This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 554 Divine Dragon

Chapter 554 Divine Dragon
After sending off the elf delegation led by Sith, Xiao Ai came to Bei Gaoyang's door with the last agreement.

Knocked on the door and waited quietly for a while.

The divine power reaction inside has been silent, quiet, nothing can be sensed, a wall seems to be separated by a void, and the divine senses cannot collect any signals.

"Little love, come in!"

Artemis pushed the door open, and immediately stepped into a space like a starry sky in the universe.

Surrounded by a void, He himself was shining, a pair of huge eyes opened in the void, and the golden-yellow, divinely powerful Pozi glanced at Him without any emotion, causing a heartfelt shudder.

"Feel sorry!"

Having just completed the transformation of his divine body, Bei Gaoyang still couldn't control the heat, and as soon as he finished speaking, the surroundings returned to the pattern of a quiet room, and a multi-faceted three-dimensional bright silhouette of a human figure appeared in front of his eyes.

He has countless sections, and each section seems to correspond to something, not all of which exist in the current space. This feeling is extremely mysterious and cannot be accurately described in words.

Coming out of one section, Bei Gaoyang waved his hand, and the multi-section three-dimensional body disappeared.

"Is it the last one?"

Xiao Ai nodded, and silently handed over the thick sheepskin roll.

Bei Gaoyang opened it, glanced at it, sneered, and didn't know what he was laughing at, then waved his hand and signed his real name.

The elven god system was finally done, which relieved some of the pressure. Bei Gaoyang asked Xiao Ai again if the system temples were going well with the igniting of the fire.

Xiao Ai said it takes time.


Bei Gaoyang shook his head and laughed, what is lacking now is time.

"Your Majesty, it's time for you to integrate uniqueness."

The divine fire that is ignited only has the basis to become a true god. The uniqueness is related to the godhead, and the godhead is also a priesthood. A demigod without a priesthood cannot be regarded as a true god, because it lacks the crucial authority to represent one domain.

But this is not a problem for Bei Gaoyang. Due to the particularity of the magic net, even if he does not have a priesthood, he can still do things that only a priesthood can do.

But after all, "the name is not right and the words are not right", at least in the mysterious rules, uniqueness is indispensable, and it involves the ownership of the magic net in the mysterious narrative.

"I'm going to build a 9-layer magic net!"

Bei Gaoyang said, "Let's talk about the uniqueness after the construction of the 9-layer magic net is completed."

Xiao Ai doesn't understand that the 8th layer of magic net does not hinder the birth of uniqueness. In fact, the uniqueness is ready to emerge at the 7th layer of magic net.

"You don't understand, this is the last piece of the puzzle of the magic net, uniqueness must include the complete magic net."

Xiao Ai nodded, and stopped persuading her.

Compared with Bei Gaoyang's ease, the system temples are much more difficult. I don't know when it will be until Xiaoai ignites the fire. Maybe the enemy has already attacked the door. They are still divine creatures and will not help the war at all.

"Is it time for the female spider next?"

Bei Gaoyang said, "What time is the appointment?"

"Just these two days", Xiao Ai replied, "We are already ready."

"Well, I won't show up this time, and you are fully responsible."

"I'm afraid that the female spider will come in person."

"What is he doing here? I don't want to see him, there must be nothing good."

The Spider God Queen is notoriously 'slutty', and she is keen on 'breeding' with other gods, giving birth to a bunch of weird god sons, and these god sons are his dependents, chosen people, demigods, and made their own gods like an ovary.

She humiliated Hill in this way.

Green hat.

Hill can endure until now and has not killed his kingdom of God, but because of the restraint of the human gods, now he is ready to tear his face, Rose still has the mood to come out and visit?
Bei Gaoyang wondered if he had the courage.

"In the blink of an eye, the eighth layer of the magic net has been around for almost two years!"

Bei Gaoyang said with a sigh.

Two years passed like two days, and in a blink of an eye, it was time to build the ninth floor of the magic net.

He waved his hand to signal Xiao Ai to leave, closed the door, and a multi-section body appeared, and the avatars walking out of each section left in various gestures.

One avatar presided over the construction of the Kingdom of God, one avatar came to the main material plane, descended on a large player city, transformed into an ordinary tool man NPC, and more avatars went to various directions, abyss, purgatory , astral world, and even multiple lost planes that have mastered the coordinates.

"The ninth layer of magic net!"

