or not. Divine fire is endless, and divine power is endless. Once generated, it will never disappear. It will only be "silent", and gradually lose its "activity". .

So divine power is the passport to immortality.

But to ignite the divine fire, the biggest difficulty is the accumulation of divinity.

It takes a long time and tireless efforts, but this one is not a problem for Bei Gaoyang, who plays the role of magic net and hundreds of millions of players. The accumulation of divinity has been completed long ago, and he still has enough money to keep improving, far surpassing those outside the system. divine creature.

In fact, he could have ignited the divine fire a long time ago, but it has been delayed until now to eliminate the impurities of divinity and set a high standard for the composition of divinity. Of course, it is another aspect that he may be blocked by Heavenly Mountain at any time.

In the process of igniting the divine fire, Bei Gaoyang will temporarily lose his reaction to the outside world, so he needs to be foolproof.

Now he believes that all the conditions are met. The central hub of the magic net has survived several raids launched by Tiantang Mountain. Unless it is locked in place and the gods come out in full force, the magic net cannot be shaken at all. .

There is no problem with the magic net, and he will not be in any danger.

The risk from the highest level is minimized, the relationship within the magic net is gradually straightened out, the system temple is unprecedentedly stable, all the temples unanimously hope that he will ignite the divine fire as soon as possible, so that they can follow him, there is no such restriction.

The players and tourists of the 8th test are also on the right track. Since the total war, the content and style of the game that has changed drastically have almost adapted to it. The great fog offline will not affect the online. The 20-seat round table meeting gradually loses its authority to affect the online However, the offline entities of various countries were in a state of desperation because of the great fog, and they were most worried that they would bypass the magic net and contact the enemy, but it did not happen.

In this way, there is nothing wrong inside and outside, and there is harmony, which is a god-sent opportunity to ignite the divine fire.

"Then let's get started!"

At this point, Bei Gaoyang got rid of all distracting thoughts, and his mind suddenly sank into an indescribable depth. A huge net like a cosmic starry sky appeared, and countless electric sparks gathered in one place along the net.

Countless threads that are being processed or have been processed end, all the computing power is concentrated in one place, and the 'electric spark' aggregates into a huge light group, forming a divine brain, which resides at the core of the giant network.

In an instant, countless pictures appeared.

With players and tourists as the center of vision, countless definitions of magic nets and systems are extracted, used as fuel, and start to be compressed into light clusters, infinitely compressed.

At the beginning, the light cluster was like a star with a huge volume, but it was instantly compressed to the size of a sesame seed.

But this is not enough.

As a result, more pictures were generated, swirling and skimming through the important moments experienced by the magic net from its birth to the present, involving every sublimation and definition of the magic net to the system.

These fuels are added to prop up the volume of the flame, but the area is reduced under huge pressure. When the area and quality are compressed to a certain extent, 'collapse' occurs.

Like a black hole, devouring everything, no matter how much divinity it has, it cannot satisfy its appetite.

Bei Gaoyang began to feel strenuous and felt like being taken out of time, but he was unmoved, and invested the divinity he had accumulated so hard in batches, neither fast nor slow.

The black hole shows a huge appetite and greed, constantly 'urging' for more, more...

Relying on great willpower to fight against this greed, I have been throwing in fuel, hoping to reach the critical point of 'ignition'.

But this critical point is still far away, and a process that was originally thought to be easy has become the biggest obstacle in the way.

One third, two thirds, three quarters, four fifths...

When almost all divinity was poured into this black hole, Bei Gaoyang finally felt a little temperature from it.

As soon as the temperature appeared, it suddenly rose, and the burst of light and heat irradiated and evaporated all the consciousness, causing Bei Gaoyang to fall into a blank state.

I don't know how long it took...

When the sparks of thinking were re-generated on the giant net, Bei Gaoyang saw a blazing sun living in the center of the magic net. Suit for him.

This sustenance is naturally faith.

A little bit of golden yellow burns all over the magic net, which is divine power. So far, the magic net has surpassed the level of using elemental magic power, and can use divine power to realize various functions of the magic net.

The magic net of divine power.

The consequence of this is that the quality of the central hub of the magic net has increased rapidly, and it is no longer possible to "wander" in the astral world, and it is necessary to actively build a kingdom of God belonging to the magic net.

That is, from a random IP address to a fixed IP address, because of the particularity of the magic net and the players, this fixed IP address cannot be hidden, so the enemy can finally give up the hide-and-seek of running around in the astral world, and come It's a dignified battle of door-to-door.

This time, Bei Gaoyang was unavoidable, and had to face the ensuing divine battle head-on.

It is expected that this will be an extremely difficult decisive battle. Even if they are demigods, even if they have the background of Godhead 5 as soon as they ignite the divine fire, they are far inferior to the depth and breadth of the human god system.

For these, Bei Gaoyang had expected and prepared for a long time.

Immediately after igniting the divine fire, the central hub of the magic net jumped to a completely unfamiliar astral world address, floating in the vast turbulence of time and space, the bubbles solidified into islands, and a thick fog spread out, and a unique The law of heaven and earth.

The law of the magic net can be used almost, so a lot of time and energy are omitted.

