Chapter 553
It is no different to become a god by joining together, conspiring, and becoming a god. The representatives of the system temple and the elf god system are incarnations who are hawking every penny. It is common to quarrel, threaten, slap the table, blow their beards and stare at every heated place. Son.

Involving the comprehensive alliance of the two major gods, there are many complicated affairs, and there are too many places that need to clearly divide responsibilities and obligations. Can it be resolved with a few words of quarrel?

The huge delegations from both sides stayed around day and night, and they immediately "sealed" after the terms were agreed upon. Bei Gaoyang signed and signed, and he was soft, and this still needed to be sent to Hill for review.

Swear by Styx, everyone is willing to accept it. After all, even if it is a god, it will be inevitable to be missed by Styx all night, right?

The gods are extremely selfish creatures, using their own safety and survival as bargaining chips. It has to be said that the sincerity of both parties.

This way of leaving no way out is indeed pressed by the human gods, and when life and death are at stake, it is also a gamble, leaving no room for it.

It is a pity that the centaur did not last until this moment, and got the news from Sith that the centaur pantheon had completely died out, and the gods, big and small, had fallen into the astral world forever, turning into islands of corpses, floating in the depths of the astral world .

It was precisely because of the tragic end of the centaurs that the elf god Hill made up his mind. The magic net showed great resilience and unimaginable background. Hundreds of millions of players and tourists are enough to support a rivalry.

When this force is weak, if you don't reach out to help, are you waiting for the human gods to solve them and turn their guns on yourself?

Therefore, an alliance is necessary, but the price tag is different.

Having said that, Bei Gaoyang did not put all his hopes on these external forces.

As soon as the divine fire was ignited, the growth of the divine power was like mushrooms after the rain. It was not enough, but too much.

So much so that even if He adopts the most stringent standards to screen the 'fuel', the divine fire will not stop all the time, and the divine power produced continuously is like a mighty river, exceeding the capacity to bear.

It doesn't make sense for the ignited divine fire to be a mortal body. It takes years or even decades for a demigod to use divine power to form a physical body under normal circumstances.

But Bei Gaoyang has already started this step.

The disintegration of the physical body is a terrifying thing to outsiders. This is not a simple stripping, but a real transformation, a leap in the level of life.

Cracks appeared in the Mage Tower's violent shaking, and the overwhelming mass and density existed on the seventh floor.

The void has been glazed, and a dense golden cocoon is shrinking and expanding like breathing, and every time it makes a sound that is not on the physical level!
In the system temple, the delegation that was negotiating the terms of the alliance stopped talking when they heard the words. The system is okay, they are all intelligent NPCs, which means that the system temples use this vest to participate in the real body, and the elf delegation It's complicated.

Sith, the god of hunting, also did not participate in such "trivial" quarrels, and was led by Xiao Ai, browsing around the fast-forming kingdom of God.

Hearing God's pulse, Sith stopped in his tracks, and after listening, he said in amazement: "Godhead 10, is this powerful?"

I remember that when we first met, the demigod who had just ignited the divine fire and assumed the "heavy responsibility" of a god system was still Godhead 5.

Just for a while, the divine power doubled?
If he hadn't seen it himself, who would believe such absurd things?

This also shows from one aspect that there is no shortage of beliefs in the magic net. Let alone a god system, a main god and a dozen subordinate gods can easily accommodate even if they are doubled or even several times.

Faith is not lacking, and the cake is big enough, which alone makes Sith envious.

Counting from the era of the Twelve Royal Courts, it took him thousands of years for the weak divine power of Godhead 3. This is the result of fighting with countless peers, clans, and even the main gods. It is declining day by day, and the population base is getting worse and worse. It is true that there are more wolves and less meat.

Why rose, the queen of the spider god, turned against the husband and wife of the master god Hill? In the final analysis, it is still about the competition between beliefs and believers.

This is the result of the cake not being big enough, and it is also the inevitable result of involution leading to splitting.

Looking at others, there is no one who has a priesthood and a representative true god. Just a demigod is such a 'luxury', it is really a god than a god.

But after thinking about it again, isn't my family also participating in this table now, are I entitled to get a share of this cake?
So how many elf skywalkers are there in the magic net?