By the time Rose's envoy arrived in the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of God had basically taken shape. The largest mistress of the drow family in the underground world set foot on the land of the Kingdom of God. Seeing the blue sky, white clouds and a piece of emerald green land, she sighed: "I thought I had returned to the kingdom of God." surface."

Many mistresses of families who have never been to the surface looked at all this greedily, thinking to themselves, when they would leave the dark underground and return to the surface... Maybe there will be a chance after this battle of gods?

All women, like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, actually have some timid 'inferiority'?
Without the incarnation of the gods to lead the team, the standard of this delegation is indeed a bit low. Can mortals decide things on the sacred level?

"This female spider is betting on both sides again!"

Bei Gaoyang, who was in charge of the construction of the Kingdom of God, smiled and said to Xiao Ai, "Alright, it's easy for Hill to explain."

" can't count on Rose's help," Xiao Ai said with some worry.

"It's all right!"

Bei Gaoyang waved his hand, "Where you gain, you will lose, be normal."

Xiao Ai smiled wryly upon hearing this.

This is no longer a game of hide-and-seek, the enemy can hit the door at any time, and the knife is up to the neck, so what's the point of being normal.

"In the end, you still have to rely on yourself."

Bei Gaoyang gave a word of comfort, and let it go.


The offline fog finally lifted.

Tie Jun was fascinated by the huge moon in the night sky.

There has never been such a huge moon in memory, how big is it?It looks like a millstone, red and red.

The moonlight is bright and the visibility is extremely high. At this moment, I don’t know how many instruments are observing celestial bodies 40 kilometers away, and the results are indeed normal.

The fog has receded, and the city seems to have become 'old'. This kind of 'old' can be seen everywhere. Even the glass cover on the street lamp has become blurred, as if it has not been replaced for many years.

There was a meeting inside, and the special disposal team he led was in charge of security. He was standing on the steps smoking a cigarette, watching an old lady pushing a cart was stopped by the guard. What dispute had happened between the two sides? The quilt on the car was lifted, and the guard fell down in fright, and crawled inside the door with hands and feet.

There is a situation!
He dropped the cigarette butt and ran towards the door.

At this moment, a large cloud of smoke rose from the cart, and a vague figure danced in the smoke. The old lady sitting on the ground was crying, clapping her hands and singing something in an incomprehensible dialect, waiting for him to drive people away. When we arrived, the smoke had cleared, and the figure in the smoke disappeared, and the old lady was dead, with a strange smile on her face.

The scene suddenly became tense, and Tie Jun suggested that the meeting be interrupted and another safe location be chosen, but the leaders disagreed.

"There is no safe place now!"

Hearing the boss's boss's boss say this, Tie Jun felt lost. After hearing too many encouraging words such as "difficulties are only temporary" and "everything is under the control of the top management", he suddenly heard the speeches from the top management. It's... quite 'fresh'.

Frustration is depression, work still needs to be done.

The site was cordoned off and the meeting went on as usual.

It was not until the afternoon of the next day that Tie Jun had time to ask for leave. He drove to the agreed cafe by himself and chose a place facing the street to wait.

Half an hour later, Xia Miaomiao in sportswear walked into the store, looked around, and walked straight to Tie Jun's table.

"I thought there was going to be a traffic jam!"

After sitting down, Xia Miaomiao ordered a cup of latte, smiled and ordered Tie Jun's book on the table - Doomsday 2025, and said, "You also read this kind of science fiction?"

The cover of the novel is a monster walking in the great fog, and a strange face clinging to the cover seems to be coming out of the cover.

"Take it out when you're bored"

Tie Jun put away the book and took out a file bag, "Have you received the courier?"

Xia Miaomiao nodded.

"Okay, take a look at these things"

"Is there a mission so soon?" Xia Miaomiao took out the contents of the file bag, glanced briefly, raised her eyebrows and said, "What happened just now?"

"Yes!" Tie Jun rubbed the center of his brows, looking a little tired, "An old lady who lived more than 2000 kilometers away, without any traffic records, suddenly appeared in a strange city more than 2000 kilometers away, bringing her wife's body... You go find the reason behind it, if it is a natural disaster of force majeure, forget it, if it is a man-made disaster... we will deal with it later."

Xia Miaomiao stuffed the document back and asked curiously, "Are there many such things?"

"Many, but the time and place where it happened are very sensitive, so you need to make a special trip."