The continuous land is formed in the chaos. This time it is no longer a monotonous barren grass, but a magic net law with a complete law system. The long-term definition of the game area and the benefits of the player's senses have been vividly reflected. The long-term simulation of supercomputing multi-tasking , The powerful computing power of multi-threading makes the laws that make up the Kingdom of God seem natural.

Once born, it has a complete natural climate and conditions.

During the rumbling crustal movement, mountains, canyons, rivers, and oceans are being formed, all of which are being 'constructed' according to the drawings in Bei Gaoyang's mind, accurate to every part, every tiny composition, this level of control, without that The Kingdom of God can do it.

Due to the particularity of the magic net, the kingdom of God under construction is so neutral and peaceful, the sun, the moon, day, night, death, new life, wind and rain, thunder and lightning, light, shadow...the positive and the negative, all Inclusive, unlike other kingdoms of God, which overemphasizes and highlights the elemental laws of a single domain and a single god system.

Such a kingdom of God is naturally livable. Abundant beliefs and continuous infusion of divine power provide unique conditions for naturally born creatures of the kingdom of God. It is expected that natural life will be born in the kingdom of God in a short period of time.

But it takes time.

And the enemy just won't give him such time.

From the moment the divine fire was ignited, a series of steps unfolded.

The land was still in the process of being formed, and a huge teleportation gate rose up from a mountain peak. The friendly troops from Dragon Island came in groups, and giant dragons chose towering peaks one by one to station.

An incarnation of Bei Gaoyang received the great elder from the giant dragon clan.

A great wyrm of long life and lore.

This is a red dragon.

He turned into a stern human old man, and under the leadership of Bei Gaoyang, he chose a location as a symbol of the alliance between Dragon Island and the magic net, life and death.

A huge stone tablet was erected, and the two parties swore an oath with the River Styx, agreeing on responsibilities and obligations.

At this point, Long Island was completely tied to the chariot of the magic net.

This is just the first step.

After dragons come elves.

It wasn't drow, but the Twelve Kingdoms of Elf, who had retreated to the World Tree of the Forest of Riddles and were lingering.

The elven gods, who were forced into a corner by the human gods, had no choice but to form an alliance with the magic net and the players. A His Royal Highness came to express absolute sincerity and respect.

Sith, the god of hunting of the elves.

Xiao Ai led the promising system temples to accompany them (those who could not appear had already started to ignite the fire), and Bei Gaoyang appeared as an incarnation, and grandly received Sith and his party.

This is the first time He has faced a true God, and it is still in an attitude of being equal or even slightly superior. The huge 'delegation' led by the two sides met at the top of the Kingdom of God-Kunlun, sat in the newly completed system temple, and deliberated. The various terms of the alliance between the parties.

For the sake of their respective interests and responsibilities, fight with reason!
It was very harmonious at the beginning, and everyone understood that it was a huddle to keep warm, but they started to quarrel in the middle, and the negotiations reached a deadlock when it came to some difficult and difficult points.

One of the difficulties is the race of elves within the system.

The elven god system naturally requires all elves to belong to the elven court. It was fine in the past, but a certain degree of 'integration' will be carried out in the future. The birth of elf players must go through the world tree. This is a matter of principle and cannot be negotiated.

But the system temples are willing to agree, isn't this an excuse for outsiders to intervene in their own territory?
Today I agreed to the elves, and tomorrow some gods of orcs and barbarians will pop up and make similar requests, should I also agree?
The second difficulty is with Rose, the spider queen.

No matter what, the elven gods can't stand in the same trench as their own rebels. Moreover, Rose also played a very disgraceful role in the process of the human gods dealing with the elven gods. The hatred between the two sides is almost infinite. It's understandable, if there is a compromise, it would have been compromised long ago, and there is no need to wait until now.

This was a bit beyond Bei Gaoyang's expectations.

After all, they are going to be taken over by others, so it is a bit unreasonable to be so unclear.

But it is also wrong to say that the other party is not sincere, and they are very generous on some major issues.

Defend the magic net kingdom of God?

No problem, the elven gods will send clones including the main god Hill, and they can even be permanent. The worldly high-end combat power of the twelve royal courts of the elves is not to mention, even the precious world tree seed and the sun well , You can also settle in the Magic Net Divine Kingdom.

Acknowledging the magic network god system, then there is no problem, the two sides are equal allies, although they have a long history, the power of the god system is far superior to the group of juniors in the system who have not even ignited the magic fire, but they Dadu means that this is a special period and we should help each other in the same boat.

Seeing the sincerity of the other party, many system temples, including Xiao Ai, were a little shaken. After an urgent discussion and asking Bei Gaoyang for instructions, both sides took a step back.

Since then, players have a certain door frame when choosing an elf race. The elf gods and the twelve royal courts also use elf players to intervene in the affairs of the magic net, and have a certain right to speak and influence elf players.

Rose behind the second point spider...

On the balance of choosing Rose or Hill, the comparison between the two sides was simply incomparable, but Bei Gaoyang insisted unexpectedly, and finally adopted a compromise plan.

That is the principle that the king does not see the king.

The magic net can form an alliance with Rose, but the elf god system does not recognize the indirect alliance relationship, and the magic net is also obliged to separate the two, otherwise, the magic net will bear certain responsibilities for anything that happens.

(End of this chapter)

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