This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 555: Twilight Meeting

What is dusk?

The sun has set and the moon has not risen, which symbolizes the gap between light and darkness, positive and negative.

What is an evening meeting?

It symbolizes the cooperation and premise of absolute neutrality, impartiality, equality of the gods, and consensus.

Where is the evening meeting held?

The answer is Paradise Mountain.

Heaven Mountain is a translation. It points to a special plane in the astral world. This plane has only one mountain peak, which is majestic and majestic. There is a place called the Temple of the Pantheon on the mountain peak. Day and night alternate, hence the name.

Brilliant meteors streaked across the sky of Heavenly Mountain, landed on the highest hall, and fell into the infinitely wide Pantheon. The gods were built by the light beams from the sky, and each god formed a "residence" A demiplane, hanging half-embedded in the void of the Pantheon.

As a result, the bright stars shined brightly one by one, lighting up the huge hall, and the stars like nebulae and galaxies gathered together, symbolizing each of the gods.

The gods of light, the gods of night, the gods of the mother of the earth, the gods of war, the gods of murder, the gods of tyranny, the gods of redemption, the gods of judgment...too many, too crowded, countless stars guarding one The main star, some gods are 'very close', so the brilliance is bright and dazzling, and some gods are 'far away', so the stars are dim, so they can only stay in the corners.

Who is the mainstream, who is soy sauce, who is popular, who is being marginalized, it is clear at a glance, simple and direct.

The evening meeting started, the background of the cosmic starry sky turned into the dim sky above the Heavenly Mountain, the stars began to twinkle alternately, and the communication between the spiritual thoughts was in progress.

The main material world, the civilized world, and the capital of King Raynor.

The Saint of the Night, the Chosen One—Arnst Jane descended into the body of a cardinal. His third eye was opened on his forehead. This eye was golden and bright, filled with pure night divinity and divine power.

The long conference table, the representative of Lady Evernight on the earth, Pope Almodo IV is just a rubber stamp, at the top of the table, symbolizing the supreme authority and status of Lady Evernight, Ernest Jane sits at the bottom left of him, His majestic eyes scanned the group of senior church 'bureaucrats' who were silent, tapped the index finger of their right hand to commit the crime, and asked, "Who has any questions?"

The representative of the Renault royal family, an old sixth-order mage with royal blood, had a sad face, endured and endured, and still couldn't help but said in a voice that was almost pleading: "Your Excellency, the holy war has been going on for five years. In the past year, the population of the right age in the kingdom has been conscripted more than once... The land is barren, the manor is abandoned... The famine is rampant, and the evil spirits take advantage of the opportunity to cause trouble... Even the king's capital is filled with the shadow of despair and numbness... Air and supplies are extremely short, if this continues, the survival of the kingdom will be in jeopardy..."

"Any more?"

After listening quietly, the saint was noncommittal and asked again.

In addition to the representatives of the royal family, the representatives of the great nobles are also eager to try. It can be seen that the senior bureaucrats of the church are watching their noses and noses, and their remaining rationality stops this impulse.

The atmosphere in the hall was extremely heavy and depressing.

a long time.

"The belief of the Royal Renault family is not pious enough!"

The saint said very directly and rudely.

As soon as he said a word, all the people present changed their expressions.

"There is no retreat in the jihad, and the temporary difficulties will soon pass. The Lord's oracle must open up the situation in the near future and end the current long and fruitless confrontation...Here, I uphold the will of the Lord and fulfill the Lord's entrusted to me. Divine authority, issue a general mobilization order, up to the king, down to the must go all out, there is no enemy, and all the airfarer strongholds on the abandoned wasteland will be wiped out in one fell swoop."

After finishing speaking, he ignored the reactions of the people present, stood up and said, "I'll give you 5 days, that's all."

The saint left the body of the cardinal, and the atmosphere in the hall did not relax because of this, especially the representatives of the royal family, whose faces could drip with sorrow.

The next moment, Anst Jane descended on the capital of another kingdom.

Within a day, all regions and kingdoms that have temples of the Goddess of the Night welcomed the arrival of this saint and elect.

At the same time, a similar scene happened in the temples of the major gods, main gods, and slave gods. Since Canaan has historical records, such an incredible thing has never happened.

The wind and rain are about to come and the building is full of wind. With the issuance of the general mobilization order, the dignified atmosphere has spread to the abandoned wasteland.