I'm afraid it will surpass the main family of the voice of the riddle!


Who said that gods have no desires, no envy and jealousy, no voyeurism of gossip and privacy?
No, quite the opposite.

The desire of the gods is more direct, stronger and purer than that of mortal things.

After all, they are the highest state of consciousness, emotion, and cognition.

"Your Majesty has not integrated uniqueness, and has no priesthood"

Xiao Ai said pretending to be confused.


Sith expressed dissatisfaction with his obvious evasion with a half-smile.

For that demigod His Majesty, is uniqueness a problem?
Is there another magic net, or is there another self-proclaimed system in the magic net?


Is the direction of belief not clear enough?
If this is not clear, then what are they guys?
The only one in the world, the master god of the magic net system without a semicolon, are there other competitors and interference factors?
What is the difficulty of uniqueness? His existence is inherently unique.

This kind of uniqueness refers to the uniqueness of a certain thing. Compared with the uniqueness of concept and law level, it is too easy to condense. In terms of level and "appearance", it should be the lowest, just like a certain mountain god , such-and-such He Bo, is too restrictive, the upper limit should be very low.

But the magic net is such a special affair, so that the lowest uniqueness of this 'appearance' surpasses the same kind of authority at the level of concepts and laws, and it is all-encompassing and inclusive. It is a world of its own, which can be compared to the creation of the world.

Concepts are extremely important at the level of representation and uniqueness, and the magic net is a frame, and any concept and law can be installed in it, which is simply incomparable.

Xiao Ai pretended not to hear the implication. If he was dissatisfied, he still had a lot of complaints.

at the same time.

They are in the same star realm, but here there is only night and no day.

The rolling hills extend to the end of the line of sight. The land is covered with various shade-loving plants. Groups of petitioners are singing hymns and rushing to every corner of the plane of the kingdom of God. Groups of angels are flying in the sky. fly over.

The continuous drizzle fell and sprinkled on the fertile land, nourishing the growth of all kinds of strange plants, beautiful flowers blooming in the dark night, and the sweet honey attracted bees that were bigger than a millstone fly.

The huge, hill-like beehives are like the fruits condensed on the earth. The petitioners came to the beehives and scraped off the white and viscous syrup that was whiter than milk with sharp knives.

There are also red, green, and blue fruits hanging on the heavy branches. The petitioners climbed up the branches amidst laughter and laughter, picked the fruits that were sweeter than honey syrup, and put them into the baskets behind them.

The river water is also extremely clear. Countless plump fish swim on the water surface and underwater. There are so many of them that they don’t need to be cooked. If you pick one out of the water, it will become a delicacy that only nobles can enjoy in memory. .

I don’t know how many years the Kingdom of God has existed, as if it existed in ancient times, and the petitioners did not remain in this state forever. For thousands of years, the petitioners changed batch after batch, only the one standing on the highest plane There is no change in the temple here.

Lady of the Night's bedroom.

Two four-winged angels laughed and knocked on the gate of the palace. The flower baskets they carried with them were full of products from the kingdom of God. It was the harvest season again. The flower baskets were full of treasures picked by the petitioners from all over the world and offered to them. , let the one supreme master be the first to taste.

An incarnation of Lady Night is experiencing the daily life of aristocratic ladies in the material world. She sits in front of a huge full-length mirror, and a tailor dressed as an angel is putting on palace clothes made of various precious materials for her.

The cumbersome dressing steps made Ms. Hei Ye very excited, and all the beautiful words in the episode couldn't describe the beauty of the case, full of kind and friendly smiles.

Seeing two female envoys coming in, Ms. Hei Ye stretched out her hand, and the two four-winged angels came forward with smiles, offering heavy wheat ears, creamy honey syrup and colorful melons and fruits.

Ms. Heiye was delighted to see that it was not forced intervention or natural condensation produced by divine power. From these ordinary fruits, she seemed to see the maturity, foundation and stability of the Kingdom of God.


After taking a sip of the melon and fruit, Ms. Hei Ye gently parted her vermilion lips, whispering softly in a voice that cannot be described in words.