"More than 2000 kilometers...well, I'll go and see"

"Thank you for your hard work. There is a flight tonight. You should prepare for it. Local comrades will cooperate with you."

After finishing speaking, Tie Jun picked up his books and left.

Xia Miaomiao's coffee came and she drank it quietly by herself. There were not many customers in the cafe in Nuo Da, and there were not many pedestrians on the street.

There is a very old, very old yellow everywhere, and even the colorful CG posters seem to have not been changed for many years.

The city is very quiet, and the quietness makes people flustered. Everyone they meet speaks in a low voice, as if they are afraid of shocking someone.

Everyone is in a hurry, as if someone is chasing after them, and it has become a habit for many people to turn their heads often, and they seem a little nervous...

Although most shops are open, there are not many customers...

"Bill, please!"

In the evening, Xia Miaomiao drove to the address given by Tie Jun and found that it was a military airport.

Boarding an old Yun-10, she finds out that she is not the only passenger who hitchhike.

All the materials in the cabin were packed, and there were a few empty seats in front of the piles of packages, and a man with the appearance of an old Taoist sat cross-legged in the innermost.

Xia Miaomiao found a comfortable seat and sat down. She looked at the old Taoist priest curiously. At this time, someone came up again. It was an old professor wearing glasses and his two assistants.

Five people are very crowded.

"These are supplies delivered to the disaster area, don't break them!"

Seeing one of his assistants sitting on the package, the old professor stopped him immediately.

"Disaster area? What disaster area."

Another assistant looked blank.

The old professor didn't answer, but nodded and smiled at Xia Miaomiao who came over, and then began to close his eyes and rest.

After a while the plane took off.

Not to mention the comfort of the cargo plane, Xia Miaomiao felt that sitting on the engine, the noise and vibration were unbearable, the most unbearable was the turbulence, maybe because of some turbulence, the plane flew very unstable, It's like riding a roller coaster, up and down, left and right.

Looking out of the cabin window, there were dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and the plane was flying in the thick clouds. After finally climbing above the clouds, it was not so bumpy, but I saw the bright moon hanging in the sky, and it seemed as if I could reach it with my hand.

"so beautiful!"

The young assistant looked at the horrifying moon and said, "It's like a CG rendering."

The others were silent when they heard the words, but the old Taoist raised his eyelids and looked like an old monk in meditation again.

No one spoke for more than half an hour, only the roar of the engine filled the ears, but after getting used to it, it had a hypnotic effect, so Xia Miaomiao was a little drowsy anyway.

Just as he was sleeping but not sleeping, he suddenly heard a scream from the people around him, and quickly opened his eyes, the siren in the cabin had already started to alarm.

"Encountered a UFO..."

The sound from the cockpit was very flustered, and Xia Miaomiao hurriedly jumped to the cabin window to look out. There was nothing above the clouds. When the plane changed its flight angle, a golden shiny object flashed past her eyes.

Just when she was wondering, the thing turned around and flew back again, this time it was a little farther away, and it could be seen clearly.

Xia Miaomiao stared dumbfounded at the... dragon that only exists in fairy tales!

It's an oriental dragon, not the big lizards in the west and online.

It is so elegant, with lion head, deer antlers, shrimp legs, crocodile mouth, cow ears, turtle neck, snake body, fish scales, mirage belly, fish spine, tiger paws, eagle claws and fish tail... It is genuine and authentic.

The old professor's assistants were in a mess, the old professor himself seemed to be down, the old Taoist seemed the calmest, and he was also staring at the elegant flying dragon and muttering to himself, Xia Miaomiao was getting through the initial shock Finally, I was the first to think, I don't know what level of boss this thing is, what is the explosion rate, and what precious materials will it drop...

She shook her head and put this 'absurd' thought behind her.

Is the fog coming again?

She was the first to think of it.

Immediately, I thought of the mission of this trip, but it happened after the fog cleared. Could it be that this dragon is also there?

While brainstorming, the emergency plane had already left Shenlong behind. Two minutes later, three latest fighter jets roared past the airspace not far from the left, apparently heading for the Shenlong.

At this time, the captain came from the cockpit and asked them to hand over the filming equipment.

Xia Miaomiao didn't know each other, and she was going to send it to her buddies, as did the old professor and his assistant. One of them said angrily, "You want to hide it when you've reached this point? Is the paper wrapped in fire?"

(End of this chapter)

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