The land of the extreme north, the guard city.

With the opening of the map of the ancient battlefield, the population and business travelers from the upper city continued to flow. In a short period of time, this newly built small city became prosperous, and the expansion of the city wall could not keep up with the speed of population growth.

Outside the west gate, Xia Miaomiao, who had been traveling for more than a month, finally arrived at her destination. She was in the middle of the long queue of people, looking around curiously.

He was planning to surprise his best friend without prior notice. Naturally, he had to endure the low efficiency at this time and walked towards the city gate step by step.

The gates of the city were strictly checked, and the business travelers and player adventurers who came and went complained, noisy and congested, but full of vitality and exuberant popularity.

In the queue, many player-adventurers were talking about the new map of the ancient battlefield, saying that so-and-so was lucky enough to get the first kill, so-and-so discovered a certain ruin, and even opened a treasure chest.

Inside and outside the words are yearning and longing for the new map, which reminds Xia Miaomiao of the game atmosphere before the 5th test.

It was like this at that time, there was a sense of freshness and anticipation everywhere, I just felt that the world was infinitely vast, and there were endless treasures waiting to be explored.

By the time of the 8th test, such a scene is rare. The opponents of the players have shifted from monsters, dungeons, hidden mission levels, etc. to the dogs.

Every earth dog is the "first kill", but this first kill is not easy to get. Without the mentality of the previous game, the price of immersion is heavy and burdensome.

So very 'tired' and not as relaxing as before.

The discovery of the ancient battlefield is tantamount to allowing players to relive the previous gameplay. There are also rich rewards and unknown expectations that affect the hearts of players, so it is logical that it is popular for a while.

After queuing for more than an hour, they arrived at the gate of the city. Unexpectedly, several carriages in front collided with each other. The wine barrels on one carriage rolled to the ground, and several wine barrels were damaged. A glutton for few people, in the midst of chaos, those who do not fish in troubled waters will do their best.

It took a while to restore order under the pressure of the city guards. By the time Xia Miaomiao entered the city, the sun had already set in the west.

I'm on my way both online and offline, so I need to take a good rest this time...

With such a plan in mind, she was not in a hurry to go back to the guild, so she wandered around the city.

The market is very prosperous, even more prosperous than the main city of the previous system. The cute people who were born here enjoy the blessings. The Novice Village is located in the ancient battlefield. Naturally, there is no shortage of monsters. You may be able to unlock the first kill by swiping a mob. Even if the gang didn't invest much resources, they could still live comfortably.

Players with the Guards logo in the city are generally arrogant. They are in small groups. They are like their own homes in the city. All kinds of shops in the city, whether they are NPCs or players and tourists, are very polite to them. .

Along the way, I met many gang tax collectors, justices of the peace, and daily players doing gang missions. They were in groups, and they greeted them with smiles everywhere they went... After all, they were on other people's land.

Chun Shui finally got it right once.

Xia Miaomiao and many other people had opinions when they moved to this extreme north. They thought that he was 'terrified' and even if he had to evacuate, he didn't have to evacuate so far.

Today, this strategic move away from the battle line has shown great benefits. Of course, the biggest benefit is the discovery of the new map of the ancient battlefield.

Uptown is the starting point for exploring new maps and the largest supply point. It is also the best place to realize the benefits of exploration. Various transactions are extremely prosperous, and even institutions have settled in. The Adventurer's Guild is the first batch to come here at their own expense.

The rental fees of these institutions are enough to feed the gang, and they are accompanied by tasks, daily routines, and various needs... A prosperous atmosphere is formed in this way.

Tired of shopping, Xia Miaomiao went into a tavern, ordered a few small dishes, and ate them with gusto.

Even Shenlong appeared offline. It seems that even if there is no fog, past experience can’t be used. The endless unknown is shrouded, and it feels more exciting than online. The case she is in charge of is actually unremarkable. Xia Miaomiao was not going to spend too much time and energy on it.

With the Heart of Titans online and what I have seen along the way, I already have a general idea of ​​how to advance to level 6 occupations. Drinking wine and watching the various living beings in the tavern, I seem to be immersed in it, but also seem to be out of it .

When I was slightly drunk, the feeling became stronger. In the dark, something seemed to be 'manipulating' all of this. It was a series of invisible lines, forming countless faces, enveloping everything, which can be called nothing. Nothing is included.