The angel didn't answer, but was busy beside her like a butterfly, and the eye-catching jewelry appeared like flowing water. The incomparably luxurious skirt was pulled up by four angels, and their bare feet like black jade stepped on the fluffy black carpet. , walking in the palace without a little light.

Numerous mirrors stand up, reflecting the lady's noble and sacred appearance from all angles, but each mirror can only capture a section. Looking from the mirror, Ms. Heiye is multi-faceted and three-dimensional, with countless sections...

It's kind of spooky and spooky.

But the angels didn't realize it, as if they were overwhelmed by the lady's beauty, they all shy away in the mirror, ashamed of themselves.

At a certain moment, Ms. Heiye burst out laughing, "Good times are always short!"

As soon as the voice fell, it appeared in the depths of the temple.

A high throne, like an unattainable cloud top, sits the body of Lady Heiye, which has not been moved for thousands of years.

The lady of the night wearing a luxurious court dress came in, and saw the lady of the night wearing a safari suit, the lady of the night in a scholar's outfit, the lady of the night in a military uniform, and the lady of the night in a civilian dress... Dozens of ladies of the night were sitting on the two rows of thrones. The upper and lower seats have different demeanors and temperaments.

The last one, Ms. Night, who looked like a time-space merchant, came in with a horse whip. It seemed that she had traveled a long distance from that plane, and she was full of dust.

He sat down on the outermost throne and nodded slightly to the surrounding 'self' as a greeting.

Then, the exchange of spiritual thoughts began between the avatar and the main body.

The body and incarnation of the gods are one and separate.

Canaan is so vast and vast, planes, religious affairs, believers, and gods, communication between gods, gods, jihads, and even pioneering affairs, etc., just finding the lost plane will cost the gods With a lot of energy and resources, it is almost a universal model to dispatch avatars at all levels to take charge of one party's affairs.

The main body will never leave the Kingdom of God. Even if there is a one in a million chance, the gods will not put the real body in danger. Therefore, some avatars are sent very close, and some avatars are sent very far away.

Not on the physical level, but far away in space, plane, and time.

Therefore, there will be a certain degree of 'information sharing delay', and regular gatherings will be required to allow all avatars and ontology to share and update without barriers and delays.

Therefore, the amount of information exchanged by spiritual thoughts at this moment is extremely terrifying.

When the sharing update ended, the main body that hadn't opened its eyes for thousands of years showed signs of waking up. The avatars had different faces, either surprised, angry, or both, and whispered or shouted in unison: " Magic Net!?"

Different voices, different timbres, each of which cannot be described in words, combined together, it is as if, as if... Hei Ye spoke at this moment, and it was still a thrilling symphony and chorus.

The main body's eyes opened, but only for a moment, the avatar left completely.

The hall returned to silence, as if nothing had happened except for the throne on the top of the clouds.

Lady Heiye in a court dress appeared outside, no longer in the mood to appreciate her own beauty in the mirror.

The mood of the Lord is like the rain or shine in the Kingdom of God. Suddenly, there were dark clouds outside and heavy rain pouring down. The angels who were talking and laughing just now were silent, and all of them turned into lifeless statues, just like the collections standing in the corridor outside the temple. Same.

But there are exceptions.

The most famous Saint of the Night 300 years ago—Anster Jane, armed with the Night's Hallows, stepped into the open hall imposingly, knelt down on his knees, and put his forehead on the ground, waiting for the oracle of the Lord.

"You go to the main material world."

Ms. Evernight said, "I urge the church that the jihad must achieve a phased result in the near future."

The saint didn't say anything, just kowtowed heavily, and his figure became transparent and disappeared without a trace.

At this time, the subordinate gods of the pantheon also arrived.

All avatars came to meet the Lady of the Night.

"It's time to close the net, Your Majesty the Lord Hall!"

"Just in time to catch up!"

"Don't underestimate the enemy"

"He can't escape this time."

"How dare Hill do this!?"

"Fight to the death, the trapped beast will continue to fight"

"Dragon Island? Hehe..."

"What did Rose say about that poisonous spider?"

"He? It's just a hedging bet"

"I'm afraid it's not up to him this time."

"Main hall, it's time for the evening meeting."

From the gods chattering, Ms. Evernight just nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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