This is the system, right?

she said in her heart.

It would be great if there was a system offline, but all things under the name of the system are tricks. The system is impartial, without human emotions, and without human desires and pursuits. It only acts according to the set rules, and Those monsters are indeed full of desires, and they are the source of the greatest disaster.

How did the monster come about?

Xia Miaomiao squinted her eyes, propped her chin on one hand, and thought in a daze.

The fog is brought in by the player, and so should the creeps.

The fog comes from the line, and so do the monsters.

Is it possible that the monster is something online?


Or are the minions of the native gods making waves?
"Sapling, why is it you!?"

A loud voice reminded Xia Miaomiao from this very rare state. She looked back angrily, and saw Huaguoshan Saint Warrior sitting with a group of players and tourists with the logo of the Guards Gang. In the vicinity, with several tables, there is a posture of a dinner party.


"Sapling, haha...Come here, let me introduce you to our gang's number one expert, fifth-level Yukong, and level 55 ranger expert, Xia Miaomiao!"

What a disappointment!
Xia Miaomiao dodged Huaguoshan's slap, and socialized helplessly.

She hates this kind of entertainment more and more now. Sincerity and hypocrisy are invisible in her eyes. There are too many guys who flatter you in person and scold you when you turn around. She also likes watching these people Monkey-like eyes, as if she is a golden bump, the rolling eyeballs are full of calculations.

In the past, she liked this kind of occasion very much. Vanity was the original source of motivation. Now, maybe because she has seen too much, maybe because she has realized it, maybe because she has reached the level and realm, she likes to be alone more and more, and she likes to be alone, unless she is like a best friend. There are no such dark thoughts, simple and pure people who are not swayed by material desires, but there are too few such people, including Chunshui and Huaguoshan, they have long since lost their simplicity before the 5th test.

Xia Miaomiao has been supported by the gang with all her strength, and she has had troubles with many people, even though they are all hello, me, hello, everyone, and they are very affectionate when they meet, she completely forgets how she was back then.

But she still remembered that, so, after paying off the gang's debts, she actually left the gang and went out to make a living alone.

The Guards Gang has developed into a small society up to now, with all kinds of circles, intrigue is inevitable.

"You talk, I'll go find Xue Wu, where is Xue Wu's mage tower? Mark it on the map for me."

"Let's go together, long time no see, talk?"

"Let's talk about it after finishing the business. I will stay for a while this time. I have a chance."

"Well, it's been a long time, everyone. Don't leave without saying hello like last time."

"Will not."

Wait for Xia Miaomiao to leave.

"Boss, this man is quite proud."

"That's right, why don't you lose face after talking so much, why don't you drop the price for a meal with us?"

"Forget it, don't talk about this, congratulations to the boss for being promoted to the head of the White Tiger Hall."

"It's time to be promoted a long time ago. From all over the gang, the boss has the highest contribution."

"Okay, okay, drink, drink!"

On the other side, Xia Miaomiao had already left the city.

Facing the setting sun, the sky is dim yellow, the clouds are full of fire, and the endless plain land is barren and gray. A dirt road extends to the end of the field of vision. Both sides of the dirt road are full of farmland, plantations and livestock farms, but because the salt content is too high, Even if the cast dam has been flooded several times, the bitter wheat in the farmland is still growing weakly, far inferior to the inland wheat waves.

There are endless streams of players and tourists, and all the way are adventurers going to the ancient battlefield map in groups. In the rear far away from the front line, the 'authentic flavor' of the game can be guaranteed. This nostalgia alone can make Many old players bought it.

The field of vision is naturally always bright, with so many players, but as the distance gets closer to the new map, the field of vision is obviously restricted by the dark area, and it is no longer possible to have a panoramic view of the world at a glance, but as the distance approaches, step by step Unlock the scenery in front, left and right.

The sky is gray and wild, there is no wind to see the grass, and there are no groups of cattle and sheep, only groups of players and tourists.

The system prompts to discover the ancient battlefield · Forgotten Land, and the scenery in front of it suddenly changes. It is no longer an endless plain, but a huge shadow that rises and falls in sight.

In a nearby shadow, a pocket mage tower is like a navigation light, coming into sight extremely eye-catchingly.

Looking at the mage tower, Xia Miaomiao laughed, summoned the mount, and set foot on the path leading to the mage tower.

Just then, the system announcement came.

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